Netsuite Invoice and Item Fulfillment - netsuite

After surfing the web for more than 3 months, most of the problems that will face NetSuite users are related to Item Fulfillment. I want to know what is the relation between the Invoice and Item Fulfillment.
Invoice will not be created until we fulfill the order, so, there must be a relation between Invoice & IF.
But unfortunately, I cannot get at least Item Fulfillment Order #.
Our Customers are asking to include the Number in the Invoice, but, there is no relation between the 2 records unless one field which is (created from) and this field is getting the Sales Order Number and it is useless to us, since we may issue from one sales order many Item Fulfillment Transactions.
Could anyone suggest any help or hint on how to reach Item Fulfillment # from Invoice Record?
Thanks a lot

There is no system link between an Invoice and an Item Fulfillment.
Sales Orders are linked to one or more Item Fulfillments, and one or more Invoices, but as far as NetSuite is concerned there is nothing connecting any specific fulfillment to any specific invoice. In fact you could have products from multiple fulfillments that are invoiced together, or vice versa, a single fulfillment with multiple invoices.
If you want to store a link between the two documents you would need to customize this yourself using scripting and a custom field.

functionally it is possible only if the policy goes by One SO-One IF-One Inv.
Else you may need to look for scripting.


Netsuite Sales orders suddenly have an additional step (complete) when done through CSV import

I am updating my company's system so that it supports dropshipping items. Ever since I switched to this type of item it asks me to complete the order after I approved it. what is it that I am missing so that I can skip this step altogether, is it even possible to skip the step, or to complete multiple orders at the same time (like how you can approve multiple orders)?
It bears mentioning the Company operates in Mexico.
the steps I take are as follow:
I create and save a sales order, that is, I put in the client, the document and reference number, and the item, as well as a couple of custom fields
the next screen asks me to approve the order, I do it and it creates the matching purchase order
then instead of being able to invoice, I first have to "complete" which takes me to an order fulfillment form
I save that and the order can be invoiced.
Ideally, after approval, I would just be able to invoice
Generally a sales order is not invoicable until it's been fulfilled.
You can override that at a whole account level by going to
Setup -> Accounting -> Accounting Preferences
Order Management tab
scroll to Invoicing
check 'Invoice in Advance of Fulfillment'
Be aware this is a system level setting and if you used to be able to invoice before fulfillment someone else in your company may have unchecked this setting in the recent past.
Alternatively at the individual item level you can use the 'Can be fulfilled/received' checkbox to allow invoicing without fulfilling. Note that 'Can be fulfilled/received' may not be changed after an item has been ordered.
Normally (US/Canada) an order should not be invoiced until it is shipped. Customer Deposits on Sales Orders are the preferred way to handle pre-payment for GAAP etc reasons.

NetSuite NOT a Sales Team Member Saved Search

It's easy to do a saved search for when some person is a member of the sales team - how can I search for customers where a particular person is NOT a member of the sales team?
What I'm trying to do is find all the customers in a certain geographical area which do NOT have a certain person in the sales team. They all should; I know some don't, and I need a list of those ones that don't.
I don't have sales team enabled on my NetSuite account, so I can't really write it out for you. But, essentially, you could just script a customer search, and load the sales team for each customer. Then loop through the team, checking as you go. If you find the correct person, move on to the next customer, if not, log that customer to a return variable. Hope that helps...

On which context inventory gets changed in Netsuite

I have created a custom checkbox and I have to mark it to true whenever any thing is changed on the record. My problem is I do not have to use lastmodified date because lastmodified is not working as all the items are coming in search. Whenever an item is shipped, it's inventory is changed but i would like to know on which context it changes. It is possible to do with workflow. How?
Inventory change is via different record types in NetSuite, and will not be via item.
I think you will need to write User Event Script or workflow on following record types to detect all Inventory changes:
1) Item Fulfillment
2) Item Receipt
3) Item Transfer
4) Inventory Adjustment
Apart from these there are other mechanism to make an impact on inventory, I am not sure if NetSuite allows user event script or workflows on these:
1) Inventory worksheet
2) Physical Count
For the case of Item being shipped from a Sales Order an Item Fulfillment is created, so, you can deploye your workdlow or user event on Item Fulfillment in that case.
Edit: Transfer Order isn't applicable as #bknights suggested. Inventory alterations would be actually made by Item Fulfillment/Receipt records in case of Transfer Orders.

Netsuite Handle Changed Items

I wrote SuiteScript attch it to event "submit after', Apply it to Customer and it works fine, when i create or edit customer. Now I want attach this script to Item, another words when new Item create or edit. What I need to choose from "Applies To" for that? (
Short Answer
you have to select all the different item types individually (e.g. Serialized Inventory Item, Sales Tax Item etc)
Long Answer
Transaction and Items are not actual record types in Netsuite. Items is just an abstraction for the combination of different item types which is not available at every customization level. For a complete list of item types see

SharePoint Nintex Workflow Run Multiple Conditions

I was hoping you could help me. I have a calendar in SharePoint 2010 that I want to run a Nintex Workflow when the following conditions are true:
A new item is created
The "Type of Leave" field equals "Vacation". This field I created as just a category for the types of requests.
The date that the item was created for already has an entry with the "Type of Leave" field equaling "Vacation."
The use of this will be that the first person to enter vacation on a day will be automatically granted. But if more than one person enters vacation on the day that another vacation day is on, it will go through an approval process through their manager.
Here's what I've tried/reviewed:
- Using a Condition within a workflow. I can't find an option that would complete this.
- I did try looking on line searching for different solutions. I've watched some tutorials but nothing with this kind of solution was present.
- One thought I did have was to have an additional calculated column that counted how many entries for the same day with "Vacation" and then use that in a condition if the column was greater than 1 but I couldn't figure out the syntax.
This is on SharePoint 2010.
Thank you!
have you considered using the rest interface to query the list from nintex:
You can call this service from nintext using the call web service action.
Apply the filters on the url as per documentation above and count the records returned you can then include that in the nintext condition.
I am not sure if Nintext supports calls to Restfull services (from memory i think it does).
If not, you can use the Soap web service, same principle as above just the parameters to call it are slightly more complicated:
I don't think there's an need for REST. Once your workflow starts, query the list for items matching the current item booking date and put the result in a collection. You can query the collection length, and if it's >0 you can use that condition to steer the logic of your workflow.
