How to draw the UML diagram which representing invocations between methods in the same class inheritance tree? [duplicate] - uml

I have a child class which wants to add more functionality to a base class function, how can I represent that it also does the base class function not just the newly added functionality?

Interesting question. I tried that with Enterprise Architect. It did let me select the parent's operation but the display in the diagram did not change. It seems like you need to use notes for that:
As you can see Class2 inherits from Class1. The SD shows a call to Class2's operation a(). The call to the super-class's Class1.a() as internal call shows the same signature. A note clarifies the situation.
Maybe there's something else possible with this. But that's what I came up with immediately.
P.S. I've looked up the specs. P. 575 of UML 2.5 says
The message-name appearing in a request-message-label is the name property of the Message. If the Message has a signature, this will be the name of the Operation or Signal referenced by the signature. Otherwise the name is unconstrained.
That would put in the option to specify the operation in question as Class1:a() or the like. Actually Enterprise Architect shows it that way in the properties of the message but shortens it to just the basic name. Just a border case, I'd guess.


How to represent calling base class method in overridden method?

I have a child class which wants to add more functionality to a base class function, how can I represent that it also does the base class function not just the newly added functionality?
Interesting question. I tried that with Enterprise Architect. It did let me select the parent's operation but the display in the diagram did not change. It seems like you need to use notes for that:
As you can see Class2 inherits from Class1. The SD shows a call to Class2's operation a(). The call to the super-class's Class1.a() as internal call shows the same signature. A note clarifies the situation.
Maybe there's something else possible with this. But that's what I came up with immediately.
P.S. I've looked up the specs. P. 575 of UML 2.5 says
The message-name appearing in a request-message-label is the name property of the Message. If the Message has a signature, this will be the name of the Operation or Signal referenced by the signature. Otherwise the name is unconstrained.
That would put in the option to specify the operation in question as Class1:a() or the like. Actually Enterprise Architect shows it that way in the properties of the message but shortens it to just the basic name. Just a border case, I'd guess.

How to automatically bind template types in Enterprise Architect when a class is realizing a generic interface

I have defined a generic interface using Enterprise Architect (see figure below).
I would now like to specify the following realization:
class AircraftsTypesRepository implements Repository<AircraftTypes, Integer>
Is there a way for EA to automatically bind types and method signatures to the generic types I specified in the base interface. In other words, I would like to show in the diagram that for the AircraftTypesRepository class, T and K and bound to T=AircraftTypes, and K=Integer. I would also like to see this reflected in the interface methods
I thought about this and (as there's no native support) would suggest to script that. There are plenty of ways, so I'd take a KISS one. The Realize relation could be adorned with tagged values named Bind<val> or so where <val> is the name of a template parameter (in your example T or K). These TVs should then be defined as RefGUID which allows them to link to an EA element. Creating these TVs should be one script which looks into the templated class. You find the template definition in the table t_xref with
SELECT description FROM t_xref
WHERE client = `<GUID of element>` AND type = `elment property`
This will contain something like
(I created an example with just T but you will decode it easily, I guess.)
Now that you have the tagged value(s) set in the Realize you can run a second script to synch the definition ("just" look for textually identical types). Later you could alter the TVs and re-synch again (AFAIK there's not hook for TVs being altered so that needs to be triggered manually).
This is not a complete solution but just a suggestion which leaves open quite some field for experimentation (and failure).

How to create abstract class in MagicDraw

I'm newbie in MagicDraw and I'd like to know how to specify a class as {abstract}.
I know about de property "Is abstract" in the Specification of Class, but I'd like that it appears in the header.
The place where you set isAbstract in MagicDraw is in the specification window for the class. To open that window, either right-click on the class or press enter while it is selected. The window will look like this:
You didn't specifically ask for more information, but I'll provide it in case you find it helpful.
The model you want to create will look like this:
Notice that Abstract Class is written in italics to indicate it is abstract. Also notice that {complete, disjoint} is specified for the generalization set. (Just FYI, {complete} is also known as a covering axiom.)
Beware that if you do not specify {complete}, you're creating a conflict with the isAbstract meta-property. The reason there's a conflict is that in UML, the default is {incomplete}, which means that you are allowed to create an instance of the super-class without it also being an instance of one of the sub-classes. That conflicts with isAbstract.

Any modifications i should do on this class diagram?

I'm working on a class diagram of a simple project.
Here's a basic description of it:
"usuario" is the 'user class'. From it, i can have "membro_coral, "Membro_comissao" and "Administrador". "membro_coral" can post some news on the web site, but it goes through an avaliation to see if it can be posted or not. "Membro_coral" has a "perfil" associated with it.
There's the "evento" class. It's a class for mapping events. Users can give their disponibilities to attend to some events. And "escalacoes_disponibilidades" is the junction table.
I've added Three classes corresponding to the "Perfil" values. Some people are "membro_comissao", some people are "membro_coral" and actualy, only one is the "Administrador".
Is this class diagram right? Any modifications i should do?
EDIT: i've update my class diagram. I've added the "Status_Noticia" class. It's associated with noticia. I've done this in order to improve the statemachine diagram of "Noticia" (there's an use case which an user can send news to de displayed, but it goes through an avaliation process).
It's mostly correct. There are some minor observations however:
Membro_comissao, Membro_coral and Administrator are kind of users, right? If so, you should do one of the following: a) derive all 3 classes form user, or b) create a new class (enumerator) TipoUsuario, with those 3 values. Which option to implement depends on if there are some special features that make the 3 different one from another (some different attributes, methods or maybe associations (see the next point)
You said: " "Membro_coral" has a "perfil" associated with it.". Than this class should be associated with PErfil and not otherwise. This could be a reason to apply the option a) from before. This association should be a normal assoc. and not a composition
So, the main decision you must take is how to model user types.

How to draw a relationship between a property and a class in ArgoUML?

In ArgoUML, I have the ability to put a class Type to any property of a class. For example, I can declare a customer property with a Customer type in the Order class.
I can also easily draw a relationship from class to class:
But I can't figure out how to "draw" the link from the customer property to the Customer class. The link is never really connected to the property, but rather to the entire Order class.
I can move the position of the link manually:
But it's never really "locked" to the customer property, and can be moved automatically by the software at any moment.
Is there a way to do this?
You can not have an association in UML which is not connecting the entire two classes. It is not possible to touch the property inside the class.
Workarounds are:
add a note linked to the property
add an icon to the property which would be designed like an association.
I don't know if this advanced icons customization is available in this free tool but it is in other tools.
I found a flash demo which shows the association attribute with an icon. Look at :
If you need to understand what mean an association in UML and code generation in Java then have a look at this demo:
Hope this help.
ArgoUML follows the UML specification. Associations are drawn from one class to another. Attributes are drawn inside the 2nd compartment of a class.
The association type closest in meaning to an attribute is composition, but they are not equivalent.
You should never portray something AND as an attribute of a class, AND as a separate class associated to it.
E.g. 1. an Order may have a Number, that may be used by the customer to identify his Order. The Number is best portrayed as an attribute (in the 2nd compartment of the class).
E.g. 2. an Order may be associated to the Customer who placed the order. The Customer is best portrayed as a separate class, since it has its own lifespan (behavior), associated with the Order. This allows to show multiplicities and roles at both ends of the association line.
