Deriving Show Instance for ADT not working with Higher Kinded Type Families - haskell

I was just working through Chris Done's ADT with default example gist available here and ran into a problem: my ADT, with fields defined by higher kinded type families, is not working with a deriving show instance. GHC is telling me I need to derive a Show instance for a Type Family, but I'm not sure how to do. Here's what I have, so far, any comments would be helpful.
In the following example (using ghc 8.8.1), the objective is to define an instance of Show for ShowMe, using derive if possible.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
data Tag = A | B deriving (Show)
type family TF (p :: Tag) a where
TF 'A a = ()
TF 'B a = a
data ShowMe p = ShowMe
{ a :: !(TF p String)
, b :: String
main = connect showMeDefaults { a = "some string" }
connect :: ShowMe B -> IO ()
connect _ = pure ()
showMeDefaults :: ShowMe A
showMeDefaults = ShowMe { a = (), b = "asdf" }
-- This works to define Show
instance Show (ShowMe p) where
show _ = "hello"
-- This instance is the line that causes an error
deriving instance Show (ShowMe p)
Subsequently, I'm getting an error that I'm not familiar with from GHC:
show_tf.hs:35:1: error:
• No instance for (Show (TF p String))
arising from a use of ‘showsPrec’
• In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘(showsPrec 0 b1)’
In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely
(showsPrec 0 b1)
(showString "b = ") ((.) (showsPrec 0 b2) (showString "}")))))’
In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely
(showString "a = ")
(showsPrec 0 b1)
(showString "b = ") ((.) (showsPrec 0 b2) (showString "}"))))))’
When typechecking the code for ‘showsPrec’
in a derived instance for ‘Show (ShowMe p)’:
To see the code I am typechecking, use -ddump-deriv
35 | deriving instance Show (ShowMe p)
If we recompile, using the ghc -ddump-deriv, the following is returned:
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( show_tf.hs, show_tf.o )
==================== Derived instances ====================
Derived class instances:
instance GHC.Show.Show Main.Tag where
GHC.Show.showsPrec _ Main.A = GHC.Show.showString "A"
GHC.Show.showsPrec _ Main.B = GHC.Show.showString "B"
Derived type family instances:
==================== Filling in method body ====================
GHC.Show.Show [Main.Tag] = GHC.Show.$dmshow #(Main.Tag)
==================== Filling in method body ====================
GHC.Show.Show [Main.Tag]
GHC.Show.showList = GHC.Show.$dmshowList #(Main.Tag)
Linking show_tf ...
Conceptually, I think what I should be able to derive a Show instance for TF, but when I do that, I get the following:
show_tf.hs:36:31: error:
• Illegal type synonym family application ‘TF 'A a’ in instance:
Show (TF 'A a)
• In the stand-alone deriving instance for
‘(Show a) => Show (TF 'A a)’
36 | deriving instance (Show a) => Show (TF 'A a)
This error also appears if I just try to define the Show instance myself for TF 'A a. I've searched "Illegal type synonym", and haven't come up up with a way around this.

You need to add
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
and then suggest the wanted context to GHC:
deriving instance Show (TF p String) => Show (ShowMe p)
GHC won't add that context automatically since it can be surprising to the programmer.


Apply constraint within constraint in Haskell

Is there anyway to apply a constraint within another constraint such that this
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Test where
type Con a = (Num a, Show a)
type App c a b = (c a, c b)
program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
program a b = show a ++ " " ++ show (b+1)
will work?
Currently GHC is giving me the following errors:
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( Test.hs, interpreted )
Test.hs:9:12: error:
• Expected a constraint, but ‘App Con a b’ has kind ‘*’
• In the type signature: program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
9 | program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
Test.hs:9:16: error:
• Expected kind ‘* -> *’, but ‘Con’ has kind ‘* -> Constraint’
• In the first argument of ‘App’, namely ‘Con’
In the type signature: program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
9 | program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
| ^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.
An easy way to fix this is to use the LiberalTypeSynonyms extension. This extension allows GHC to first treat the type synonyms as substitutions and only afterwards check that the synonyms are fully applied. Note that GHC can be a little silly at kind inference, so you'll need to be very clear with it (i.e., an explicit signature). Try this:
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms #-}
module Test where
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
type Con a = (Num a, Show a)
type App c a b = (c a, c b) :: Constraint
program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
program a b = show a ++ " " ++ show (b+1)
Before I understood that this could be solved with LiberalTypeSynonyms, I had a different solution, which I'll keep here in case anyone's interested.
Although the error message you're getting is a bit misleading, the fundamental problem with your code comes down to the fact that GHC does not support partial application of type synonyms, which you have in App Con a b. There are a few ways to fix this, but I find the simplest is to convert the type synonym constraint into a class constraint following this pattern:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
type Con' a = (Num a, Show a)
class Con' a => Con a
instance Con' a => Con a
You can use this definition of Con anywhere you were intending to use your old one.
If you're interested in how/why this works, it's basically a trick to get around GHC's lack of support for partial type synonym/family application for the particular cases where those type synonyms/families define simple constraints.
What we're doing is defining a class, and every class comes with a constraint of the same name. Now, notice that the class has no body, but critically, the class itself has a constraint (in the above case Con' a), which means that every instance of the class must have that same constraint.
Next, we make an incredibly generic instance of Con, one that covers any type so long as the constraint Con' holds on that type. In essence, this assures that any type that is an instance of Con' is also an instance of Con, and the Con' constraint on the Con class instance assures that GHC knows that anything that's an instance of Con also satisfies Con'. In total, the Con constraint is functionally equivalent to Con', but it can be partially applied. Success!
As another side note, the GHC proposal for unsaturated type families was recently accepted, so there may be a not-too-far-off future where these tricks are unnecessary because partial application of type families becomes allowed.
Haskell does not support type-level lambdas, nor partial application of type families / type synonyms. Your Con must always be fully applied, it can not passed unapplied to another type synonym.
At best, we can try to use "defunctionalization" as follows, effectively giving names to the type-level lambdas we need.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Kind
-- Generic application operator
type family Apply f x :: Constraint
-- A name for the type-level lambda we need
data Con
-- How it can be applied
type instance Apply Con x = (Show x, Num x)
-- The wanted type-level function
type App c a b = (Apply c a, Apply c b)
-- Con can now be passed since it's a name, not a function
program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
program a b = show a ++ " " ++ show (b+1)
To call App with a different first argument, one would need to repeat this technique: define a custom dummy type name (like Con) and describe how to apply it (using type instance Apply ... = ...).

How can I implement fromJSON on a GADT with custom type class constraints?

I have the following GADT:
data LogProtocol a where
Message :: String -> LogProtocol String
StartRun :: forall rc. (Show rc, Eq rc, Titled rc, ToJSON rc, FromJSON rc)
=> rc -> LogProtocol rc
... and many more...
toJSON is straight forward and not shown.
fromJSON implementation is based on:
This SO Question and
This Blog Post - pattern 2
and is as follows:
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- tag type is used in to/ from JSON to reduce the use of magic strings
data LPTag = MessageT |
StartRunT |
... and many more...
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
tagList :: Enum a => [a]
tagList = enumFrom $ toEnum 0
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''LPTag)
-- a wrapper to hide the a type param in the GADT
data Some (t :: k -> *) where
Some :: t x -> Some t
instance FromJSON (Some LogProtocol) where
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Some LogProtocol)
parseJSON v#(Object o) =
tag :: Maybe LPTag
tag = do
t <- (HML.lookup "type" o)
parseMaybe parseJSON t
failMessage :: [Char]
failMessage = toS $ "Could not parse LogProtocol no type field or type field value is not a member of specified in: "
<> (show(tagList :: [LPTag]))
<> show v
(fail failMessage )
MessageT -> Some <$> (Message <$> o .: "txt")
StartRunT -> Some <$> (StartRun <$> o .: "runConfig")
parseJSON wrng = typeMismatch "LogProtocol" wrng
The case for '''Message''' is fine. The problem I am having are errors such as:
* No instance for (Titled x2) arising from a use of `StartRun'
* In the first argument of `(<$>)', namely `StartRun'
In the second argument of `(<$>)', namely
`(StartRun <$> o .: "runConfig")'
In the expression: Some <$> (StartRun <$> o .: "runConfig")
Anywhere I have my own type class constraints (such as Titled)
in the data constructor the compiler says "No".
Is there a way to resolve this?
Existential types are an antipattern, especially if you need to do deserialization. StartRun should contain a concrete type instead. Deserialization requires a concrete type anyway, hence you might as well specialize StartRun to it.

Is there a way to show "showable" stuff [duplicate]

Suppose I have a simple data type in Haskell for storing a value:
data V a = V a
I want to make V an instance of Show, regardless of a's type. If a is an instance of Show, then show (V a) should return show a otherwise an error message should be returned. Or in Pseudo-Haskell:
instance Show (V a) where
show (V a) = if a instanceof Show
then show a
else "Some Error."
How could this behaviour be implemented in Haskell?
As I said in a comment, the runtime objects allocated in memory don't have type tags in a Haskell program. There is therefore no universal instanceof operation like in, say, Java.
It's also important to consider the implications of the following. In Haskell, to a first approximation (i.e., ignoring some fancy stuff that beginners shouldn't tackle too soon), all runtime function calls are monomorphic. I.e., the compiler knows, directly or indirectly, the monomorphic (non-generic) type of every function call in an executable program. Even though your V type's show function has a generic type:
-- Specialized to `V a`
show :: V a -> String -- generic; has variable `a` can't actually write a program that calls the function at runtime without, directly or indirectly, telling the compiler exactly what type a will be in every single call. So for example:
-- Here you tell it directly that `a := Int`
example1 = show (V (1 :: Int))
-- Here you're not saying which type `a` is, but this just "puts off"
-- the decision—for `example2` to be called, *something* in the call
-- graph will have to pick a monomorphic type for `a`.
example2 :: a -> String
example2 x = show (V x) ++ example1
Seen in this light, hopefully you can spot the problem with what you're asking:
instance Show (V a) where
show (V a) = if a instanceof Show
then show a
else "Some Error."
Basically, since the type for the a parameter will be known at compilation time for any actual call to your show function, there's no point to testing for this type at runtime—you can test for it at compilation time! Once you grasp this, you're led to Will Sewell's suggestion:
-- No call to `show (V x)` will compile unless `x` is of a `Show` type.
instance Show a => Show (V a) where ...
EDIT: A more constructive answer perhaps might be this: your V type needs to be a tagged union of multiple cases. This does require using the GADTs extension:
-- This definition requires `GADTs`. It has two constructors:
data V a where
-- The `Showable` constructor can only be used with `Show` types.
Showable :: Show a => a -> V a
-- The `Unshowable` constructor can be used with any type.
Unshowable :: a -> V a
instance Show (V a) where
show (Showable a) = show a
show (Unshowable a) = "Some Error."
But this isn't a runtime check of whether a type is a Show instance—your code is responsible for knowing at compilation time where the Showable constructor is to be used.
You can with this library: Being able to call show on a value that may or may not have a Show instance is one of the first examples it gives. This is how you could adapt that for V a:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import IfCxt
import Data.Typeable
mkIfCxtInstances ''Show
data V a = V a
instance forall a. IfCxt (Show a) => Show (V a) where
show (V a) = ifCxt (Proxy::Proxy (Show a))
(show a)
This is the essence of this library:
class IfCxt cxt where
ifCxt :: proxy cxt -> (cxt => a) -> a -> a
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} IfCxt cxt where ifCxt _ t f = f
I don't fully understand it, but this is how I think it works:
It doesn't violate the "open world" assumption any more than
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Show a where
show _ = "<<unshowable>>"
does. The approach is actually pretty similar to that: adding a default case to fall back on for all types that do not have an instance in scope. However, it adds some indirection to not make a mess of the existing instances (and to allow different functions to specify different defaults). IfCxt works as a a "meta-class", a class on constraints, that indicates whether those instances exist, with a default case that indicates "false.":
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} IfCxt cxt where ifCxt _ t f = f
It uses TemplateHaskell to generate a long list of instances for that class:
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} IfCxt (Show Int) where ifCxt _ t f = t
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} IfCxt (Show Char) where ifCxt _ t f = t
which also implies that any instances that were not in scope when mkIfCxtInstances was called will be considered non-existing.
The proxy cxt argument is used to pass a Constraint to the function, the (cxt => a) argument (I had no idea RankNTypes allowed that) is an argument that can use the constraint cxt, but as long as that argument is unused, the constraint doesn't need to be solved. This is similar to:
f :: (Show (a -> a) => a) -> a -> a
f _ x = x
The proxy argument supplies the constraint, then the IfCxt constraint is solved to either the t or f argument, if it's t then there is some IfCxt instance where this constraint is supplied which means it can be solved directly, if it's f then the constraint is never demanded so it gets dropped.
This solution is imperfect (as new modules can define new Show instances which won't work unless it also calls mkIfCxtInstances), but being able to do that would violate the open world assumption.
Even if you could do this, it would be a bad design. I would recommend adding a Show constraint to a:
instance Show a => Show (V a) where ...
If you want to store members in a container data type that are not an instance of Show, then you should create a new data type fore them.

Accessing record name and function in generics

I am trying to figure out how to do generic deriving modeled after deriveJSON. I defined a simple type using record style data constructor as below:
data T = C1 { aInt::Int, aString::String} deriving (Show,Generic)
What I will like to do is to define a generic derivable function that takes the data constructors above, and outputs a builder using the record names and the functions - just a toy code - we want to make ABuilder generic so we can use it for any data type with record syntax (like deriveJSON in Aeson):
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
import GHC.Generics
data T = C1 { aInt::Int, aString::String} deriving (Show,Generic)
-- Some kind of builder output - String here is a stand-in for the
-- builder
class ABuilder a where
f :: a -> String
-- Need to get the record field name, and record field function
-- for each argument, and build string - for anything that is not
-- a string, we need to add show function - we assume "Show" instance
-- exists
instance ABuilder T where
f x = ("aInt:" ++ (show . aInt $ x)) ++ "," ++ ("aString:" ++ (aString $ x))
What I can't figure out is how to get the record name, and the function. Here is my attempt in ghci 7.10.3. I could get the data type name, but can't figure out how to get record names and functions out of it.
$ ghci Test.hs
GHCi, version 7.10.3: :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> datatypeName . from $ (C1 {aInt=1,aString="a"})
*Main> :t from (C1 {aInt=1,aString="a"})
from (C1 {aInt=1,aString="a"})
:: D1
(S1 Main.S1_0_0T (Rec0 Int) :*: S1 Main.S1_0_1T (Rec0 String)))
I will appreciate pointers on how to get the record name and the function in Generics. If TemplateHaskell is better approach for defining Generic instance of ABuilder, I will appreciate hearing why. I am hoping to stick to Generics for solving this at compile-time if the solution is simple. I have noticed that Aeson uses TemplateHaskell for deriveJSON part. That is why my question about TemplateHaskell above to see if there is something I am missing here (I am using ghc 7.10.3 and don't need backward compatibility with older versions).
Here's something I just whipped up that should get this if you hand it the innards of a specific constructor:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
import GHC.Generics
data T = C1 { aInt::Int, aString::String} deriving (Show,Generic)
class AllSelNames x where
allSelNames :: x -> [String]
instance (AllSelNames (a p), AllSelNames (b p)) => AllSelNames ((a :*: b) p) where
allSelNames (x :*: y) = allSelNames x ++ allSelNames y
instance Selector s => AllSelNames (M1 S s f a) where
allSelNames x = [selName x]
From the repl we see
*Main> let x = unM1 . unM1 $ from (C1 {aInt=1,aString="a"})
*Main> allSelNames x

Haskell - Ambiguous type variable

I couldn't find an answer to my question among several ambiguous type variable error questions.
Basically I want to take type information to the value level. The last line in this example fails.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Test where
data Typ = TInteger | TString deriving Show
data Empty = Empty
data a ## b = Cons a b
class Typical a b | a -> b where
typical :: a -> b
instance Typical Empty [Typ] where
typical _ = []
instance Typical Integer Typ where
typical _ = TInteger
instance Typical String Typ where
typical _ = TString
instance (Typical a Typ, Typical b [Typ]) => Typical (a ## b) [Typ] where
typical _ = typical (undefined :: a) : typical (undefined :: b)
Here is the first error message:
Could not deduce (Typical a0 Typ) arising from a use of `typical'
from the context (Typical a Typ, Typical b [Typ])
bound by the instance declaration at Test.hs:26:10-67
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Typical String Typ -- Defined at Test.hs:23:10
instance Typical Integer Typ -- Defined at Test.hs:20:10
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Typical a0 Typ)
In the first argument of `(:)', namely `typical (undefined :: a)'
In the expression:
typical (undefined :: a) : typical (undefined :: b)
In an equation for `typical':
typical _ = typical (undefined :: a) : typical (undefined :: b)
I just don't get it.
What is a0 here? Could it be that the a from my last line is not identified with that from the 2nd last line?
Where should I put a type signature and why?
Please enlighten me!
Ok, I have a solution, but I don't know if this is the cleanest workaround.
Adding {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} makes the code compile. This makes it possible to identify a0 with a from the error message (corresponding to the as from the last two lines of the code).
Please comment!
