Determine the optimal number of biclusters - scikit-learn

I have recently performed K-means biclustering on a matrix of absolute correlation coefficient values. However, the biclustering algorithm requires the number of biclusters (k) to be defined as an input. Is there any good method to determine the optimal number of biclusters(k)?
I know from before that many use a silhouette score to estimate the optimal number of clusters but I have only heard that people have used it when performing hierachical clustering. Can the silhouette score also be applied to biclusters as well? Is there any other method to define an optimal number of biclusters? Could a mean squared residue score be used for this?
The biclustering algorithm generated biclusters along the diagonal such that a row or column will never belong to more than one bicluster.


How can r-squared be negative when the correlation between prediction and truth is positive?

Trying to understand how the r-squared (and also explained variance) metrics can be negative (thus indicating non-existant forecasting power) when at the same time the correlation factor between prediction and truth (as well as slope in a linear-regression (regressing truth on prediction)) are positive
R Squared can be negative in a rare scenario.
R squared = 1 – (SSR/SST)
Here, SST stands for Sum of Squared Total which is nothing but how much does the predicted points get varies from the mean of the target variable. Mean is nothing but a regression line here.
SST = Sum (Square (Each data point- Mean of the target variable))
For example,
If we want to build a regression model to predict height of a student with weight as the independent variable then a possible prediction without much effort is to calculate the mean height of all current students and consider it as the prediction.
In the above diagram, red line is the regression line which is nothing but the mean of all heights. This mean calculated without much effort and can be considered as one of the worst method of prediction with poor accuracy. In the diagram itself we can see that the prediction is nowhere near to the original data points.
Now come to SSR,
SSR stands for Sum of Squared Residuals. This residual is calculated from the model which we build from our mathematical approach (Linear regression, Bayesian regression, Polynomial regression or any other approach). If we use a sophisticated approach rather than using a naive approach like mean then our accuracy will obviously increase.
SSR = Sum (Square (Each data point - Each corresponding data point in the regression line))
In the above diagram, let's consider that the blue line indicates a sophisticated model with large mathematical analysis. We can see that it has obviously higher accuracy than the red line.
Now come to the formula,
R Squared = 1- (SSR/SST)
SST will be large number because it a very poor model (red line).
SSR will be a small number because it is the best model we developed
after much mathematical analysis (blue line).
So, SSR/SST will be a very small number (It will become very small
whenever SSR decreases).
So, 1- (SSR/SST) will be large number.
So we can infer that whenever R Squared goes higher, it means the
model is too good.
This is a generic case but this cannot be applied in many cases where multiple independent variables are present. In the example, we had only one independent variable and one target variable but in real case, we will have 100's of independent variables for a single dependent variable. The actual problem is that, out of 100's of independent variables-
Some variables will have very high correlation with target variable.
Some variables will have very small correlation with target variable.
Also some independent variables will have no correlation at all.
So, RSquared is calculated on an assumption that the average line of the target which is perpendicular line of y axis is the worst fit a model can have at a maximum riskiest case. SST is the squared difference between this average line and original data points. Similarly, SSR is the squared difference between the predicted data points (by the model plane) and original data points.
SSR/SST gives a ratio how SSR is worst with respect to SST. If your model can somewhat build a plane which is a comparatively good than the worst, then in 99% cases SSR<SST. It eventually makes R squared as positive if you substitute it in the equation.
But what if SSR>SST ? This means that your regression plane is worse than the mean line (SST). In this case, R squared will be obviously negative. But it happens only at 1% of cases or smaller.
Answer was originally written in quora by me -

Find top K cosine similar vectors to a given vector efficiently

The problem:
Suppose I have a group of around 1,000,000 short documents D (no more than 50 words each), and I want to let users to supply a document from the same group D, and and get the top K similar documents from D.
My approach:
My first approach was to preprocess the group D by applying simple tf-idf, and after I have vector for each document, which is extremely sparse, to use a simple nearest neighbours algorithm based on cosine similarity.
Then, on query time, to justuse my static nearest neighbours table which its size is 1,000,000 x K, without any further calculations.
After applying tf-idf, I got vectors in size ~200,000, which means now I have a very sparse table (that can be stored efficiently in memory using sparse vectors) in size 1,000,000 x 200,000.
However, calculating the nearest neighbours model took me more than one day, and still haven't finished.
I tried to lower the vectors dimension by applying HashingTF, that utilizes the hasing trick, instead, so I can set the dimension to a constant one (in my case, i used 2^13 for uninfied hashing), but still I get the same bad performance.
Some technical information:
I use Spark 2.0 for the tf-idf calculation, and sklearn NearestNeighbours on the collected data.
Is thier any more efficient way to achieve that goal?
Thanks in advance.
I had an idea to try a LSH based approximation similarity algorithm like those implemented in spark as described here, but could not find one that supports the 'cosine' similarity metric.
There were some requirements for the algorithm on the relation between training instances and the dimensions of your vectors , but you can try DIMSUM.
You can find the paper here.

Using scipy.stats.entropy on gmm.predict_proba() values

Background so I don't throw out an XY problem -- I'm trying to check the goodness of fit of a GMM because I want statistical back-up for why I'm choosing the number of clusters I've chosen to group these samples. I'm checking AIC, BIC, entropy, and root mean squared error. This question is about entropy.
I've used kmeans to cluster a bunch of samples, and I want an entropy greater than 0.9 (stats and psychology are not my expertise and this problem is both). I have 59 samples; each sample has 3 features in it. I look for the best covariance type via
for cv_type in cv_types:
for n_components in n_components_range:
# Fit a Gaussian mixture with EM
gmm = mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=n_components,
where the n_components_range is just [2] (later I'll check 2 through 5).
Then I take the GMM with the lowest AIC or BIC, saved as best_eitherAB, (not shown) of the four. I want to see if the label assignments of the predictions are stable across time (I want to run for 1000 iterations), so I know I then need to calculate the entropy, which needs class assignment probabilities. So I predict the probabilities of the class assignment via gmm's method,
probabilities = best_eitherAB.predict_proba(data3)
After all the iterations, I have an array of 1000 arrays, each contains 59 rows (sample size) by 2 columns (for the 2 classes). Each inner row of two sums to 1 to make the probability.
Now, I'm not entirely sure what to do regarding the entropy. I can just feed the whole thing into scipy.stats.entropy,
entr = scipy.stats.entropy(all_probabilities)
and it spits out numbers - as many samples as I have, I get a 2 item numpy matrix for each. I could feed just one of the 1000 tests in and just get 1 small matrix of two items; or I could feed in just a single column and get a single values back. But I don't know what this is, and the numbers are between 1 and 3.
So my questions are -- am I totally misunderstanding how I can use scipy.stats.entropy to calculate the stability of my classes? If I'm not, what's the best way to find a single number entropy that tells me how good my model selection is?

Using trainImplicit for a Recommendation system

Lets say I have a database with users buying products(There are no ratings or something similar) and I want to recommend others products for them. I am using ATL.trainImplicit where the training data has the following format:
[Rating(user=2, product=23053, rating=1.0),
Rating(user=2, product=2078, rating=1.0),
Rating(user=3, product=23, rating=1.0)]
So all the ratings in the training dataset is always 1.
Is it normal that the predictions ratings gave min value -0.6 and max rating 1.85? I would expect something between 0 and 1.
Yes, it is normal. The implicit version of ALS essentially tries to reconstruct a binary preference matrix P (rather than a matrix of explicit ratings, R). In this case, the "ratings" are treated as confidence levels - higher ratings equals higher confidence that the binary preference p(ij) should be reconstructed as 1 instead of 0.
However, ALS essentially solves a (weighted) least squares regression problem to find the user and item factor matrices that reconstruct matrix P. So the predicted values are not guaranteed to be in the range [0, 1] (though in practice they are usually close to that range). It's enough to interpret the predictions as "opaque" values where higher values equate to greater likelihood that the user might purchase that product. That's enough for sorting recommended products by predicted score.
(Note item-item or user-user similarities are typically computed using cosine similarity between the factor vectors, so these scores will lie in [-1, 1]. That computation is not directly available in Spark but can be done yourself).

A method to find the inconsistency or variation in the data

I am running an experiment (it's an image processing experiment) in which I have a set of paper samples and each sample has a set of lines. For each line in the paper sample, its strength is calculated which is denoted by say 's'. For a given paper sample I have to find the variation amongst the strength values 's'. If the variation is above a certain limit, we have to discard that paper.
1) I started with the Standard Deviation of the values, but the problem I am facing is that for each sample, order of magnitude for s (because of various properties of line like its length, sharpness, darkness etc) might differ and also the calculated Standard Deviations values are also differing a lot in magnitude. So I can't really use this method for different samples.
Is there any way where I can find that suitable limit which can be applicable for all samples.
I am thinking that since I don't have any history of how the strength value should behave,( for a given sample depending on the order of magnitude of the strength value more variation could be tolerated in that sample whereas because the magnitude is less in another sample, there should be less variation in that sample) I first need to find a way of baselining the variation in different samples. I don't know what approaches I could try to get started.
Please note that I have to tell variation between lines within a sample whereas the limit should be applicable for any good sample.
Please help me out.
You seem to have a set of samples. Then, for each sample you want to do two things: 1) compute a descriptive metric and 2) perform outlier detection. Both of these are vast subjects that require some knowledge of the phenomenology and statistics of the underlying problem. However, below are some ideas to get you going.
Compute a metric
Median Absolute Deviation. If your sample strength s has values that can jump by an order of magnitude across a sample then it is understandable that the standard deviation was not a good metric. The standard deviation is notoriously sensitive to outliers. So, try a more robust estimate of dispersion in your data. For example, the MAD estimate uses the median in the underlying computations which is more robust to a large spread in the numbers.
Robust measures of scale. Read up on other robust measures like the Interquartile range.
Perform outlier detection
Thresholding. This is similar to what you are already doing. However, you have to choose a suitable threshold for the metric computed above. You might consider using another robust metric for thresholding the metric. You can compute a robust estimate of their mean (e.g., the median) and a robust estimate of their standard deviation (e.g., 1.4826 * MAD). Then identify outliers as metric values above some number of robust standard deviations above the robust mean.
Histogram Another simple method is to histogram your computed metrics from step #1. This is non-parametric so it doesn't require you to model your data. If can histogram your metric values and then use the top 1% (or some other value) as your threshold limit.
Triangle Method A neat and simple heuristic for thresholding is the triangle method to perform binary classification of a skewed distribution.
Anomaly detection Read up on other outlier detection methods.
