Why Use a Remote Linux Desktop for Development? [closed] - linux

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've recently started my first job as a developer. They've assigned me a MacBook Pro, but they also set me up with a Linux desktop. I've set up my SSH keys to make a connection to the remote desktop and was instructed on how to clone repositories on remote desktop.
What is the purpose of having to SSH into a remote desktop to do development work? What are the main pros and cons?

Few of the reasons I can think of
Security : So that the production code which your company owns does not reside in your laptop.
Safety : The Linux OS you ssh'ed into is probably running on a server with all kinds of redundancy and replication configured.
Central build environment : Building custom code usually requires specific libraries and have specific dependencies. If you want to build and develope in your laptop, and just like you if all employees do, then those dependencies and libraries have to be installed in everyone's laptop OS.


how to create a windows environment in linux [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to run windows software in fedora OS. There option of dual booting. But is there a way of creating a virtual environment, like we create environment for various python project, in which we can run .exe files and use microsoft office softwares (word, excel, etc.)? It's a weird question, but I searched the internet but not able to find it out.
yes, you can easily do so with the help of VmWare or VrtualBox, or any other similar applications.With a virtual machine application like VMware, you can run another operating system inside your current operating system.
It's running an OS inside another OS,also, you can store and run multiple OS (not simultaneously though) with the hep of these virtual machines.

What is the smallest linux OS I can use for Android development [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to convert my old PC into linux system and use it for Android code development. The resource is very limited (256 MG) memory. Currently, PC is running on XP SP3. What is the available OS for this PC? Currently, I am using a Win8 PC for android development. It seems that I need to download some codes from google web site and all instructions are linux command line based. I may use this old turd as a code repository so that I can study other people codes.
Any suggestions?
I would either recommend Debian if you want a stable distribution or if you need bleeding
edge software Arch Linux.
The wiki of Arch Linux is to my opinion better than the one of Ubuntu and Arch lets you do everything as you want it.
If you need to get started fast you can also go for Xubuntu (http:// xubuntu.org) as it is made for old hardware.
All three should run on your computer. So its just a matter of what you prefer.

Web application development in remote desktop vs. local desktop [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Which one is better - developing application in remotely accessed machine or local machine?
I'm working in IT department of health care institute, we using third party software, now started to development in our department itself with existing database, then the third party company demanded us to remotely access their machine for development purpose.
This will get closed as off topic - but before it does....
Development will be faster and easier on a local machine and under your control.
The customer data/code/etc will be safer and more secure on a remote machine.
At the end of the day if the third party are paying you to develop remotely then warn them that it will extend development timescales and they will be billed accordingly and if they still want it go with it.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice efficiency to keep the customer happy.

Installing Git on a Linux VM (RHEL) [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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We need to set up a Git server in our team.
I have decided to first go with a VM, and expand in the future if needed.
I've gathered Linux would be the easiest setup.
Problem is, i have very limited experience with Linux, some questions that i'm trying to answer are:
What is the actual procedure for installing the Git package? is it a simple matter of RPM installation ?
Following the installation, i'd need to map the Git repo to some net share. how is this done? i believe that i need to configure xinetd.d, looking for exact steps.
How is authentication is set up for various users to access this machine?
Which version of Linux makes any difference? we have the RHEL 5 64 bit here.
Anything else i'm currently missing?
Haven't used RHEL 5 but yes, any modern distro should have git available in a package. I'm guessing that "yum install git" would do it.
Depends on the type of net share. Google it.
See http://scie.nti.st/2007/11/14/hosting-git-repositories-the-easy-and-secure-way

What is the best Linux distribution for Vmware server? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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In terms of Webserver and low package size installation.
To be honest, the best distro for VMWare is the one the admin has the most experience with. With the GUI stuff all disabled I've not found any difference in performance between RedHat, Centos and Ubuntu when running VMWare.
Picking the distro that you can adminster easiest will save you hassle. If you already have a few linux systems using the same flavour makes the admins job a lot easier.
It is not clear to me if you are asking about the distro for the Vmware host, or for the guest operating system that will be your web server.
I generally really like Debian or Debian based distributions. But as far as Vmware is concerned Centos or anything really should work.
If you are looking at setting up many vms on this server you might want to look at using the bare-metal hypervisor product that has been released as a free product. (Vmware ESX)
