Creating a string of month in a column - excel

I would like to create a date column formatted via "mmm-yyyy" but starting with next year's date, i.e.
My code only created the same month for 12 times. Can any one help me with this?
My current code
Sub demo()
'month recurring till dec
Dim x As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For x = 1 To 12
For i = 1 To 12
StartDate = (month(x + 1)) & "-" & (Year(Now())) + 1
Cells(i, 1).Value = StartDate
Cells(i, 1).NumberFormat = "mmm-yyyy"
Next i
Next x
End Sub

Write month dates into column
You have several issues here. Basically you aren't incrementing the year (correct: Year(Now) + increment) and you are overwriting each target cell 12-times with the last calculated value.
Working example procedure
Option Explicit ' declaration head of your code module
Sub demo()
With Sheet1 ' << Reference the sheet's CodeName, e.g. Sheet1
Dim repetition As Long ' << Long, provide for counters greater than ~65K
For repetition = 1 To 10 ' << change to ..= 1 to 1 if only one column :-)
Dim mon As Long
For mon = 1 To 12
' calculate month date via DateSerial function (arguments year,month,day)
Dim StartDate As Date
StartDate = DateSerial(Year(Now) + repetition, mon, 1)
' write to fully referenced range - note the prefixed "." referring to the sheet object
.Cells((repetition - 1) * 12 + mon, 1).Value = StartDate
.Cells((repetition - 1) * 12 + mon, 1).NumberFormat = "mmm-yyyy"
Next mon
Next repetition
End With
End Sub


Excel-VBA: fist and last row calculation wrong

this is my first VBA project and I'm stuck on one problem:
I need to calculate the monthly skewness using daily returns for multiple assets. First, I detected the months and the cells where each month ends and put them in a new worksheet. Based on that, I calculate the monthly skewness for each asset to get a table with the month in the rows and the assets in the columns.
The problem is that the skewness for the first and last row (so the first and last month) are incorrect, although the month is correctly identified by the first part of the code. In the second part of the code where I calculate the skewness I get this error: "Unable to get the Skew property of the WorksheetFunction class" for the line where I want to store the skew in an array but the skewness is calculated nonetheless. How can I solve the error message and get the correct skewness for the first and last month?
Any help would be very appreciated!
This is the code im working with:
Sub step1()
Dim v()
Dim idm()
Dim MonthCount As Single
'find the last row
lastrow = Worksheets("Data").Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row
'save the dates to array
v = Worksheets("Data").Range("A2:A" & lastrow).Value
'count the number of months
M = 1 'initiate month counter
For Row = 1 To lastrow - 2
'extract months from dates
month1 = month(v(Row, 1))
month2 = month(v(Row + 1, 1))
'increase the counter when the month changes
If month1 <> month2 Then
M = M + 1
End If
MonthCount = M
'resize the month arrays
ReDim idm(1 To MonthCount, 1 To 2)
'detect change in month and save cumulative days as row indexes
M = 1 'initiate month counter
For Row = 1 To lastrow - 2
month1 = month(v(Row, 1))
month2 = month(v(Row + 1, 1))
If month1 <> month2 Then
'save the month
idm(M, 1) = month1 & "/" & Year(v(Row, 1))
'save the cumulative days
idm(M, 2) = Row + 1
M = M + 1
End If
On Error Resume Next
'save the last month, cannot detect month change with empty row below
idm(M, 1) = month1 & "-" & Year(v(Row, 1))
idm(M, 2) = Row
'End With
'write the month array to excel
Worksheets("Months").Range("A2:B" & MonthCount + 1).Value = idm
End Sub
Sub step2()
Dim idMonth()
'save last month index to array
lastmonth = Worksheets("Months").Range("B2").End(xlDown).Row
idMonth() = Worksheets("Months").Range("B2:B" & lastmonth).Value
Dim z As Variant
Dim r1, r2 As Double
nc = Worksheets("Data").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
'initiate counters
r1 = 2
r2 = 2
For c = 1 To nc
For M = 1 To UBound(idMonth) 'm is month index
'end of the month
r2 = idMonth(M, 1)
'set range for skewness
Set month_range = Worksheets("Data").Range(Cells(r1, c + 1).Address, Cells(r2, c + 1).Address)
'store skew in array
'error in the following line
z = Application.WorksheetFunction.skew(month_range)
'write skew to cells
Worksheets("Months").Cells(M + 1, c + 2).Value = z
'start of next month
r1 = r2 + 1
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Divide month in week numbers with VBA

I am aware that this question has been asked in many different forms, but I would like to show my case as I have not found the perfect solution for it.
So, what I need to do is divide every month in 4 or 5 weeks, and type it into the corresponding cells.
Example :
I have tried this sample code written by User : danieltakeshi in this thread :
But it has a flaw in it, for example if you type a date from October 2021 the result outputs 6 weeks which is impossible :
Sub WeeksInMonth()
Dim MonthYear As String, txt As String
Dim InputDate As Date, MonthYearDay As Date
Dim i As Long, intDaysInMonth As Long, j As Long
Dim MyArray As Variant
Dim arr As New Collection, a
ReDim MyArray(0 To 31)
j = 0
InputDate = ("1 / 10 / 2021") ' Date from October
MonthYear = Month(InputDate) & "/" & Year(InputDate)
intDaysInMonth = Day(DateSerial(Year(MonthYear), Month(MonthYear) + 1, 0))
For i = 1 To intDaysInMonth
MonthYearDay = DateSerial(Year(InputDate), Month(InputDate), i)
MyArray(j) = Application.WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(MonthYearDay)
j = j + 1
Next i
ReDim Preserve MyArray(0 To j - 1)
On Error Resume Next
For Each a In MyArray
arr.Add a, CStr(a)
For i = 1 To arr.Count
Debug.Print arr(i)
End Sub
Please help me find a solution, or tell me how I can adapt it to my current situation.
This routine checks for the first and last workingday (monday to friday) and then gives the calendar weeks for that date range
Option Explicit
Public Sub test_getWeeknumbersForMonth()
Dim arr As Variant
arr = getWeekNumbersForMonth("1.10.2021")
Debug.Print "1.10.2021: ", Join(arr, " - ")
arr = getWeekNumbersForMonth("1.1.2022")
Debug.Print "1.1.2022: ", Join(arr, " - ")
End Sub
Public Function getWeekNumbersForMonth(inputDate As Date) As Variant
Dim datStart As Date
datStart = getFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(inputDate)
Dim datEnd As Date
datEnd = getLastWorkingDayOfMonth(inputDate)
Dim arrWeekNumbers As Variant
ReDim arrWeekNumbers(1 To 6) 'max 6 weeks can be returned
Dim i As Long: i = 1
Dim dat As Date
dat = datStart
While dat <= datEnd
arrWeekNumbers(i) = getCalendarWeek(dat)
i = i + 1
dat = DateAdd("ww", 1, dat)
ReDim Preserve arrWeekNumbers(i - 1)
getWeekNumbersForMonth = arrWeekNumbers
End Function
Private Function getFirstWorkingDayOfMonth(inputDate As Date) As Date
Dim datToCheck As Date: datToCheck = DateSerial(Year(inputDate), Month(inputDate), 1) - 1
Dim isWorkingday As Boolean
datToCheck = datToCheck + 1
isWorkingday = Weekday(datToCheck, vbMonday) <= 5
Loop Until isWorkingday = True
getFirstWorkingDayOfMonth = datToCheck
End Function
Private Function getLastWorkingDayOfMonth(inputDate As Date) As Date
Dim datToCheck As Date: datToCheck = DateSerial(Year(inputDate), Month(inputDate) + 1, 1)
Dim isWorkingday As Boolean
datToCheck = datToCheck - 1
isWorkingday = Weekday(datToCheck, vbMonday) <= 5
Loop Until isWorkingday = True
getLastWorkingDayOfMonth = datToCheck
End Function
Private Function getCalendarWeek(inputDate As Date) As Long
'european iso week - CW 1 = week with first thursday
getCalendarWeek = Application.WorksheetFunction.IsoWeekNum(inputDate)
'use weeknum-function -adjust second parameter to your needs
'getCalendarWeek = Application.WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(inputDate, 2)
End Function
First, some months have dates in six weeks.
Next, VBA natively can't return the correct ISO 8601 weeknumbers:
How to get correct week number in Access
Finally, week numbers don't care about workdays or weekends. If you wish to exclude weeks that don't include specific weekdays, filter on the dates of these.

Create an array of last 12 months including month and year based on an input Month/Year in Excel VBA

Is there a way to create an array of the last 12 months (Month/Year in "mmm-yy" format) based on Month/Year in "mmm-yy" from a variable?
Use Dateadd
Sub Demo()
Dim s As String, ar, n As Integer
s = Format(Date, "mmm-yy") ' default
s = InputBox("mmm-yy", "Input mmm-yy", s)
ar = PriorYear(s)
For n = 1 To 12: Debug.Print n, ar(n): Next
End Sub
Function PriorYear(s) As Variant
Dim ar(1 To 12) As String, dt As Date, n As Integer
dt = DateValue("01-" & s)
For n = 12 To 1 Step -1
dt = DateAdd("m", -1, dt)
ar(n) = Format(dt, "mmm-yy")
PriorYear = ar
End Function
Please, try the more compact version, too:
Dim arr, d As Date: d = Date 'you can choose any date you need
arr = Application.Transpose(Evaluate("TEXT(DATE(" & Year(d) - 1 & ",row(" & month(d) & ":" & month(d) + 11 & "),1),""mmm-yy"")"))
Debug.Print Join(arr, "|")
I usually post an answer if OP proves that he tried something by his own and it is good to learn that this aspect is mandatory in our community. Even explain in words what you tried. I made an exception only for the challenging sake, since the question has already been answered...
This late post demonstrates how to get the last 12 month dates via Evaluate, based on a symbolic formula syntax like
Extra feature: The function accepts an optional argument MonthsCount changing the default value of 12 last months to any other positive value.
Public Function LastNMonths(dt As Date, Optional MonthsCount As Long = 12)
'Purpose: get 1-dim array of last 12 month dates formatted "mmm-yy")
'a) get start date
Dim StartDate As Date: StartDate = DateAdd("m", -MonthsCount + 1, dt)
Dim yrs As Long: yrs = Year(dt) - Year(StartDate)
'b) get column numbers representing months .. e.g. "J:U" or "A:L"
Dim cols As String
cols = Split(Cells(, Month(StartDate)).Address, "$")(1)
cols = cols & ":" & Split(Cells(, Month(dt) + Abs(yrs * 12)).Address, "$")(1)
'c) evaluate dates .. e.g. Text(Date(2020,Column(J:U),1),"mmm-yyyy")
LastNMonths = Evaluate("Text(Date(" & Year(StartDate) & _
",Column(" & cols & "),1),""mmm-yyyy"")")
End Function
Example call
You might want to display the resulting "flat" array based on today's date input (ending currently in Sep-2021) within the VB Editor's immediate window by a joined list
Debug.Print Join(LastNMonths(Date), "|")
returning e.g.

Problem with Week Numbers between dates on New Year

The following [mcve] will output an array of arrays of week numbers between two dates. It works when both dates are on the same year, however, some years have 52 weeks and start within the last days of the last year. And others have 53 weeks.
An example of 52 weeks is the 2020 calendar:
Where the first week begins on Dec 30.
And the example of 53 weeks is the 2016 calendar:
That begins only on Jan 4th.
The following code is commented and outputs an array of arrays with the week numbers.
Sub w_test()
Dim Arr() As Variant, ArrDateW() As Variant
'Initial Date
DateI = DateSerial(2015, 5, 5)
'Final Date
DateF = DateSerial(2017, 9, 20)
'Difference in weeks between DateI and DateF
weekDif = DateDiff("ww", DateI, DateF) + k - 1
i = Weekday(DateI)
d = DateI
'If not Sunday, go back to last week, to start the loop
If i <> 1 Then
d = DateAdd("d", -(i - 1), d)
End If
ReDim ArrDateW(weekDif)
ReDim Arr(2)
'Loop on all weeks between two dates to populate array of arrays
For i = 0 To weekDif
Arr(0) = d
'Trying to solve problem with New Year
If Application.WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(d) = 53 Then
flag = True
End If
If flag = False Then
Arr(1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(d)
Arr(1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(DateSerial(Year(d) + 1, 1, 1))
flag = False
End If
Arr(2) = Year(d)
'Populate array of arrays
ArrDateW(i) = Arr
'Next Week Number
d = DateAdd("ww", 1, d)
Next i
'To stop with Ctrl+F8
Debug.Print d
End Sub
2015 had 53 weeks, however the program outputs the following:
And between 2016 and 2017, the output is a mess:
How to fix the program to output these week numbers correctly?
I went about it somewhat differently, relying on built-in VBA functions to correctly calculate the week numbers. Read about ISO week numbers is this answer and see how I'm using the DataPart function -- though you can substitute your own version of Ron de Bruin's ISO week number function if you feel it's warranted.
A couple of quick side notes:
Always use Option Explicit
Try to use more descriptive variable names. YOU know what you're talking about NOW. In a few months, you'll struggle to remember what d and Arr mean (even if it seems obvious now). It's just a good habit and makes the code self-documenting.
My example below breaks the logic into a separate function with an optional parameter (just for fun) that would allow the caller to change the start of the week to a different day.
Code module:
Option Explicit
Sub w_test()
Dim initialDate As Date
Dim finaldate As Date
initialDate = #5/5/2015#
finaldate = #9/29/2017#
Dim weeks As Variant
weeks = WeekNumbers(initialDate, finaldate)
Debug.Print "There are " & UBound(weeks, 1) & " weeks between " & _
Format(initialDate, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & " and " & _
Format(finaldate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
End Sub
Private Function WeekNumbers(ByVal initialDate As Date, _
ByVal finaldate As Date, _
Optional ByVal weekStart As VbDayOfWeek = vbSunday) As Variant
Dim numberOfWeeks As Long
numberOfWeeks = DateDiff("ww", initialDate, finaldate, weekStart, vbFirstFullWeek)
Dim startOfWeek As Date
If Weekday(initialDate) <> vbSunday Then
Dim adjustBy As Long
If Weekday(initialDate) > weekStart Then
adjustBy = Weekday(initialDate) - weekStart
adjustBy = (Weekday(initialDate) + 7) - weekStart
End If
startOfWeek = DateAdd("d", -adjustBy, initialDate)
End If
Dim allTheWeeks As Variant
ReDim allTheWeeks(1 To numberOfWeeks)
Dim weekInfo As Variant
ReDim weekInfo(1 To 3)
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To numberOfWeeks
weekInfo(1) = startOfWeek
weekInfo(2) = DatePart("ww", startOfWeek, weekStart, vbFirstFourDays)
weekInfo(3) = Year(startOfWeek)
allTheWeeks(i) = weekInfo
startOfWeek = DateAdd("ww", 1, startOfWeek)
Next i
WeekNumbers = allTheWeeks
End Function

For-Next Loop using end of month dates as iteration

I currently have a "For Next" loop that iterates through various years and I want to modify it to loop through dates, specifically the end of each month. My generic code for the year loop is below. Clearly looping through years is relatively easy since you have a start year, which is an integer, and the iteration is 1. Now I want to modify the loop to iterate though various end of month dates. For example, 1/31/2003, 2/28/2003, ......, 12/31/2007. Also, note that for each iteration I create a new worksheet with the name of the current iteration as the name of the worksheet. Again, this is relatively easy for a year but using a date with a "/" complicates things. Does anyone have any ideas for creating a loop using end of month dates as well as creating sheets using dates? I do have an array of the dates so the code could refer to the array within a sheet. And the name of the sheet could be in any format. For example, "mm-dd-yyyy".
Sub YearLoop()
Dim FirstYr As Integer
Dim LastYr As Integer
Dim Sheetname As String
Dim Counter1 As Single
FirstYr = Sheets("Model").Range("ax15").Value
LastYr = Sheets("Model").Range("ax16").Value
Counter1 = 0
For J = FirstYr To LastYr
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = J
Sheetname = J
'do stuff
Counter1 = Counter1+1
End Sub
The DateSerial function produces the end-of-month date of the previous month when you give any month a day of zero.
dim m as integer
for m = 2 to 13
debug.print dateserial(2016, m, 0)
next m
The characters that can't be used in sheet names are ASCII \/[]*:?, but you can use Unicode characters like ⁄∕/
d = #1/31/2003#
While d <= #12/31/2007#
Sheets.Add(, ActiveSheet).Name = Replace(d, "/", ChrW(8260))
d = d + 32
d = d - Day(d)
Or you can use Jeeped's answer like this:
For m = FirstYr * 12 + 2 To LastYr * 12 + 13
Sheets.Add(, ActiveSheet).Name = Replace(DateSerial(0, m, 0), "/", ChrW(8260))
Public Sub ReadAndDisplay()
' Get Range
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Returns Calc").Range("C118:C319")
' Create dynamic array
Dim Arr() As Variant
' Read values into array from sheet1
Arr = rg
For Each mark In Arr
Dim CurrentDate1 As Date, DimCurrentDate2 As String
CurrentDate1 = mark
CurrentDate2 = Replace(CurrentDate1, "/", ".")
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = CurrentDate2 & " Rtns"
'do Stuff
Next mark
End Sub
