Excel VBA Data Validation Dropdown, current highlighted item - excel

Short question:
Is there any way to tell which item is highlighted in a Data Validation cell drop down?
I'm trying to make a tooltip (using a form that follows the mouse when that cell is moused over; will have to change this to cover the dropdown area as well) that gives more information based on the current selection.
I want to do this for the current highlighted item in the list, so that the user can get more info without having to select the item then start over if it's not the one they want.
I also am trying to avoid using the Form Controls & ActiveX Controls. That's more by request from the person in charge than my decision.


ms excel - data validation for 2 drop down list

I'm looking for the solution in excel data validation for 2 drop down list.
When I choose 1st drop down list 2nd drop down list will auto populate the correct value from table. If user choose 2nd drop down list 1st drop down list will auto populate the value also.
Can someone help me on this issue ?
I attach the sample file for my problem.
enter image description here
enter image description here
Sample File
Trying to do a two way I don't think is going to work in the way you are trying so I am not surprised the examples you found were for one-way. I am open to being corrected.
You could hack around it for example using two form control listboxes linked to the same cell so a selection in one updates the other.
Then because an item might be out of view listbox underneath have two cells which use the linked cell to index back into the source lists.
In the example above, there are two list boxes from form controls in developer tab (customize ribbon > add developer tab.
Developer tab form control - 2nd from the right
You add two of these in to the sheet.
Right click format control on each one
Set the input range to the range containing your list of values for that listbox and set the linked cell e.g. G1
Ensure that whilst you select different input ranges for each list box, they should have the same linked cell e.g. G1.
Underneath the listboxes put a formula which uses the linked cell G1 to index back into the source lists for each listbox so you can retrieve the selected value and have it visible, in case not visible within listbox.
Example testing:

VBA - MultiSelect in a DropDown

I have a Requirement Where a bundle of Items needs to be displayed in the Drop-Down List. The Problem for me is, because there are so many Items inside it, I need to Use Combobox over List-Box. The Reason for that is, if I know the name of the item, I can type in the search box of the drop-down and get my Item, Combo-Box allows you to do that. But the List Box doesn't allow the User Input.
Now, Because there are some which names cannot be remembered, I need to use the Scroll bar in the drop-down to pick up the time. This is hectic, to select a single Item. I would like to have the facility of Using a Multi-select in this case.
So the Requirements are below:
1) A Drop-Down that allows the user to type in part of the Input(Say Ref for Refreigerator)
2) A Drop-Down that allows the Multi-select.
Obviously, I don't want to have two drop-downs Splitting the data.
I am open to other Suggestions.
Please Share your thoughts.

Is it possible to show the text of a textbox in anotherone referencing by ID? (QlikView)

I have a QlikView TextBox with some text like "This is a test and it is not working".
Now I want to show the same text on another Sheet in another TextBox and it should always be the same.
So I want to reference the first TextBox, so that the text will be displayed in the second one.
Is it possible to refernce the TextBox by their ID? And if so, how can I realise this?
Create your text box, right click on it, select "Copy to Clipboard -> Object", then go to whatever sheet you want the mirrored text box on (or same sheet if you want it on same), right click and select "Paste Sheet Object As Link". I believe that will do what you want. You could always use a variable to accomplish this if you have a use for the text elsewhere.
You can create a linked object, which will mean that the content of one is mirrored on the other.
Set up a text box on one tab, then drag it onto a new tab whilst holding CTRL+SHIFT, you'll see a little chain link appear as you drag the object.
Now a change in one of these objects will reflected in all of the others.
One component (Windows terminology) or widget (UNIX/X11 terminology) has precisely ONE physical manifestation; that's just a fundamental tenet of geometry management.
In order to have a textbox that "mirrors" another one, so to speak, you must retrieve the contents of the original and post it into the copy. Make certain that you do this every time there's an event that either (a) modifies the text in the original textbox or (b) exposes--that is, renders visible when 'twas previously (partially) invisible--the secondary textbox.

Multi option custom MsgBox popup window

I am not sure if this is even doable in Macro (VBA). The issue is, if a user enter a value in specific cell (lets say A2). I need to trigger a popup window (similar to MsgBox function) with several option for the user to select in the popup (either a drop down list or Radio buttons). The values in the drop down list or Radio buttons can be populated in the code. I need to let the user select the option "value" from the list and then can click OK or Cancel. The value that the user selected would be display in the same cell. I checked online and it seems like there are very small selections for the MsgBox function. Can this be done??
Your best option would be to use Data Validation to make a drop-down list.
If you go to Data-Data Validation-Allow-List you can create a drop-down list of all values you want. Store all of the values you want in the drop-down list on another sheet and just set it as the Source.
Any other issues let me know.

Unexpected behaviour in a Lotus Notes programmable table

I'm designing a workflow database in Lotus Notes 6.0.3 (soon upgrading to 8.5), and my OS is Windows XP.
I have recently tried converting a tabbed table into a programmable one. This was so that I could control which tab was displayed to the user when it was opened, so that they were presented with the most appropriate one for that document's progress through the workflow. That part of it works!
One of the tabs features a radio button that controls visibility of the next tab, and a pair of cascading dialogue boxes. One contains the static list "Person":"Team", and the other has a formula based on the first:
view:=#If(PeerReview = "Team"; "GroupNames"; "GroupMembers");
#Unique(#DbColumn(""; ""; view; 1))
The dialogue boxes have the property "Refresh fields on keyword change" selected.
The behaviour that I wasn't expecting is this. If the radio button is set to "Yes" and a value is selected in one of the dialogue boxes, the table opens the next tab. If the radio button is set to "No" and a value is selected in one of the dialogue boxes, the entire table is hidden.
I can duplicate the latter by switching off the "Refresh fields on keyword change" property on the dialogue boxes and instead pressing F9 after selecting a value. I have no idea why the former occurs, though. The table is called "RFCInfo", and I have a field on the form called "$RFCInfo" which is editable, hidden from all users who aren't me and initially set by a Postopen script, which I can post if necessary - it's essentially a Select Case statement that looks at a particular item value and returns the name of the table row relating to that value.
Can anyone offer any pointers?
Hide-when formulas in table cells in Notes R5 and R6 were notorious for breaking in unpredictable ways when you edited the table cells. Even in R7, I think they were still a little bit funky, but by R8 they were finally really solid. You haven't shown the hide-when's but my first guess is that you are simply a victim of the bad behavior.
Please don't shoot the messenger, but the usual way we addressed this sort of problem was to painstakingly re-create the entire table from scratch, and hope we never have to edit it again. I.e., make a copy of the table in a scratch form and clear all the hide-whens -- one by one. Then create a brand new empty table in a second scratch form and get all the cells set up exactly like the original table, including nested tables, merged cells, and other settings -- but skip the hide-whens for now. Then copy each cell's content from the first scratch form to the corresponding cell of the second scratch form. Then, referring to the hide-whens in the original form, re-create each hide-when on the paragraphs in the cells on the second scratch form. Finally, delete the original table from your original form and then copy/paste the table from the second scratch from back into your original form.
Once you have R8.5, move to XPages in Notes, it's almost a no-brainer to implement your tabs. And in return, you get many other interesting issues to solve!
