Azure Maps 403 "Permission, capacity, or authentication issues." - azure

I am trying to call Azure Maps with OAuth access tokens but it is throwing me 403 Forbidden with the message "Permission, capacity, or authentication issues.". I have followed procedure mentioned here:
Created App Registration in AD, generated secret
Added API permission to Azure Maps
In Azure Maps > IAM > added the application as Map Data Reader
Got the Access token from with resource=
Calling,13.42936:52.50274,13.43872 with x-ms-client-id and Authorization=Bearer
Same procedure works correctly for my personal free subscription but not in my company's subscription. Don't know how to debug.

For reference on how Azure RBAC works.
Ensure you have no deny assignments possibly enforced from management groups on the particular role.
Make sure the role assignment is applied to the correct scope. Meaning on the scope of an Azure Maps Account or a parent of the account such as the resource group or subscription.
If you have security principals assigned to the correct scope but still receiving 403. It usually means you have assigned or authenticating with the wrong security principal.
"App only" token for an App Registration requires the service principal App to be assigned at the scope.
If you as user authenticate as a user to the App Registration that would mean the user security principal should be assigned to the scope; Not the app.
If you are using Azure AD groups it could mean that the security principal may not be part of the group which is assigned access.
I don't think it's common to add service principals to security groups though. But it is a possibility which should be confirmed. There is also a possibility of delay before the permissions are propagated but this usually shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
Just to be thorough but may not apply here. Certain REST APIs require S1 sku to be selected on the account. This will result in the same error response.

We raised the ticket with Microsoft and they told us it was caused by:
longer synchronization times regarding the RBAC configurations


Application-specific permissions with Azure AD RBAC

Are Azure's RBAC tools and capabilities appropriate for delineating and enforcing app-specific user permissions?
What I've been seeing is that Azure's RBAC capabilities seem to involve managing Azure resources: BLOB services, storage accounts, app services, etc.
But what I don't see are examples of Azure RBAC being used to manage app- (or domain-) specific permissions, like "Allow the user to approve purchasing this widget" or "Allow user to categorize these items as Foo, Bar, or Baz", or "Allow the user to view financial data only from these company divisions".
Am I fundamentally misunderstanding how Azure RBAC works, or what it's used to manage? Can anyone point out examples of Azure role definitions that include permissions like the ones above, or point to documentation of how I might set those up?
I believe you are looking for application specific permissions which can be achieved, by configuring API permissions in apps, registered in AD. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
So the difference between API Permissions and Role Assignments is as below:
API Permissions: 2 types.
Delegated permissions are appropriate for client apps that access a web API as the signed-in user, and whose access should be restricted to the permissions you select in the next step.
Delegated permissions are used when authentication is done under user's context and are returned in scope claim of the token.
Application permissions are for service or daemon-type applications that need to access a web API as themselves, without user interaction for sign-in or consent. Unless you've defined application roles for your web API, this option is disabled.
App permissions are used when authentication is done under application (service principal) context and are returned in roles claim. For example, if you have a web application, you can configure it to allow access to the user, if the scope claim contains read, otherwise deny access. Or grant write access to application only when roles claim contains write.
You should configure API Permissions when you would like to return the permissions in the Access token. When application consumes the token, it makes authorization decision on the basis of permissions present in the token.
Role Assignments:
RBAC is the authorization system you use to manage access to Azure resources. When using RBAC, an administrator grants permissions to roles, and not to individual users or groups. The administrator can then assign roles to different users and groups to control who has access to what content and functionality.
Role assignments are used to assign permission to users/service principals on Azure Resources. In this case authorization is done by Azure and not by the end application which happens in case of API permissions.
Please ref the below articles for detailed explanation with examples.

Azure Resource Management API without user_impersonation, is it possible?

I am trying to find security best practice on App permissions in the context of azure resource management.
Currently, there is only one permission listed for and it is (preview). This delegated user impersonation can be a serious problem and it can led to account takeover by malicious app.
Think about a scenario where a user with global administrator role consent and authorize an access token to the app. App can use the token and do whatever it wants with the azure tenant.
Another scenario where a privileged user assigned contributor role to multiple subscriptions. Token authorized by this user can be misused by app to modify resources in any of the subscriptions.
Unlike graph ( api where you can handpick the permission (, resource management api has only one option - user_impersonation!
You may argue why would a privileged user authorize the action but people make mistakes. Our job is to stop or minimize such risk by design. So, what's the best way to allow app to manage resources in azure and minimize the security risk?
Thanks to #juunas for outline and tips. Thanks to #Gaurav for attempting to address my question. I was able to modify azure resources on a subscription without having to grant user_impersonation on api. Here are the steps-
1) Register an app (TestPermissions in my case)
2) Add API Permissions (optional). You don't need to add
3) Go the Azure resource (subscription, resource group or management group level based on your requirement) and add IAM/RBAC role to the registered app. I assigned Contributor role to TestPermissions app at the subscription level.
4) Request a oauth2 access token following client credential grant flow. You can provide client_id and client_secret in the body of the POST request or you can provide it as Authorization Basic base64 encoded header (that's what I did). Save the access token for future use (until it expires).
Note: I could not add multiple audience (scope) at the same time. If you would like to get a token for graph api, you can request a separate token by changing the scope to
5) Use the access token captured in the previous step to interact with azure resource manager. You will need to add the jwt bearer token in the Authorization header (not shown here) on every request to In this example, I am creating a new resource group named TestCreateRG003 to one of my Pay-as-you-go subscription.
6) Let's validate/verify that the resource is created or updated in Azure. Bingo, there they are! App can read/modify (based on RBAC) azure resources w/o having to grant impersonation permission.
It is true that by granting that permission you are allowing the app to act as you, with all the permissions that brings.
The main way I've seen used when limitations are desired is that you:
Register an app in your Azure AD
Grant the service principal the necessary roles (e.g. Reader on specific resources)
Set the tenant id, client id, client secret etc. in the app
This of course requires that the app itself supports this approach.
If it only allows usage through impersonation, then you'll need to either trust or not use it.
Let me see if I can answer this question.
When a user requests a token for, all is done at that time is that the user has permission to execute Azure ARM API. That doesn't mean that they can do everything that's possible with Azure ARM API.
The things that they can do is controlled by Azure Role Based Access Control (RBAC). So if a user is in the Reader role, the token got on behalf of the user can only read information about resources in their Azure Subscription. They will not be allowed to create, update or delete resources in their Azure Subscription.
What you will need to do is grant users appropriate RBAC role to minimize the risks of misuse.

authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/listCallbackUrl/action'

I am working on documenting integration with Azure for later use by colleagues. This is for obtaining an AAD bearer token (done) and using it to get a Logic Apps callback URL. There is the problem, which is to correctly permit the client application. I am not finding documentation on the correct scope to set in the Portal. Also, I don't have the admin permissions myself to try and, so trial-and-error is not an option.
Right now, I have registered in Azure an app with only default permissions. So, when I try the desired action, I get back the error response:
"error": {
"code": "AuthorizationFailed",
"message": "The client '{Client Id}' with object id '{object id}' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/listCallbackUrl/action' over scope '/subscriptions/{subscription id}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup Name}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/{workflow name}/triggers/manual'."
In trying to get the app the right permissions, I am encountering the error in Azure portal:
You are adding permission(s) that require an admin to consent, users will not be able to use the application until an admin grants permissions to the application.
Which I expect, so I am seeking to tell my admins the exact permission(s) that need to be granted or delegated.
Possibly this can be done in PowerShell and easier than in Portal, or even CLI. I am not wedded to a particular method, just looking for direction or documentation on how to correctly configure the client app. I figure I need to give our app at least Contributor access to the resource group via the Access Control (IAM) tab. However, in this subscription, I do not have the "Add" option there, suggesting I do not have permission to do it.
Right now, I am using the documentation at register your client application with azure ad but am not finding the steps toward correctly permitting the registered client when I am unable to try it out before explaining it to someone else. Maybe there is more detailed documentation, or a blog post someone knows of that I have not found?
Thank you
Getting the callback url at runtime requires permission to invoke the API action Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/assemblies/listContentCallbackUrl/action. You can do this a couple of ways:
create a custom role with the required API access. This is nice from a least-privilege perspective, but you're limited to 200 custom roles and you'd need to document what the role is for and track that going forward
You could leverage the built in role of logic app contributor which has carte blanche on logic app apis.
Which ever you choose, the next step is to assign the service principal associated to your application (or the user or group account defined in AD) to the role. Here is a great walkthrough for the role assignment process using the portal or using the CLI, if you prefer

How do I add users to tenant via the Graph API?

I've utilized the Partner Center REST API to provision tenants with orders/subscriptions. Now I want to start configuring the domains and users for the tenant I just created. My first step was to get a list of users using the Graph API as a test expecting to see the admin account. If I pass in the domain of the reseller account in the request URL, it shows me the reseller users. But when I put in the domain of the account I just provisioned, I get Invalid domain name in the request url. I'm using the resellers AD token to do this. I'm confused as it gives me the option to specify a domain, but I can only access my own.
What credentials am I supposed to be using here? I tried to use the user/pass that was generated for the admin account from the provision, but I get unauthorized_client when trying to get an AD token from the Graph API.
It is hard to directly address your issues here since they are a little broad, and I would need more specific details about the various tenants you are working with, how your app is provisioned, permissions your app has etc...
However I think there a few principals you can follow which may help you debug your issues.
All AAD Authentication happens within the context of a specific tenant. This means whenever you get an access token for a resource, the scope of that token is limited to the boundaries of the tenant.
To authenticate with a client application in the context of a tenant, you must have the app registered in the tenant you are trying to access (line of business application / single tenant) or you have to make the app multi-tenant, in which case your app should be able to function in the context of any tenant... if the right provisioning has occurred.
Every tenant where your app is trying to function must have a service principal for the application provisioned in the tenant. This service principal represents your application's identity in the context of that tenant, and acts as a place to store the permission your application has in the context of that tenant. Most normally, this service principal gets provisioned into a tenant after a user from that tenant has consented to use the app as a part of the login experience.
If you are trying to use user context (authorization code grant flow) to retrieve details about a tenant, you must ensure that that user is present in the directory you are trying to query. For example a user U can exist in their home tenant T1. If you try to query another tenant T2 using that user account, you will get any number of errors describing that the user account does not exist etc. You can remedy this by creating a guest account for U in T2, in which case there will be a brand new user object created in T2 which links to the original user object in T1. None the less, the user object should always be present in the tenant you are trying to query.
If you are trying to sign into an application with a user account that is in T1 and T2, you need to be sure to specify the tenant you want to actually get the token for. By default, if you use the common endpoint, you will get a token for the users home tenant. However, it is perfectly valid to get a token for the secondary tenant, as long as you specify that to our Token Service when making the request.
Finally the client application you use to make these requests needs to have the right permissions to the Graph API if you want to make specific calls to the Graph API. Every tenant needs to individually consent to the application in their tenant context in order to provision the correct permissions to their application.
With those principals in mind:
The error you are getting with "unauthorized_client" seems to be an issue with application provisioning in the secondary tenant. Please make sure to first login to the application with a user from the secondary tenant, and make sure that user has the correct permissions to consent to your app (a tenant admin is best here).
For the second issue with "Invalid domain name in the request url" please try using some hints here.
Specifically this:
By using the myOrganization alias. This alias is only available when using OAuth Authorization Code Grant type (3-legged) authentication; that is, when using a delegated permission scope. The alias is not case sensitive. It replaces the object ID or tenant domain in the URL. When the alias is used, Graph API derives the tenant from the claims presented in the token attached to the request. The following URL shows how to address the users resource collection of a tenant using this alias:
I hope this puts you on the correct path to resolve most of your issues.
There are issues with sandbox accounts and Azure. Access to the Azure Management Portal for the sandbox isn't straightforward and at this time does not work properly. I had to create a free Azure account with my hotmail account, then link AD from the new account to my sandbox AD to bypass the bug. When adding a new directory to the new Azure account, select "Use existing directory", sign out, then sign into the sandbox account you want to link it to. Then create your app from the new account.
After getting my app setup properly and new credentials, I had to enable pre-consent with the instructions listed at the end of:
Lastly, I had to login to the Graph API with the customers ID, but with the resellers credentials.
The scenarios on the Partner Center SDK website include a section "Manage user accounts and assign licenses" under the "Manage customer accounts" section.
These samples include creating users and assigning licenses and a link to a console test app.
As an aside, a new version of the Partner Center SDK has just become available here. It was released on July 5th. While there is no official change history that I can find, I can see that it includes some new classes such as CustomerUser. You may find it easier to use that library rather than hitting the REST API (depending on how much work you've already done).

Azure Active Directory - Assign to group

Is it possible to assign an application (as an Application or Service Principal) to a group programatically, via the graph client or API? (Including the app user credentials needed to allow access of the members of the group to the app)
I searched everywhere and couldn't find documentation for it.
No, 'Applications' in Azure AD are used to segment authorization and settings within Azure AD. It creates a trust between Azure AD and your application. The Application is not a User.
Users are Azure AD entities that have identity and can be authorized to access resources (like an Application). Users can be added to groups. See the below link for the Azure AD graph API documentation:
And the documentation on what a user entity looks like:
Thanks for the answer emseetea, but we do have a little more than that.
Back to the original question - can you programmatically "assign a group to an application". The answer is yes, using appRoleAssignments on the service principal. The service principal represents an application instance, that typically gets provisioned as part of a consent grant. On this tenant specific app instance (service principal) you can attach tenant specific permissions and policy. Permissions get created as part of consent, but you can also programmatically assign an application role (defined by the application) to a user or group. If no application role is assigned, then you can make a "default" assignment. You can find a little more on this topic here which describes a little about this with some sample REST API calls.
This same operation is also possible through the client library. You can take a look at Look at the section titled "#region Assign Direct Permission". This shows how to assign an app role to a user. You can do the same thing on a group too. If your app doesn't specify any app roles, set the appRoleAssignment.Id to a zero GUID.
Hope this helps,
