How can I automate logging into Linux server and running git fetch/pull on a website? - linux

Here's what I want to do:
I have a hosted website on a Linux server.
This site is pointed to a GitHub repository.
I want to be able to push changes to the repository, then be able to log into my website and click a button to have the site pull the new code in order to update itself.
Here's how I do it manually:
I created a file on the Linux server called update_site
I log into my Linux server via ssh and type .\update_site which goes to the site's directory and executes a fetch and pull
the first time it asked me to enter my login and password which I did
but since I had set git config --global credential.helper store, it never asks me again
Here's how I want to automate it:
I created a PHP file which executes the file update_site
However, since the PHP website is apparently executing code as another user, it doesn't have my credentials for GitHub
Here's my question:
How can I automate the process so that when the website executes the update_site file, my GitHub login and password are sent as well. And needless to say, how can I do this as securely as possible, i.e. without saving my GitHub password somewhere as plain text?

One possible way to do this automation is to use cron. Edit your cron record (with crontab -e command) and add line like this:
*/5 * * * * /path/to/update_site
In above line 5 mean every 5 minutes


API Log Pull via Crontab

How can I get Cloudflare WAF logs using log pull API request and send the output to a specific file ,
also I want this function to be automated using crontab so it does this automatically every 5 minutes,
does any one have the crontab script in hand?
I want this function to be automated using crontab so it does this automatically every 5 minutes

Running Cron Job on Cpanel for Node.js Project

I have an API built with Express JS and deployed on cPanel. The API has a script, let's say the endpoint looks like this:
When the URL is hit, an SQL query runs and some data is inserted to the database, and no problem with that.
What I want is to automate the process through Cron job. The URL should be hit once every hour so the query will execute and push data to the database.
I have tried with the basic settings and a command like this on cPanel but didn't work:
/usr/local/bin/php -q /home2/{domain}/api/v1/cron
Please note: The API is in subdomain, like:
I have also tried with node-cron package, but couldn't find a way how to run a script with that.
Either solution will work for me greatly.

custom commands for centos

How to create a custom command application for centos.when user login it should load and allow user to execute custom commands. Didn't find any open source app for this.
custom command :change ip
new ip:
ip changed successfully
I'm not quite sure if i understand, but i believe that if you are looking for a command that start within a user ssh connection, you can define a task in the user's .bash_profile
At the end of that, you can add a call to your own script|command and it should start immediately after the ssh login.

Create a bot that just visits my website

I have a Wordpress website automatically that gets some information from a RSS feed, posts it and then, with the help of a built-in Wordpress function, sets a custom field for that post with a name and a value. The problem is that this custom field only gets set when someone visits the published post. So, I have to visit every single new post for the custom field to be applied or to wait a visitor to do so.
I was looking forward to create a bot, web-crawler or spider that just visits all my new webpages once in an hour or whatever so the custom field gets automatically applied when the post is published.
There is any way of creating this with PHP, or other web-based language. I'm on a Mac, so I don't think that Visual Basic is a solution but I could try installing it.
You could for instance write a shell script that invokes wget (or if you don't have it, you can call curl -0 instead) and have it scheduled to run every hour, e.g. using cron.
It can be as simple as the following script:
curl -0
Assuming it's called and is set to be executable, you can then edit your crontab by typing crontab -e to schedule it. Here is a link that explains how to do that second part. You will essentially need to add this line to your crontab:
0 * * * * /path/to/.../
(It means: run the script located at /path/to/.../ every round hour.)
Note that the script would run from your computer, so it will only run when the computer is running.
crontab is a good point, also you can use curl or lynx to browse the web. They are pretty light-weighted.

standard way of setting a webserver deploy using webhooks

I am working on code for a webserver.
I am trying to use webhooks to do the following tasks, after each push to the repository:
update the code on the webserver.
restart the server to make my changes take effect.
I know how to make the revision control run the webhook.
Regardless of the specifics of which revision control etc. I am using, I would like to know what is the standard way to create a listener to the POST call from the webhook in LINUX.
I am not completely clueless - I know how to make a HTTP server in python and I can make it run the appropriate bash commands, but that seems so cumbersome. Is there a more straightforward way?
Setup a script to receive the POST request ( a PHP script would be enough )
Save the request into database and mark the request as "not yet finished"
Run a crontab and check the database for "not yet finished" tasks, and do whatever you want with the information you saved into database.
This is definately not the best solution but it works.
You could use IronWorker,, to ssh in and perform your tasks on every commit. And to kick off the IronWorker task you can use it's webhook support. Here's a blog post that shows you how to use IronWorker's webhooks functionality and the post already has half of what you want (it starts a task based on a github commit):
