Deploying Google Cloud SQL Server to Heroku - node.js

I am trying to deploy with Google Cloud SQL Server as my database. I currently have it working using Google Cloud SQL proxy locally. But obviously to deploy to heroku I cannot do this.
Below is someone that says they have a solution to this problem.
I was able to run their solution, but now I am having a different issue. I am getting this error from heroku when trying to connect to the database:
Before I was getting an ENNOENT error so this is a good sign, but how could I possibly fix this error?

It sounds like something is wrong with the proxy being run in the buildpack. Is it possible to provide logs from it so we can help you further?


PERN stack deploying to Railway

Hi I've just finished a PERN project that I want to deploying using Railway, should be very easy according the people on the internet.
But I'm just so lost even to begin, I tried connecting to my Github, and I run into a an error already.
Then I wanted to try deploy my local postgres db first, so I set up the postgres db on railway, got the config pages and change my local postgres config to match railway...and then I'm lost
I tried searching on Youtuber and google, but it seems most people are either migrating from heroku, using django, or just not really showing how to deploy from beginning to end.
So I'm here looking for help to see if anyone could guide me to the right place (article or video) that actually shows or teaches how to deploy PERN stack to railway from step 1, which is after finishing the project locally.
A bit more info about the stack I'm using...
react 18
postgresql 14
node 16
BTW, I don't know if this is way I run into the first issue with Nixpacks, but I have my client (react) folder and server (express + postgres db) folder inside a project folder.
Thank you all so much, I appreciate all the help.

Internal server error deployment on Azure - node.js and Vue.js

I have been looking all over the internet for two weeks now and I have no clue what is happening.
I have an app running on a node.js server. The app uses the Vue.js framework and Vuetify.js, so I don't have a "traditional" js server. The website works perfectly on local, but every time I try and deploy it on an Azure (Windows) web application (per request from the company I am developing for), the only thing that is displayed is this: " The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred. ".
I did set the Azure Web App to use node.js as instructed on the official documentation.
According to my searches, it is probably a problem with my web.config file, but I can't seem to solve it, so would be really happy if someone could help me out here.
What I have tried so far:
multiple versions of the Web.config file
opening the 443 and 80 port on the Azure Web App to rule out any kind of conflict there
moving around my Vue classes to try and solve a problem there
making the front end in HTML files and in Vue files. Right now it is back into Vue files
I can't seem to find what else to try and would be really grateful if anyone had a solution!
I can add my web.config here if needed
Thanks in advance!

Error when publishing something with ninject?

I'm getting an error when i publish my website to azure. I don't get any errors when i run my site on localhost.
This is the error i get. I'm having troubles to find out whats really wrong.
Please help me to push me in the right direction to solve this error.
It could be many things. Are you loading your ninject container configuration from an external file? If so, is this file being deployed to Azure? That could explain why it works locally, but not in the cloud.

Deploying Sails to a standard web server (Windows)?

Today I discovered Sails and have been watching a few tutorials. One thing I can't seem to work and find out is how to deploy it to a standard web server, like for example via an FTP client. I've seen the tutorial on how to deploy it to a Heroku account, but this isn't really what I'm after, as we already rent a Windows 2012 server.
I've got a feeling I'm completely missing something here, so can someone please help me out :)
Many thanks
You can transfer all files via FTP to your Webserver (include all node-modules).
But you have to make sure NodeJS is installed on your server. Than login into your Server (e.g. via SSH) and start your Sails-App (node app.js)

With Windows Azure, can I deploy a node.js server using Dropbox?

There are several tutorials on Azure showing how to deploy a node.js server using git. Azure has a nifty feature where you can link a Dropbox folder to an Azure web site for very simple deployments. Works awesome for websites, but I was hoping it might work for node.js deployments as well.
It doesn't seem to work- the deployment process goes fine, but navigating to the URL of the node.js deployment produces this error:
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
Anyone know if it's possible to deploy a node.js server to Windows Azure via Dropbox?
Many thanks-
Just ran through the deployment logs and found this line:
The package.json file is not present.
The node.js application will run with the default node.js version 0.6.20.
Perhaps that it explains my problem?
from the console and folder type "npm init" to generate package.json
