Azure IOT Hub to on premise database server - azure

I have data in Azure IOT hub.
I know we can transfer this data to any cloud based storage like
for storing IoT data in Azure cloud such as:
Azure Blob storage if you need to store a large amount of cold data with a low-prices. Stored IoT data can be on-demand loaded into some SQL Database or SQL DW to run analytic using standard queries or analyzed using some Azure Machine Learning service.
Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL DW if you can parse incoming data and store it in the relational format.
Azure SQL Database if you need to store semi-structured data formatted as JSON and you need to correlate IoT information with some existing relational data.
Azure SQL Database or Azure Cosmos DB if you need to store semi-structured data formatted as JSON.
But can we get the Azure IOT data to on premises local storage database server.

You can get the data by having a service that connect to Events endpoint and insert the data in your local database. Your service will be on-premises or have access to your on-premises database.


From azure sql Database to snowflake

I am thinking about using Snowflake as data warehouse. My databases are in Azure SQl Database and I would like to know what tools I need for etl my data from Azure SQL Database to Snowflake.
I think Snowpark could work for data transformations, but I wonder what other code tool could I use.
Also, I wonder if I use azure blob storage as staging area or snowflake has its own.
You can use HEVO data a third-party tool where you can directly migrate data from Microsoft SQL Server to Snowflake.
Make a connection to your Microsoft SQL Server database.
Choose a replication mode.
Create a Snowflake Data Warehouse configuration.
Alternatively, You can use SnowSQL to Connect Microsoft SQL Server to Snowflake where you export data from SQL Server to SSMS, upload the same to either Azure storage or S3, and move the data from Storage to Snowflake.
Microsoft SQL Server to Snowflake
How to move the data from Azure Blob Storage to Snowflake

How to access a Redshift DB through VPN to extract data and load into own Azure environment?

pretty new to the Azure environment and so far my search for information wasnt very successful.
Problem is as follows:
we wanna access a redshift DB which you can only connect to if you are conntected to a specific VPN beforehand - this is the main problem
we then wanna build an automated data pipeline which extracts daily updated data from the redshift db and create our own analytics solution from it
how can that be set up in a fully automated workflow and also in the simplest, most efficient way with the tools available on the azure platform?
thanks for the help.
If VPN is not the challenge and you just need to extract the data from Redshift DB and store it in any Azure Service like Blob Storage or Azure Synapse Analytics, then best possible way is to use Azure Data Factory. Azure Data Factory is a fully managed, serverless data integration service.
You can copy data using Copy activity from Amazon Redshift to any supported sink data store. For a list of data stores that are supported as sources/sinks by the copy activity, see the Supported data stores table.
Specifically, this Amazon Redshift connector supports retrieving data from Redshift using query or built-in Redshift UNLOAD support.
Note: When copying data to an Azure data store, see Azure Data Center IP Ranges for the Compute IP address and SQL ranges used by the Azure data centers.
In case you need to import data into Azure SQL database from AWS Redshift, follow the link.

Delta Lake Gen2 for a MongoDB migration

Which Azure pipeline and Data Storage you would prefer for a MongoDB migration?
I know there exists the functionality of an Azure Migration Service where you can shift MongoDB data directly to an Azure CosmosDB. Azure Migration Services seems to be available only for specific licenses. Using Cosmos DB it is also necessary to take care of costs.
Another possibility is to use Stitch to shift MongoDB directly into Azure.
Since we don't want to use an additional tool, we want to use Azure Data Factory to shift the MongoDB data into an Azure Data Storage. We want to use the Data Lake Storage Gen2, as it combines the advantages of the Blob Storage and the Data Lake Storage Gen1.
Which pipeline you would prefer? Any experiences with storing the MongoDB data in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2?
Please see the following Azure Data Factory document pertaining to Pipelines and Activities, which details the source and target data endpoints that are currently supported.
Copy data to or from Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 using Azure Data Factory
Copy and transform data in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 using Azure Data Factory
Copy data from MongoDB using Azure Data Factory
Using the MongoDB connector as a source and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 as a sink, you can then perform any transformation and finally, migrate the data to Azure Cosmos DB...if desired.
Copy and transform data in Azure Cosmos DB (SQL API) by using Azure Data Factory
Copy data to or from Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB by using Azure Data Factory
If you experience any issues with the migration of data to Azure Cosmos DB, if that is the goal of the migration, then consider the following direct migration paths: Options to migrate your on-premises or cloud data to Azure Cosmos DB

Different ways to access data from Azure Data Share to Azure SQL Database

We are working on implementing a new project in Azure. The idea is to move out of on-premise systems into the cloud as we have our vendors, partners and clients moving into the cloud. The option we are trying out is to use Azure Data Share and have Azure SQL Database subscribe to the data.
The thing we are now trying to explore is once a new data snapshot is created how do we import this data into Azure SQL Database?
For instance we have Partner information and this information is made available via Azure Data Share and new data snapshot is created daily.
The part that I am not sure of is how to synchronize this data between Azure Data Share and Azure SQL Database.
Also, Is there an api available to expose this data out to external vendors, partners or clients from Azure SQL Database after we have data sync to Azure SQL Database from Azure Data Share?
Azure Data Share -> Azure SQL Database
Yes, Azure SQL Database is a supported.
Azure Data Share -> SQL Server Database (on-prem)? Is this option supported?
No, SQL Server Database (on-prem) is not supported.
Is there an api that could be consumed to read data?
Unfortunately, there is no such API that could be consumed to read data.
Azure Data Share enables organizations to simply and securely share data with multiple customers and partners. In just a few clicks, you can provision a new data share account, add datasets, and invite your customers and partners to your data share. Data providers are always in control of the data that they have shared. Azure Data Share makes it simple to manage and monitor what data was shared, when and by whom.
Azure Data Share helps enhance insights by making it easy to combine data from third parties to enrich analytics and AI scenarios. Easily use the power of Azure analytics tools to prepare, process, and analyze data shared using Azure Data Share.
Which Azure data stores does Data Share support?
Data Share supports data sharing to and from Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure SQL Database, Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Blob Storage, and Azure Data Explorer. Data Share will support more Azure data stores in the future.
The below table details the supported data sources for Azure Data Share.
How to synchronize this data between Azure Data Share and Azure SQL Database.
You need to choose “Snapshot setting” to refresh data automatically.
A data provider can configure a data share with a snapshot setting. This allows incremental updates to be received on a regular schedule, either daily or hourly. Once configured, the data consumer has the option to enable the schedule.

Difference between azure table storage and azure easy tables

What is the difference (if any) between azure table storage and azure easy tables?
As far as I know, there are totally different things.
Azure easy table which is used by the azure mobile app Node.js backend.
It is an easy way to CRUD the data to the sql database/azure storage account like EF.
We couldn't directly use it without binding the azure sql database and azure storage account.
Azure table storage is a service that stores structured NoSQL data in the cloud.
In my opinion, azure easy table is a tool to CRUD the data to the database.
Azure table storage is a database to store the structured NoSQL data.
