Can I calculate time between local maxima with featuretools? - featuretools

I would like to calculate time_since_previous, but not transaction after transaction, instead only between transactions that exceed a maximum value.
Can I do that automatically? or do I need to slice the dataframe?
More specifically, I have a function to detect local maxima, which I do with scipy.signal.finds_peaks, which creates a boolean vector with the arrays of the local maxima, which I could add as a feature to the data set, and then I would like the time since previous for those local maxima.
Is that possible in a semi-automated way with featuretools?
If there is a resource doing that, that you could link to this question, that would be great!
Thanks a lot

Yes, a custom transform primitive can be made then used by DFS to automatically calculate this feature. The time_since_previous would only calculate between transactions, so the custom primitive would need to implement the time since the previous local maxima given the boolean vector from finds_peaks. Here are guides for defining simple and advanced custom primitives. Let me know if this helps.


Considerations for time-series

We are looking into using Azure Table Storage (ATS) together with Deedle (or other libraries with similar functionality) for our time-series storage, manipulations and calculations. From what I can read, F# also seems like a good choice for operations on arrays.
Our starting point is a set of time-series for energy consumption. The series will either be the consumption within an interval (fixed or irregular intervals) or a counter (from which we can calculate the consumption from one reading to the next). As a data point is just a tag (used as a partition key), timestamp (rowkey) and value, this should be well suited for ATS.
From a user's perspective, they want to do calculations on the series for a given period and resolution, e.g. calculate a third series as a difference between two others, for one given year with monthly resolution.
This raises a number of questions:
Will ATS together with F# be fast enough? If we have 10.000 data points? 100.000? Compared to C#?
Resampling will require calculations of points between the series' timestamps. I haven't seen any Deedle examples for (linear) interpolation, but I assume that this is just passing a function which can look at the necessary data points? Will this be fast enough for our number of points?
The calculations will be determined by the users and we must have this as configurations. My best guess so far is to have the formula in some format we can parse easily into reverse polish notation, and take special care of tags that will represent series (ie. read from ATS, resample, then do the operations).
Any comments will be highly appreciated!
I think Isaac already mentioned the most important points, but as this question involves some of the things I'm involved with, I thought I'd share a few additional remarks!
BigDeedle. As Isaac mentioned, I used Azure Table storage in BigDeedle. This is mainly useful if you want to explore data interactively using Deedle APIs and do some filtering and range restriction before getting the data in memory and running your calculations. BigDeedle loads data lazily from potentially very big external data source. That said, if you eventually need to load all data into memory, this might not be all that useful for you.
The storage model used in BigDeedle might be useful though - it partitions data based on date, so when you want to get values in a given date range, it knows in which partitions to look. In my experience, loading data from ATS works pretty well, especially if you can do it on an MBrace cluster running in Azure (which is what my NDC demo does in the end).
Efficiency. I think the combination should work well for 10k or 100k data points - there will be no difference whether you do this from F# or C#. As for Deedle, I've definitely used it with data sets of this size - we optimize the library "as needed". Most of the functions are quite efficient already, but there may be some operations that are not efficient. This is something that can be fixed if you open issue on GitHub.
Resampling. There is built-in function for linear interpolation (see here), but I suspect you may need to write your own custom interpolation. Deedle does not "hide the underlying data" from you, so this is not too hard - the last example on this page shows a custom function for filling missing data that uses linear interpolation. If you are doing something like this, you'll need to have the data in memory (so BigDeedle would not be very useful here).
Specifying calculations. I suspect this is a separate question, but F# is great for domain-specific languages. I did a talk on that at earlier NDC. Generally, you can either specify your own DSL (and parse it) or have an embedded DSL where people write subset of F#. F# has good support for both.
PS: If you wanted to get some more help with F#, Deedle and Azure tables, feel free to get in touch. I'm happy to share my experience - you should be able to find a contact via my profile.
F# versus C# will probably be basically the same perf wise unless you do something completely different between the two (for example, immutable vs mutable data sets). Both compile down to IL at the end of the day.
Azure Table Storage - make sure you pick your partition + row keys correctly. There is a lot of documentation on picking Azure Table Storage partition keys, especially over time series - make sure you group rows up at the correct level to ensure data is distributed, with partitions not too large or small. You might also want to look at the Azure Storage Type Provider and / or Azure Storage F# libraries which makes working with ATS easier than the standard .NET SDK.
Deedle AFAIK does indeed have ability to replace missing values across time series, and there's at least a project called BigDeedle which works directly over ATS (although I'm not sure how ready this project is).

Implementing a Spark SQL UserDefinedAggregateFunction that performs multiple passes over a column

I've been experimenting with the UserDefinedAggregateFunction class to write aggregate functions for use in Spark SQL.
It works well for implementing single pass operations like sum(), avg() etc., but is there a trick you can use to perform multiple passes over a column?
For example, Calculating variance using the naive approach. i.e. With a first pass calculating the column mean and then a second pass that uses this value to calculate the variance. I know that there are single pass algorithms for doing this that give good approximations (as in fact implemented by Spark). I was just using this as an example of a two-pass operation.
It would be nice to be able to do the following,
spark.sql("SELECT product, MultiPassAgg(price) FROM products GROUP BY product")
I appreciate that I can do this kind of thing using Dataset / DataFrame operations in stages etc., but I was just looking clean approach as illustrated in the SQL above.
Any ideas or suggestions?
This should be possible, though the following suggestion could potentially use a large amount of memory if a large number of rows are involved in any given partition.
In the implementation of your UserDefinedAggregateFunction, set up the bufferSchema having a StructField that includes a DataType that is a collection (such as ArrayType) to act as an internal collection of inputs provided via update.
Then, in update you append each input to your collection, and in merge you combine all of the collections into a single collection. This allows you to have the full partition available for use in evaluate.
Finally, during evaluate you can operate across the entire collection of rows in any way you see fit.

CouchDB query for more dynamic values

I have more "Location documents" in my couchdb with longitude and latitude fields. How to find all location documents in database which distance to provided latitude and longitude is less than provided distance.
There is a way how to achieve it using vanilla CouchDB, but it‘s bit tricky.
You can use the fact you can apply two map functions during one request. Second map function can be created using list mechanics.
Lists are not very efficient from computational side, they can‘t cache results as views. But they have one unique feature – you can pass several arguments into list. Moreover, one of your arguments can be, for example, JS code, that is eval-ed inside list function (risky!).
So entire scheme looks like this:
Make view, that performs coarse search
Make list, that receives custom params and refines data set
Make client-side API to ease up querying this chain.
Can‘t provide exact code for your particular case, many details are not clear, but it seems that coarse search must group results to somehow linearly enumerated squares, and list perform more precise calculations.
Please note, that scheme might be inefficient for large datasets since it‘s computationally hungry.
Vanilla CouchDB isn't really built for geospacial queries.
Your best bet is to either use GeoCouch, CouchDB-Lucene or something similar.
Failing that, you could emit a Geohash from your map function, and do range queries over those.
Caveats apply. Queries around Geohash "fault lines" (equator, poles, longitude 180, etc) can give too many or too little results.
There are multiple JavaScript libraries that can help convert to/from Geohash, as well as help with some of those caveats.
CouchDB is not built for dynamic queries, so there is no good/fast way of implementing it in vanilla couchDB.
If you know beforehand which locations you want to calculate the distance from you could create a view for each location and call it with parameters ?startkey=0&endkey=max_distance
function(doc) {
function distance(...){ /* your function for calculating distance */ }
var NY = {lat:40,lon:73}
emit( distance(NY,doc), doc._id);
If you do not know the locations beforehand you could solve it by using a temporary view, but I would strongly advise against it since it's slow and should only be used for testing.

Prevent custom aggregated object from being serialized and send to ActivePivot Live

We are aggregating some large matrices and have a custom Matrix class.
These are aggregated with a custom aggregation function.
A formatter takes care of showing part of the aggregated matrix measure for debugging, but it seems that even with a formatter in place, the entire Matrix, is still serialized and send to Live when that measure is shown. Is there a way to avoid that?
You should be able to do your formatting in a basic post-processor, taking in underlying value your matrix and returning the formatted value you wish to display.
Then you can use this new measure instead of the previous one
The David's solution is a good one. An other one is to implement the Externalizable interface with your custom Matrix class and write dummy overridden methods for void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) and void readExternal(ObjectInput in). By this way, only the formatted value of the matrix will be serialized and send to Live.
However, if you need the whole value of the matrix somewhere else, you won't be able to get it anymore. In this case, you had better use the David's solution.

How do I sort Lucene results by field value using a HitCollector?

I'm using the following code to execute a query in Lucene.Net
var collector = new GroupingHitCollector(searcher.GetIndexReader());
searcher.Search(myQuery, collector);
resultsCount = collector.Hits.Count;
How do I sort these search results based on a field?
Thanks for your answer. I had tried using TopFieldDocCollector but I got an error saying, "value is too small or too large" when i passed 5000 as numHits argument value. Please suggest a valid value to pass.
The method will accept a search.Sort parameter, which can be constructed as simply as:
new Sort("my_sort_field")
However, there are some limitations on which fields can be sorted on - they need to be indexed but not tokenized, and the values convertible to Strings, Floats or Integers.
Lucene in Action covers all of the details, as well as sorting by multiple fields and so on.
What you're looking for is probably TopFieldDocCollector. Use it instead of the GroupingHitCollector (what is that?), or inside it.
Comment on this if you need more info. I'll be happy to help.
In the original (Java) version of Lucene, there is no hard restriction on the size of the the TopFieldDocCollector results. Any number greater than zero is accepted. Although memory constraints and performance degradation create a practical limit that depends on your environment, 5000 hits is trivial and shouldn't pose a problem outside of a mobile device.
Perhaps in porting Lucene, TopFieldDocCollector was modified to use something other than Lucene's "heap" implementation (called PriorityQueue, extended by FieldSortedHitQueue)—something that imposes an unreasonably small limit on the results size. If so, you might want to look at the source code for TopFieldDocCollector, and implement your own similar hit collector using a better heap implementation.
I have to ask, however, why are you trying to collect 5000 results? No user in an interactive application is going to want to see that many. I figure that users willing to look at 200 results are rare, but double it to 400 just as factor of safety. Depending on the application, limiting the result size can hamper malicious screen scrapers and mitigate denial-of-service attacks too.
The constructor for Sort accepting only the string field name has been depreciated. Now you have to create a sort object and pass it in as the last paramater of searcher.Search()
/* sorting by a field of type long called "size" from greatest -> smallest
(signified by passing in true for the last isReversed paramater)*/
Sort sorter = new Sorter(new SortField("size", SortField.Type.LONG, true))
searcher.Search(myQuery, collector, sorter);
