I have a simple question,
Is it possible to track a user using their userID in Flurry?
I know I can user setUserID in my event but is it possible to see all the events from a user say abc#xyz.com has gone through?
Currently, I can see it as Following For User 036(is there a way to find the same using userID):
No, it is not possible to filter on a single user ID in User Journeys
This is the my web-app "User Settings" page.
I have simplified it to a minimum to better highlight the problem.
To authenticate users I use Auth0, I wanted to use the sub claim user_id to identify the users inside my MySQL database for update and retrieve user's info. Unfortunately the user_id is different for each provider, for example, if the same user with the same e-mail logs-in via Auth0 he gets a user_id if he does it via google he gets another one.
I thought about using email to link logged user to his info.
The problem is in my API. Before the change it was "localhost: 8080 / api / users /: id"
each time it created a new id and in any case it was impossible to recover the data of the single user. Now that I have replaced "id" with "email" my API has also changed in "localhost: 8080 / api / users /: johnsmith#xxx.com".
In a few words, the request url on the client side has also changed.
I would like to make sure that the GET and PUT requests are made based on the e-mail of the logged user without going to modify the whole back-end.
Sounds like something is wrong with how you authenticate users. If you have multiple ways to authenticate a user, those methods need to be in a one to many relation with the user. For example each user has a list of auth-methods, and whenever an authentication is made you check your table of authentication methods and find the one user it maps to.
Im not sure if you are doing this yourself or if the framework you are using is handling that, but it sounds like you need to change the model to allow many Auth methods for a single account.
Also you could use email, but that is also an "old" way of uniquely identifying users almost every single person has multiple active email accounts nowadays, so you should also have a one-to-many relation for users to emails. What if the user has different email accounts for their Facebook and Google accounts?
See account linking here: https://auth0.com/docs/users/user-account-linking
It is dangerous to trust that the external providers are truthful about what email belongs to who. What if I open a new account using someone else's email on one of the providers? Then I can log into that users account in your application, which is a pretty big security risk.
I set the userId for my users and I saw this parameter in debug console for my test devices. but users do not have this field in their user journey
Correct, at this time User Journeys do not show user IDs.
I am using the next endpoint https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users to get all users in my azure tenant but it is not showing all information about the users, it doesnt show information as: creation date, last login date, password last change date and others.
How can I get the information required?
Thanks in advance.
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users api only lists the basic properties. If you need to get the other properties, you need to use $select to get them.
All the available user properties are listed here.
Unfortunately, you cannot get all this info from the one API call and some of them you cannot get at all. For example, last login info you can get from auditLogs endpoint or using select field modification from user API:
All field that you can extract from user API you can find here.
For extracting information about some of users activities you can use directoryAudit call, but I'm not sure that you can extract last password change from it.
I want to set up 3 things for my user authentication system running on Passport / Neo4J:
1) Manual user account activation (so that admin does it);
2) Invite-only account creation;
3) E-mail confirmation of account before activation;
I was wondering if you knew of any easy-to-use Passport plugins for it (I haven't found any myself, but also want your recommendations) and also – what would be the best way to implement it (maybe you've already done / seen it, so you could share the code?)
Thank you!
Disclosure: I have never worked with Neo4j, so I am unaware of the specifics but I would accomplish this in the following way:
You can write up some simple queries that insert a users information(ex. username, password, email etc.) to your database upon registration. Then, send the user an email using something like nodemailer in which it states that he has been registered and is awaiting confirmation.
Among the user information that you have stored you should have a column where you store the account status(verified or not verified). You can then write up a small webpage for retrieving all the accounts from your database where verified=false, and confirm the ones that you want by setting verified to true, after which the user would receive an email the user telling him that he can now use your service.
As for invite-only registration, I would have a special table with "registration codes" that would be generated and inserted into that table when a user invites someone. The one who was invited would then receive a link with the code, and upon clicking it the server would check if the code exists in the database, and if it does would allow the user to create an account.
I realize that this is a broad answer, but there are many ways to accomplish what you're looking for!
Someone was having a go at it with Drawbridge, but the build is failing...https://www.npmjs.org/package/drawbridge
I'm Looking for the same thing.
I am working on an iphone app which uses instagram API..and I would like to know the following things..Is it possible to get data from instagram without user logging?If so, what type of data would be retrieved from it?Is it possible to access data of a specified user?Or is it only possible using social networking sites like facebook,tumblr etc?
Yes, with a valid client id, you can fetch user information for a specific user id. Information available includes name, bio, website, and profile picture. You can also return multiple users' data using the search endpoint.
Take a look at the User Endpoints documented here: http://instagr.am/developer/endpoints/users/
I also suggest reading Do you need to authenticate? section here: http://instagr.am/developer/authentication/
NOTE: by providing a client id instead of a valid user token, you are counting against your own application's 5000 calls per-hour limit. If you plan on having a large user page, you would need to authenticate each user to avoid this limit.