WebSocket: Handle multiple connections for separate client apps - node.js

I would like to know how to best create multiple WebSocket connections for separate client applications. For example let's say I have one client app called 'racing game' and another app called 'football game', and these two games require entirely different JSON data. Would it be best to create new WebSocket instances for each game:
const SocketServer = require('ws').Server;
new SocketServer({ server, path: '/racing' });
new SocketServer({ server, path: '/football' });
Or would this create unnecessary overhead? Should I just create one WebSocket instance and handle messages from separate client apps in the 'message' callback?
ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
let messageJSON = JSON.parse(message);
if(messageJSON.game == 'racing') {
// run this code
} else if (messageJSON.game == 'football') {
// run that code


Websocket + Redis: multiple channels, specific subscriptions/publishing

I'm new to websockets, and am wondering how best to go about this.
My scenario: I have a server that handles different classes of users. For this example, let's say the classes are "mice", "cats", and "dogs"
Each of those classes should have their own channels to listen to for changes e.g. "mice-feed", "cat-feed", and "dog-feed"
My question is: after the server authenticates and determines the class of the current user, what's the best way to have them subscribed to a specific channel, or channel(s), so that when I broadcast messages to said channel(s), I can make sure that only members of particular classes get them (as against everyone currently connected to that server)?
My current code setup looks like this:
var ws = require('ws');
var redis = require('redis');
/* LOCATION 1 */
// prep redis, for websocket channels
var pub = redis.createClient();
var sub = redis.createClient();
// subscribe to our channels
// declare the server
const wsServer = new ws.Server({
noServer: true,
path: "/",
/* ... removing some code for brevity... */
wsServer.on("connection", function connection(websocketConnection, connectionRequest) {
/* LOCATION 2 */
Do I put the redis declarations in LOCATION 1 (where it currently is), or in LOCATION 2 (when a successful connection is established)? Or neither of the above?
(also: I know it's possible to do this on the websocket end directly i.e. iterate through every client and ws.send if some criterion is matched, but iteration can become costly, and I'm wondering if I can do it on a redis-channel wide operation instead)
If I were building this, my first approach would be this:
// connect to Redis
const client = createClient();
client.on('error', (err) => console.log('Redis Client Error', err));
await client.connect();
// declare the server
const wsServer = new ws.Server(...elided...);
// handle connection
wsServer.on('connection', async (websocketConnection, connectionRequest) => {
const sub = client.duplicate()
// figure out the feed
const feed = 'animal-feed';
await sub.subscribe(feed, message => {
...do stuff...
It's pretty straightforward but would result in ever user having a dedicated connect to Redis. That may or may not matter depending on how many users you anticipate having.

Adding a user to a room connected to a different server with Node, SocketIO and Redis

I am working on writing server-side code in node.js for a swift based iOS application. Currently, the code works when running it on one EC2 instance, but I am working on setting up a network load balancer so that it can more appropriately scale with incoming user traffic. I decided that the easiest way to achieve this is to use the redis adapter. So now, my server.js file includes:
const app = new Koa();
const server = http.createServer(app.callback));
const io = require('socket.io')(server);
const redisAdapter = require('socket.io-redis');
io.adapter({ host: 'my-elasticache-redis-endpoint', port: 6379 })
Based on the documentation, this seemed like the only step that was necessary from a code standpoint to get redis actually working in the project, but I may be missing something. From an architecture perspective, I enabled sticky sessions on the target group and set up two servers, both running this code. In addition, if I print out the socket io information, I can see that it has adequately connected to the redis endpoint.
The issue is as follows. Lets say I have two people, Person A and Person B, each connected to different servers. The application is supposed to function like so:
Person A adds person B to a socket room. Then the server emits an event to everyone in that room saying that person B has joined, so the front end can respond accordingly.
This is done through the following function:
protected async r_joinRoom(game: GameEntity, player: PlayerEntity): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
let socket: any;
socket = this._io.sockets.connected[player.socket_id];
if (!socket) {
socket = this._socket;
socket.join(`game/${game.id}`, (err: any) => {
if (err) {
return rej(new GameError(`Unable to join the room=${game.id}.\n${err}`));
The premise here is that Person B is a player, and as a player, he has an associated socket id that the server is keeping track of. I believe the issue, however, is that socket = this._io.sockets.connected[player.socket_id]; Does not find the connected player, because he is technically connected to a different server. Printing out the socket shows it as null, and if I subsequently have that exact same function run on the server player B is connected to, he joins the room no problem. Therefore, when the emitted events takes place following 'adding' person B to the room, only person A's phone gets the event, and not B. So is this an issue with my Redis setup? Or is there a way to get all the connected clients to any of the servers running the node.js app?
I ended up answering my own question. When you add to the room, you have to do it directly from the adapter. From the documentation, that means I would switch socket.join... to
io.of('/').adapter.remoteJoin('<my-id>', 'room1', (err) => {
if (err) { /* unknown id */ }
// success
using that remoteJoin function worked off the bat

Socket IO Server Clusters working with Redis Pub/Sub

So firstly, I have built a microservice that fetches Football API, and thru pub/sub system of redis, it publishes any changes if there are any for livescores.
Now my server, with sockets and routes, will be in cluster mode. I already set this up with socketio-redis. Here is a snippet of this set up:
const io = require('socket.io')();
const sRedis = require('socket.io-redis');
const adapter = sRedis({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379 });
const { promisify } = require('util');
const Redis = require('ioredis');
const redis = new Redis();
const ioa = io.of('/').adapter;
ioa.clients = promisify(ioa.clients);
ioa.clientRooms = promisify(ioa.clientRooms);
ioa.remoteJoin = promisify(ioa.remoteJoin);
ioa.remoteLeave = promisify(ioa.remoteLeave);
ioa.allRooms = promisify(ioa.allRooms);
// notice this listener
redis.on('message', (channel, message) => {
io.emit('livescore', message);
io.on('connect', async (socket) => {
socket.clientRooms = () => ioa.clientRooms(socket.id);
socket.remoteJoin = (room) => ioa.remoteJoin(socket.id, room);
socket.remoteLeave = (room) => ioa.remoteLeave(socket.id, room);
socket.remoteDisconnect = () => ioa.remoteDisconnect(socket.id);
socket.on('join room', async (id) => {
await socket.remoteJoin(id);
socket.emit('join room', `You have joined room ${id}`)
socket.broadcast.emit('join room', `${socket.id} has joined.`)
socket.on('leave room', (id) => {
module.exports = io;
So, if I run single instance of this node app, everything works perfectly.
But if I run it in cluster mode, let's say there are 4 clusters (I'm running cluster mode with pm2), the following happens:
Microservice publishes event.
Each cluster has a subscription on 'livescore' channel
Each cluster does io.emit() (to all clients)
Client get 4 same events at almost same time.
I figured out why the client gets 4 same events, but I wanna know what is the right way of handling this?
My only thought on solution is that I only do redis sub on one cluster, and publish everything from that one, but I fear that would be too much job for one cluster?
Any ideas?
There are probably multiple solutions to fix it, you could for example:
Use a message queue instead of pub/sub
Depending on the number of processing, you probably only want one node it process the message. A pub/sub is not what you want in that case. You could for example store your messages in a list and use the LPOP command to get and delete a message. Then you could say the "first one catches it" - this way only one of your servers will do the work, but a random one basically.
You could also use a distinct message queue like RabbitMQ, SQS, etc.
Use socket.io-emitter to send messages
Since you're using socket.io-redis anyway, your messages get distributed to your nodes. There's a project which is part of socket.io-redis, it's called socket.io-emitter. That can be used to send messages to all your nodes without being one itself. When you implement that in your worker microservice (the one that writes the message to "livescore" at the moment), you can send messages directly to your clients.
That might not work if you need to process the messages in your node app though.

how do i send a message to a specific user in ws library?

I'm exploring different websocket library for self-learning and I found that this library is really amazing ws-node. I'm building a basic 1 on 1 chat in ws-node library
My question is what is the equivalent of socket.io function which is socket.to().emit() in ws? because i want to send a message to a specific user.
Frontend - socket.io
socket.emit("message", { message: "my name is dragon", userID: "123"});
Serverside - socket.io
// listening on Message sent by users
socket.on("message", (data) => {
// Send to a specific user for 1 on 1 chat
WS - backend
const express = require('express');
const http = require('http');
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const express = require('express');
const http = require('http');
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const app = express();
const server = http.createServer(app);
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ server });
wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
ws.on('message', (data) => {
\\ I can't give it a extra parameter so that I can listen on the client side, and how do I send to a specific user?
ws.send(`Hello, you sent -> ${data.message}`);
Honestly, the best approach is to abstract away the WebSocket using a pub/sub service.
The issue with client<=(server)=>client communication using WebSockets is that client connections are specific to the process (and machine) that "owns" the connection.
The moment your application expands beyond a single process (i.e., due to horizontal scaling requirements), the WebSocket "collection" becomes irrelevant at best. The array / dictionary in which you stored all your WebSocket connections now only stores some of the connections.
To correct approach would be to use a pub/sub approach, perhaps using something similar to Redis.
This allows every User to "subscribe" to a private "channel" (or "subject"). Users can subscribe to more than one "channel" (for example, a global notification channel).
To send a private message, another user "publishes" to that private "channel" - and that's it.
The pub/sub service routes the messages from the "channels" to the correct subscribers - even if they don't share the same process or the same machine.
This allows a client connected to your server in Germany to send a private message to a client connected to your server in Oregon (USA) without anyone being worried about the identity of the server / process that "owns" the connection.
There isn't an equivalent method. socket.io comes with a lot of helpers and functionalities, that will make your life easier, such as rooms, events...
socket.io is a realtime application framework, while ws is just a WebSocket client.
You will need to make your custom wrapper:
const sockets = {};
function to(user, data) {
if(sockets[user] && sockets[user].readyState === WebSocket.OPEN)
wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
const userId = getUserIdSomehow(ws);
sockets[userId] = ws;
ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
// Or get user in here
ws.on('close', function incoming(message) {
delete sockets[userId];
And then use it like this:
to('userId', 'some data');
In my opinion, if you seek that functionality, you should use socket.io. Which it's easy to integrate, has a lot of support, and have client libraries for multiple languages.
If your front-end uses socket.io you must use it on the server too.

Node JS Express JS Client / Server game

I'm writing a two player card game, (say it's regular poker for simplicity) in Node.js and Express js. There's a couple of things I'm having trouble with. First, how do I make sure that there are only 2 players that can access an instance of the game, and is it possible to have them reconnect if they lose the connection? Second, how do send a message from the server to the client? I can send it within the "socket.on" listener call, but within the normal scope of the program I can't get it to work.
var socket = io.listen(app);
socket.on('connection', function(client){
if(player <= 2) {
var messageout = "player " + player + " connected";
client.on('message', function(data){console.log(data); })
client.on('disconnect', function(){console.log('disconnected');})
else {
I'm having trouble conceptually what's going on here and how to approach the problem. For example, do I do it all with sockets? Or do I return a web page with the updated state of the game (cards, bets, etc.) every turn?
First, how do I make sure that there
are only 2 players that can access an
instance of the game?
Create an array of instance objects.
When a new player joins either create a new instance and set them as player1, or add them to an existing instance as player two.
var instances = [];
function Instance () {
return {
name = 'game' + instances.length + 1,
gameVariables = defaults,
player1 = null,
player2 = null,
player1UUID = UUID(),
player2UUID = UUID()
Is it possible to have them reconnect
if they lose the connection?
If you send each player a UUID when they initially connect you can have them use it to authenticate when they reconnect.
How do I send a message from the
server to the client?
client.send({ gameState: gameState() });
of if you've saved the client into an object: instances[ 'game1' ].player1.send( data );
I do it all with sockets?
I would deal with all dynamic interactions with web sockets.
Do I return a web page with the updated state of the game (cards, bets, etc.) every turn?
I wouldn't send html over web sockets. Instead send json and use a client side template to render it.
Try now.
// server
var nowjs = require("now")
var everyone = nowjs.initialize(app);
everyone.connected(function() {
if (users.length < 2) {
everyone.now.sendMessage = function(message, cb) {
users.forEach(function(user) {
$("#action").click(function() {
now.update = function(data) {
// update UI
