Why sed script is not deleting lines? - linux

The following is my sed script:
sed -r 's/^\s+?\/\/.*$/d/;
s/LOG.debug/System.out.println/g' "$1"
What the first command should do is delete all lines beginning with // preceded by any number of spaces or tabs. The only problem is instead of deleting those lines, it replaces them with a literal 'd'.

If you need to remove the matching lines, you should not use the s command.
sed '/^[[:blank:]]*\/\//d; s/LOG\.debug/System.out.println/g' "$1"
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Also, note that to match a literal dot, you need to escape it, hence, LOG\.debug.
See an online sed demo.


Remove root directory from filename in linux

I want to split this line
Can I use sed or awk command for this?
you don't need awk or sed , just try this
echo -n "/"; echo "/home/edwprod/abortive_visit/bin/abortive_proc_call.ksh" |cut -f3-6 -d/
echo '/home/edwprod/abortive_visit/bin/abortive_proc_call.ksh' | sed 's#^/[^/]\+##'
Explanatory words: using sed's replace function, we redefine the separator, which is commonly /, to #, saving us the escaping of slashes within the string. We anchor the regex at the beginning of line ^, and replace the first slash, followed by any non-slash, with nothing, thus removing the first element of the path (not the root, btw).

Replace first sign in line (linux bash)

I want to delete first sign in a file (without creating new file). That is the line (and this line isn't the first one or last one):
#$config['rrdcached'] = "unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock";
I'm trying to do thuis with sed command but it doesn't work. That is my command:
sed -i "s/#$config\['rrdcached'\].*$/$config\['config'\]/g" text.txt
Any suggestions?
Just replace the first match of # with following command:
sed -i '1 s/#//' test.txt
The $ characters are causing two problems.
First, the shell is treating $config as a variable reference, and replacing it with the value. You need to escape the $ to prevent that.
Second, $ has special meaning in regular expressions, so you need to escape it at that level as well. So you need to escape the backslash and the $.
sed -i "s/^#\\\$config\['rrdcached'\].*\$/\$config['config']/" text.txt
There's no need for the g modifier since you only want to replace the first match on the line. And you should use the ^ anchor so it only matches this at the beginning of the line.
It's also not necessary to escape special regexp characters in the replacement string.
This command works, but i forgot that there is something after '='. At now, everything after that is deleted.
I wrote this:
sed -i "s/^#\\\$config\['rrdcached'\] = "unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock";.*\$/\\\$config\['config'\]/ = "unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock";" text.txt

A good way to use sed to find and replace characters with 2 delimiters

I trying to find and replace items using bash. I was able to use sed to grab out some of the characters, but I think I might be using it in the wrong matter.
I am basically trying to remove the characters after ";" and before "," including removing ","
sed -e 's/\(;\).*\(,\)/\1\2/'
That is what I used to replace it with nothing. However, it ends up replacing everything in the middle so my output came out like this:
cmd2="BMC,./socflash_x64 if=B600G3_BMC_V0207.ima;,reboot -f"
This is the original text of what I need to replace
cmd2="BMC,./socflash_x64 if=B600G3_BMC_V0207.ima;X,sleep 120;after_BMC,./run-after-bmc-update.sh;hba_fw,./hba_fw.sh;X,sleep 5;DB,2;X,reboot -f"
Is there any way to make it look like this output?
./socflash_x64 if=B600G3_BMC_V0207.ima;sleep 120;./run-after-bmc-update.sh;./hba_fw.sh;sleep 5;reboot -f
Ff there is any way to make this happen other than bash I am fine with any type of language.
Non-greedy search can (mostly) be simulated in programs that don't support it by replacing match-any (dot .) with a negated character class.
Your original command is
sed -e 's/\(;\).*\(,\)/\1\2/'
You want to match everything in between the semi-colon and the comma, but not another comma (non-greedy). Replace .* with [^,]*
sed -e 's/\(;\)[^,]*\(,\)/\1\2/'
You may also want to exclude semi-colons themselves, making the expression
sed -e 's/\(;\)[^,;]*\(,\)/\1\2/'
Note this would treat a string like "asdf;zxcv;1234,qwer" differently, since one would match ;zxcv;1234, and the other would match only ;1234,
In perl:
perl -pe 's/;.*?,/;/g;' -pe 's/^[^,]*,//' foo.txt
will output:
./socflash_x64 if=B600G3_BMC_V0207.ima;sleep 120;./run-after-bmc-update.sh;./hba_fw.sh;sleep 5;2;reboot -f
The .*? is non greedy matching before the comma. The second command is to remove from the beginning to the comma.
Something like:
echo $cmd2 | tr ';' '\n' | cut -d',' -f2- | tr '\n' ';' ; echo
result is:
./socflash_x64 if=B600G3_BMC_V0207.ima;sleep 120;./run-after-bmc-update.sh;./hba_fw.sh;sleep 5;2;reboot -f;
however, I thing your requirements are a few more complex, because 'DB,2' seems a particular case. After "tr" command, insert a "grep" or "grep -v" to include/exclude these cases.

I am having trouble with Sed

I am trying to use the sed command to replace this line:
When I use:
sed -i '/s/firstline/secondline/g'
It doesn't work. I think the periods are messing it up. How do I get around this?
sed uses regular expressions, so . matches any character. If you want to only match the . character itself, tell sed to look for \.
so to change the first line into the second line:
sed -e 's/charmm\.c36a4.20140107\.newcali4\.fixhcali\.grange\.b/charmm.20140911.c36a4.3rd.ghost2.model3rd/g' < filetochange >newfile
Here, I added "g" so it does it globally, ie, if there are several instances on the same line, all will be changed. If you remove the "g", it will only change the first occurence on each line.
It reads from filetochange and writes to newfile
If you do :
sed -i -e 's/charmm\.c36a4.20140107\.newcali4\.fixhcali\.grange\.b/charmm.20140911.c36a4.3rd.ghost2.model3rd/g' filetochange
it will directly do the change in "filetochange" ... but please be careful, a badly written sed -i could mess up the file and make it unusable
The s command follows this syntax:
You need to drop the / in front of the sed command.

Bash script to remove 'x' amount of characters the end of multiple filenames in a directory?

I have a list of file names in a directory (/path/to/local). I would like to remove a certain number of characters from all of those filenames.
Example filenames:
In every filename I wish to remove the last 5 characters before the file extension.
For example:
I believe this can be done using sed, but I cannot determine the exact coding. Something like...
for filename in /path/to/local/*.moc1; do
mv $filname $(echo $filename | sed -e 's/.....^//');
...but that does not work. Sorry if I butchered the sed options, I do not have much experience with it.
mv $filname $(echo $filename | sed -e 's/.....\.moc1$//');
echo ${filename%%?????.moc1}.moc1
%% is a bash internal operator...
This sed command will work for all the examples you gave.
sed -e 's/\(.*\)_.*\.moc1/\1_.moc1/'
However, if you just want to specifically "remove 5 characters before the last extension in a filename" this command is what you want:
sed -e 's/\(.*\)[0-9a-zA-Z]\{5\}\.\([^.]*\)/\1.\2/'
You can implement this in your script like so:
for filename in /path/to/local/*.moc1; do
mv $filename "$(echo $filename | sed -e 's/\(.*\)[0-9a-zA-Z]\{5\}\.\([^.]*\)/\1.\2/')";
First Command Explanation
The first sed command works by grabbing all characters until the first underscore: \(.*\)_
Then it discards all characters until it finds .moc1: .*\.moc1
Then it replaces the text that it found with everything it grabbed at first inside the parenthesis: /\1
And finally adds the .moc1 extension back on the end and ends the regex: .moc1/
Second Command Explanation
The second sed command works by grabbing all characters at first: \(.*\)
And then it is forced to stop grabbing characters so it can discard five characters, or more specifically, five characters that lie in the ranges 0-9, a-z, and A-Z: [0-9a-zA-Z]\{5\}
Then comes the dot '.' character to mark the last extension : \.
And then it looks for all non-dot characters. This ensures that we are grabbing the last extension: \([^.]*\)
Finally, it replaces all that text with the first and second capture groups, separated by the . character, and ends the regex: /\1.\2/
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/(.*).{5}\./\1./' file
