Azure Data factory and Data flow taking too much time to process data from staging to Database - azure

So I have one data factory which runs every day, and it selects data from oracle on-premise database around 80M records and moves it to parquet file, which is taking around 2 hours I want to speed up this process... also the data flow process which insert and update data in db
parquet file setting
Next step is from parquet file it call the data flow which move data as upsert to database but this also taking too much time
data flow Setting
Let me know which compute type for data flow
Memory Optimized
Computed Optimized
General Purpose
After Round Robin Update
Sink Time

Can you open the monitoring detailed execution plan for the data flow? Click on each stage in your data flow and look to see where the bulk of the time is being spent. You should see on the top of the view how much time was spent setting-up the compute environment, how much time was taken to read your source, and also check the total write time on your sinks.
I have some examples of how to view and optimize this here.

Well, I would surmise that 45 min to stuff 85M files into a SQL DB is not horrible. You can break the task down into chunks and see what's taking the longest time to complete. Do you have access to Databricks? I do a lot of pre-processing with Databricks, and I have found Spark to be super-super-fast!! If you can pre-process in Databricks and push everything into your SQL world, you may have an optimal solution there.

As per the documentation - can you try modifying your partition settings under Optimize tab of your Sink ?
I faced similar issue with the default partitioning setting, where the data load was taking close to 30+ mins for 1M records itself, after changing the partition strategy to round robin and provided number of partitions as 5 (for my case) load is happening in less than a min.
Try experimenting with both Source partition ( & Sink partition settings to come up with the optimum strategy. That should improve the data load time


Differences between BigQuery BQ.insert_rows_json and BQ.load_from_json?

I want to stream data into BigQuery and I was thinking in use PubSub + Cloud Functions, since there is no transformation needed (for now, at least) and using Cloud Data Flow feels like a little bit over kill for just inserting rows to a table. I am correct?
The data is streamed from a GCP VM using a Python script into PubSub and it has the following format:
{'SEGMENT':'datetime':'2020-12-05 11:25:05.64684','values':(2568.025,2567.03)}
The BigQuery schema is datetime:timestamp, value_A: float, value_B: float.
My questions with all this are:
a) Do I need to push this into BigQuery as json/dictionary with all values as strings or it has to be with the data type of the table?
b) What's the difference between using BQ.insert_rows_json and BQ.load_table_from_json and which one should I use for this task?
What I'm trying to get is actually market data of some assets. Say around 28 instruments and capture all their ticks. On an average day, there are ~60.k ticks per instrument, so we are talking about ~33.6 M invocations per month. What is needed (for now) is to insert them in a table for further analysis. I'm currently not sure if real streaming should be performed or loads per batch. Since the project is in doing analysis yet, I don't feel that Data Flow is needed, but PubSub should be used since it allows to scale to Data Flow easier when the time comes. This is my first implementation of doing streaming pipelines and I'm using all what I've learned through courses and reading. Please, correct me if I'm having a wrong approach :).
What I would absolutely love to do is, for example, perform another insert to another table when the price difference between one tick and the n'th tick is, for example, 10. For this, should I use Data Flow or the Cloud Function approach is still valid? Because this is like a trigger condition. Basically, the trigger would be something like:
if price difference >= 10:
process all these ticks
insert the results in this table
But I'm unsure how to implement this trigger.
In addition to the great answer of Marton (Pentium10)
a) You can stream a JSON in BigQuery, a VALID json. your example isn't. About the type, there is an automatic coercion/conversion according with your schema. You can see this here
b) The load job loads file in GCS or a content that you put in the request. The batch is asynchronous and can take seconds or minutes. In addition, you are limited to 1500 load per days and per table -> 1 per minutes works (1440 minutes per day). There is several interesting aspect of the load job.
Firstly, it's free!
Your data are immediately loaded in the correct partition and immediately request-able in the partition
If the load fail, no data are inserted. So, it's easiest to replay a file without having doubled values.
At the opposite, the streaming job insert in real time the data into BigQuery. It's interesting when you have real time constraint (especially for visualisation, anomalie detections,...). But there is some bad sides
You are limited to 500k rows per seconds (in EU and US), 100k rows in other regions, and 1Gb max per seconds
The data aren't immediately in the partition, they are in a buffer name UNPARTITIONED for a while or up to have this buffer full.. So you have to take into account this specificity when you build and test your real time application.
It's not free. The cheapest region is $0.05 per Gb.
Now that you are aware of this, ask yourselves about your use case.
If you need real time (less than 2 minutes of delay), no doubt, streaming is for you.
If you have few Gb per month, streaming is also the easiest solution, for few $
If you have a huge volume of data (more than 1Gb per second), BigQuery isn't the good service, consider BigTable (that you can request with BigQuery as a federated table)
If you have an important volume of data (1 or 2Gb per minutes) and your use case required data freshness at the minute+, you can consider a special design
Create a PubSub pull subscription
Create a HTTP triggered Cloud Function (or a Cloud Run service) that pull the subscription for 1 minutes and then submit the pulled content to BigQuery as a load job (no file needed, you can post in memory content directly to BigQuery). And then exist gracefully
Create a Cloud Scheduler that trigger your service every minute.
Edit 1:
The cost shouldn't drive your use case.
If, for now, it's only for analytics, you simply imagine to trigger once per days your job to pull the full subscriptions. With your metrics: 60k metrics * 28 instruments * 100 bytes (24 + memory loss), you have only 168Mb. You can store this in Cloud Functions or Cloud Run memory and perform a load job.
Streaming is really important for real time!
Dataflow, in streaming mode, will cost you, at least $20 per month (1 small worker of type n1-standard1. Much more than 1.5Gb of streaming insert in BigQuery with Cloud Functions.
Eventually, about your smart trigger to stream or to batch insert, it's not really possible, you have to redesign the data ingestion if you change your logic. But before all, only if your use case requires this!!
To answer your questions:
a) you need to push to BigQuery using the library's accepting formats usually a collection or either a JSON document formatted to the table's definition.
b) To add data to BigQuery you can Stream data or Load a file.
For your example you need to stream data, so use the 'streaming api' methods insert_rows* family.

Data Factory V2 copy Data Activities and Data flow ETL

My question about the Data Factory V2 copy-data activity i have 5 questions.
Questions 1
Should I use parquet file or SQL server With 500 DTU I want to transfer data fast to staging table or staging parquet file
Questions 2
Copy data activity data integration Unit should i use auto or 32 data integration Unit
Questions 3
What benefit of using degree of copy parallelism should I use Auto or use 32 again I want to transfer everything quick as possible I have around 50 million rows every day.
Questions 4
Data Flow Integration run time so should I use General Purpose, Compute Optimized or Memory Optimized as I mention we have 50 million rows every day, so we want to process the data as quickly as possible and somehow cheap if we can in Data Flow
Questions 5
A bulk insert is better in Data Factory and Data flow Sink
I think you have too many questions about too many topics, the answers to which will depend entirely on your desired end result. Even so, I will do my best to briefly address your situation.
If you are dealing with large volume and/or frequency, Data Flow (ADFDF) would probably be better than Copy activity. ADFDF runs on Spark via Data Bricks and is built from the ground up to run parallel workloads. Parquet is also built to support parallel workloads. If your SQL is an Azure Synapse (SQLDW) instance, then ADFDF will use Polybase to manage the upload, which is very fast because it is also built for parallel workloads. I'm not sure how this differs for Azure SQL, and there is no way to tell you what DTU level will work best for your task.
If having Parquet as your end result is acceptable, then that would probably be the easiest and least expensive to configure since it is just blob storage. ADFDF works just fine with Parquet, as either Source or Sink. For ETL workloads, Compute is the most likely IR configuration. The good news is it is the least expensive of the three. The bad news is I have no way to know what the core count should be, you'll just have to find out through trial and error. 50 million rows may sound like a lot, but it really depends on the row size (byte count and column count), and frequency. If the process is running many times a day, then you can include a "Time to live" value in the IR configuration. This will keep the cluster warm while it waits for another job, thus potentially reducing startup time (but incurring more run time cost).

How to speed up copy from Azure Data Lake to Cosmos DB

I'm using Azure Data Factory to copy data from Azure Data Lake Store to a collection in Cosmos DB. We will have a few thousand JSON files in data lake and each JSON file is approx. 3 GB. I'm using data factory's copy activity and in the initial run, one file took 3.5 hours to load with the collection set to 10000 RU/s and data factory using default settings. Now I've scaled it up to 50000 RU/s, set cloudDataMovementUnits to 32 and writeBatchSize to 10 to see if it improved the speed, and the same file now takes 2.5 hours to load. Still the time to load thousands of files will take way to long time.
Is there some way to do this in a better way?
You say you are inserting "millions" of json documents per 3Gb batch file. Such lack of precision is not helpful when asking this type of question.
Let's run the numbers for 10 million docs per file.
This indicates 300 bytes per json doc which implies quite a lot of fields per doc to index on each CosmosDb insert.
If each insert costs 10 RUs then at your budgeted 10,000 RU per sec the doc insert rate would be 1000 x 3600 (seconds per hour) = 3.6 million doc inserts per hour.
So your observation of 3.5 hours to insert 3 Gb of data representing an assumed 10 million docs is highly consistent with your purchased CosmosDb throughput.
This document illustrates that the DataLake to CosmosDb Cloud Sink performs poorly compared to other options. I guess the poor performance can be attributed to the default index-everything policy of CosmosDb.
Does your application need everything indexed? Does the CommosDb Cloud Sink utilise less strict eventual consistency when performing bulk inserts?
You ask, is there a better way? The performance table in the linked MS document shows that Data Lake to Polybase Azure Data Warehouse is 20,000 times more performant.
One final thought. Does the increased concurrency of your second test trigger CosmosDb throttling? The MS performance doc warns about monitoring for these events.
The bottom line is that trying to copy millions of Json files will take time. If it was organized GB of data you could get away with shorter time batch transfers but not with millions of different files.
I don't know if you plan on transferring this type of file from Data Lake often but a good strategy could be to write an application dedicated to do that. Using Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB Client Library you can easily create a C# web app that manages your transfers.
This way you can automate those transfers, throttle them, schedule them, etc. You can also host this app on a vm or app service and never really have to think about it.

How to store data in cassandra in a temporary location while sync is in progress?

We have a mysql server running which is serving application writes. To do some batch processing we have written a sync job to migrate data into cassandra cluster.
1. A daily sync job which transfers by updated timestamp for that day.
2. A complete sync job which transfers complete data, overriding existing ones.
Now there may be a possibility that the row was deleted from mysql, in that case using the above approach it will lie forever in cassandra.
To solve that problem we have given a TTL of 15 days for every row. So eventually it will get deleted, if it was not deleted then in next full sync the TTL will be over written again.
Its working fine as far as the use case is concerned but the issue is that in full sync complete data is over written and sstable is generated continuously with compactions happenning all the time, load averages shoot up with slowness and backup size increases (which could have been avoided).
Essentially we would want to replace the existing table data by new data but we dont want to truncate before starting the job but only after job completes.
Is there any way by which this can be solved other than creating a new table altogether and dropping past table when data is generated?
You can look at the double-run migration strategy I presented here:
It has the advantage of allowing 100% uptime and possible rollback if things go wrong. The downside is the amount of work required in term of releases & codes

Spark streaming with Checkpoint

I am a beginner to spark streaming. So have a basic doubt regarding checkpoints. My use case is to calculate the no of unique users by day. I am using reduce by key and window for this. Where my window duration is 24 hours and slide duration is 5 mins. I am updating the processed record to mongodb. Currently I am replace the existing record each time. But I see the memory is slowly increasing over time and kills the process after 1 and 1/2 hours(in aws small instance). The DB write after the restart clears all the old data. So I understand checkpoint is the solution for this. But my doubt is
What should my check point duration be..? As per documentation it says 5-10 times of slide duration. But I need the data of entire day. So it is ok to keep 24 hrs.
Where ideally should the checkpoint be..? Initially when I receive the stream or just before the window operation or after the data reduction has taken place.
Appreciate your help.
Thank you
In streaming scenarios holding 24 hours of data is usually too much. To solve that you use a probabilistic methods instead of exact measures for streaming and perform a later batch computation to get the exact numbers (if needed).
In your case to get a distinct count you can use an algorithm called HyperLogLog. You can see an example of using Twitter's implementation of HyperLogLog (part of a library called AlgeBird) from spark streaming here
