How can I render specific piece of data from my mongodb into my html? - node.js

It's my first project. I'm creating a website where administrator have the privilege to change home page texts. So I'm keeping all texts in a collection called "Texts" , each document has a text:value . When home page is rendered I use Texts.find() to return an array containing objects each has a "text" value. I link it to my home page using index.
Like this..
<h2>Texts[0].text</h2>, so if i have 100 texts I go all the way to <h2>Texts[100].text</h2>. and they are different texts and I need to put them in a specific order so I can't just throw them into my html.
I know that's so stupid , so I'm looking for some idea instead of this.
I tried using find method for arrays but it also is so tiring , so something simpler would be great , here's a portion of the code
<div class="card bg-dark text-white">
<img src="<%=imgsArr.find(x => === 'main2').src%>" class="card-img" alt="...">
<div class="card-img-overlay ">
<h2 class="card-title"><%=textArr.find(x => === 14).text%></h2>
<div class="triangle-up"></div>
<hr class="ml-0 ">
<div class="triangle-down"></div>
<p class="card-text "><%=textArr.find(x => === 15).text%></p>
<div class="card-topic">
<h2 class="card-title" style=";"><%=textArr.find(x => === 16).text%></h2>
<p class="card-text"><%=textArr.find(x => === 17).text%></p>
<div class="card-topic">
<h2 class="card-title" style=""><%=textArr.find(x => === 18).text%></h2>
<p class="card-text"><%=textArr.find(x => === 19).text%></p>
<div class="btnOut ">
<button class="btn btn-lg shadow-lg ">MENU</button>

Good news is that for loops are always a good option. If you are using ejs or a similar rendering engine something like this should work, although you will have to tweak it a bit. Take a look are the EJS rendering engine documentation for an exact format, but it would look something like below and no matter how long the list gets it will render as much as it receives(if it is a lot you might want to consider using pagination)
<% for text in Texts.text %>
<% if text==="some value"%>
<% else %>
<p> text </p>
If your front-end is perhaps react.js or vue.js or similar the same prnciple would work but the format will be different.

No offense friend but you need to get some tutorials. But let me help you as best i can. Everything in a web application is somewhat defined. Meaning it falls into one predetermined category or another. When you get json for example you get something base on how that particular data is defined in the database. Hence you can get json data from your backend that looks
{ 'title':'sneaker', 'price':'200', 'quantity':'50' }
Now assuming it is a list of json objects what you can do is loop through this and assign them to tags based on their object key(because it gets converted to a javscript object). so again you code would look something like
<% for text in Texts.text %>
This would be how you would render data from your database(the format might not exactly be spot on). Dealing with forms is a whole other ball game. So get a book or some tutorial videos that discuss it. You will better understand how to handle it.
For your code you are being very rigid, at first glance there is already a pattern, work with that pattern, you code just needs a simple for loop from what i gather.
for(let i=0; let i>100; i++){
if (i%2===0){
console.log(<h2> i </h2>)
console.log(<p> i </p>
The reason i have resulted to pure javascript is so you can see what the inner workings of your render should look like. You can get the total number of ids in your database(that is what the integer 100 represents in this case), loop through one by one and produce what you want. It is still javascript, do not let the html throw you off


Can't render array elements from mongodb document with express-edge templating

I'm following this blog tutorial to learn nodejs backend along with mongodb, it seems a bit outdated(I've had to tweak some stuff to make it work) but also I'm not following it 100%, as I'm making my own front end instead of using a theme and I'm using my own database, which brings to the problem:
While rendering the post lists I want to render inside each post the list of it's tags, which in my database is an array of strings, but it doesnt work. When I try to access the first element of the array only, it return undefined.
This code doesnt render any <li>:
<div class="row" id="lista-posts">
#each(post in posts)
<div class="col-12">
#each(tag in post.tags)
<div class="post-conteudo">
This one here render one <li> (as expected) but it's written Undefined:
All the other elements like "titulo" and "conteudo" are rendered fine. For context, every post in my db has:
_id: IdObject
titulo: String
tags: Array of Strings
conteudo: String
Turns out it's because I didn't set up the tags array in my mongoose Schema.

use href tag for different html pages but with same url id in express

i'm trying to switch between home and profile page for same user with click on each button. also except change between home and profile,id should stay the same.
but after click on profile button only id will be changed and it uses profile as id
(i used ejs as format for my views/html pages)
any idea how can i fix it?is that even possible?
there is my nav code:
<div class="nav-wrapper teal darken-4">
<ul class="right hide-on-med-and-down">
<li><a class="waves-effect waves-light btn teal lighten-1" href="home"> <i class="material-icons right">home</i> home</a></li>
<li><a class="waves-effect waves-light btn teal lighten-1" href="profile">profile <i class="material-icons right">account_box</i></a></li>
exports.sendReqParam = (req, res) => {
let userHome = req.params.userHome;
res.render("home", { name: userHome });
// res.send(`This is the homepage for ${userHome}`);
exports.respondWithName = (req, res) => {
let paramsName = req.params.myName;
res.render("profile", { name: paramsName });
app.get("/profile/:myName", homeController.respondWithName);
app.get("/", homeController.respondInfo);
app.get("/home/:userHome", homeController.sendReqParam)
I was recently making a blog website, where I write a post and it displays it on the home page. But if we wanted to go to the specific post page, instead of making another separate page for each new post, we made a post.ejs page instead, and later to acces the specific post we simply used something called lodash. I'll show you an example of it, so it makes more sense, and I'll show you the code we used.
So the example is this, I go to the compose.ejs page and I write a random post: title=Post, content=A random lorem ipsum
and lets say we write another post: title=Another post, content=Another random lorem ipsum
Okay so now everytime we write a blog post it sends us to the home page (where we currently are) and it shows the two blogs posts. If we wanted to go to the specific url of the post, we simply write this link localhost:3000/posts/Another post hit enter and it takes us to the second post we wrote.
And this is the code we used inside the app.js:
app.get("/posts/:postName", function(req, res){
const requestedTitle = _.lowerCase(req.params.postName);
posts.forEach(function(post) {
const storedTitle = _.lowerCase(post.title);
if (storedTitle === requestedTitle) {
res.render("post", {title: post.title, content: post.content});
In the app.js code, we see in the app.get /posts/:postName and this is just the name that is going to show in the url, :postName is like a variable and it will store whatever the user writes.
In the second line, we use lodash to rewrite what the user wrote to what we want, for example if the user wrote AnoTheR POst it will automatically change it to another-post, and we store it in a constant called requestedTitle.
Next is a forEach loop on a posts array (where we store every post), and this is just to go throught every post and check the names.
In the 4th line, we are again using lodash for the same thing, but this time arround for the title of each individual post, and storing it in a constant called storedTitle.
And last, an if statement, where if both the names are the same then it will render the post.ejs page, and we just pass down the title and content from the selected post using this code , {title: post.title, content: post.content}.
And this is the code we used inside the post.ejs:
<%- include("partials/header") -%>
<div class="card">
<h2 class="card-header"> <%= title %> </h2>
<div class="card-body">
<p class="card-text"> <%= content %> </p>
<%- include("partials/footer") -%>
As you can see this post.ejs isn't hard to explain, the top and bottom lines where it says include("partials are just the header and footer templates I use, just to save time coding. Whats inside is what the post.ejs will render when it gets called.
I hope it wasn't that confusing, I'm still learning to code and I hope it helps you with what you are looking for. I think this isn't the exact answer for your question, but I think it will help you navigate your way throught.
If you need more explanation or help, this is my instagram: #cemruniversal, I'm always happy to help if I can.
Edit: 30 minutes after original post
I think I found a way it could work, I'll show you a piece of code from the same blog website.
Whenever I want to compose a new post I use this code:
app.get("/compose", function(req, res){
And obviously there is a form for you to write the post, and after you submit, it sends you to the home page, and saves the post. For that I used this piece of code:"/compose", function(req, res){
const post = {
title: req.body.postTitle,
content: req.body.postBody
I had an idea for your website, what if when you pressed the Profile button, it renders a specific page on your site, and when you press another button it renders another page. It could work, wouldn't it?
Please try it out and tell me how it went.
I think something like this:
<div class="nav-wrapper teal darken-4">
<ul class="right hide-on-med-and-down">
<li><a class="waves-effect waves-light btn teal lighten-1" href="/home"> <i class="material-icons right">home</i> home</a></li>
<li><a class="waves-effect waves-light btn teal lighten-1" href="/profile">profile <i class="material-icons right">account_box</i></a></li>

Checkbox value is refreshed after page reload in node JS

"I am creating TODO list using Node as backend. after adding every new item, a checkbox is also generating in front of them so I can apply "CSS line-through" to let user know that item is done or of no use. But when I add another item, the page refreshes and that checkbox is unchecked as I am not storing that value anywhere. Can you tell me how to store the value of that checkbox in the backend?
<div class="box" >
<% for (var i=0; i<newListItems.length; i++) { %>
<div class="item">
<input type="checkbox" id="checkBox">
<p> <%= newListItems[i] %> </p>
<% } %>
<form action="/" method="post" class="item">
<input class="inputBox" type="text" name="newItem" placeholder="New item" autocomplete="off" required="required">
<button type="submit" name="list" value=<%= listTitle%>> +</button>
Node JS -
const items = [];"/", function(req, res){
let item = req.body.newItem;
The answer involves a lot of code, so I will give you a set of steps that can help in your case.
You need to change your data scheme. Currently looks like you are just storing the string in an array of items. You need to change it to be array of objects. Each object should have the field task and done. So you could know which task is done or not."/", function(req, res) {
let item = req.body.newItem;
items.push({ name: item, done: false });
Next step will be adding an endpoint that will be changing the done field of an array item to true.
Then on a front-end you will need to write some JS code that will be sending an HTTP request to the endpoint that marks the task as done. You need to use AJAX call for that, for example, NPM package axios.
Change the template to reflect the changes to the data. e.g. instead of <%= newListItems[i] %> do <%= newListItems[i].name %> and add logic to render checked checkbox based on done property.
It worth to mention, that you should not store data in memory, because once the process is done, you will lose your data. It is okay for learning purposes, but in production, you should use a database.

If element hasClass, add another class to its title value

I'm using slick carousel, and once a div is active I want to open the corresponding description.
Problem I'm having is with this code:
if ($('div').hasClass('active')) {
var title = $(this).attr('title');
$('ul li').removeClass('open');
What I'm trying to achieve:
Once a div gets class 'active', I want to take its title value, and use it as a id link to list element I want to display(add class to).
Here is a FIDDLE.
Use event handling, not class monitoring.
The slick carousel API has events for this, I believe you want to use the afterChange event to act on the active element after it has been made visible.
Check out the docs and examples, especially the section titled "Events" on Slick page:
And I think you don't want to use title attribute for this because that is for tooltips. I recommend data-* attributes instead. And element IDs should generally start with a letter and not a number (was required in HTML4 and makes life easier when mapping IDs to JavaScript variables; though if you are using HTML5 I think this requirement is no longer in effect).
<div id="carousel">
<div data-content-id="content1">
Selector 1 </div>
<div data-content-id="content2">
Selector 2 </div>
<div data-content-id="content3">
Selector 3 </div>
<ul class="content">
<li id="content1">Content 1</li>
<li id="content2">Content 2</li>
<li id="content3">Content 3</li>
$('#carousel').on('afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide) {
// get the associated content id
var contentId = $(slick.$slides.get(currentSlide)).data("content-id");
if(contentId && contentId.length)
var $content = $("#" + contentId);
$(".content>li").removeClass("open"); // hide other content
$content.addClass("open"); // show target content, or whatever...
I have found a solution:
$('.slider').on('afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
var contentId= $(slick.$slides.get(currentSlide)).data('content');
$(".content li").removeClass('open');
$('#' + contentId).addClass('open');
Working fiddle

Global search box in angular

I want to implement a search box that changes what it searches based on whichever controller is being used. If you are on the "posts" view it will search the posts api, if you are on the videos view, it searches the videos api. It seems the search box would need its own controller maybe. I'm pretty sure I need to inject a search service into all the model controllers but I'm not exactly sure how to change the url it searches or tie the input to the different controller scopes.
So any ideas how to have a global search box that changes where it searches based on whichever controller is making use of it and tying its state back into a changing view?
To make a resource call dynamic api i would first create two $resources that map to your two endpoints, posts and videos. Then put an ng-change event on your global search that calls a function in your base controller.
This function firsts need to figure out what api to search. Then make the appropriate api call. The important part is in the callback and i think this is what you are looking for.
In the callback you could $broadcast the resp data from your api query. Each of your controllers will be listening for an event with an $on function. The listeners will then populate the correct scope variable with the callback data.
Pseudo below.
Same html layout with ng-change
<body ng-controller="AppController">
<input ng-model="" ng-change="apiSearch()" type="text" class="form-control" />
<div ui-view="posts">
<div ng-controller="PostController">
<p ng-repeat="post in posts | filter:">{{ }}</p>
<div ui-view="videos">
<div ng-controller="VideoController">
<p ng-repeat="video in videos | filter:">{{ }}</p>
.controller('AppController', function ($scope, PostService, VideoService) {
$scope.apiSearch = function() {
// Determine what service to use. Could look at the current url. Could set value on scope
// every time a controller is hit to know what your current controller is. If you need
// help with this part let me know.
var service = VideoService, eventName = 'video';
if ($rootScope.currentController == 'PostController') {
service = PostService;
eventName = 'post';
// Make call to service, service is either PostService or VideoService, based on your logic above.
// This is pseudo, i dont know what your call needs to look like.
service.query({query: $}, function(resp) {
// this is the callback you need to $broadcast the data to the child controllers
$scope.$broadcast(eventName, resp);
Each of your child controllers that display the results.
.controller('PostController', function($scope) {
// anytime an event is broadcasted with "post" as the key, $scope.posts will be populated with the
// callback response from your search api.
$scope.$on('post', function(event, data) {
$scope.posts = data;
.controller('VideoController', function($scope) {
$scope.$on('video', function(event, data) {
$scope.videos = data;
Client side filtering.
If you are not looking for anything to crazy that can be achieved in a super simple way for global search. I didnt even know if this would work so i just did a quick test and it does. Obviously this could be solved in a much more detailed and controlled way using services and injecting them where they are needed. But since i don't know excatly what you are looking for i will provide this solution, if you like it, great accept it. If you don't i could probably help you with service injection solution
Quick solution is to have an app wide contoller with $rootScope ng-model. Lets call it
$ = {
search: ''
For the app wide search input.
<input ng-model="" type="text" class="form-control" />
In separate partials you just need to filter data based on the ng-model. Two examples
<p ng-repeat="post in posts | filter:">{{ }}</p>
Second template with different scope
<p ng-repeat="video in videos | filter:">{{ }}</p>
Note how they both implement | filter: Whenever changes, any filters in the current view will be changed. So posts will be filtered on the posts view, and videos on the videos view. While still using the same ng-model.
I tested this, it does work. If you need more detail explaining the setup and child controller hierarchy let me know. Here is a quick look at a full template
<body ng-controller="AppController">
<input ng-model="" type="text" class="form-control" />
<div ui-view="posts">
<div ng-controller="PostController">
<p ng-repeat="post in posts | filter:">{{ }}</p>
<div ui-view="videos">
<div ng-controller="VideoController">
<p ng-repeat="video in videos | filter:">{{ }}</p>
