Is it bad practice to have a requirejs package with no main script? - requirejs

Lets say i have a bunch of js view scripts defined as AMD modules in directory 'views'.
Rather than listing them all out in the requirejs config, i could just do this:
require = {
baseUrl: 'js',
packages: [
{ name:'views',location:'app/views' }
I then require them as ['views/sunset', 'views/ocean'] (or './ocean' if from another view) etc.
This saves me a whopping 20 seconds or so versus listing them all out individually in the require config, and arguably makes my define() calls more expressive (i.e it's clear which scripts are components, which are utilities etc)
Essentially i'm treating the directory as a package, but there is no main script, so require(['views']) would return a 404. Is there any reason why this approach might be considered bad practice? Are there issues with this that i'm not seeing?

In my previous job we did not have main.js file because each page had different modules so they were loaded dynamically based on the content of the page. I didn't notice any issues with that.
Your solution seems to be similar. If you do not have any errors, it's fine :)
main.js is not required but it is recommended by RequireJS from what I remember


RequireJS Path With JS Extension Not Resolving

I am using a library that (very selfishly, IMHO) assumes that the baseUrl will point to the company's CDN:
baseUrl: "[http protocol slash slash]"
At first I thought that I would just copy the contents of the above Url to my own folder (such as /scripts/wijmo/amd-js), but that doesn't work because the good folks at Wijmo hardcoded path references in their AMD define statements, such as this:
define(["./wijmo.widget"], function () { ... });
What the above means (if I understand things properly) is that if you have any other non-Wijmo AMD modules then you must either:
(a) place them under the amd-js path, perhaps in a sub-folder named "myScripts"
(b) use hard-coded RequireJS path references to your own AMDs, like this:
paths: {
"myAMD_1": "",
"myAMD_2": "/scripts/myScripts/myAMD_2.js"
(a) works, but it means that the baseUrl cannot point to the Wijmo CDN because I don't have access to the Wijmo CDN site so I must move the files published under amd-js to my own server.
(b) sort of work, and here is my problem: If I use syntax myAMD_1 then all is well. But that doesn't let me test on my local development machine, which uses localhost. (I don't want to get into detecting which server I'm running on and customize the paths value... I want the path to remain the same before and after I publish to my http server.)
Now, according to the RequireJS documentation:
There may be times when you do want to reference a script directly and not conform to the "baseUrl + paths" rules for finding it. If a module ID has one of the following characteristics, the ID will not be passed through the "baseUrl + paths" configuration, and just be treated like a regular URL that is relative to the document:
* Ends in ".js".
* Starts with a "/".
* Contains an URL protocol, like "http:" or "https:".
When I try to end (terminate) my path reference with .js (as shown in AMD_2 above), RequireJS doesn't find my AMD and because it ends up looking for myAMD_2.js.js (notice the two .js suffixes). So it looks like RequireJS is no longer honoring what the docs say it employs as a path-resolution algorithm. With the .js suffix not working properly, I can't easily fix references to my own AMDs because I don't know for sure what server name or physical path structure they'll be published to--I really want to use relative paths.
Finally, I don't want to change Wijmo's AMD modules not only because they're are dozens of them, but also because I would need to re-apply my customizations each time they issue a Wijmo update.
So if my baseUrl has to point to a hard-coded Wijmo path then how can I use my own AMDs without placing them in a subfolder under the Wijmo path and without making any fixed-path or Url assumptions about where my own AMDs are published?
I can suggest a couple of approaches to consider here--both have some drawbacks, but can work.
The first approach is to provide a path for each and every Wijmo module that needs to be loaded. This will work, but you have touched on the obvious drawbacks of this approach in the description of the question: Wijmo has many modules that will need to be referenced, and maintaining the module list across updates in the future may be problematic.
If you can live with those drawbacks, here is what the RequireJS config would look like:
paths: {
'wijmo.wijgrid': '',
'wijmo.widget': '',
'wijmo.wijutil': '',
// ... List all relevant Wijmo modules here
require(['wijmo.wijgrid'], function() { /* ... */ });
The second approach is to initially configure the RequireJS baseUrl to load the Wijmo modules. Then once Wijmo modules have been loaded, re-configure RequireJS to be able to load your local app modules. The drawback of this approach is that all the Wijmo modules will need to be loaded up front, so you lose the ability to require Wijmo modules as needed within your own modules. This drawback will need to be balanced against the nastiness of listing out explicit paths for all the Wijmo modules as done in the first approach.
For example:
baseUrl: '',
paths: {
// ... List minimal modules such as Jquery and Globalize as per Wijmo documentation
require(['wijmo.wijgrid'], function() {
baseUrl: '.'
require(['main'], function() {
/* ... */

JamJS - Still pulls for dependencies separately when compiled - Underscore not loaded for context?

A am relatively new to JamJS, and struggle to make it work properly.
I've got a very simple project based on Backbone and RequireJS, where I use JamJS to manage dependencies, namely: Backbone, _, Less, $, modernizr, underscore, bootstrap.
I tend to follow the method used by Backbone Boilerplate.
This is the code I use to get the Jam-compiled requireJS config file, together with my application-specific require config:
in html:
< script data-main="/assets/js/app/config" src="/assets/js/jam/compiled.min.js"> < /script>
'Compiled.min.js' is obviously the 600kb minified file generated by Jam.
The '/app/config' file is my Require.js configuration file where I'm planning to include all my project-specific code, not managed by the dependency manager.
Here's app/config.js:
deps: ['less','modernizer','bootstrap-jam','app/main'],
paths: {
'homeView': 'app/views/homeView'
// Use the underscore build of Lo-Dash to minimize incompatibilities.
,'lodash': '../jam/lodash/dist/lodash.underscore.min'
map: {
shim: {
(the files in deps are the ones I need on every page + my main.js - kind of a router.
The problem is that, in my homeView (which is initialized by main.js), I do this sort of thing:
define(['backbone'], function (Backbone) {
return Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.$('#subTitle').text('This text is generated by homeView - the default Backbone View.');
As you can see I want Backbone to be available in this view. I assume that it's available through the compiled Jam code, however when I look in the Network panel in the Web Inspector, I see that this dependency is pulled in separately- this happens to any resource I try to use, not just Backbone.
I suspect that it might be something to do with the error I get as well, which I haven't been able to figure out. When using the compiled jam config, I get:
Uncaught Error: Module name "underscore" has not been loaded yet for
context: _. Use require([])
I'd really appreciate help with this

Using require.js with 3rd party javascript libraries

I'm just starting to use require.js and think it's great. However, I would like to use it as much as possible instead of dealing with <script> tags in my HTML files.
To that end, is it possible to work with a 3rd party library that doesn't have any define modules in it? This may be asking much I realize but is there a way to call...
require(["3rd_party"], function(3rd) {
...where 3rd_party.js is a script located in a js folder that require knows to look in? I know require has mapping libraries, things like require-jquery but wasn't sure if it's possible to use it out of the box with older utility libraries that weren't built with it in mind.
RequireJS 2.1.0 added the shim config element which allows using non-AMD 3rd party libraries like AMD modules.
In your case it would be something like:
shim: {
'3rd_party': {
exports: '{the-global-name}' // what variable does the library
// export to the global scope?
This mechanism makes custom-build library wrappers like "require-jquery" pretty much obsolete.
More details in the RequireJS docs

RequireJs asynchron loading, synchrones loading differences between requirejs and require

Good evening,
im new with requireJs and hope my questions are not stupid, its my first :).
Why the guy is using in the code above require and requirejs, whats the difference?
require(["config"], function(config){
require(["App", "ember"], function(App, Ember){
var app_name = config.app_name || "App";
root[app_name] = App = Ember.Application.create(App);
Is there a differences beetween the different code spellings?
Will the script ressources are loaded asynchon or synchron in both cases?
If i use requirejs-jquery are jquery (the $) than global or only local scope (amd scope)?
require(['script1','script2'], function() {}
require(function(require) {
Is it possible to have several require configs?
For example i have a bunch of nested structures like /modules/helper/example/js/example.
At the moment i have all required shims,paths inside the main.js config.
I want to place a main.js or config.js inside each helper module, which configer the required shims, pathes, etc.
Than i no longer need places all configs, pathes inside the main.
RequireJS registers TWO instances of itself in global scope - require and requirejs - really just for one reason - if one (most likely require) is overriden with another require that is different in scope or implementation, you still have requirejs - usually always a global. This separation is important when you plan to consume resources that are relative to the module you are in now.
// contents of 'a/b/c.js' module file
define(['require'], function(require){
// "local scope" require call
// resolves to 'a/b/d.js' file
require(['./d'], function(d){})
// "global scope" require call
// resolves to 'd.js' file
requirejs(['./d'], function(d){})
Note that asking for local require only makes sense in define calls. As define call is what establishes the "module" and it's ID. The above is equivalent to this named define:
// contents of whatever file
define('a/b/c', ['require'], function(require){
// "local scope" require call
// resolves to 'a/b/d.js' file
require(['./d'], function(d){})
// "global scope" require call
// resolves to 'd.js' file
requirejs(['./d'], function(d){})
The other, secret, reason why James put requirejs in there is to force you to keep using require in local scope because his build tool looks for that specific string require to find the require calls. You do this, and r.js suddenly cannot follow you dependency tree because myLocalRequire is not what r.js expects:
// contents of 'a/b/c.js' module file
define(['require'], function(myLocalRequire){
// "local scope" require call
// resolves to 'a/b/d.js' file
myLocalRequire(['./d'], function(d){})
// "global scope" require call
// resolves to 'd.js' file
require(['./d'], function(d){})
1.2 RequireJS does NOT do sync loading at all. The only place where you think that "it must be sync!" - the CommonJS style call like var a = require('a') it's still not. It yanks the resource out of cache. In other words, it never loads anything sync.
1.3 Don't use bundled RequireJS+jQuery. It makes an already huge jQuery more huge and interferes with browser cache. (Instead of using cached jQuery from CDN you force user to download same jQuery again - 100k of trash).
See this instead: Use jQuery as a dependency without loading jQuery with RequireJS?
2.0 Don't. separate configs is a trap. It's hell that you willingly enter once you start "building" your apps. I dare you to give me one example of a separate sane config that I cannot express as either named defines group or "packages" where main module loads relative resource.
The only thing that must be in your RequireJS config is 'baseUrl' and 2-5 globally-used 'paths' definitions. That's it.

On-demand require()

Say I create a library in ./libname which contains one main file: main.js and multiple optional library files which are occasionally used with the main object: a.js and b.js.
I create index.js file with the following:
exports.MainClass = require('main.js').MainClass; // shortcut
exports.a = require('a');
exports.b = require('b');
And now I can use the library as follows:
var lib = require('./libname');
lib.a.Something; // Here I need the optional utility object
However, that means, I load 'a.js' and 'b.js' always and not when I really need them.
Sure I can manually load the optional modules with require('./libname/a.js'), but then I lose the pretty lib.a dot-notation :)
Is there a way to implement on-demand loading with some kind of index file? Maybe, some package.json magic can play here well?
This may possible if you called the "MainClass" to dynamically load the additional modules on-demand. But I suspect this will also mean an adjustment in the api to access the module.
I am guess your motivation is to "avoid" the extra processing used by "non-required modules".
But remember Node is single threaded so the memory footprint of loading a module is not per-connection, it's per-process. Loading a module is a one-off to get it into memory.
In other words the modules are only ever loaded when you start your server not every-time someone makes a request.
I think you looking at this from client-side programming where it's advantages to load scripts when they are required to save on both processing and or http requests.
On the server the most you will be saving is few extra bites in memory.
Looks like the only way is to use getters. In short, like this:
exports = {
MainClass : require('main.js').MainClass,
get a(){ return require('./a.js'); },
get b(){ return require('./a.js'); }
