Not showing reCAPTCHA icon on ios in react-native app - react-native-ios

I am using react-native-recaptcha-v3, when I tested it on android devices it showing recaptcha icon and working fine. but in ios devices are not showing the icon and getting the warning message:
"Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Unable to open URL: about:blank. Add about to LSApplicationQuriesSchemes in your info.plist"
I am tryed this also "originWhitelist={['*']}" in webview but nothin changes.
please help me to show the reCAPTCHA icon in ios devices as showing in android.
Aditionaals Info:-
react: 16.9.0
react-native: 0.60.5
react-native-recaptcha-v3: 0.0.16
Node: 8.15.0
npm: 6.4.1


error - ERROR {"code":2100} on Xcode when running Ionic Angular App on iOS 15.6.1

We are running an Ionic Angular app on iphone with xcode. The cards should show the task end and start date, and a snippet of the task notes. The dates are displayed on iOS 16 but not on iOS 15. The error we get is [error] - ERROR {"code":2100}.
We tried to run on iOS 16.0.3 and error 2100 does not come up and the dates are displayed properly.
iOS doesn't support Angular pipes. Try using moment_js

Plugins or methods not found in Android Studio in an Ionic and Capacitor project

Sorry if my English is bad, my level is not very high.
I am developing a mobile app with Ionic and Capacitor. Some Capacitor plugins like Share or Splash Screen were installed.
These are the versions:
ionic: 6.12.4
capacitor: 4.1.0
In Android Studio I have SDK version 9 and Gradle version 7 installed and I ran into the following issue since I added Capacitor.
When I open Android Studio and try to create an APK, I get errors like 'package not found...' for the plugins mentioned above. I have tried installing jetifier but it keeps giving me the same error.
I put an example screenshot of what appears to me with the Capacitor Share plugin but it also happens to me with the other Splash Screen add-on.
example bug Android Studio

Cannot access internet with apkmirror chrome with Android Studio

I've got some trouble with Android Studio.
I installed Android studio
I created a nexus 6 device
add apkmirror to have chrome on my emulated machine
I tried localhost and others but I don't have access to internet (just with chrome) and I don't have access to the project 😣
I saw this solution on stackoverflow How to connect to localhost from Android Studio emulator but I don't know how to proceed
when I checked the console, here is the message:
(node:61008) [DEP0066] DeprecationWarning: OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers is deprecated
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
I thought the problem was my apkmirror that I chose. I tried 5-6 differents apkmirror: same result. No internet with chrome on Android Studio
Can someone suggest another solution?

Problem processing route in Ember.js app when building and running app in Android studio emulator

Trying to build and run an Ember app with Capacitor on virtual device in Android studio. Build and installation goes fine until the app is launched and stops when trying to process a spesific route. The problem only occurs when building from windows, no problem on Mac. The app is communicating with a jsonapi.
Error message in chrome device inspector: "Error while processing route [routename]"
I have tried with physical device connected getting the same message. Also tried with Genymotion plugin.
Capture of browser console:
chrome console error
And this is what logcat is giving:
logcat error
I also have some errors reported from the IDE (Android Studio) not related to running the Emulator but occurs when opening the IDE:
Android Studio errors. In case this has something to do with it.
Solution in this case:
Had to reinstall node js with another older version. Did an npm cache clean and built the app all over again. Also made sure to open the project with npx cap open android.

Error on Android Studio emulator: Could not connect to developer server - React Native

I'm new to react native. Recently I started to have this error on Android Studio emulator "Could not connect do developer server". Also see the screenshot to the error on the emulator. The error appears each time I try to reload the page to see the changes made on Visual Code, pressing "R,R". Does anyone have already face and fix this error successfully?
Here is what I tried so far:
Installed Metro and added the folder "assets" in in metro-config
Verified that the emulator is connected to the wifi, airplane mode is disabled
Added the port "localhost:8081" in the Dev setting
Downgraded Node.js from the latest version 16.14.2, to and older one 14.17.4 and then tried 14.16.1. It still didn't work, even after I restarted the laptop
Closed everything and run the command "react-native run-android" again, still get the error when I reload the emulator...
Any idea on the cause of this problem and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance.
