How to list all imported games in gym retro? - openai-gym

I've imported some ROMs into gym retro via python3 -m retro.import path/to/roms, everything works fine. But now I want to see a list of the available games. For gym there's the following way to get all available enviromements:
from gym import envs
all_envs = envs.registry.all()
But this doesn't include the retro games I imported. Sure there's a complete list of all integrated games but I want to look up which ones I have available on my machine. The official documentation doesn't help much. Any ideas how to do this?


import python file/module from parent/upper directory

i'm new to python and literely trying to import the module toolbox in the file. Please see picture as it describes my problem
I've looed in over 30 resources on the Internet and it seems there is no working solution for it. Though, i would like to raise the problem again, perhaps there is something new in python which makes this possible

Import Numpy library in flutter using starflut

I want to run a python script in my flutter app. Thanks to starflut package which helped to do this. Now I want to run a python script that uses NumPy and OpenCV libraries. I want to import these libraries into my python script. I researched a lot about how can I achieve this I couldn't find a way. So I'm posting here so that whoever got the solution for this problem can suggest to me how to do this.

How to build python class structure for matplotlib to export ot .exe with cx_freeze?

I built a code to generate and play random musical notes. It is working great within python, but I would like to make it into an .exe stand alone program, so people without python can use it. I show an image below of the output. It creates a matplotlib figure with a 'TkAgg' backend. There are 5 buttons and an user entry box that all work.
I used cx_freeze to try to package it, and I worked through all of the errors. I also got some of the examples to work. I can see the the build folder is getting the 4 Images and many .wav files I need to draw the musical staff and play the notes. One error showed that the .exe tried to run my code, because it couldn't find the .wav files). I changed how I specified where they were for the .exe. But now when I run the .exe nothing happens.
Unfortunately my code is a monstrosity. It's messy, and somewhat long (750 lines if you count white space). The .py file I am trying to write to the .exe is It can be found here.
Because it works in python, but not in the .exe, I thought it might have to do with my ignorance of how to use classes in conjunction with plotting well. Basically I call the class, and then initialize a bunch of things so I can refer to them later. That allows me to delete notes I've plotted before, old answers, etc.
How can I practice building up 'TkAgg' backended figures that will execute properly after cf_freeze? I feel like I need to start with some basic ideas and build up to my application, which is fairly complex.
One note, I do use pygame for the sounds.
Here is my setup file:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
import os
import sys
base = None
if sys.platform == 'win32':
base = 'Win32GUI'
additional_mods = ['numpy.core._methods', 'numpy.lib.format',"matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg", 'matplotlib.pyplot', 'matplotlib.image', 'matplotlib.widgets']
name = "Interval Trainer",
version = "1.0.0",
author = "Bart",
author_email = "",
options = {"build_exe": {'includes': additional_mods,"packages":["pygame","tkinter",'random'],
"include_files": [
'Images/F cleff 8vb.png', 'Images/F cleff.png',
'Images/G cleff 8vb.png', 'Images/G cleff.png',
'Pitches/A#1.wav', 'Pitches/A#2.wav', 'Pitches/A#3.wav',
'Pitches/A#4.wav', 'Pitches/A#5.wav', 'Pitches/A1.wav',
'Pitches/A2.wav', 'Pitches/A3.wav', 'Pitches/A4.wav',
'Pitches/A5.wav', 'Pitches/Ab1.wav', 'Pitches/Ab2.wav',
'Pitches/Ab3.wav', 'Pitches/Ab4.wav', 'Pitches/B#2.wav',
'Pitches/B#3.wav', 'Pitches/B#4.wav', 'Pitches/B1.wav',
'Pitches/B2.wav', 'Pitches/B3.wav', 'Pitches/B4.wav',
'Pitches/B5.wav', 'Pitches/Bb1.wav', 'Pitches/Bb2.wav',
'Pitches/Bb3.wav', 'Pitches/Bb4.wav', 'Pitches/C#2.wav',
'Pitches/C#3.wav', 'Pitches/C#4.wav', 'Pitches/C#5.wav',
'Pitches/C2.wav', 'Pitches/C3.wav', 'Pitches/C4.wav',
'Pitches/C5.wav', 'Pitches/C6.wav', 'Pitches/D#2.wav',
'Pitches/D#3.wav', 'Pitches/D#4.wav', 'Pitches/D#5.wav',
'Pitches/D2.wav', 'Pitches/D3.wav', 'Pitches/D4.wav',
'Pitches/D5.wav', 'Pitches/Db1.wav', 'Pitches/Db2.wav',
'Pitches/Db3.wav', 'Pitches/Db4.wav', 'Pitches/E#2.wav',
'Pitches/E#3.wav', 'Pitches/E#4.wav', 'Pitches/E1.wav',
'Pitches/E2.wav', 'Pitches/E3.wav', 'Pitches/E4.wav',
'Pitches/E5.wav', 'Pitches/Eb2.wav', 'Pitches/Eb3.wav',
'Pitches/Eb4.wav', 'Pitches/F#1.wav', 'Pitches/F#2.wav',
'Pitches/F#3.wav', 'Pitches/F#4.wav', 'Pitches/F#5.wav',
'Pitches/F1.wav', 'Pitches/F2.wav', 'Pitches/F3.wav',
'Pitches/F4.wav', 'Pitches/F5.wav', 'Pitches/G#1.wav',
'Pitches/G#2.wav', 'Pitches/G#3.wav', 'Pitches/G#4.wav',
'Pitches/G#5.wav', 'Pitches/G1.wav', 'Pitches/G2.wav',
'Pitches/G3.wav', 'Pitches/G4.wav', 'Pitches/G5.wav',
'Pitches/Gb1.wav', 'Pitches/Gb2.wav', 'Pitches/Gb3.wav',
executables = [Executable("", base=base)],
Output Image
Any help is appreciate.
See the matplotlib user interfaces examples embedding_in_tk and embedding_in_tk2 to practice building up TkAgg backended figures.

Adapting Selenium Script for Raspberry Pi

Preface: I have very limited experience with linux and selenium in general. Also this is a multipart question.
Hi there,
I've written a script that I want to run on my Raspberry Pi model 3B which is running Raspbian OS.
I originally built it on a Windows machine (pretty stupid mistake to build it for the wrong platform but anyway) and now need to adapt it so it runs on the Pi.
The main thing I am concerned about is the usage of selenium and chromedriver. I have downloaded chromium-chromedriver (chromium-chromedriver 34.0.1847.116-0ubuntu2 in armhf (Release)) from this repository.
First Question
The file downloads as a .deb which I have never seen before. It opts to install, however I have no idea where it installs as it does not give the option to install to a different directory. I've tried search for it with find, but nothing comes up. Where does it go by default in Raspbian OS?
Second Question
I know I will have to change some expressions because I am using chromium-chromedriver instead of chrome driver, but I am unsure which ones as I don't know selenium that well. This is the main instance here. Do I just change all instances of "Chrome" including "chrome_options" to "Chromium/chromium_options"?
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome
from contextlib import closing
from import Options
chrome_options = Options()
#Scrape out the table information
with closing(Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)) as driver:
Lastly, for the purpose of finding the process with psutil and ending it with process.kill(), the text ID of the driver in task manager should just be chromium-chromedriver.exe right?
Any and all help and advice appreciated.
Thank you all for your time.

TinyTag import error python 3.3

I have been trying to import tinytag into python to be able to read mp3 tags but I keep receiving the same error. This is the code I am running
from tinytag import TinyTag
tag = TinyTag.get('/some/music.mp3)
and the error I recieve from this is
ImportError: No module named 'tinytag'
If anyone could give me any information on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated or can suggest another reader to use that is compatible with python 3.
Like you, I'm new to Python and I struggled with this but I worked it out eventually. I'm sure there is better way, but this worked (on windows, with my examples)
I installed a python module called easy_install (bundled with
setuptools). you can Google this. In the directory \Python26\Scripts you should see an exe file called easy_install if this has worked
Then I downloaded TinyTag to my pc eg
Then in note pad I wrote a small text file called myinstall.bat with
the contents
easy_install C:/downloads/tinytag-0.6.1.tar.gz
then saved it into \Python26\Scripts and ran it (the pause keeps the
window open so you can see it worked)
Subsequently I started using some software called JetBrains to code with (it's commercial but there is a free edition) and that has an install tool built in which is even easier) I hope this helps
