Distributed computing in NodeJS - Mathematical expressions - node.js

I want to make a distributed system with many nodes that compute mathematical equations.
I was thinking about one "leader" as a gateway (similar to what eg. Apache does with distributed clustered websites) and many nodes. This leader will send work to nodes depending on which are not working.
My question is about the physical functionality of posting equations to nodes. Is there any npm module or well-known pattern to sending them?
I was thinking, that I will just send JSON formatted document filled with equations and data to nodes to compute, but this looks bulky to me.
Any other ideas? It would be awesome :)

This could help you https://github.com/pioardi/ring-election , with this project you can divide your data in partitions and each node can take care of a partition range .
Let me know if you have questions


What does it mean by Kademlia keys are used to identify nodes as well as data?

Okay, I've been reading articles and the paper about Kademlia recently to implement a simple p2p program that uses kademlia dht algorithm. And those papers are saying, those 160-bit key in a Kademlia Node is used to identify both nodes (Node ID) and the data (which are stored in a form of tuple).
I'm quite confused on that 'both' part.
As far as my understanding goes, each node in a Kademlia binary tree uniquely represents a client(IP, port) who each holds a list of files.
Here is the general flow on my understanding.
Client (.exe) gets booted
Creates a node component
Newly created node joins the network (bootstrapping)
Sends find_node(filehash) to k-closest nodes
Let's say hash is generated by hashing file binary named file1.txt
Received nodes each finds the queried filehash in its different hash table
Say, a hash map that has a list of files(File Hash, file location)
Step 4,5 repeated until the node is found (meanwhile all associated nodes are updating the buckets)
Does this flow look all right?
Additionally, bootstrapping method of Kademlia too confuses me.
When the node gets created (user executes the program), It seems like it uses bootstrapping node to fill up the buckets. But then what's bootstrapping node? Is it another process that's always running? What if the bootstrapping node gets turned off?
Can someone help me better understand the concept?
Thanks for the help in advance.
Does this flow look all right?
It seems roughly correct, but your wording is not very precise.
Each node has a routing table by which it organizes the neighbors it knows about and another table in which it organizes the data it is asked to store by others. Nodes have a quasi-random ID that determines their position in the routing keyspace. The hashes of keys for stored data don't precisely match any particular node ID, so the data is stored on the nodes whose ID is closest to the hash, as determined by the distance metric. That's how node IDs and key hashes are used for both.
When you perform a lookup for data (i.e. find_value) you ask the remote nodes for the k-closest neighbor set they have in their routing table, which will allow you to home in on the k-closest set for a particular target key. The same query also asks the remote node to return any data they have matching that target ID.
When you perform a find_node on the other hand you're only asking them for the closest neighbors but not for data. This is primarily used for routing table maintenance where you're not looking for any data.
Those are the abstract operations, if needed an actual implementation could separate the lookup from the data retrieval, i.e. first perform a find_node and then use the result set to perform one or more separate get operations that don't involve additional neighbor lookups (similar to the store operation).
Since kademlia is UDP-based you can't really serve arbitrary files because those could easily exceed reasonable UDP packet sizes. So in practice kademlia usually just serves as a hash table for small binary values (e.g. contact information, public keys and such). Bulk operations are either performed by other protocols bootstrapped off those values or by additional operations beyond those mentioned in the kademlia paper.
What the paper describes is only the basic functionality for a routing algorithm and most basic key value storage. It is a spherical cow in a vacuum. Actual implementations usually need additional features or work around security and reliability problems faced on the public internet.
But then what's bootstrapping node? Is it another process that's always running? What if the bootstrapping node gets turned off?
That's covered in this question (by example of the bittorrent DHT)

Cassandra Data Model for apache access logs

In a POC, we are using cassandra for storing (among other things) Apache access logs (parsed) and use together with apache spark + zeppelin. We have managed to get things working BUT we are very uncertain about how to model the data correctly.
Edit: Our queries will span over months and years rather than weeks and days. Against production jobs are likely executed perhaps daily (at least for now) and we will use a smaller dataset during development.
Since this will be used for analytics ONLY, the queries can be pretty much anything but of course we could consider a handful of queries in advance.
latency percentiles
geo distribution
sum of requests
Popular rest resources
... etc
Partition key + Primary key. This is really difficult... the only thing that I can think of is something like ((userid, [webresource]), timestamp).
At least this would give a fairly even distribution. Otherwise we would have to use a checksum or something which feels wrong.
Or should I have different tables for different types, like latency, geo etc? Or is this a good option for materialized views?
I have googled for something like this without any luck so perhaps cassandra is a poor solution for this BUT still, we would really like to see how far we can get.
Anyway, any input is highly appreciated!
Regards /Johan

Using Cassandra to store immutable data?

We're investigating options to store and read a lot of immutable data (events) and I'd like some feedback on whether Cassandra would be a good fit.
We need to store about 10 events per seconds (but the rate will increase). Each event is small, about 1 Kb.
A really important requirement is that we need to be able to replay all events in order. For us it would be fine to read all data in insertion order (like a table scan) so an explicit sort might not be necessary.
Querying the data in any other way is not a prime concern and since Cassandra is a schema db I don't suppose it's possible when the events come in many different forms? Would Cassandra be a good fit for this? If so is there something one should be aware of?
I've had the exact same requirements for a "project" (rather a tool) a year ago, and I used Cassandra and I didn't regret. In general it fits very well. You can fit quite a lot of data in a Cassandra cluster and the performance is impressive (although you might need tweaking) and the natural ordering is a nice thing to have.
Rather than expressing the benefits of using it, I'll rather concentrate on possible pitfalls you might not consider before starting.
You have to think about your schema. The data is naturally ordered within one row by the clustering key, in your case it will be the timestamp. However, you cannot order data between different rows. They might be ordered after the query, but it is not guaranteed in any way so don't think about it. There was some kind of way to write a query before 2.1 I believe (using order by and disabling paging and allowing filtering) but that introduced bad performance and I don't think it is even possible now. So you should order data between rows on your querying side.
This might be an issue if you have multiple variable types (such as temperature and pressure) that have to be replayed at the same time, and you put them in different rows. You have to get those rows with different variable types, then do your resorting on the querying side. Another way to do it is to put all variable types in one row, but than filtering for only a subset is an issue to solve.
Rowlength is limited to 2 billion elements, and although that seems a lot, it really is not unreachable with time series data. Especially because you don't want to get near those two billions, keep it lower in hundreds of millions maximum. If you put some parameter on which you will split the rows (some increasing index or rounding by day/month/year) you will have to implement that in your query logic as well.
Experiment with your queries first on a dummy example. You cannot arbitrarily use <, > or = in queries. There are specific rules in SQL with filtering, or using the WHERE clause..
All in all these things might seem important, but they are really not too much of a hassle when you get to know Cassandra a bit. I'm underlining them just to give you a heads up. If something is not logical at first just fall back to understanding why it is like that and the whole theory about data distribution and the ring topology.
Don't expect too much from the collections within the columns, their length is limited to ~65000 elements.
Don't fall into the misconception that batched statements are faster (this one is a classic :) )
Based on the requirements you expressed, Cassandra could be a good fit as it's a write-optimized data store. Timeseries are quite a common pattern and you can define a clustering order, for example, on the timestamp of the events in order to retrieve all the events in time order. I've found this article on Datastax Academy very useful when wanted to learn about time series.
Variable data structure it's not a problem: you can store the data in a BLOB, then parse it internally from your application (i.e. store it as JSON and read it in your model), or you could even store the data in a map, although collections in Cassandra have some caveats that it's good to be aware of. Here you can find docs about collections in Cassandra 2.0/2.1.
Cassandra is quite different from a SQL database, and although CQL has some similarities there are fundamental differences in usage patterns. It's very important to know how Cassandra works and how to model your data in order to pursue efficiency - a great article from Datastax explains the basics of data modelling.
In a nutshell: Cassandra may be a good fit for you, but before using it take some time to understand its internals as it could be a bad beast if you use it poorly.

Spark-Cassandra Vs Spark-Elasticsearch

I have been using Elasticsearch for quite sometime now and little experience using Cassandra.
Now, I have a project we want to use spark to process the data but I need to decide if we should use Cassandra or Elasticsearch as the datastore to load my data.
In terms of connector, both Cassandra and Elasticsearch now has a good connector to load the data so that won't be deciding factor.
The winning factor to decide will be how fast I can load my data inside Spark. My data is almost 20 terabytes.
I know I can run some test using JMeter and see the result myself but I would like to ask anyone familiar with both systems.
The short exact answer is "it depends", mostly on cluster sizes =)
I wouldn't chose Elastisearch as a primary source for the data, because it's good at searching. Searching is a very specific task and it requires a very specific approach, which in this cases uses inverted index to store actual data. Each field basically goes into separate index and because of that the indexes are very compact. Although it's possible to store into index complete objects, such an index will hardly get any benefit of compression. That requires much more disk space to store indexes and much more cpu clocks, spinning disks to process them.
Cassandra on the other hand is pretty good at storing and retrieving data.
Without any more or less specific requirements, I'd say that Cassandra is good at being primary storage (and provides pretty simple search scenarios) and ES is good at searching.
I will refute Evgenii answer about how ES is only good at searching.
YES ES exceed at text search but it doesnt mean it can't do data.
You can actually treat it as if it was "Mongo" style Documentation and run "filter" queries on it to have fast fetch results. HOWEVER the question now becomes: how fast do you need your read/write and do you need any distributions? What ES lacks is distribution. Yes ES can do sharding but it has issues doing multi region distribution and reliability of replication of your data.
If you need the flexibility / reliability of your data I would swing to Cassanda. Also since you are dealing with TB - Cassandra might be a winner too because it is fitted for extreme volume.
If you need an easier time to to run searches (not limited to text search, eg: geo spacial you can do too) then ES might be a better fit. (note for the shear volume you are doing, you will need to shard in order to distribute your load).

Real time multi threaded max-heap for top-N geohash

There is a requirement to keep a list of top-10 localities in a city from where demand for our food service is emanating at any given instant. The city could have tens of thousands of localities.
If one has to make a near real time (lag no more than 5 minutes) datastore in memory that would
- keep count of incoming demand by locality (geo hash)
- reads by hundreds of our suppliers every minute (the ajax refresh is every minute)
I was thinking of a multi threaded synchronized max-heap. This would be a complex solution as tree locking is by itself a complex implementation.
Any recommendations for the best in-memory (replicatable master slave) data structure that can be read and updated in multi threaded environment?
We expect 10K QPS and 100K updates per second. When we scale to other cities and regions, we will need per city implementation of top-10.
Are there any off the shelf solutions available?
Persistence is not a need so no mySQL based solutions. If you recommend redis or mongo DB solution, please realize that the queries are not pointed-queries by key but a top-N query instead.
Thanks in advance.
If you're looking for exactly what you're describing, there are a few approaches that might work nicely. There are several papers describing concurrent data structures that could work as priority queues; here is one option that I'm not super familiar with but which looks promising. You might also want to check out concurrent skip lists, which should also match your requirements.
If I'm interpreting your problem statement correctly, you're hoping to maintain a top-10 list of locations based on the number of hits you receive. If that's the case, I would suspect that while the number of updates would be huge, the number of times that two locations would switch positions would not actually be all that large. In other words, most updates wouldn't actually require the data structure to change shape. Consequently, you could consider using a standard binary heap where each element uses an atomic-compare-and-set integer key and where you have some kind of locking system that's used only in the case where you need to add, move, or delete an element from the heap.
Given the scale that you're working at, you may also want to consider approximate solutions to your problem. The count-min sketch data structure, for example, was specifically designed to estimate frequent elements in a data stream and does so extremely quickly. It can easily be distributed and linked up with a priority queue in a manner similar to what I described above. There are lots of good implementations out there, and if I remember correctly this data structure is actually deployed in situations like the one you're describing.
Hope this helps!
