Using the ls command to hide non-executable files - linux

I'm trying to have a command that will print only the non-executable files sorted by modification time in the current directory.
What I have so far is:
$ ls -lt | grep -i "...x......"
This is printing all of the files in the dir. Just starting to learn code, any help would be much appreciated.

The way to go :
for file in *; do test -x "$file" || echo "$file"; done
Thanks to not parsing ls output


How read paths in text file and get the file count under that paths

I have a text file which contains multiple paths like below
$ cat directory.txt
I need to change directory to each path in text file and need to get count of files under that paths.Below is the code i used, But it is not working.
i=cat /aaaa/bbbbb/directory.txt
while read $i ;do
cd $i
ls |wc -l
done < /aaaa/bbbbb/count.txt
Actually you're almost there. The line i=... is not needed, read $i should be read i, and you simply need to call ls with the path instead of cd it first.
while read i; do
ls "$i" | wc -l
done < "/xxx/yyy/count.txt"
Thanks every one i tried this code it is working fine
for i in cat /nrt/home/directory.txt;
cd $i
ls | wc -l
done > /nrt/home/count.txt

How to pipe files one by one from list into script?

I have a list of files that I need to pipe into a shell script. I can list the files within a directory by using the following:
ls ~/data/2121/*SOMEFILE*
resulting in:
and so on...
I have another script that performs some processing on a single file (2121.SOMEFILEaa) which I run by using the following command:
bash runscript ../data/2121/2121.SOMEFILEaa
However, I need to make this more efficient by piping individual files from the list of files generated via ls into the script. How can I pipe the results from the ls ~/data/2121/*SOMEFILES* command--file by file--into the runscript script?
Another option
ls ~/data/2121/*SOMEFILE* | xargs -L1 bash runscript
I think you are looking for this:
for file in ~/data/2121/*SOMEFILE*; do
bash runscript "$file"
In this way, you're calling bash runscript for each file.
$ cat
## Store data from pipe to variable $PIPE ------#
_read_pipe(){ #
while read -t 10 pipe; do
if [ -n "$pipe" ] ;then
PIPE="$PIPE $pipe" ;fi ;done ;}
## your code -----------------------------------#
_read_pipe #
for kung_foo in $PIPE ;do
echo $kung_foo ;done
$ ls 2121.SOMEFILE* | ./
and so on...
[ -t ] is for timeout
I hope this helps,
cheers Karim

How do I search for a file based on what is output by a command running on that file

I am working on a project for one of my professors and he asked me to sort a couple hundred .fits images based on their header files (specifically what star they are images of) I think that grep would be the best way to do this however I can't seam to figure out how to use grep based on the header.
I am entering:
ls | imhead *.fits | grep -E -r "PG\ 1104+243" *
to just list them out for now, once they are listed I know how to copy them into a directory.
I am new to using grep so I am unsure as to where my error lies? any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Assuming that imghead will extract the headers of the .fits as txt, you can use a simple shell script to do it:
grep "$1" "$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$2"
Note that the + is a special character if you use extended regular expression, meaning if you pass the -E as in the question. A simple grep without any options should do the trick here.
Use find to exec the script on every *.fits file in the current folder:
find -maxdepth 1 -name '*.fits' -exec ./ 'PG 1104+243' {} \;
If you are going to copy/move/alter or do something with the files you find, you might be better off, in terms of complexity and ease of quoting, using a loop like this:
find . -name \*.fits -print0 | while read -d '' -r file; do
echo Checking file: $file
imhead "$file" | grep -q 'PG 1104+243'
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo Object matches: $file

Removing from files on Linux

From time to time a user uploads a file with a tag "". This is added, I think, when the user has downloaded a file onto his computer from the internet.
My question is, how do I remove this from a file if I'm on Linux?
Use setfattr. On linux the extended attribute should be in the "user." namespace (your mileage may vary):
setfattr -x '' file1 [ file2 [ ... ] ]
Unfortunately, the -xattr predicate hasn't made it into GNU find yet so processing a complete hierarchy involves a brute-force-and-ignorance approach looking something like this:
cd /path/to/search
find . -exec setfattr -x '' {} + 2> "$errors"
After which the $errors file should only contain entries for files which didn't have the relevant attribute:
grep -v 'No such attribute' -- "$errors"
touch /tmp/
touch /tmp/
Then run following codes.
for f in $(find /tmp/ -type f|grep -i '');
OLD_NAME=$(echo $f|awk -F "/" '{print $NF'})
NEW_NAME=$(echo $OLD_NAME|sed "s/com\.apple\.quarantine\.//g")
echo $NEW_NAME
DIR_NAME=$(dirname $f)
Now there is only test1 and test2 at under the /tmp file.

How can I list the path of the output of this script?

How can I list the path of the output of this script?
This is my command:
(ls -d */ ); echo -n $i; ls -R $i | grep "wp-config.php" ;
This is my current output:
It seems you want find the path to a file called "wp-config.php".
Does the following help?
find $PWD -name 'wp-config.php'
Your script is kind of confusing: Why does ls -d */ does not show any output? What's the value of $i? Your problem in fact seems to be that ls -R lists the contents of all subdirectories but doesn't give you full paths for their contents.
Well, find is the best tool for that, but you can simulate it in this case via a script like this:
lsSubDir() {
local actDir="$1"
for entry in $(ls "$actDir"); do
if [ -d "$actDir/$entry" ]; then
lsSubDir "$actDir/$entry"
[ $entry = $searchFor ] && echo "$actDir/$entry"
lsSubDir $startDir
Save it in a file like findSimulator, make it executable and call it with the directory where to start searching as parameter.
Be warned: this script is not very efficient, it may stop on large subdirectory-trees because of recursion. I would strongly recommend the solution using find.
