Express.js app stops without PM2 restarting it - node.js

I have an Express JS app that is run using PM2 behind a NGINX proxy. It works fine, except for when we send a push notification to all users and the server probably gets too much load. The problem though is that the app just hangs when this happens. Nginx logs reports Connection Refused, Timeouts. My express app doesn't report any errors when this happens so I can't really find what is happening when it hangs. PM2 doesn't restart the app automatically.
It kind of feels like there is a promise that's not getting resolved or rejected, but I have no proof of this. It's just a feeling. Also, should this be logged somewhere? Node usually warns that this will be different in the future.
I know my description is generic, but does anyone have any experience in similar problems? Or maybe can guide me how to find out more why it breaks?
Node 12,
Express 4,
Postgres 9,
Ubuntu Linux


Why my NodeJS express app shutting down after half hour of idle?

i have a nodejs application, which using express.
My problem:
The app working well on localhost, until i stop that
I bought a shared hosting on and deployed my app
Everything working, except one thing, this is the 24/7 availability
After half hour of idle (When server does not get request(s)) application shuts down, until it gets new request, and this causes high load time
There are no errors
My question is, is there anything that i can do to prevent this?
Like a custom code that does not let server to go idle?
Application uses: Express, MySql, Express-session, nodecache, Body and cookie parser, gz compression, nodemailer, path, fs
I am using pm2.
Code is long so i won't paste here, if you have suggestions i'll check and provide you more info!
(App registered in cPanel Application Manager powered by Phusion Passanger, NodeEnv=Production)

Unable to run the angular application. Getting error No such file exists robots933456.txt

I am running the angular application in Microsoft Teams and deploying it on Azure.
But it's not running up as it is looking for the robots933456.txt route.
It wasn’t the case before today.
Please guide me on how to proceed further.
On running the app the logs shows:
The error was natively on my side nothing to do with the above but pretty much seen and raised by people so thought of sharing below:
After doing some research figured out I can safely ignore this message. /robots933456.txt is a dummy URL
the path that App Service uses to check if the container is capable of serving
requests. A 404 response simply indicates that the path doesn't exist, but
it lets App Service know that the container is healthy and ready to respond
to requests.

Node app keeps crashing due to exhausted memory after migrated to Windows environment

I am working on a React site that was originally built by someone else. The app uses the Wordpress rest api for handling content.
Currently the live app sits on a nginx server running node v6 and it has been working just fine. However now I have to move the app over to an IIS environment(not by choice) and have been having nothing but problems with it. I have got the app to finally run as expected which is great, but now I am running into an issue regarding the memory in node becoming exhausted.
So when I was debugging this issue I noticed the server's firewall was polling the home route every 5 - 10 seconds, which was firing an api request to the Wordpress api each time. The api then would return a pretty large JSON object of data.
So my conclusion to this was the firewall is polling the home route too often which was killing the memory because then the app had to constantly fire api request and load in huge sets of data over and over.
So my solution was to set up a polling route on the node server(express) which would just return a 200 response and nothing else. This seemed to fix the issue as the app went from crashing every hours to lasting over two days. However after about two days the app crashed again with another memory error. The error looked like this:
So since the app lasted much longer with the polling route added in I assume that firewall polling was/is in fact my issue here, however now that I added in the polling route and the app still crashed after a couple days I have no idea what to do which is why I am asking for help.
I am very unfamiliar with working on Windows so I don't know if there are any memory restrictions or any obvious things I could do to help prevent this issue.
Some other notes are: I have tried increasing the --max-old-space-size to about 8000 but it didn't seem to do anything so I don't know if I am maybe implementing it wrong but when I start the script I have tried the following commands when starting the app:
Start-process npm -Argumentlist “run server-prod --max-old-space-size=8192” -WorkingDirectory C:\node\prod
And when I used forever to handle the process
forever start -o out.log -e error.log .\lib\server\server.js -c "node --max_old_space_size=8000”
Any help on what could be the issue or tips on what I should look for woulf be great, again I am very new to working on Windows so maybe there is just something I am missing.

How to access a Node.js application log lauched through pm2

I've been developing a Node.js application using Socket.IO, Express, MySql and https and everything worked fine until I "deamonized" it with pm2. Now, my socket seems somehow unresponsive and I'd like to debug it. The problem is that I can't seem to find where the console.log() function from this code outputs its text anymore.
I case you'd like to know, all my pm2 processes are online and I can refresh my pages from the client side. But there should be a fonction on the server that triggers an event on the client side when something happens in the database and it does not.
Could tell me where the output from consone.log() is goes?
You can access the logs with the pm2 logs command
the problem is that while your server is running and you use
pm2 log
all logs will be displayed except
all you have to do is instead of pm2 log, run
pm2 logs
note the "s" at the logs. hope this helps
From PM2 docs:
PM2 allows you to easily manage your application’s logs. You can
display the logs coming from all your applications in real-time, flush
them, and reload them. There are also different ways to configure how
PM2 will handle your logs (separated in different files, merged, with
timestamp…) without modifying anything in your code.
And other SO question:
Make pm2 log to console

Unexplained Node.js 504s

We're running Node (v0.10.38) with Express (4.0.0), proxied through nginx (1.2.1), which usually works great. Recently, however, we switched to a new server setup. Now, roughly 30 minutes after starting up the server, the server starts returning 504s (Gateway Timeout). Accessing Node directly from the server (bypassing nginx) also times out. Every so often, we got a series of ETIMEDOUT errors from redis, but connecting to the redis server from the server works from the command line. Furthermore, the server started returning 504s even before redis errors came up anyways. Anyways, after updating our redis middleware (connect-redis) to the newest version, these errors stopped, but the 504s still occurred. However, after disabling the connection to redis in our code for 10 hours, no 504 occurred. We've tried sending a redis ping periodically to prevent the error, believing that to be the cause, but 504s continue. When not connecting to redis, the server doesn't 504, so it is likely tied to redis in some way. Anything else we can try?
Sorry if there's not much to work with. We don't have that much either, and are eager to solve this issue as soon as possible. If there's any more specifics needed, I can update the question. Thank you.
Still don't know the root cause, but we ended up fixing this by pinging Redis every minute so that the connection wouldn't get killed.
