NPM authentication for private module with Google App Engine - node.js

I am trying to deploy a node application which imports a private npm module to Google App Engine. I'm still stuck at npm install failing due to Unable to authenticate, need: Basic realm="GitHub Package Registry".
One method of npm authentication is via the NODE_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable. GAE does not accept environment variables via the command line, only app.yaml, so I added my token to the app.yaml during my Github Actions CI process. It turns out that App Engine uses a separate Cloud Build environment to build which doesn't have this environment variable; therefore, failure again. I also tried creating a cloudbuild.yaml and subbed in my environment variable but no luck there. Lastly, I've tried to set my key via .npmrc like so:
and subbed in the token during CI. This fails for the same reason but I am not sure why. This token is autogenerated on each CI run so I cannot use Google Cloud KMS.

I was disappointed to find that using private npm modules with App Engine Standard is apparently not supported at all. This seems like a pretty glaring limitation given the rising popularity of GitHub packages etc for building modular (private) applications.
Interestingly, Google Cloud Functions apparently supports private npm modules, so perhaps it's just a matter of timing to gain support in App Engine.


Can Google App Engine (flexible environment) perform a build step defined in package.json just before deployment?

I couldn't find any documentation about build steps on the flexible environment. Only thing I found is that App Engine will run the start script from your package.json file after deployment, but is it possible to make it run the build script first? This is what Heroku does and I want to replicate it.
What you're looking for is the script called gcp-build as this one can perform a custom build step at deployment, just before starting the application. While this is only documented for Standard Environment as of now (I've let the engineers know), there are multiple public resources that can confirm this works on both environments. See the following links as reference:
Why does Google App Engine flex build step fail while standard works for the same code?

Feathersjs setting up issue

I am new to featherjs when I run npm install and run by using npm start I am getting the below error. I tried to use the one sample project from github [][1]
Like the error says, you need a secret (and probably additional) configuration for authentication. This is usually located in config/default.json (or config/<environment>.json). Have a look at the feathers-chat configuration which is the standard configuration generated by the CLI and the recommended way to get started. More information on authentication configuration can be found in the authentication API documentation.

CI/CD PHP app with Webpack on Azure Web App

I'm trying to deploy a Laravel + Vue app over an Azure App Service - Web App. It is however very unclear and I cannot find any proper solution inside Microsoft's documentation to get it into working.
'Traditional' deployment workflow
What I typically do to deploy my code (outside CI/CD):
sync Git repository
run composer install
run npm run prod (which is a shorthand for compiling webpack in my case)
There is a really easy approach with a Docker container, where in my Dockerfile I just configure php-apache image with additionally installed Nodejs (w. NPM).
However I would like to find a solution to use Azure's built-in features to configure this deployment. Is it possible?
I can use Windows or Linux Web Apps. No difference for me.
I recommend that you use continuous deployment. For specific operations, you can check the official documentation.
Recommended reason:
As long as it runs successfully locally and continuously deploys through git, the project can be released, and later updates only need to submit code through git.
You can easily view the deployment log in Action in git.
Simple operation and convenient update
First, ensure that the project is running normally locally, and create web app services on the portal. (Linux is recommended for the nodejs program, which can avoid many problems caused by dependencies)
According to the official document, in the Deployment Center, select github for release
Check the release information of Action on the official github website and wait for the release to be completed
If it is a nodejs program or other language program, if the Linux operating system is used, the Startup Command may need to be configured in the Configuration. If the program cannot be accessed normally after release, then try to set npx serve -s (nodejs program, other Language program), and then proceed to restart the webapp.

/bin/sh: 1: gcloud: not found

I have my NodeJS service running on Cloud App Engine. From this NodeJS service, I want to execute gcloud command. I am getting the below error and my app engine NodeJS service failed to run the gcloud command.
/bin/sh: 1: gcloud: not found
Connect to your instance and check if you have the gcloud SDK installed in the default runtime image supplied by Google.
If it isn't installed (not impossible - it doesn't appear included in the standard environment either, see System Packages Included in the Node.js Runtime) then you could try to treat it just like any other non-node.js dependency and build a custom runtime with it - see Google App Engine - specify custom build dependencies
If it is installed check if you need to tweak your app's environment to access it.
But in general the gcloud command isn't really designed to be executed on the deployed instances. Depending on what exactly you're trying to achieve, there may be better suited/more direct/programmatic API alternatives (which, probably in most cases, is what the gcloud command invokes under the hood as well).

OpenShift Online, NodeJS, Jenkins, and package dependencies - can someone explain?

I'm running a NodeJS app on Openshift using Jenkins for building deployments (and I'm pretty new to both Node and cloud-based servers). My app depends on a package that has a binary component, so I can't just check it into git - it fails when it's executed on the server. I'm wondering what's the best way to deploy these sorts of dependencies. I see that there is an $OPENSHIFT_DEPENDENCIES_DIR (as well as $OPENSHIFT_BUILD_DEPENDENCIES_DIR), but I can't find any information about how (or if) these can be utilized for node modules. It would be great if I could keep all my dependencies on the server and out of my source tree.
Update: I forgot to mention that I need to apply a patch to the package in question, which is why I can't just rely on it being auto-installed via package.json. Plus, it seems awfully redundant/slow to rebuild all your dependencies on every deployment.
I'm also new to nodejs. I've been playing with nodeJs for about 6 months from now. As for my personal experience nodejitsu is the best cloud-hosting service for nodejs. As I said so due to the following reasons.
You can simply install jitsu command line in your terminal
Your app can be deployed with all the dependencies and databases using the package.json file
They support all the types of sockets either
A very good alternative for jitsu is heroku But sometimes heroku fails with Socket.IO and stuff.
