tar creates 0-byte files and issues permission denied errors - linux

I am working in a CentOS environment and am setting up perlbrew (App::perlbrew/0.87) locally. I've essentially been following the steps here. I have set up perlbrew similarly in the past and no issues, but now am having a strange problem. It is worth noting that I was able to set up perlbrew and install perl locally on the same machine, same environment, for a different user.
The problem is this, perlbrew is installed, but cannot install any version of perl because after downloading the dist it fails to extract the tar.gz.
Here is some information about the install. Perlbrew and cpanm seem to be in place and functioning fine.
-bash-4.1$ env | grep PERL
-bash-4.1$ env | grep perl
-bash-4.1$ which perlbrew
My .bash_profile contains only:
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
-bash-4.1$ perlbrew available
However, when I try to install, I start getting errors from tar.
-bash-4.1$ perlbrew install perl-5.30.1
tar: perl-5.30.1/.dir-locals.el: Cannot close: Permission denied
tar: perl-5.30.1/.dir-locals.el: Cannot utime: Permission denied
tar: perl-5.30.1/.lgtm.yml: Cannot close: Permission denied
tar: perl-5.30.1/.lgtm.yml: Cannot utime: Permission denied
it goes on and on for every file.
I think the key output here is:
Failed to extract /my/home/dir/perl5/perlbrew/dists/perl-5.30.1.tar.gz at /my/home/dir/perl5/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew line 1631
If I navigate to where perlbrew downloads the dist and try to extract it manually, it fails.
-bash-4.1$ cd /my/home/dir/perl5/perlbrew/dists/
-bash-4.1$ ll
total 17308
drwxrwxrwx. 4 myUserID myGroup 11776 Dec 2 15:10 perl-5.30.1
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 myUserID myGroup 17712574 Nov 25 14:46 perl-5.30.1.tar.gz
-bash-4.1$ tar -xvf perl-5.30.1.tar.gz
tar: perl-5.30.1/.dir-locals.el: Cannot close: Permission denied
tar: perl-5.30.1/.dir-locals.el: Cannot utime: Permission denied
tar: perl-5.30.1/.lgtm.yml: Cannot close: Permission denied
tar: perl-5.30.1/.lgtm.yml: Cannot utime: Permission denied
The perl-5.30.1 directory is created and files are made but they are not really extracted. It's just full of 0kb files where everything should be.
I've tested tar by creating tarballs from files I create and zipping and unzipping and whatnot, everything seems to work there fine. All the files are owned by my user/group, so I don't get why I can't extract this file.
Does anyone know what could be the cause of this behavior?
EDIT: This was actually done on a different machine configured the same way as it turns out!
I want to note again that I was able to successfully perform the install on a different user by the same method on the same machine and didn't run into this issue.
One user, #DavidMitchell commented about additional permissions shown by ls -lZ that might influence things. Note that I am using SGE on this machine and have to qlogin to process most tasks.
Before and after qlogins:
In the perl/dist folder before qlogin.
-bash-4.1$ ls -lZ
-rwxrwxrwx. myUser myGroup system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0 perl-5.30.1.tar.gz
AFTER qlogin
-bash-4.2$ ls -lZ
-rwxrwxrwx myUser MyGroup ? perl-5.30.1.tar.gz
So there's a '?' there, so that's interesting. I checked on another machine and user with successful installation and it seems to show the same thing though, so maybe this isn't the issue. Will continue to look into it further, appreciate any further advice!


Where would I find the kernel .config file in Linux ubuntu?

I'm copying my kernel config file from an existing system to the kernel tree, and I entered this command:
/boot/config$(uname -r)
Yet I got:
bash: /boot/config-5.15.0-46-generic: Permission denied
Does anyone know why its saying permission denied and how to fix? I am using Ubuntu in VirtualBox.
As #Tsyvarev mentioned in comments it is possible that you're trying to execute file, that have no exec permissions:
$ ls -l /boot
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 217414 Aug 20 2021 config-5.4.0-rc1+
Try to run: cat /boot/config-$(uname -r) to read the config file for currently running kernel.

Could not open file lol.json: Permission denied using Jq?

I am facing some kind of permission issue here. I am able to read a file with cat, make changes to it using nano but for some reason, jq is having permission issues. Here is what I am facing:
msp#coolpad:~/projects/lol$ jq .name lol.json
jq: error: Could not open file lol.json: Permission denied
On checking permissions, this is what I get:
msp#coolpad:~/projects/lol$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 msp msp 0 Sep 27 04:04 lol-domains.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 msp msp 593 Sep 27 04:38 lol.json
As you can see, I have tried giving it 777 permission, still it's showing Permission denied. I know this is not a good idea to set 777 permission and I fully intend to change it back to 664 once the issue is resolved. Anyhelp would be appriciated.
Update 1: I have tried re-installing jq from snap but still, it doesn't solve the problem.
Update 2: Output of cat lol.json
msp#coolpad:~$ cat lol.json
Update 3: Output of echo '{"name":"lol"}' | jq .name
msp#coolpad:~$ echo '{"name":"lol"}' | jq .name
Update 4: One work-around that poped up in comments:
cat lol.json | jq .name
You installed jq through Ubuntu's snap. Uninstall it and re-install it through apt:
sudo snap remove jq
sudo apt install jq
Snap packages have "confinement" which is either "strict" or "classic". In this case jq was packaged as "strict" meaning it has its own /tmp/snap.jq/ directory and cannot read the system /tmp directory and a bunch of other directories. Packages that want to use "classic confinement" have to be manually approved by the people in charge of Snapcraft and you must pass --classic when installing them, like this: sudo snap install <package_name> --classic.
Just never install command line tools with snap, at least without --classic. This error is intended behavior and they're not going to change it.

"Read-only file system" error when Git tries to access index.lock

I haven't touched my local Git repository for a couple of days. Now when I cd to the root and type
git add -A :/
I get:
fatal: Unable to create '/home/james/code/winescan/Prototype/.git/index.lock': Read-only file system
Adding sudo to the command gives the same error. Then I tried ls -al:
drwxr-xr-x 8 james james 4096 Jul 28 16:24 .git
Then I tried changing the mode for the directory:
$ sudo chmod 0777 .git
[sudo] password for james:
chmod: changing permissions of '.git': Read-only file system
Nothing seems to work, what do I do?

barnyard2 for snort permission denied

I installed barnyard2 for snort, but when i run command below this error appear.
[root#localhost snort]# barnyard2 -c /etc/snort/barnyard2.conf -d /var/log/snort/ -f snort.log -w /etc/snort/bylog.waldo /etc/snort/gen-msg.map /etc/snort/sid-msg.map -C /etc/snort/classification.config
Running in Continuous mode
--== Initializing Barnyard2 ==--
Initializing Input Plugins!
Initializing Output Plugins!
Parsing config file "/etc/snort/barnyard2.conf"
+[ Signature Suppress list ]+
+[No entry in Signature Suppress List]+
+[ Signature Suppress list ]+
Barnyard2 spooler: Event cache size set to [2048]
ERROR: Can not get write access to logging directory "/var/log/barnyard2". (directory doesn't exist or permissions are set incorrectly or it is not a directory at all)
Fatal Error, Quitting..
Barnyard2 exiting
and permission is:
[root#localhost snort]# ls -l /var/log/barnyard2
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Aug 14 16:35 /var/log/barnyard2
in this link this problem was solved but i don't understand how ...
It looks like directory flag is missing there. The error message says
ERROR: Can not get write access to logging directory "/var/log/barnyard2". (directory doesn't exist or permissions are set incorrectly or it is not a directory at all)
Probably the last case of /var/log/barnyard2 being not a directory at all might apply.
Backup the file and try creating a directory /var/log/barnyard2 with permissions 640 and corresponding ownership.
EDIT: As long as you do not know the contents of /var/log/barnyard2, rename or move the file to some place ( as root 'mv /var/log/barnyard2 /var/log/barnyard2.old'). Restarting barnyard2 now could help, it might create the directory with appropriate permissions by itself. Otherwise as root type 'mkdir /var/log/barnyard2' and then set permissions by typing 'chmod 640 /var/log/barnyard2'. Additionally check the user under which barnyard2 is running by typing 'ps -u | grep "barnyard2"'. Then find the appropriate group to that user by typing 'groups <user>' and then set the ownership of the directory to the corresponding user by typing 'chown <user>:<group> /var/log/barnyard2'.
'/var/log/barnyard2' should be the log directory. In your case it is a file. So, delete the file and create a directory instead. Here are the steps. Enter the commands as a root user.
rm /var/log/barnyard2
mkdir /var/log/barnyard2

Undeletable file in cygwin

A command I executed in cygwin hosed up a bunch of files. Now I cannot delete them. Omitting most of the 'ls' output, here is what I'm dealing with:
% ls -l
ls: cannot access WSERV001.txt: No such file or directory
-rw-r--r-- 1 mccppk mkgroup-l-d 50 Sep 17 16:57 WSERV001.text
??????????? ? ? ? ? ? WSERV001.txt
% rm WSERV001.txt
rm: cannot remove `WSERV001.txt': No such file or directory
% touch WSERV001.txt
touch: cannot touch `WSERV001.txt': Permission denied
The .text file is normal. The .txt file (directory entry anyway) is obviously hosed. Any ideas on how to get the .txt file deleted?
I had the same problem and fixed it as follow (under Win7):
Open a cmd windows (run as Administrator)
takeown /r /f DRIVE:\PATH
icacls DRIVE:\PATH /grant USERNAME:F /T
where USERNAME is your win7 username under which you are running this.
Also make sure cron.exe is NOT running for user USERNAME or SYSTEM (can be checked from the TaskManager) and that no programs from cygwin are running.
Once all has been checked and done, you should be able to delete your files.
Hope this helps,
I have a reproducible case and none of what is suggested here helps because of permissions restrictions.
Under sygwin:
[Sakis#t0000000000]$ ll
total 0
drwxr-x--- 1 ???????? ???????? 0 Jul 4 02:51 t0000000000_1.db/
Trying to take the owner from an admin cmd console:
0>takeown /r /f t0000000000_1.db
ERROR: Access is denied.
Trying to delete from an admin cmd console:
0>rmdir /S t0000000000_1.db
t0000000000_1.db, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
Access is denied.
Cannot also change the owner from the windows GUI. It complains that you should have read permissions.
--- RESOLVED ---
Finally, I have managed to delete it by entering a cmd command with administration privileges and execute:
rm -r <dir>
TIP: You have to make sure that the directory in not used at all. You can use the procmon to find you who locks that directory.
Attempts to use chown and chmod, even as root, failed (I don't recall the error).
I'm pretty sure my disk is fine. I run DiskCheckup daily for a strong history of SMART settings, and checked it this morning. No worries there.
Since the original problem and post, I got busy, and just now got back to that same local shell window. Those files were gone. This was a local cygwin shell on my laptop, so I know that no one else "helped". Strange. Those .txt files were just not there anymore.
I'm still curious what would cause ls to output all question-marks like that for all of the file metadata, except for the filename. But the main issue is resolved.
As admin, this should fix:
chown <yourusername> WSERV001.txt
chmod 666 WSERV001.txt
rm -f WSERV001.txt
If not, you might have disk errors.
