In Microsoft Sway :
I have made presentation on MS Sway. Used it's embed code to share.
Now, after changing or updating the content of that presentation it doesn't reflect/refresh new changes automatically on the shared page (until it is refreshed manually).
Its needed to refresh manually to see the new changes.
Can any one please help me if you have faced same concern.
Or is it MS-Sway way to doing it (i.e. we do not have control).
maybe it's a silly question but I'm unable to find an answer.
create a site on sharepoint online which displays Excel file and refresh on schedule - without any interaction
The file is supposed to be viewed on a TV in a browser and the file is going to be updated regularly
I've created a page and displayed Excel file - but after site refresh I need to hoover mouse over it, otherwise its blank
embeded code to area inside the excel file requires same interaction
I know that in the past (in old site editing interface) it was possible to add a script to a page, however I managed to find this:
Microsoft statement
So the old way is no longer possible.
Can anyone think of a solution?
I want to share a document online by a URL with some colleagues. When they click the URL and view the document online, I want a task-pane add-in to be automatically opened.
I used Office-OOXML-EmbedAddin to create such a file with Script Lab auto-opened, then I put the file (view-only) on my OneDrive:!AmAcI5jpNEmng1NhS0xbIMcUnUNZ
However, our tests show that, for people who have not signed in with Microsoft Account in their browser, the auto-open does NOT work, though they can view the document.
Is this behavior expected, given that people may not stay signed in all the time?
PS: note that if people download the document, they don't need to sign in to enable auto-open in Excel desktop.
This is a known bug. Until it is fixed, users will have to be logged in when they open a document on OneDrive in order for the autoopen feature to work. Sorry for the bad news, but it is on Microsoft's radar and we know it is important.
I'm trying to get data to auto refresh on a map layer I have added on ArcGIS. The information shows up just fine but does not refresh automatically as it does on the web page.
I have tried converting from its original source (XML on a web page updating every 15 minutes) to Excel, CSV (Both also update just fine) as well as trying to pull from Google Drive. I should mention I am using a free trial to test this program out so there's probably a little handcuffing.
Any help would be appreciated.
Found a method that resolved my own issue. ArcGIS Onlines auto update/refresh apparently only works for layers published by ArcGIS. Got around this by saving my CSV file to google drive and modifying the shareable link. process shown here I then added the layer from web by using the modified link from Google Drive. Now the data on my map updates with whatever was last saved on the spreadsheet at the refresh interval I set.
Does anyone have experience updating existing Task Pane add-in, and know the correct procedure to replace / update existing add-in, to ensure latest version is loaded when re-inserted into a workbook?
I am currently in process of developing and testing aTask Pane add-in for Excel for iPad. I am able to successfully sideload the initial .xml manifest file through iTunes and add the app to a workbook via the Insert->Add-in menu. When I make changes to add-in backend HTML/ JS code however, and attempt to update to later version by deleting and re-sideloading the manifest file via iTunes, more often than not, the previous version Task Pane add-in keeps getting displayed.
Occasionally the update works and reloads correctly when inserted into a workbook, however mostly, it doesn't and the previous version HTML is retained and displayed in the Task Pane.
I have tried deleting previous manifest file via iTunes, closing add-in from workbook, closing and restarting Excel before re-sideloading, inserting add-in to new workbook, even clearing cache in Safari browser via iOS settings, and rebooting iPad, however cannot determine any consistent or reproducible procedure.
It appears that the add-in is being cached by Excel, however, cannot find any direct way to clear the cache to force the workbook to reload the updated HTML file referenced in the .xml manifest file.
Appreciate any guidance on cause and correct procedure to update existing add-in with Excel for iPad.
The easiest way of making sure that you have the latest version is versioning. If you have something like
<script src="">
Every time you load the app, even if the js is new, it might pick up from the cache. Instead try doing something like
<script src="">
Which now is seen as a different reference. Ideally automate the versioning on your js / css so you bypass the sticky cache when you update your add-in
I am building an add-on for Microsoft Excel. I would like to see a notification popping up displaying name of the company whenever the add-on is added to MS Excel.
I tried using xlcAlert, But it demands user interaction (The user needs to click "OK").
I would like to use some banner, which comes for a second or two and then banishes away.
Please guide for the same.
How about a form which loads when the add-in does, and then unloads after a set interval?