im having trouble with part C if you could assist me with it and explain how its done as well. thanks you in advance!
(a) As far as I can tell they're just asking that the grammar be rewritten:
<E> -> <E> + <T>
<E> -> <E> - <T>
<E> -> <T>
<T> -> <T> * <F>
<T> -> <T> / <F>
<T> -> <F>
<F> -> (<F>)
<F> -> x
<F> -> y
(b) They want a derivation of (x * y) + x:
( <T> -- <F> -- x
/ /
/ /
/ /
<E> -- <T> -- <F> -- <E> -- <T> -- *
/ \ \
/ \ \
/ \ \
<E> -- + ) <F> -- y
<T> -- <F> -- x
(c) we can define a NPDA which nondeterministically pushes all valid derivations onto the stack then pops off the input in order to accept. The stack would look like this:
stack input remaining
Z (x * y) + x
<E>Z (x * y) + x
<E>+<T>Z (x * y) + x
<T>+<T>Z (x * y) + x
<F>+<T>Z (x * y) + x
(<E>)+<T>Z x * y) + x
<E>)+<T>Z x * y) + x
<T>)+<T>Z x * y) + x
<T>*<F>)+<T>Z x * y) + x
<F>*<F>)+<T>Z x * y) + x
x*<F>)+<T>Z x * y) + x
*<F>)+<T>Z * y) + x
<F>)+<T>Z y) + x
y)+<T>Z y) + x
)+<T>Z ) + x
+<T>Z + x
<T>Z x
<F>Z x
xZ x
Z (empty)
I'm really new to Haskell, and it's giving me quite a time. I was trying to write a basic function similar to 'linspace' in Matlab but the compiler seems to reject the idea that 'floor' produces an Integral type. My code:
linspace :: Double -> Double -> Double -> [Double]
linspace x dx y
| y' == y = [x + i * dx | i <- nums]
| otherwise = ([x + i * dx | i <- nums] ++ [y])
n = floor ((y - x) / dx)
nums = [0..n]
y' = (x + (fromIntegral n) * dx)
Which produces an error in ghci:
maths.hs:8:21: error:
* No instance for (Integral Double) arising from a use of `floor'
* In the expression: floor ((y - x) / dx)
In an equation for `n': n = floor ((y - x) / dx)
In an equation for `linspace':
linspace x dx y
| y' == y = [x + i * dx | i <- nums]
| otherwise = ([x + i * dx | i <- nums] ++ [y])
n = floor ((y - x) / dx)
nums = [0 .. n]
y' = (x + (fromIntegral n) * dx)
maths.hs:10:28: error:
* No instance for (Integral Double)
arising from a use of `fromIntegral'
* In the first argument of `(*)', namely `(fromIntegral n)'
In the second argument of `(+)', namely `(fromIntegral n) * dx'
In the expression: (x + (fromIntegral n) * dx)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
You have bound the result of linspace to be a [Double], due to the type annotation. Therefore, [x + i * dx | i <- nums] must produce such a list of Doubles. x and dx are bound to be Double as they are parameters passed to the function, which are all declared as Double. But what about i? It stems from nums; to have i be a Double, nums must be a [Double].
Nums is defined as
nums = [0..n]
Okay, nums is a list alright. But a list of what? That depends on n; let's take a look!
n = floor ((y - x) / dx)
floor takes, in a nutshell, your Double and produces an Integral. Therefore, nums is a list of integrals. This is the error you're getting: there is no instance of Integral for Double; there is no way for the types to work out nicely.
To fix those errors, you have to make n a Double:
n = fromIntegral $ floor ((y - x) / dx)
As such, your definition of y' must be changed as well:
y' = x + n * dx
In a nutshell
linspace :: Double -> Double -> Double -> [Double]
linspace x dx y
| y' == y = [x + i * dx | i <- nums]
| otherwise = ([x + i * dx | i <- nums] ++ [y])
n = fromIntegral $ floor ((y - x) / dx)
nums = [0.. n]
y' = (x + n * dx)
This version compiles:
linspace :: Double -> Double -> Double -> [Double]
linspace x dx y
| y' == y = [x + (fromIntegral i) * dx | i <- nums]
| otherwise = ([x + (fromIntegral i) * dx | i <- nums] ++ [y])
n = toInteger $ floor ((y - x) / dx)
nums = [0..n]
y' = (x + (fromIntegral n) * dx)
What are the changes?
As #Alec commented, while floor is logically an integer, it's type is not. You need to use toInteger.
Following that, you need to use fromIntegral when multiplying i and `dex.
If I have this Haskell function:
Consider the following Haskell function f :
f :: Int -> Int
f 0 = 1
f x = x * x * f (x - 1)
Then how can I calculate its fixpoint and the least fixpoint (in closed form)?
The answer to this question is :
How is this least fixpoint calculated? I am trying to understand this, but still no luck. It will be great if someone could explain this to me.
It is easy to see that
f x = x * x * f (x-1)
= x * x * ((x-1) * (x-1) * f (x-2))
= x * x * ((x-1) * (x-1) * ((x-2) * (x-2) * f (x-3)))
= ...
= x * x * ((x-1) * (x-1) * ((x-2) * (x-2) * ... * 1)))
Now to answer your question in the comments about how this is equivalent to the given formula (x!)^2 when the recursive result f (x-1) is not squared, just rearrange the factors above, using associativity and commutativity of (*) over Int :
x * x * ((x-1) * (x-1) * ((x-2) * (x-2) * ... * 1)))
= x * x * (x-1) * (x-1) * (x-2) * (x-2) * ... * 1
= (x * (x-1) * (x-2) * ... * 1) * (x * (x-1) * (x-2) * .. * 1)
= x! * x!
= (x!)^2
Let's see analyse code for factorial in Haskell using lambda function:
y f x = f (y f) x
factorial = y (\t n -> if n == 1 then 1 else n * t(n-1))
And I cannot understand how does it works. I know that it is connected with lambda calculus but nowadays I am not familiar with that so I have to understand without it or with minimal knowledge.
My doubt is:
What is f in definition of factorial? I mean this f: y f x = f (y f) x.
So what is f here? y (\t n -> if n == 1 then 1 else n * t(n-1))
Please explain me that, maybe expand recursion?
the fin factorial is the (\t n -> if n == 1 ...) lambda
y is a so called fix-point combinator and it's used to enable recursive definitions in the lambda-calculus (it applies f to it's argument again and again recursively)
to understand how it works you can just do some evaluation by hand:
factorial 3
= y (\t n -> ...) 3
{ def y and y (\t n -> ...) = factorial by eta-red. }
= (\t n -> ...) factorial 3
{ t = factorial, n = 3 -> else case }
= 3 * factorial 2
= 3 * (y (\t n -> ...) 2)
= 3 * ((\t n -> ...) factorial 2)
= { t = factorial, n = 2 -> else case }
= 3 * (2 * factorial 1)
= 3 * (2 * (y (\t n -> ...) 1))
= 3 * (2 * ((\t n -> ...) factorial 1)))
{ t = factorial n = 1 -> then case }
= 3 * (2 * 1)
= 6
y is the fixed-point combinator, also known as the y-combinator. In
factorial = y (\t n -> if n == 1 then 1 else n * t(n-1))
the lambda (\t n -> if n == 1 then 1 else n * t(n-1)) is bound to f in the definition of y. You can then do the expansion:
(\t n -> if n == 1 then 1 else n * t(n-1)) (y (\t n -> if n == 1 then 1 else n * t(n-1)))
so inside the lambda, t will be bound to the lambda itself, which allows it to call itself recursively.
Perhaps it's easier if you write out the y combinator thus, with two eta-expansions:
y :: ((a->b) -> a->b) -> a->b
y f x a = f (\q a' -> y f q a') x a
So f basically gets the recursive call (with a' in place of a) as its first argument.
What is the meaning of these statements in Haskell:
(\x -> x + 1)
(\x -> x - 2)
(\x -> mod (x * 3) 5)
I understand the x + 1, mod(x * 3) 5 etc but the \x before those statements makes them difficult for me to understand.
thanks for your help
\ and -> define a lambda (you could call it an inline function or a nameless function). So \x->x is the same as \ x -> x is the same as a function which returns its argument. And \x y -> x + y is a function which returns the sum of its two arguments.
Does anybody know the steps of haskell 'foldr' use of function?
GHCI Command Window:
foldr (\x y -> 2*x + y) 4 [5,6,7]
The result after evaluation:
Steps on this,
Prelude> foldr (\x y -> 2*x + y) 4 [5,6,7]
6 * 2 + (7 * 2 + 4)
12 + 18 = 30
5 * 2 + 30 = 40 v
One definition of foldr is:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f acc [] = acc
foldr f acc (x:xs) = f x (foldr f acc xs)
The wikibook on Haskell has a nice graph on foldr (and on other folds, too):
: f
/ \ / \
a : foldr f acc a f
/ \ -------------> / \
b : b f
/ \ / \
c [] c acc
I.e. a : b : c : [] (which is just [a, b, c]) becomes f a (f b (f c acc)) (again, taken from wikibook).
So your example is evaluated as let f = (\x y -> 2*x + y) in f 5 (f 6 (f 7 4)) (let-binding only for brevity).
You can actually easily visualize it for yourself:
import Text.Printf
showOp f = f (printf "(%s op %s)") "0" ["1","2","3"]
Main> showOp foldr
"(1 op (2 op (3 op 0)))"
Main> showOp foldl
"(((0 op 1) op 2) op 3)"
Main> showOp scanl
["0","(0 op 1)","((0 op 1) op 2)","(((0 op 1) op 2) op 3)"]
[This was supposed to be a comment on delnan's remark, but was too wordy...]
Yoon, you can open a private 'conversation' with lambdabot on the #haskell irc (e.g. at ). She has a simple reflection ability, so you can type meaningless letters, e.g.
Yoon: > foldr (\x y -> 2*x + y) o [a,b,c,d]
lamdabot: 2 * a + (2 * b + (2 * c + (2 * d + o)))
This says what is evaluated, but as Edka points out you get a picture of the order of evaluation from say
Yoon: > reverse (scanr (\x y -> 2*x + y) o [a,b,c,d])
lambdabot: [o,2 * d + o,2 * c + (2 * d + o),2 * b + (2 * c + (2 * d + o)),2 * a + (2 * b + (2 * c + (2 * d + o)))
I remember imprinting some good lessons playing around with foldr, foldl, scanr, scanl and this clever device.