How to attach SSL certificate to Azure Container Instance - azure

I have created a Docker image by building a Dockerfile from Nodejs application then pushed the Docker image to Azure Container Registry(ACR).
Then created linux Azure container instance as service by referring the Docker image that we pushed to ACR.
The application is running fine on port 80.
Now We have a SSL certificate , now in order to run my application on port 443, How can i attach this SSL certificate to that Azure container Instance.
Thanks in Advance :)

You could configure Nginx to use SSL as a sidecar container in your application container group. You could create an Nginx configuration file and Base64-encode the Nginx configuration file, the SSL certificate, and the SSL key. Then, you enter the encoded contents in a YAML file used to deploy the container group.
You could follow this document to enable an SSL endpoint in a container group.

You can attach shared storage as a volume to container, where you can store your SSL certificate files
And you can use nginx in the container and always manually renew certificate OR
you can use caddy, as described in this tutorial


How do I enable HTTPS for a Container Instance on Azure

I've got a nodejs app running inside docker on a container instance in Azure.
I have a URL which is an IP address with HTTP only.
I need it to be HTTPS because it is providing content to a React frontend and therefore I have a mixed content issue.
The App services on Azure just works by adding a https to the front of the address, but these are different and I can't figure it out.
You could add an extra sidecar container running the public Nginx image, configured to use TLS. Read this tutorial to enable a TLS endpoint in a sidecar container and read this for more choices. If you want to automatic HTTPS with Azure Container Instances (ACI) with terraform, you could refer to this.

Does an Azure Virtual machine image maintain SSL configuration?

I have a VM (IIS server) using a SSL certificate and also serves as a reverse proxy.
I plan on using the image from the VM to deploy a virtual machine scale set (with all the IIS and SSL config in place), will this work?
Sysprep, the process which generalizes an image to prepare it for use in a VMSS makes private keys inaccessible on clones, effectively removing the certificates. See:
To re-inject your certificates into your image after generalization, you can use a tool such as the Custom Script Extension to reinstall the certs. For example:

Finding the container id of a customer docker image running under Azure app service

We just deployed our custom docker image on Azure Webapp services. I think the docker is running fine but we need to know the container-id of the specific webapp service.
We checked the logs on Azure portal for the app service instance; had no luck.
We tried to SSH to the container to grab the container ID; had a "connection refused" error.
Does anyone know how to easily grab the container id of a webapp that runs based on docker on Azure?
I'm not sure what do you mean by container id, but what you can get from the Web App are the instance id and container name. Both of them you can get from the logs in the container setting.
And that you want to connect to the container but it failed. The reason is that you didn't enable the SSH in your custom image. You can follow the steps here to enable the SSH in the custom image.

Azure App Service For Containers SSL Termination

Goal: Deploy a website to Azure App Service in a container that works from the php-apache base image as has a custom domain with SSL.
Current Situtation:
Website setup to use Dockerfile for building an image
Image uploaded to Docker Hub and successfully built
Image deployed to Azure App Service as a container
Configured custom domain in Azure and pointed DNS to provided IP Address
Problem: How do I configure my container? Currently, I am getting an SSL warning when trying to connect to my website which makes perfect sense as my domain does not match the default certificate azure provides for * (and Azure tells you this when you setup a custom domain, which is neat).
Does Azure pass a request made on 443 to my container on 443 requiring me to configure my container for an SSL connection?
Does Azure terminate the SSL connection and pass the request to my container on port 80?
I understand I need to upload my certificate to Azure, but if Azure is passing the request to my container on 443, that would mean I would need to setup my container to accept requests on 443 and configure the certificate inside the container (which is fairly trivial). However, if Azure terminates the SSL and passes the request over port 80, then my life is a bit simpler as I can just configure my container to listen on 80 and let Azure do the heavy lifting.
If you have any questions, or need clarification please let me know.
From what I can tell, Azure is terminating the SSL connection and passing the request to my container on port 80. I am making this assumption because at this point I am hosting a number of websites in containers and none of them expose 443.
It seems that all that is necessary is to upload your certificate to the Azure App Service Plan and do a bit of configuring to associate it with the correct App Service and website. The container running a website requires no special configuration for SSL.

Azure VM SSL certificate

I have backend hosted in azure portal recently that https has been expired and my task is to replace it with new certificate which is in pkg format.
Now I have been looking around inside Azure Portal for app service but I can only find Azure Resource group which has Virtual Machine has Linux(ubuntu) server and load balancer. After reading documentation I found out that I can do it by connecting to VM and install SSL there using docker and HA proxy. But I am not sure how to do it and if I am on right track or not?
My concern is what is the best way to do it and is there any resource which I can follow to complete my task and will it replace my backend certificate?
