How to implement Change Data Capture (CDC) using apache spark and kafka? - apache-spark

I am using spark-sql-2.4.1v with java 1.8. and kafka versions spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11_2.4.3 and kafka-clients_0.10.0.0.
I need to join streaming data with meta-data which is stored in RDS.
but RDS meta data could be added/changed.
If I read and load RDS table data in application , it would be stale for joining with streaming data.
I understood ,need to use Change Data Capture (CDC).
How can I implement Change Data Capture (CDC) in my scenario?
any clues or sample way to implement Change Data Capture (CDC) ?
thanks a lot.

You can stream a database into Kafka so that the contents of a table plus every subsequent change is available on a Kafka topic. From here it can be used in stream processing.
You can do CDC in two different ways:
Query-based: poll the database for changes, using Kafka Connect JDBC Source
Log-based: extract changes from the database's transaction log using e.g. Debezium
For more details and examples see


Read from multiple sources using Nifi, group topics in Kafka and subscribe with Spark

We use Apache Nifi to get data from multiple sources like Twitter and Reddit in specific interval (for example 30s). Then we would like to send it to Apache Kafka and probably it should somehow group both Twitter and Reddit messages into 1 topic so that Spark would always receive data from both sources for given interval at once.
Is there any way to do that?
#Sebastian What you describe is basic NiFI routing. You would just route both Twitter and Redis to the same downstream Kafka Producer and same Topic. After you get data into NiFi from each service, you should run it to UpdateAttribute and set attribute topicName to what you want for each source. If there are additional steps per Data Source do them after Update Attribute and before PublishKafka.
If you code all the upstream routes as above, you could route all the different Data Sources to PublishKafka processor using ${topicName} dynamically.

periodic refresh of static data in Structure Streaming and Stateful Streaming

I am trying to implement 5 min batch monitoring using spark structured streaming where read from kafka and look up on (1 huge and 1 smaller) diff static datasets as part of ETL logic and call rest API to send final results to an external application (out of billions of records from kafka only less than 100 will be out to rest API after ETL).
How to achieve refreshing static look ups with out restarting the whole streaming application ? (StreamingQueryListener using StreamingQueryManager.addListener method to have our own logic of refreshing/recreating static df via StreamingQuery.AwaitTermination ? or use persist and unpersis cache ? or any other better ideas ?)
Note : Went through below article but not sure if hbase is better option as its an old one.
Once a record is enriched with look up information and applied some rules/conditions , we need to start keep track of it to send updates until it completed its lifecycle of an event as per custom logic via rest API. So hoping flatmapwithGroupState implementation helps here to keep track of event state. Please suggest best options here.
Managing group state with in HDFS vs using HBase. Please suggest best options from an operationalization and monitoring point of view in production environment where support team has minimal knowledge of Spark. If we use HDFS for state maintenance, how to keep it up with event state tracking in case of rest API fails to send updates to end user/system?

SPARK STREAMING: I want to do some streaming exercises, how to get a good stream data source?

I want to do some streaming exercises, how to get a good stream data source ?
I am looking for both structure streaming data source and non structured streaming data source.
Will twitter work?
Local files can be used as sources in structured streaming, e.g.:
stream = spark.readStream.schema(mySchema).option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 1).json("/my/data")
With this you can experiment on data transformation and output very easily, and there are many sample datasets online, e.g. on kaggle
If you want to have something production-like, twitter api is a good option. You will need some sort of a messaging middleware though, like Kafka or Azure Event Hub - a simple app can send tweets there and you will be able to pick them up easily from Spark. You can also generate data yourself on the input side instead of depending on Twitter.

What is the advantage and disadvantage when considering Kafka as a storage?

I have 2 approaches:
Approach #1
Kafka --> Spark Stream (processing data) --> Kafka -(Kafka Consumer)-> Nodejs (
Approach #2
Kafka --> Kafka Connect (processing data) --> MongoDB -(mongo-oplog-watch)-> Nodejs (
Note: in Approach #2, I use mongo-oplog-watch to check when inserting data.
What is the advantage and disadvantage when using Kafka as a storage vs using another storage like MongoDB in real-time application context?
Kafka topics typically have a retention period (default to 7 days) after which they will be deleted. Though, there is no hard rule that we must not persist in Kafka.
You can set the topic retention period to -1 (reference)
The only problem, I know of persisting data in Kafka, is security. Kafka, out of the box (atleast as of now) doesn't provide Data-at-rest encryption. You need to go with a custom solution (or a home-grown one) to have that.
Protecting data-at-rest in Kafka with Vormetric
A KIP is also there, but it is Under discussion
Add end to end encryption in Kafka (KIP)
MongoDB on the other hand seems to provide Data-at-rest encryption.
Security data at rest in MongoDB
And most importantly, it also depends on the type of the data that you are going to store and what you want to do with it.
If you are dealing with data that is quite complex (not easy as Key-Value i.e., give the key and get the value model), for example, like querying by indexed fields etc (as you do typically with logs), then MongoDB could probably make sense.
In simple words, if you are querying by more than one field (other than the key), then storing it in MongoDB could make sense, if you intend to use Kafka for such a purpose, you would probably end up with creating a topic for every field that should be queried... which is too much.

How to link logstash output to spark input

I am processing some logs, I am using logstash to read the logs from log files and filter them before pushing to elastic search db.
However I would like to enrich log information with some data that I am storing in postgres db, so I am thinking of using spark in between.
Is it possible to feed logstash output to spark, then enrich my data and then push it to elastic search
Any help is appreciated.
Use Logstash's Kafka output plugin and read data from Kafka into Spark Kafka receiver and enrich your data. After enrichment you can call the elastic search bulk post documents or single document and index them using REST API.
