How to make Phaser.Geom.Line draggalble? - phaser-framework

1). I want to know how to make a line, created with Phaser.Geom.Line, draggable?
2). how to draw a line with Phaser.Gameobjects.Line(); ??
I am able to create line with (1) but can not make it draggable. But on the other hand I can not create a line with (2) although there are no errors in console.
Please help. Thanks


Is it necessary to use PyQt5 function "moveCenter" and "move" at the same time?

I start learning pyqt5 recently. When searching about how to centralize the window, I got confused about some answers/tutorials. Here is the link to one tutorial.
In the tutorial, the below shows how to move window to center.
centerPoint = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()
self.move(qtRectangle.topLeft()) # The last line
According to my attempt, self.move(qtRectangle.topLeft()) does not seem necessary.
Because when the last line was commented, the code still works without any warning and errors.
So, I wonder why the last line was added to the code. Is it just a mistake or a personal habit? I'm so confused about this "extra" line
Thanks in advance for answering.

How hide hint, who change this part of code in sublimetext 3 for javascript files

When I open js file in sublime text 3 and place cursor in any string of the code I see following:
Below is added one line without the line number, and in this line indented who and when made changes to this part. The color of the line is gray, like the comment. This information is taken from git. If I move the cursor to another line of code, then in the old place this line disappears and appears in a new place. This happens on the js files. With vue files, everything is fine. How can I disable this?
PS: When I take a screenshot this gray line disappears, so I can not show it in the picture
I found the solution. I changed settings for gitgutter from
"show_line_annotation": "auto"
"show_line_annotation": "false"
Now all right

How do you import a text point cloud in MeshLab?

I have an XYZ text file, generated from a Renishaw touch probe on a CNC mill, that I'm trying to open in MeshLab. I can't see anything after importing. It's a simple file of just XYZ positions. A short example:
This example is so short it would just be a line if you connected the points. I tried putting spaces between each value as the import dialog box asks and nothing shows up on screen. There is little or no documentation on how to accomplish this.
Can anyone open this simple text file and provide the steps to accomplish this?
The following very simple trick worked for me.
Replace all the occurrences of X, Y and Z with a space (I did it in Emacs and your text editor can surely achieve the same).
Save your file with the extension xyz (e.g., as
Open it in Meshlab.
The picture below is a printscreen showing the points you provided. (note that I have made them bigger by selecting "Render > Show Vertex Dots" and by increasing the point size in the menu available after pressing the "Show Layer Dialog").
Replace the letters X, Y, Z with spaces. For meshlab you have to leave it like this:
24.99221 9.49049 13.06404
25.99253 9.49049 12.77443
25.99253 9.85957 12.66110

Latex. Misplaced Figure

I'm trying to insert an image into the text, but the second one is misplaced and I don't know why because I've wrote the same code than the previous image.
Does anyone can help me with this?
the problem is that the image is greater than what is left in the paper.
You need to do three things if you want to fit it in the same page:
substitute line 345 for "\begin{figure}[!h]"
substitute line 348 for "\includegraphics[width=XXX\linewidth]{figuras/hl7_hapi_users}" and change the valor of XXX until it fits.
write \pagebreak in line 352.

Using diff3 on a mercurial merge via command line

I'm sitting at a screen split in 3 in Putty showing my files. I can't figure out what I need to Google in order to find documentation on how to navigate the command line UI for KDIFF3. I'm trying to figure out how to go line by line or conflict by conflict or take a whole file altogether. Can you guys help me find a manual or tell me how I can navigate this GUI?
What do you mean the "command line UI for kdiff3". Kdiff3 is a GUI application with an easily found usermanual. Are you sure you're not looking at vimdiff or something else?
