how to resolve socket-io send connect request infinitely? - node.js

I'm new in socket-io. socket-io working fine but keep sending connect request infinitely to server.
Here is my client ts :
private url = environment.socketServer;
constructor() { this.socket = io(this.url) }

The usual reason for a client to try to connect over and over is if the version on the server and client are not compatible. The client connects, the server finds the version is incompatible and drops the connection and the client then tries to connect again, over and over.
Other possible issues:
Server infrastructure (such as load balancers, proxies, firewalls, etc...) are not properly configured to allow webSocket connections.
You're trying to connect to a cluster, but it isn't configured for sticky connections that will "bind" a client to the same server.
You're confused about how a connection starts. It is normal for the client to start with a couple web connections in a row (polling) until it realizes that both sides support a webSocket and then switches over to webSocket.


Difference in server port and websocket port in node.js chat application

I am trying to create a multi room chat application in node.js using and express. I am confused between use of server port and websocket port. I understand server port is used by the client to connect to server. But not sure about use of websocket port.
Thanks & Regards..
webSockets can share the same port as your web server and this is a common configuration. The reason this works is because of how a webSocket establishes a connection (all webSocket connections are initiated with an HTTP request). It works like this:
Client makes an HTTP request to a web server with a header specifying that they want to "upgrade" to the webSocket protocol and sends a security-related header.
Web server sees the upgrade request and, if it has support enabled for webSocket connections, it will respond with a 101 request (switching protocols) and another security related header.
Client gets the accepted upgrade and both ends switch to the webSocket protocol and the original TCP socket that started out using the HTTP protocol is now using the webSocket protocol.
In this manner, the same port and webServer can be used for regular HTTP requests or webSocket connection requests.
For a chat application it is common to use a webSocket connection because it is a continuous connection that more easily allows the server to send information directly to the client which is often needed in a chat application.
To understand more about how a webSocket connection and server work, see this reference on MDN: Writing WebSocket servers which shows the step by step process for initiating a webSocket connection.
Server socket is used by server... that keeps listening to coming sockets request in a loop... and websocket sends a request to server socket and bound a connection between two devices...
If you have / want to have web clients, WebSocket is going to be required, because there is no access to 'regular' TCP (or UDP) sockets from browser-based JavaScript (and I assume you do not want Flash, SilverLight or Java Applets, in 2017). WebSocket is not special because of the port number, but it is special because of the protocol: a WebSocket connection starts as a regular HTTP connection, and protocol upgrade reconfigures it afterwards, it is designed for the browser-world, and even capable of traversing HTTP proxies. After establishing the connection, it provides a full-duplex, bi-directional message stream, very usable for chat applications.
And because of being a Web-thing, you could simply use port 80, if you are allowed to. cannot connect to server using websocket transport

I'm developing a Server in Node.js. To test it, I am developing a set of integration tests using Jest. Each test establishes a connection to my local Server, however, I am unable to require that the transport is 'websocket'.
I know that my Server supports the websocket transport, as it I demonstrate when the browser connects to it.
Is there anything different about running the Client in Node.js that prevents the 'websocket' transport from being used?

Horizontally scale with redis

I currently am creating a horizontally scalable server which looks like the following:
LoadBalancer (nginx)
Proxy1 Proxy2 Proxy3 Proxy{N}
BackEnd1 BackEnd2 BackEnd3 BackEnd4 BackEnd{N}
My question is, with socket-io redis module, can I send a message to a specific socket connected to one of the proxy servers from one of the backend servers if they are all connected to the same redis server? If so, how do I do that?
As you wan to scale server, and you have used nginx as load balancer, do not forget to setup sticky load balancing, othersie single connection will be connected to multiple server based on load balancer pass the connection to server. So better to use sticky load balancing
With the redis socket io adapter, you can send and receive message with one or more server with help of Redis Pub/Sub implementation.
if you tell me which technology is used for Proxy and Backend, i will let you know more information on this.
Using the module all of your backend servers will share the same pool of connected users. You can emit from Backend1 and if a client is connected to Backend4 he will get the message.
The key for this working though with is to use sticky sessions on nginx so that once I client connects, it stays on the same machine. This is because the way that starts with a WebSocket and several long polling threads, they all need to be on the same backend server to work correctly.
Instead of sticky sessions, you can change your client connection optons to use Websockets ONLY and this will remove the problems with the multiple connections to multiple servers as there will only be one connection, the single websocket. This will also make your app lose the ability to downgrade to long-polling instead of WebSockets.

Push notifications with websockets in a distributed Node.js app

I have a Node.js application deployed on multiple servers with Nginx server load-balancing the browser traffic to these servers. The server uses push notification mechanism (using websocket module) to communicate with the browser.
In the current setup, the browser loads an application page where it opens a client socket, which connects to the server. The websocket request is sent to Nginx, which sends it to one of the servers in the cluster. When an event happens on the server, it notifies the client browsers listening to the server websocket.
The problem is that each server is communicating only with a subset of the websocket clients. Also, each server is only aware of the events that take place on the server. As a result not all clients are notified of all the server events.
I can see several potential solutions:
Configure Nginx to send websocket requests from each browser to all the server in the cluster. I could not figure out how to do it. Load balancing does not support broadcasting.
Store websocket connections in the databse, so that all servers had access to it. I am not sure how to serialize the websocket connection object to store it in MongoDB.
Set up a communication mechanism among the servers in the cluster (some kind message bus) and whenever event happens, have all the servers notify the websocket clients they are tracking. This somewhat complicates the system and requires the nodes to know the addresses of each other. Which package is most suitable for such a solution?
What is the simplest way to implements distributed push notification in a Node.js app?

Connect to server with standard web-socket client

Is it possible connect to server with standard web-socket client?
When connecting to server through client, Url started with HTTP but for web-socket clients must use ws.
so, if it is possible, how to connect to server and what is the url for connecting to server? has a protocol on top of webSockets. If you're going to use on the server side, then you have to use a client on the other end.
So, you can't use a plain webSocket client to connect to a server.
The protocol is here.
