pandas remove records conditionally based on records count of groups - python-3.x

I have a dataframe like this
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
raw_data = {'Country':['UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK','UK'],
'Week': [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6],
'val': [5,4,3,1,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,5,5,5,5,6,7,8,9,10]
df2 = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['Country','Product','Week', 'val'])
and mapping dataframe
mapping = pd.DataFrame({'Product':['A','C'],'Product1':['B','D']}, columns = ['Product','Product1'])
and i wanted to compare products as per mapping. product A data should match with product B data.. the logic is product A number of records is 4 so product B records also should be 4 and those 4 records should be from the week number before and after form last week number of product A and including the last week number. so before 1 week of week number 4 i.e. 3rd week and after 2 weeks of week number 4 i.e 5,6 and week 4 data.
similarly product C number of records is 3 so product D records also should be 3 and those records before and after last week number of product C. so product c last week number 3 so product D records will be week number 2,3,4.
wanted data frame will be like below i wanted to remove those yellow records

Define the following function selecting rows from df, for products from
the current row in mapping:
def selRows(row, df):
rows_1 = df[df.Product == row.Product]
nr_1 = rows_1.index.size
lastWk_1 = rows_1.Week.iat[-1]
rows_2 = df[df.Product.eq(row.Product1) & - 1)].iloc[:nr_1]
return pd.concat([rows_1, rows_2])
Then call it the following way:
result = pd.concat([ selRows(row, grp)
for _, grp in df2.groupby(['Country'])
for _, row in mapping.iterrows() ])
The list comprehension above creates a list on DataFrames - results of
calls of selRows on:
each group of rows from df2, for consecutive countries (the outer loop),
each row from mapping (the inner loop).
Then concat concatenates all of them into a single DataFrame.

Solution first create mapped column by mapping DataFrame and create dictionaries for mapping for length and last (maximal) value by groups by Country and Product:
df2['mapp'] = df2['Product'].map(mapping.set_index('Product1')['Product'])
df1 = df2.groupby(['Country','Product'])['Week'].agg(['max','size'])
#subtracted 1 for last previous value
dprev = df1['max'].sub(1).to_dict()
dlen = df1['size'].to_dict()
{('UK', 'A'): 4, ('UK', 'B'): 8, ('UK', 'C'): 3, ('UK', 'D'): 6}
Then values of dict and filter out less values, then filter by second dictionary by lengths with DataFrame.head:
df3 = (df2[df2[['Country','mapp']].apply(tuple, 1).map(dprev) <= df2['Week']]
.apply(lambda x: x.head(dlen.get(
Country Product Week val mapp
Country mapp
UK A 6 UK B 3 7 A
7 UK B 4 8 A
8 UK B 5 9 A
9 UK B 6 10 A
C 16 UK D 2 6 C
17 UK D 3 7 C
18 UK D 4 8 C
Then filter original rows unmatched mapping['Product1'], add new df3 and sorting:
df = (df2[~df2['Product'].isin(mapping['Product1'])]
.append(df3, ignore_index=True)
.drop('mapp', axis=1))
Country Product Week val
0 UK A 1 5
1 UK A 2 4
2 UK A 3 3
3 UK A 4 1
7 UK B 3 7
8 UK B 4 8
9 UK B 5 9
10 UK B 6 10
4 UK C 1 5
5 UK C 2 5
6 UK C 3 5
11 UK D 2 6
12 UK D 3 7
13 UK D 4 8


How can I transform this dataset in pandas so that it easy to filter and compare?

I have the following DataFrame:
Segments Airline_pct_tesco Airline_pct_asda food_pct_tesco food_pct_asda Airline_diff food_diff
A 1 2 4 2 -1 2
B 2 2 4 4 0 0
c 10 5 12 10 5 2
I want to convert it to this format:
Segments Category Asda% Tesco% Diff%
A Airline 2 1 -1
b Food 4 4 0
c Airline 5 10 5
A Food 2 4 2
(only partially showing). Note
category is the col name without the '_pct_tesco' or '_diff' or '_pct_asda'
I am unsure how to go about this - I have tried transform but I just don't know how I can get it in a way which is easy for any user to use. I am doing this in pandas and am not sure how to even begin! The Asda% are related to '_pct_asda' columns and same for diff and tesco columns respectively..
Let's try set_index to save columns, then create a MultiIndex.from_frame using str.extract on the columns to create a MultiIndex based on the values before a list of suffixes, then stack to go to long-form.
new_df = df.set_index('Segments')
# Define allowed suffixes here
suffixes = ['_pct_asda', '_pct_tesco', '_diff']
# Extract Values
new_df.columns = (
names=['Category', None]
new_df = new_df.stack(0)
_diff _pct_asda _pct_tesco
Segments Category
A Airline -1 2 1
food 2 2 4
B Airline 0 2 2
food 0 4 4
c Airline 5 5 10
food 2 10 12
To get cleaner output add reset_index + rename to fix column names and index and also re-order columns.
new_df = new_df.reset_index().rename(columns={
'_pct_asda': 'Asda%',
'_pct_tesco': 'Tesco%',
'_diff': 'Diff%'
})[['Segments', 'Category', 'Asda%', 'Tesco%', 'Diff%']]
Segments Category Asda% Tesco% Diff%
0 A Airline 2 1 -1
1 A food 2 4 2
2 B Airline 2 2 0
3 B food 4 4 0
4 c Airline 5 10 5
5 c food 10 12 2

Python create a column based on the values of each row of another column

I have a pandas dataframe as below:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'ORDER':["A", "A", "A", "B", "B","B"], 'GROUP': ["A_2018_1B1", "A_2018_1B1", "A_2018_1M1", "B_2018_I000_1C1", "B_2018_I000_1B1", "B_2018_I000_1C1H"], 'VAL':[1,3,8,5,8,10]})
0 A A_2018_1B1 1
1 A A_2018_1B1H 3
2 A A_2018_1M1 8
3 B B_2018_I000_1C1 5
4 B B_2018_I000_1B1 8
5 B B_2018_I000_1C1H 10
I want to create a column "CAL" as sum of 'VAL' where GROUP name is same for all the rows expect H character in the end. So, for example, 'VAL' column for 1st two rows will be added because the only difference between the 'GROUP' is 2nd row has H in the last. Row 3 will remain as it is, Row 4 and 6 will get added and Row 5 will remain same.
My expected output
0 A A_2018_1B1 1 4
1 A A_2018_1B1H 3 4
2 A A_2018_1M1 8 8
3 B B_2018_I000_1C1 5 15
4 B B_2018_I000_1B1 8 8
5 B B_2018_I000_1C1H 10 15
Try with replace then transform
0 4
1 4
2 8
3 15
4 8
5 15
Name: VAL, dtype: int64
df['CAL'] = df.groupby(df.GROUP.str.replace('H','')).VAL.transform('sum')

How to compare and iterate over certain rows in column while creating output as new column in dataframe?

I am wanting to backtest a trading strategy.
The data I have is OHLC (open,high,low, close) for a financial product, that is formatted into a dataframe with 300 rows (each row is 1 day) like so:
datetime O H L C
2020-03-24 1 2 3 4
2020-03-23 5 6 7 8
2020-03-22 9 1 2 3
2020-03-21 9 2 2 3
2020-03-20 9 3 2 3
2020-03-19 9 4 2 3
2020-03-18 9 5 2 3
What I want to do is, starting on the date closet to current date, in this case row with 2020-03-24:
1. take the number in column `L`
2. compare if the number in column `L` is at any point greater than the values in column `L` for the previous two days.
3. Create and fill in new column if value from 1 is greater than value in interation.
4. Repeat steps 1, 2, & 3 but take the number in column `L` that was not into included in the iteration.
1. Starting on row `2020-03-24`, take value `3`
2. Is `3` at any point greater than `7` or `2` for rows starting with `2020-03-23` and `2020-03-22`?
3. YES,assign `TRUE` to column `comparison` in df for row starting with `2020-03-24`
4. Repeat, starting on row `2020-03-21`, take value `2` in column `L`
4a. Is `2` at any point greater than values in rows `2020-03-20` or `2020-03-19`?
4b. NO, assign `FALSE` to column `comparison` in df for row starting with `2020-03-21`.
New df looks like this:
datetime O H L C Comparison
2020-03-24 1 2 3 4 TRUE
2020-03-23 5 6 7 8
2020-03-22 9 1 2 3
2020-03-21 9 2 2 3 FALSE
2020-03-20 9 3 2 3
2020-03-19 9 4 2 3
2020-03-18 9 5 2 3
The only way I know how to do this is with a FOR loop, but that doesnt work on iterating and comparing only certain subsets like so:
for i in df['L']:
if df['L'] >
You need a combination of rolling() and shift():
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
df.sort_index(inplace=True, ascending=False)
df['Comparison'] = False
df['Comparison'] = df.loc[:, 'L'] > df.loc[:, 'L'].rolling(window=2).min().shift(-2)
With rolling() you get the minimum of the last two days, shift() moves it to the right row.

Drop by multiple columns groups if specific values not exit in another column in Pandas

How can I drop the whole group by city and district if date's value of 2018/11/1 not exits in the following dataframe:
city district date value
0 a c 2018/9/1 12
1 a c 2018/10/1 4
2 a c 2018/11/1 5
3 b d 2018/9/1 3
4 b d 2018/10/1 7
The expected result will like this:
city district date value
0 a c 2018/9/1 12
1 a c 2018/10/1 4
2 a c 2018/11/1 5
Thank you!
Create helper column by DataFrame.assign, compare by datetime and test if at least one true per groups with GroupBy.any and GroupBy.transform for possible filter by boolean indexing:
mask = (df.assign(new=df['date'].eq('2018/11/1'))
df = df[mask]
print (df)
city district date value
0 a c 2018/9/1 12
1 a c 2018/10/1 4
2 a c 2018/11/1 5
If error with misisng values in mask one possivle idea is replace misisng values in columns used for groups:
mask = (df.assign(new=df['date'].eq('2018/11/1'),
city= df['city'].fillna(-1),
district= df['district'].fillna(-1))
df = df[mask]
print (df)
city district date value
0 a c 2018/9/1 12
1 a c 2018/10/1 4
2 a c 2018/11/1 5
Another idea is add possible misisng index values by reindex and also replace missing values to False:
mask = (df.assign(new=df['date'].eq('2018/11/1'))
df = df[mask.reindex(df.index, fill_value=False).fillna(False)]
print (df)
city district date value
0 a c 2018/9/1 12
1 a c 2018/10/1 4
2 a c 2018/11/1 5
There's a special GroupBy.filter() method for this. Assuming date is already datetime:
filter_date = pd.Timestamp('2018-11-01').date()
df = df.groupby(['city', 'district']).filter(lambda x: (x['date'] == filter_date).any())

Combining dataframes in pandas and populating with maximum values

I'm trying to combine multiple data frames in pandas and I want the new dataframe to contain the maximum element within the various dataframes. All of the dataframes have the same row and column labels. How can I do this?
df1 = Date A B C
1/1/15 3 5 1
2/1/15 2 4 7
df2 = Date A B C
1/1/15 7 2 2
2/1/15 1 5 4
I'd like the result to look like this.
df = Date A B C
1/1/15 7 5 2
2/1/15 2 5 7
You can use np.where to return an array of the values that satisfy your boolean condition, this can then be used to construct a df:
In [5]:
vals = np.where(df1 > df2, df1, df2)
array([['1/1/15', 7, 5, 2],
['2/1/15', 2, 5, 7]], dtype=object)
In [6]:
pd.DataFrame(vals, columns = df1.columns)
Date A B C
0 1/1/15 7 5 2
1 2/1/15 2 5 7
I don't know if Date is a column or index but the end result will be the same.
Actually just use np.maximum:
In [8]:
Date A B C
0 1/1/15 7 5 2
1 2/1/15 2 5 7
