Hyperledger fabric difference between submit transaction and evaluate transaction - hyperledger-fabric

I am using the hyper-ledger fabric network with 2 organisation and chain-code also installed on the network its working. I came across submitTransaction and EvaluateTransaction in fabric node js. what is difference between them, what i observer is.
When i initiate contract.submittransaction the submitTransaction from the fabric-node even though if i call the query method from the chain-code its create the new block and chain-code query method don't have put-state
If i use contract.evaluateTransaction the evaluate transaction from the fabric-node to query method its does not create any transaction.

The difference between submitTransaction vs evaluateTransaction is that submitTransaction takes the proposal results returned from invoking the smart contract and submits them to the orderer and waits for the transaction to be committed. This means that the proposal results will be ordered and delivered to the peers for validation and committed to the blockchain.
It is irrespective of what the smart contract transaction does, however the general pattern is that submitTransaction is used for transactions that change the world state and evaluateTransaction is used for transactions that only query the world state (or query key history).
However it's perfectly reasonable for example to want to record querying of the world state onto the ledger and so you would use submitTransaction on a smart contract function that doesn't modify the world state in order to do this.

contract.submittransaction execute the transaction against the chain code that's why it creates the new block. while contract.evaluateTransaction only query the state database that's why don't create the new block.


How does transaction rollback work in Hyperledger Fabric?

I'm looking for a transaction rollback. This is necessary if a chaincode transaction modifies the state, but then fails with an error before it is able to return.
I saw this is done for a pull request but I can not understand how does it works
Added support for rolling back a tx if chaincode execution fails
Someone can give me an example how does it works?
What I'm looking for is the concept of Transaction in database(unit of work) but in Hyperledger Fabric
Let's suppose that we are going to register a product for a list of clients, if there is a problem with the registration of the product in some customer then the operation is eliminated and the registration is not made to any client
The commit you linked is no longer relevant to current Hyperledger Fabric versions. This functionality was added before v1.0, which restructured the entire framework architecture.
As of v1.0+, transactions are first simulated by endorsers, which create a signed set of state changes resulting from the chaincode. If enough endorsers sign a transaction (according to an endorsement policy), the client can then send the transaction to the ordering service for inclusion in the ledger. A transaction that results in an error in the chaincode would never get to this point, because it would fail to gather the necessary endorsements due to the error. The client must modify the transaction or request a modification of the chaincode for it to work.
Check out the Hyperledger Fabric architecture paper for a more detailed explanation, including a sequence diagram.

Transaction hash generation in Hyperledger Composer

When a call is made from Hyperledger Composer to Fabric runtime, is the transaction hash generated only after the commit in the entire network. If thats the case, should we wait synchronously and track the data from traditional system. Like in ethereum cant we get a transaction hash immediately and track the commit status later.What is the best way of handling this in Hyperledger Fabric.
Yes, just like in ethereum we can get transaction hash inside the smart-contract/chaincode in HL fabric too, it doesn't matter if later transaction is committed or not.
For every invocation request, a transaction ID is generated, it can be accessed by a method
(in java chaincode, similarly can be found in go/node cc) which returns a String transaction id for that request.
refer Java chaincode getTxId

Hyperledger transaction become failed when submit transaction in for loop

I successfully deployed my network file(.bna). Then I started a REST API using command composer-rest-server. I submit a single transaction using my front end Laravel application. When I try using for loop for submitting multiple transactions, I get an error in some time that MVCC_READ_CONFLICT. I decrease my network's bachtimeout. But the error continues. Please answer anyone if you have any idea about this issue.
Fabric vertion: 1.1.0
Composer : .19.16
Node :8.12
OS: Ubuntu 16.04
Well, MVCC_READ_CONFLICT means you are doing concurrent modification for some key in two different transactions, hence after transaction being ordered into block, whatever transaction gets in first committed while second one or subsequent transaction which works on same key marked invalid with MVCC_READ_CONFLICT.
To understand better the reason behind this status it's probably worth noting the transaction flow in fabric:
Client submit transaction proposal for endorsement sending it to endorsing peers
Endorsing peers executes simulation of chaincode where execution results are captured into Read-Write Set
Client collects endorsements and composes transaction, submitting it for ordering
Ordering service batches transactions into block employing total order of transactions
Block distributed between peers
Peer conducts validation to attest conformance with endorsement policy for each transaction
After that there is multi value concurrency control (MVCC), which checks for concurrent modifications, in fact validating keys version of RWSet and if concurrent modification detected tx invalidated with status MVCC_READ_CONFLICT
You can find more details in documentation "Transaction Flow".
lower the latency of the block creation so that blocks will be created more frequently and thus peers would be updated faster, for example, max_message_count=1 .but that may lead to some performance issue

consensus among peers in hyperledger fabric after transaction is committed

Suppose I have started fabric with two peers in a single organization. After running my application/rest-server through composer and submitting transactions. I was able to make changes in the values of Couchdb instance of peer1 by going on the address http://localhost:6984/_utils/#/_all_dbs. Now, the two peers are not in sync with each other - application should throw some error but it isn't. Mostly, because it is getting data just from the first peer i.e. peer1.
So, firstly how can I get data from multiple peers - if I want to get data from peer2 aswell?
Secondly, why it is getting data from state database not from ledger?
Thirdly, data should remain in sync even after committed how can I configure this? if some peer tampered its database it should be notified. I have read consensus part and got that it is for the correct order of transactions and blocks but what if someone tampered with the state database?
If you're able to change the entries in state database for 1 peer, with a strong endorsement policy such as AND, your transactions will fail validation because of difference in the data for the two peers. This is one of the most important pros of decentralized network.
State database and the Ledger are not same thing. this should help you in understanding the differences between the both.
Every participating member of a Hyperledger Fabric network is a known entity per se (since Fabric being a permissioned blockchain). Said that, a change in state database of a single peer will again lead to scenario #1 above, where the Read/Write sets in a transaction won't match for multiple peers (as their state databases contain different values of an asset). This will lead to invalidation of the transactions. Now it just becomes a question of how can the network know about the corrupted peer(and subsequent state db). There can be multiple solutions for the same.
But most importantly, Fabric being a permissioned blockchain network, the state databases must be very strictly access protected and authorized outside of the network too.
the fact that you modified the world db doesn't mean anything. any changes you make to that database are not a representation of the ledger.
The ledger itself, the blocks and the transactions they contain are stored in a physical file. The world state db is simply a collection of the current state for each asset. This is a good design because an application will not care about every state change an item went through, it will only care about the current state. The world state db can easily be recreated whenever there is a need for it.
Now, you should not make any changes directly to to the world state db, because that's useless. Any change needs to go through the proper process, via a proposal submitted by a peer which then goes through the orderer. Only when everything is followed, does a change go onto the ledger and get synced with every peer and the world state db will reflect that.
In terms of where you should get the data, the answer is that it doesn't matter. Each peer will have an exact copy of the ledger so if you get data from peer 1 or 2 is irrelevant, it will be the same thing.
Again, just because you changed the world state, that doesn't mean anything, the ledger is untouched, but your application reports the current state from the world state db, which is now incorrect because of your change.

hyperledger fabric: read query and communicating amoung peers within a channel

I'm aware that read query is a chaincode invocation which reads the ledger current state but does not write to the ledger.
The client app can choose to submit the read-only transaction for ordering, validation, and commit (for auditing purpose)
Is it possible to read the ledger db without going via the chaincode ?
What prevents someone on channel from directly reading CouchDB (assuming that is the underlying DB used) without using contracts and avoiding recording of reads
Fundamentally, we use an async communication in fabric. The node initiating transaction talks only with the peers synchronously and after that ordering service is initiated which will commit the txn to ledger after all verification check..
Is the following possible ?
node A submits a data to the ledger request for an operation -> which needs to be done by node B.
Is this possible for node A to notify B to check ledger and perform operation and B upon completion notify A to check the updated ledger ?
Is it possible to read the ledger db without going via the chaincode ?
What prevents someone on channel from directly reading CouchDB
(assuming that is the underlying DB used) without using contracts and
avoiding recording of reads
Nothing prevents you from doing it, if you have access to the database itself.
However, the clients usually don't have access to the database and thus the peer (through the chaincode) may enforce selective logic on which clients and what data can be read.
Think of an application server, a servlet container, etc.
The user that browses from the browser doesn't have access to the database the application server uses, right?
A similar thing takes place here.
Fundamentally, we use an async communication in fabric. The node
initiating transaction talks only with the peers synchronously and
after that ordering service is initiated which will commit the txn to
ledger after all verification check..
Strictly speaking, the ordering service does not commit the txn to the ledger, as the ordering service has no ledger. It packages transactions into blocks, then sends the blocks to peers. It is the peers that then validate and commit the block to their own ledgers.
Is this possible for node A to notify B to check ledger and perform
operation and B upon completion notify A to check the updated ledger ?
You need the client SDK to orchestrate all of these. User Chaincodes only run in the context of a client's request.
So, you can have a client perform an operation that submits a transaction, and then the client sends another transaction in which the chaincode checks the current ledger, etc.
