HTML Edit preview in vertical landscape in Komodo Edit - komodo

I'm trying out different text editor for HTML coding. I want an editor with a preview mode instead of having to open it in a browser every time. I have tried Atom but my preview package is acting bugging and only moves left but cannot move to the right.
I found out that Komodo Edit 11.1 does a preview but right now it is only showing it in a horizontal preview. How do I make a vertical preview as shown below? (This is from
Here is what my Komodo Editor looks like now.

I have found the answer. To my own question. If you guys are looking for the same thing. Here is what you do.
Right-click at the top of the editor and click on "Show Menubar"
Hover your mouse over View and navigate down to "Rotate Split View"


Blank Developer in Visual Basic Editor

Hey there, so I am trying self-teach VBA and I clicked some button on my developer window which caused a grey screen (see screen shot above). How do I restore my developer tab to the way it should be?
You can try opening the project window to see the sheets that are available, it's the 4th button to the right of the play button on the top tool bar. You may also try Cmd+R.

Android Studio - view both Text and Design preview of layout

In Android Studio, how can I view both the text and design preview of an XML layout side by side.
I could see it by default when I installed Studio, but now that is gone,
and I'm not sure why. I can only see or the other.
How do I re-enable it?
Open your [whatever].xml. At the bottom you'll see Design and Text. Select Text. If you still can't see the actual layout, only xml, then select "Preview" which is located at the right of the window, between Gradle and Maven Projects.
Click on preview while text is selected.
At first, select your desired .xml layout from the Project tab then use Code, Split and Design buttons to switch between the views. (Android Studio 3.6)
Code - Display only XML part
Split- Display XML and design both
Design- Only design part
It appears that in Android 3.6.1, the buttons to select Design, Split, or Code have been placed in the upper right of the XML layout screen.
Select any one from the top right options to change the view of your Code and Design
You can split the tab by right-clicking on the tab and selecting either Split Horizontally or Split Vertically. Then, you can select the Design tab on one and the Text tab on the other.

Android studio - preview when editing text has disappered

When I first started using AS I really liked the edit layout feature. I like the way it shows you a preview on the right of the screen when you are editing the XML.
This seems to have disappeared - how do I turn it back on? It's not a show stopper, but it was a nice feature.
The previewer is way better than the clunky Eclipse one.
There should be a tab called "Preview" on the right side of the screen.
If you can't see this then click the little square on the bottom left of the screen and it will appear.

How re-enable design palette in Android Studio

I recently made the switch to Android Studio as my default IDE for Android development. When designing my UI I normally use the palette in the design view to assist in arranging the widget on the preview screen.Recently something weird happened, It just disappeared and I can't seem to re-enable it. Normally I would see the little Palette button on the side but now its gone. When I open another project I see the palette but not show this current project I'm working on.
When I open another project in Android Studio I see the palette tab.
I've just figured this out! If you double click on your .xml file tab at the top it will maximize the designer window. Then on the left you can drag the window to shrink and it will reveal the palette. Then just click on the tab on the left to open the project window.
try the Design/Text tabs in the lower left of the layout window
The palette can be shrunk to 0 width. This can be expanded by hovering next to the left edge of the design window, and finding the right-most expand position.
If you have only the designer and the properties showing and the Properties is on the right, you can get the palette back by switching to a left or right view.
Right click on the .xml file tab. Select "split vertically". This will open another Design that shows the palette again.
Android Studio 2.3.3, and the answer I was looking for:
Window -> Restore Default Layout (Shift+F12)
First Close All The Tabs Then Open res->layout->activity_main.xml
you will able to see design tab at activity_main.xml
Try to switch between Design/Text tabs at the bottom left of the editor.
You must have something in the layout resource highlighted. I also had to compile without an error.
My solution was traversing
then open content_main.xml
You have to be in the 'Design' tab (as opposed to the 'Text' tab) at the bottom of the middle window (the one that shows the phone).

What is this "pull down" icon in Visual Studio 2012 text editor used for?

The icon below shows at the top of the vertical scrollbar in Visual Studio 2012's text editor. When I drag it down, another page shows behind the current visible page. It looks like a copy of it. (I am using dark theme)
What is it used for? I don't know what the feature is called, therefore I couldn't search for it. I am not sure if it's native to VS 2012 or it's from one of the VS add-ons I am using.
Sometimes the icon disappears. Why?
It's for split viewing of a file. So you can view part of the file and edit another part.
It's a common feature in advanced text editors.
