Godaddy Domain name to azure static website mapping - azure

I have taken the domain name from Godaddy.
After that, I have chosen static website in azure storage account and added one index.html in blob storage.
The page is accessible from azure's given URL
I want to map that URL to my Godaddy domain name. Below are the screenshot I am trying as given in blob service=> custom domain tab but not getting success.
I followed it but no satisfactory answer given in it.

You don't need the CNAME entry, just the www one. If you don't have CDN, then you don't need the cdnverify.www... CNAME entry either.
You could try going with the secondary solution, using the asverify subdomain. For this, you have to:
Delete records you created in previous attempts
Create a CNAME record asverify.www pointing to
Wait for a short time (like 5 minutes) so your registration will go live
On the Azure Portal, enter and select the option below saying Use indirect CNAME validation
Click Save
Let me know if it works or not so we can figure out what next.


Azure app service wrong redirection for new domain

I acquired a new domain name in Azure (let's say, assigned it to my app service, bought a certificate also in Azure and made the bindings. Apparently both the domain and certificate are properly configured.
When I invoke the domain in any browser like, I get redirected to, and of course fails.
The problem must be very simple, but I have no clue! Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
To create a CNAME mapping for the www subdomain, create two records: CNAME and TXT records.
After you add the CNAME and TXT records, the DNS records page looks like the following example:
To map an A record, you need the app's external IP address. You can find this IP address on the app's Custom Domains page in the Azure portal.
After the records are added, the DNS records page looks like the following example:
For more details, you could refer to this article about mapping an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service.

Adding a custom domain name (NOT a subdomain) to a static site hosted on Azure Storage

I have a domain registered through GoDaddy.
Currently there is an A record where:
Host: #
Points To: IP Address
This is pointing to a server that is currently serving the site.
I also have the site in an Azure Storage static web blob, and the endpoint is serving up the site and all is good.
I have tried registering a custom domain via the "asverify" method (see below), and Azure reports that it works. My custom domain "" is accepted and all appears good except, navigating to never works (after disabling the A record above).
Create a CNAME record with your DNS provider that points from the "asverify" subdomain (like to or After this step completes, enter your domain below (exclude the 'asverify' subdomain). This method does not incur any downtime. To use this method, select the 'Use indirect CNAME validation' checkbox.
I have done something similar previously with AppServices. I have another domain that I have added to an AppService that is not a subdomain (so it is NOT That was done with adding a TXT record to the DNS at GoDaddy, and works perfectly.
Does Azure Storage allow you to do this with a non-subdomain? That is the only way that I want to access the site.
Does Azure Storage allow you to do this with a non-subdomain?
Unfortunately, Azure Storage does not allow you to use non-subdomains to perform this operation. The subdomain is required, root domains are not supported.
please see:here.
While Azure Storage doesn't allow it as stated by the other anwser. You could very easily place an Azure CDN infront of it that does. To do this from the portal just go to the storage resource and search for the Azure CDN blade. From there you can create an endpoint to the storage or its static website. After creating the endpoint you can go to the resource and use the Custom Domain blade to set it up using a CNAME record.

Azure CDN connect custom domain

I have static website on azure storage, it's connected to azure cdn to have https, and i have my custom domain I want this domain to point to which is address of my website on azure cdn. I chose custom domain on cdn configuration site, it asks me to make dns mapping to verify ownership, so i make CNAME to and it get me to other window with custom doamin https config. And here's my problem, it get's stuck on second step
How I'm suppouse to configure another mapping to make it work, what i mean is to make to point to with https. I can't proivde what i already tried with my dns because it was a lot and i don't remember all of it. Also it's already second try and everytime after failure I have wait 8 hours for another try. Thanks in advance
This is my DNS config
When you try to add your custom domain in the custom domains settings of Azure CDN endpoint. Before this step, you should have a CNAME record in the following format in the DNS zone.
When you turn on the custom domain https, you don't need to make a CNAME to Read here.
If that CNAME record still exists and does not contain the cdnverify
subdomain, the DigiCert CA uses it to automatically validate ownership
of your custom domain.
If the CNAME record entry contains the cdnverify subdomain, follow the rest of the instructions in this step.
DigiCert sends a verification email to the following email addresses. Verify that you can approve directly from one of the following addresses and read here.
Automatic validation typically takes a few hours. If you don’t see your domain validated in 24 hours, open a support ticket.

Azure Websites DNS

I have an azure website at - I have promoted this to be a "shared" site so that I can use a custom domain. I have the domain that I bought from I have configured this to give a CName record with dnsname of "awverify" and destination of
I've waited over 12 hours and checked on and all looks good but when I click to "Manage custom domains" from the Azure portal , I enter a domain name of "" but it won't accept it.
Please help
* Edit *
I've now waited a couple of days for domain propagation. Here's a screen grab from my domain registrar:
In the azure portal I've tried to add the following custom domains for the site but it won't accept any:
Here's a screen grab from the portal:
To use
To use your domain without the www. prefix you need to add an A Record in addition to the CNAME you've added for "awverify".
First, make sure you've added the domain to the Azure portal by following the instructions under "Set the domain name in management portal" here.
Next, follow the instructions under "Configure an A record for the domain name" on the same page. This involves pointing your domain directly at the IP address of the Azure web site. You should then have added 2 DNS records in total:
CNAME awverify.www
A xx.xx.xx.xx (your website's IP address)
I've marked the next option as "preferred" because it points your domain at the Azure hostname "" instead of directly at the IP address. The IP address of your Azure website won't change, but if you ever need to deploy your website elsewhere it will have a different IP, so there will be a delay while the DNS change propagates.
To use (preferred)
To use your domain with a www. prefix you need to add another CNAME record in addition to the one you've already added.
First, make sure you've added the domain to the Azure portal by following the instructions under "Set the domain name in management portal" here.
Next, follow the instructions under "Configure the CNAME on your domain registrar" on the same page. This involves adding a CNAME that points "www" to your Azure website's hostname ( You should then have added 2 DNS records in total:
CNAME awverify.www
A note about domain forwarding: Don't use 301 forwarding unless your site has been permanently moved. Use 302 for temporary redirection. More details here.
I finally figured out what was wrong. I was deploying a new version of an existing site but the old version still had set on the custom domains page. Once I deleted it then I was able to add the domain on the new azure site.

How do i connect my windows azure website with my domain name perfectly?

I did almost everything that have described in the azure documentation briefly.
My domain names that i need to be assigned with my azure website url are and
When trying to enter my site using any of the links added here, the site loads and works perfectly as i need.
But the problem is with my url which is getting loaded in browser url field while giving or
It comes with the azure website url every time. What do I do now to get it working?
Make sure to set the CNAME for your service: have the www. name point to the full address.
Note that you'll:
need to have a level of service that supports custom domains with Windows Azure Web Sites,
add the CNAME from your www. domain to the azurewebsites domain (same goes for having the naked domain name via an A record or similar)
add the verification names, and
use the Manage Domains function in the portal for the web site to customize that domain name,
Things should just work then.
