Azure B2C Userflow v2.0(SignUp and SignIn) - unable to find Userinfo endpoint - azure

We created an application in Azure B2C to use the OIDC implicit Grant flow. We have configured the Userflow policy(SignIn and SignUp) to customize the homepage layout and to get the custom claims in response. We are using Azure B2C as External Identity Provider (IdP) in our application. When user clicks the Login Button in our application we are redirecting the user the Azure B2C for Authentication and we are able to get the Access Token in response. But we are facing constrain in Getting the User Profile through the UserInfo enpoint. We have tried out both the Graph API endpoint and Azure B2C OIDC userinfo enpoint but neither of them are compatible with the Userflow policy.

I believe the workaround suggested is applicable only if we need to grab some extra input from user (during sign-up) or input validation and then pass that claim to application. It will unnecessary require using "Identity Experience Framework" feature which is ideally required for custom login/signup journey and is not available under free license.
What I understand from you requirement is you need to pass built-in Azure AD attributes to application and which shall be doable by selecting extra claims from "User Flow" signup-SignIn policy. Is not there any alternative to make call to "userinfo" endpoint out of box ?? Any Microsoft expert here, please clarify.

As of now, Azure AD B2C does not support the UserInfo endpoint through User-flow policy.
Right now, it is being supported only through Custom Policies.
You can vote for this feature on Azure AD User Voice.
A workaround is that you could integrate a Rest API to retrieve the extra claims.
See reference here.


How to custom Azure AD B2C UserFlow as per need of customer?

We are facing an issue while implementation Authentication using Azure AD B2C Instance.
Our Requirement:
For the Signup process, we have to call external API to check some status in that API, if iAPI returns true then create a user in Azure AD B2C, or else return with some error on it.
Assume if a user is created successfully in Azure AD B2C (with in the same Userflow), and now we want to store some custom fields that we have configured in Azure AD B2C, those custom fields need to be also stored in our own database, and not in default database provided for Azure AD B2C.
For Sign in process, we have to call external API to check some status in that API, if API returns true then continue with the Authentication flow or else return it with some error details.
Please help me with this.
Solution Approach:
Approach 1: User inbuild provided UserFlow in Azure AD B2C (SignUpSignIn, SignUp, SignIn, PasswordReset, Profile)
Problem Facing for Approach 1:
During the authentication process, we want to include our own customized page for MFA after the signup or sign-in page.
We are not able to call external API after the user successfully created or login with the existing Userflow.
This is pretty "easily" achievable using the Custom (Trust Framework) Policies.
There's also a nice example of using a REST API within
Note: The example here is using the REST call for authentication purposes, but should outline how you use a REST Technical Profile to achieve the flow you are looking for.

How to use device code flow with Azure B2C

I would like to set up authorization in a dotnet web api project using Azure B2C with device code flow.
I have successfully set up this sample with my Azure B2C tenant and my custom signin policy. I can obtain an access token using Postman if I select the OAuth 2.0 authorization type.
Now I would like to use Postman to obtain an access token and call my API using device code flow. The problem is I can't find any documentation or sample on how to do this. The docs show how to do this using a regular Azure tenant, not a B2C tenant having a custom singin policy.
I can obtain a device code using Postman and go to and use that code, but I can't log in using the users I set up in my B2C tenant. Also, I can't find any way to make it use my own custom signin policy defined in my B2C tenant.
Is there any way to use device code flow with an Azure B2C tenant?
Based on the documentation it is not supported.
Only authorization code/hybrid/implicit flows are supported.

ID Token Validation in Azure B2C

I am very new to Azure B2C and trying to explore the options available to manage the identities in B2C. I have registered web application and also created required custom policy in B2C tenant. When I am trying to run the workflow from Azure B2C portal, I am able to redirect to registered application with IdToken and also able to view the ID token information in
Below are some of the question which requires clarification
Suppose I have hyperlink in my web application(Asp.Net web form) which redirects the user into Azure B2C. On successful signin in Azure B2C, how to validate ,process ID Token and fetch the user information in web application. I have seen code samples related to button click event.
How to refresh the token in the above case.
The easiest way is to use the MSAL library on the client side.
This does all this for you.
You get back an id_token and an access token.
Only an access token can be refreshed.

How to capture user identityId from original IdP using OpenID Connect (preview)

I'm using an App Service with EasyAuth, integrated with B2C. Within B2C I've configured the OpenID Connect provider to point back to our corporate AAD tenant. The user journey and authentication are working as desired, however the user's sub and oid that are returned to EasyAuth contain the id of the user's B2C object, not from originating AAD tenant as I'd hoped. Anyway around this? Are custom policies needed?
Also referenced here on the B2C docs site:
Yes, you will need to use a custom policy to pass the oid of the AAD user (from the AAD token) as an additional claim in the B2C token.

Azure AD B2C : User credential validation against custom user store

Can Azure AD B2C pass the "UserName/Email and Password" entered by end user to a third party trusted application for credentials validation and get the claims for the user on successful credentials validation by the App?
This scenario arises because, some of my users are in Azure AD B2C and some of the users are maintained in the custom user store and can't be moved to Azure AD B2C due to business reasons. Yet i want to provide same sign-in experience for both users.
The Wingtip sample contains an example of this integration.
See the "ClassicAccount" claims provider for reference.
This claims provider, which is implemented by a REST API, is integrated in to the sign-in user journey to sign users in using logins that are external to the Azure AD B2C directory.
Code for the REST API can be found in the same repository.
