Is dataframe.colums a Spark action? - apache-spark

If not, there is no action method in the following code, but "./demo.json" is read once.
val x ="./demo.json")

dataframe.columns is not an action per se, but it needs to get the schema of your dataframe. Depending on the file format, this needs a file-scan (json, csv). With other file formats like parquet, the columns can be extracted from the meta-data, so no actual file scan is needed is an action that reads all your data to infer the schema (unless you specify it manually). Hence x.columns will not trigger any action.
According to the latest documentation (click on json):
This function goes through the input once to determine the input
schema. If you know the schema in advance, use the version that
specifies the schema to avoid the extra scan.


Databricks Delta Live Tables - Apply Changes from delta table

I am working with Databricks Delta Live Tables, but have some problems with upserting some tables upstream. I know it is quite a long text below, but I tried to describe my problem as clear as possible. Let me know if some parts are not clear.
I have the following tables and flow:
Landing_zone -> This is a folder in which JSON files are added that contain data of inserted or updated records.
Raw_table -> This is the data in the JSON files but in table format. This table is in delta format. No transformations are done, except from transforming the JSON structure into a tabular structure (I did an explode and then creating columns from the JSON keys).
Intermediate_table -> This is the raw_table, but with some extra columns (depending on other column values).
To go from my landing zone to the raw table I have the following Pyspark code:
cloudfile = {"cloudFiles.format":"JSON",
"cloudFiles.schemaLocation": sourceschemalocation,
"cloudFiles.inferColumnTypes": True}
def inc_view():
df = (spark
<Some transformations to go from JSON to tabular (explode, ...)>
return df
table_properties = {'delta.enableChangeDataFeed': 'true'})
This code works as expected. I run it, add a changes.JSON file to the landing zone, rerun the pipeline and the upserts are correctly applied to the 'raw_table'
(However, each time a new parquet file with all the data is created in the delta folder, I would expect that only a parquet file with the inserted and updated rows was added? And that some information about the current version was kept in the delta logs? Not sure if this is relevant for my problem. I already changed the table_properties of the 'raw_table' to enableChangeDataFeed = true. The readStream for 'intermediate_table' then has option(readChangeFeed, 'true')).
Then I have the following code to go from my 'raw_table' to my 'intermediate_table':
#dlt.table(name='V_raw_table', table_properties={delta.enableChangeDataFeed': 'True'})
def raw_table():
df = (spark.readStream
.option('readChangeFeed', 'true')
df = df.withColumn('ExtraCol', <Transformation>)
return df
Unfortunately, when I run this, I get the error:
'Detected a data update (for example part-00000-7127bd29-6820-406c-a5a1-e76fc7126150-c000.snappy.parquet) in the source table at version 2. This is currently not supported. If you'd like to ignore updates, set the option 'ignoreChanges' to 'true'. If you would like the data update to be reflected, please restart this query with a fresh checkpoint directory.'
I checked in the 'ignoreChanges', but don't think this is what I want. I would expect that the autoloader would be able to detect the changes in the delta table and pass them through the flow.
I am aware that readStream only works with append, but that is why I would expect that after the 'raw_table' is updated, a new parquet file would be added to the delta folder with only the inserts and updates. This added parquet file is then detected by autoloader and could be used to apply the changes to the 'intermediate_table'.
Am I doing this the wrong way? Or am I overlooking something? Thanks in advance!
As readStream only works with appends, any change in the the source file will create issues downstream. The assumption that an update on "raw_table" will only insert a new parquet file is incorrect. Based on the settings like "optimized writes" or even without it, apply_changes can add or remove files. You can find this information in your "raw_table/_delta_log/xxx.json" under "numTargetFilesAdded" and "numTargetFilesRemoved".
Basically, "Databricks recommends you use Auto Loader to ingest only immutable files".
When you changed the settings to include the option '.option('readChangeFeed', 'true')', you should start with a full refresh(there is dropdown near start). Doing this will resolve the error 'Detected data update xxx', and your code should work for the incremental update.

Azure Data Factory - Google BigQuery Copy Data activity not returning nested column names

I have a copy activity in Azure Data Factory with a Google BigQuery source.
I need to import the whole table (which contains nested fields - Records in BigQuery).
Nested fields get imported as follows (a string containing only data values):
Expected output would be something like:
{"nestedColName" : [{"subNestedColName": 1}, {"subNestedColName": 1}, {"subNestedColName": 1}, {"subNestedColName": null}, ...] }
I think this is a connector issue from Data Factory's side but am not sure how to proceed.
Have considered using Databricks to import data from GBQ directly and then saving the DataFrame to sink.
Have also considered querying for a subset of columns and using UNNEST where required but would rather not do this as Parquet handles both Array and Map types.
Anyone encountered this before / what did you do?
Solution used:
Databricks (Spark) connector for Google BigQuery:
This preserves schemas and nested field names.
Preferring the simpler setup of ADF BigQuery connector to Databricks's BigQuery support, I opted for a solution where I extract the data in JSON and 'massage' it into Parquet using Databricks:
Use a Copy activity to get data from BigQuery with all the data packed into a single JSON string field. Output format can be Parquet or JSON (I'm using Parquet). Use a BigQuery query like this:
select TO_JSON_STRING(t) as value from `<your BigQuery table>` as t
NOTE: The name of the field must be value. The df.write.text() text file writer writes the contents of value column into each row of the text file, which is a JSON string in this case.
Run a Databrick notebook activity with code like this:
# Read data and write it out as text file to get the JSON. (Compression is optional).
# Read back as JSON to extract the correct schema.
Use the output as is, or use a Copy activity to copy it to where you like.

What is the difference of DataFrameWriter.format("hive") and not format?

Code 1: df.write.format("hive").saveAsTable()
Code 2: df.write.saveAsTable()
What's the difference of using and not using format("hive")? Is the default format source value of DataFrameWriter is "hive"?
The difference is in the way the data gets stored.
In the first case data is stored in text format and uses LazySimpleSerDe
In the second case the data gets stored in parquet format which is the default one and it uses ParquetHiveSerDe. will give you additional information about the Serializer/Deserializer

What is the proper way to validate datatype of csv data in spark?

We have a JSON file as input to the spark program(which describe schema definition and constraints which we want to check on each column) and I want to perform some data quality checks such as (Not NULL, UNIQUE) and datatype validations as well(Wants to check whether csv file contains the data according to json schema or not?).
JSON File:
{"column_name":"empid","datatype":"integer","constraints":["not null","unique"],"values_permitted":["1","2"]},
{"column_name":"empname","datatype":"string","constraints":["not null","unique"],"values_permitted":["1","2"]},
{"column_name":"salary","datatype":"double","constraints":["not null","unique"],"values_permitted":["1","2"]},
{"column_name":"doj","datatype":"date","constraints":["not null","unique"],"values_permitted":["1","2"]},
{"column_name":"location","string":"number","constraints":["not null","unique"],"values_permitted":["1","2"]}
Sample CSV input :
Keep in mind that,
1) intentionally I have put the invalid data for empId and name field(check last record).
2) The number of column in the json file is not fixed?
How can I ensure that an input data file contains all the records as per the given datatype(in JSON) file or not?
We have tried below things:
1) If we try to load the data from the CSV file using a data frame by applying external schema, then the spark program immediately throws some cast exception(NumberFormatException, etc) and it abnormally terminates the program. But I want to continue the execution flow and log the specific error as "Datatype mismatch error for column empID".
Above scenario works only when we call some RDD action on data frame which I felt a weird way to validate schema.
Please guide me, How we can achieve it in spark?
I don't think there is a free lunch here you have to write this process yourself but the process you can do is...
Read the csv file as a Dataset of Strings so that every row is good
Parse the Dataset using the map function to check for Null or datatype problems per column
Add an extra two columns, a boolean called like validRow and a String called like message or description
With the parser mentioned in '2.', do some sort of try/catch or a Try/Success/Failure for each value in each column and catch the exception and set the validRow and the description column accordingly
Do a filter and write one DataFrame/DataSet that is successful (validRow flag is set to True) to a success place, and write the error DataFrame/DataSet to an error place

Spark: reading files with PERMISSIVE and provided schema - issues with corrupted records column

I am reading spark CSV. I am providing a schema for the file that I read and I read it permissive mode. I would like to keep all records in columnNameOfCorruptRecord (in my case corrupted_records).
I went trough hell to set this up and still get warnings that I cannot suppress i there something I miss.
So first in order to have the corrupted_records column I needed to add it to the schema as StringType. This is documented so okay.
But whenever I read a file a get a Warning that the schema doesn't match because the amount of columns is different. It's just a warning, but it's filling my logs.
Also when there is a field that is not nullable and there is a corrupted record, the corrupted record goes to the corrupt_records column and all it's fields are set to null thus I get an exception because I have non nullable field. The only to solve this is to set that the columns are not nullable to nullable. Which is quite strange.
Am I missing something?
Is there a way to ignore the warning when I've added
corrupted_records column in the schema
Is there a way to use
PERMISSIVE mode and corrupted_records column with schema that has
non nullable fields.
The following documentation might help. It would be great if you atleast provide the code you've written.
a demo of read json code snippet
df="mode", "PERMISSIVE").option("primitivesAsString", True).json(self.src_path)
To answer your point 2, you should delve better point 1.
Point 1: you should do an analysis of your file and map your schema with all the fields in your file. After having imported your csv file into a DataFrame, I would select your fields of interest, and continue what you were doing.
Point 2: you will solve your problem defining your schema as follows (I would use scala):
import pyspark.sql.types as types
yourSchema = (types.StructType()
.add('field0', types.IntegerType(), True)
# all your .add(fieldsName, fieldsType, True which let your field be nullable)
.add('corrupted_records', types.StringType(), True) #your corrupted date will be here
With this having been defined, you can import your csv file into a DataFrame as follows:
df = ("csv")
.option("mode", "PERMISSIVE")
.option("columnNameOfCorruptRecord", "corrupted_records")
There are also other ways to do the same operation, and different modalities to handle bad bad; have a look at this insightful article:
