Python wrapper coinbase api errors - python-3.x

So I am trying to create a new wallet using the Python wrapper for the coinbase api.
My current code is this:
from coinbase.wallet.client import Client
client = Client('API-Key',
# Get your primary coinbase account
primary_account = client.get_primary_account()
address = primary_account.create_address()
When trying to use the code above, I always get the error:
coinbase.wallet.error.AuthenticationError: APIError(id=authentication_error): request timestamp expired
My guess is that the wrapper is not passing the right timestamp.
On the github page for this wrapper, it says that the current build is failing. I don't know how to fix this. The github hasn't had any recent updates. I tried to look at the client file to see if I could fix it myself, but I have had no luck.

I was facing the same issue but, as I've understood from the various contributions, the problem is due to the difference between the local OS time and Coinbase servers time. Besides 30 seconds of epochs difference, coinbase server returns the tedious timestamp expiration error!
I've found python code to update local Windows time based on various ntp servers (shared by gilmotta). Launching the ntp_update_time's code before running coinbase client again makes the error disappear and everything work as indicated in Coinbase API references!!!


Firebase-admin fails silently to write to realtime database from nodejs

I’m trying to get setup using Firebase Admin on my nodejs app running on my Raspberry Pi.
when I call;
admin.database().ref().child("myPath").push({date: new Date()});
I’m not receiving any errors but no data is showing up when looking in the Firebase console at my database either.
I also tried chaining on;
set({date: new Date()});
push().set({date: new Date()});
Both also fail to write with no errors.
I've verified that my rtdb url and the project id in the service account file are correct for my database. And I've tried both requireing the file as in the docs and passing the credential object directly to;
I only mention that I'm running on Raspberry Pi because the issue I’m seeing sounds very similar to this Stack Overflow post where Firebase Admin won’t write to db. I’m wondering if it’s not coincidental.
Any ideas what I might be missing?
please can you try this code .....push().set({'date': new Date()});. Thanks. I am guessing it's takes a String as key and even the new Date().toStirng() would be good if i am not wrong.

Why do I get "Invalid token" unless I invert projectId and clientId?

In order to setup Google Identity Toolkit for my Website I started with the Quick-start App for Node.js.
It worked fine on localhost.
But when I moved it to an actual app-engine instance it did not work anymore.
I got this error returned by gitkitClient.verifyGitkitToken():
Invalid token: Unable to verify the ID Token: Wrong recipient, payload
audience != requiredAudience
I found a very helpful post on stackoverflow about more or less the same issue, for Java instead of node.js: It looks like there is a mismatch between projectId and clientId.
I changed my gitkit-server-config.json file to swap the projectId and clientId values and it worked!
This sound very much like a major bug on google side, doesn't it?
Why does it work on localhost?
Will this be changed/fixed in the future?
Maybe the problem is in the tutorial?
I have a working solution for now, but I do not feel safe to keep it like that...
I hope a googler will read this!
Following wyhao31's comment I had a closer look at the gitkitclient.js source code and both projectId and clientId are added to the same audiences array.
After more test I found out that you must only put the project ID ('my-project-name') in the gitkit-server-config.json file.
The nasty thing is that if you add it with a 'clientId' property name it is also working...
Based on your description, and if you read gitkit-server-config.json file like this
var gitkitClient = new GitkitClient(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./gitkit-server-config.json')));
I think the problem might caused by using old nodejs client lib. Could you try to update your client lib to latest version(0.0.6)? Or you can use the code directly.

Gun.js why do I get the error "You have no persistence layer to save to error"

I'm trying out gun.js I have it installed as a node.js project, I have configured the amazon S3 bucket through the dotenv and I have tried adding a data.json file and still I cant get gun.js to save the file locally or to he S3 bucket.
I know its early days for gun, but I get the feeling I'm missing something obvious.
I'm expecting to find a .json file in he local file system and or in the S3 bucket but I get neither.
var Gun = require('gun');
var gun = Gun({
file: 'data.json', // local testing and development
s3: {
key: process.env.AWS_KEY, // AWS Access Key
secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET, // AWS Secret Token
bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET // The bucket you want to save into
gun.put({ hello: 'world' }).key('my/first/data');
#bill Just noticed this now, sorry for the late answer. Thanks to #paul-w for notifying me of this and his response earlier today.
This question and answer assumes you are running a version EARLIER than v0.4.x!
If you are in NodeJS and are getting the error “You have no persistence layer to save to”, it means the default storage drivers (S3, file.js) didn't get installed or were deactivated - which is unusual as this happens automatically.
Try installing gun (again?) via npm install gun in your local NodeJS project directory, not a git clone or a copy&paste.
I can only guess, given the context you explain, that you might have copied/moved gun (like the gun.js file) into your project. The browser will work with just the single file, but NodeJS needs more - it needs the S3/file.js modules, which will be included if installed with npm or properly git cloned.
Also unlikely (since your code doesn't show this), if you happen to (this is bad) Gun({wire: {put: null, get: null}}) (or something similar) it would intentionally break the persistence drivers.
If you are in the browser and getting the error (and assuming your not overwriting the persistence drivers like in the previous paragraph), it could be because of some weird situation like you are using an old version of IE or a browser that doesn't have JSON support. Again, all these things are unlikely but I'm just wanting to be comprehensive.
Note: The above applies to the question in your title. However your actual question doesn't ask about the error, it asks about not seeing data in data.json or in S3. Answering that below.
To which #paul-w is more on track. If you are using S3 then the file.js module (data.json) automatically deactivates itself. If you are using the file.js module (data.json) then S3 does not get activated. As #paul-w mentioned, v0.4.x will support easily having multiple storage engines simultaneously. However, you should see your data in at least one or the other - unless you are getting the "no persistence layer" error, in which case you won't see your data anywhere because there isn't any persistence! But again, default persistence layers are included with gun by default (unless installation was incorrect, or you explicitly overwrite them - both unusual things).
I hope this answers your question. Sorry I didn't see it till now. Please let me know if this works, and also join the conversation at . Thank you for helping start the stackoverflow questions! We need more of these!
I think Mark is going to answer this more officially, but the quick answer is that in gun.js 0.3 (current) there is a single gun server peer or storage target, and when you run gun as a server (e.g. from node.js rather than a browser), S3 is preferred, if S3 credentials are specified. But gun is also saving your data changes in browser memory, or localStorage (up to the browser limit of 5MB), and S3 is there for a more permanent storage.
So in the example above, I think the problem is that the file entry will only be used if there is a problem saving changes to S3, and that's why you don't see the new data going there. Maybe try putting an error in the S3 credentials (e.g. add an 'x' for now) and see if it starts using the file path instead.
In gun.js 0.4 there are plans to make use of all peers specified in the constructor or dynamically, but that feature isn't here yet.
(And I probably butchered that answer, but hopefully Mark can correct any inaccuracies in this. I'm new to gun.js but had the same question.)

sentry: setUserContext in nodejs with raven-node?

I've tried to get the setUserContext function with raven-node in my nodejs app, but I cannot find how to set the user context. Has anyone made it work?
I was able to make it work in the client-side, with "Raven.setUserContext" but not in the nodejs backend :(
User context isn't implemented in raven-node:
I'm a contributor to the project, and it's my number one priority to have this done shortly – should be a matter of days.
Edit – we just published raven-node 0.10.0 which adds setUserContext.

Output to Chrome console from Node.js

I'm looking for a way to output Node variables directly into the google chrome browser console. The same way a console.log() works on the client side. Something like this for php. This would greatly speed up development.
Since the old answer (written in september 2014) refers to an older version of node-inspector, my instructions are not relevant anymore in 2017. Also, the documentation has gotten a lot better, so I have updated my original answer:
node-inspector is what you need.
It opens up an instance of Chrome with its developer tools for debugging.
It's also easy to use:
1. Install
$ npm install -g node-inspector
2. Start
$ node-debug app.js
You might want to try NodeMonkey -
I know it's an old question but came on top of my Google search so maybe somebody will find my answer useful.
So you can use node --inspect-brk index.js
Now, all you have to do is basically just type chrome://inspect in your Chrome address bar and click Open dedicated DevTools for Node
In DevTools, now connected to Node, you’ll have all the Chrome DevTools features you’re used to:
Complete breakpoint debugging, stepping w/ blackboxing
Source maps for transpiled code
LiveEdit: JavaScript hot-swap evaluation w/ V8
Console evaluation with ES6 feature/object support and custom object formatting
Sampling JavaScript profiler w/ flamechart
Heap snapshot inspection, heap allocation timeline, allocation profiling
Asynchronous stacks for native promises
Hope that helped.
The closest thing to this I've seen is Node JS console object debug inspector
See this post for usage and potential issues:
For users with nodejs on linux via ssh-shell (putty):
Problem with nodejs on linux-ssh-shell is, that you have no browser connected.
I tried all this solutions, but didnt get it to work.
So i worked out a solution with firebase (, because my project uses firebase.
If you are familiar with firebase, than this is a great way. If not, firebase is worth using in combination with nodejs - and its free!
In the server-side-script (started with node) use a own function log():
// server-side:
// using new firebase v3 !
var fbRootRef = firebase.database();
var fbConsoleRef = fbRootRef.ref("/console");
var log = function(args) {
fbConsoleRef.set({'obj': args});
// inside your server-code:
On client-side you create a firebase-reference on this console-object:
// client side:
fbRootRef.child('/console').on('value', function(d) {
var v = d.val();
Now everything logged on server-side with the log() - function is transferred in realtime to the firebase-database and from there triggering the client-console-reference and logged into the browsers console.
If anyone needs help, i will explain in more detail and could give a more extended version of this logging with types (console./log/warn/info), grouping with title-info (i.e. server says: (filename + line).
Setting up firebase for your project is done in max 30 minutes, inserting the console-function in 30 minutes. I think its worth the time!
You can use bonsole, a simple way to log something in browser. Even in Linux, you can go to the LAN's ip to check it.
The most simple way with least dependencies is using a WebSocket connection to send the messages to the browser. Any WebSocket example you can find on the internet will suffice to accomplish this. Everything else requires to be heavily integrated into the host system and wouldn't work if you want to actually run this on a remote server. You can also send commands to the server directly from the browser console this way.
