Unable to get python3 to work in Git on Windows10 - python-3.x

I have installed the latest windows 10 version of Git v 24 and use the standard recommended install as shown on a number of websites including https://zarkom.net/blogs/how-to-install-git-and-git-bash-on-windows-9140
he has said that his install recommends for vers 19 are still ok for v24 and just click on Next etc. I have had this confirmed with other help guides but on install I type in after the $ sign either python and or python3 and nothing happens but I can see when running a test file the bash:
/c/Users/nigel/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps/python3: Permission denied
I don't have python3 installed there but in standard C:\Users\nigel\AppData\Local\Programs\Python.
I have powershell running ok and am using Sublime Text 3 ok I can run code I prepare in Powershell version 5.6.. whatever it is now standard install part of Windows10. No issues running Python IDLE either.
When I search the reg with regedit and type in git bash I cannot trace this odd link to Microsoft/*/Python as above but in that folder there is an odd link not seen previously not sure what installed that other than sometime ago I might have started an instll of python via M store but sure I didn't but this odd python language server may have got installed through something else?
C:\Users\nigel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Python Language Server\stubs.v1 is all I can find but in windowapps I found 0kb of a couple of files that are odd ie python.exe and python3.exe and size says 0kb.
I cant seem to find how to amend git so that it stops looking in this odd location and looks in correct folder as stated above ie C:\Users\nigel\AppData\Local\Programs\Python
I would appreciate any help although I am using powershell and ST3 ok on my python courses on UDEMY. I have tried to look at environmental path etc but cant see any reference to this odd path link with windowapps ? I have amended path ok previously for other editors or ensured that the path was pointing to correct python. The only other version of python I have is with Jupyter/ananconda but that is self contained my word ie it doesn't fire up unless I am in Anaconda or jupyter hope that makes sense which I use on another course ie bootcamp course


Can't install bpython on Windows 10 via pip

I've tried to setup windwos-curses as first step and it completes fine.
python -m pip install windows-curses
Also the following
python -m pip install bpython
does not show any problems.
Unfortunately running bpython results in a
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fcntl'
Does it mean that bpython is not running on Windows 10 or is there another option for the installation here?
Found the solution on their github.
According to #509 Blessings doesn't work on Windows even with the custom curses library. We ought to update the Windows install instructions in the readme and on the site to say that bpython-curses needs to be run instead of bpython. We should also consider making bpython-curses the default on Windows
So, I'm running bpython-curses and it looks good to me (a few commands are not available though).
Unfortunately, there was a bug, namely it deletes the current line and returns back at the start of the history, when I type an underscore or a capital P, but it has been fixed now by Sebastian Ramacher.
Notice also that their home suggests to install an unofficial windows binary for pdcurses, but either way it confirms that you have to launch it by typing bpython-curses on your prompt.

How to reconfigure VSCode for python

I had configured VSCode for python, it was working fine, linter , autopep all the things were working fine. After some days I installed Anaconda, from here problems started, after this I got error that Select Python Interpreter at the bottom of VSCode, I added python path to the settings,then it works fine but "Select Python Interpreter" error was still coming. Some days before I installed Javascript extension, after this linter,autopep nothing is working,only using python command line python program is getting run.
I removed javascript extension,again installed VSCode, now the things are worst,nothing is working now.Please anyone help me to how to reconfigure VSCode to work properly.Even I removed Anaconda installation too, still problems not solved. I searched online but did not get any proper inforamtion.
I had a similar issue, I think you have both Python 3.7 and Anaconda installed separately, Use any one them , remove the other. When both of them is together it was throwing lot of issues. I would prefer to remove Anaconda(pure personal choice).If you don't have much customized settings in VScode, delete its user configuration files and set it up again. it will work

Anaconda Prompt(Anaconda3) does not recognize files in a directory

I took to heart the message that support for anaconda2 was dropped. I installed anaconda3 and used 2to3 to convert my *.py codes. Everything seemed to work as expected. I have several 2 line bat codes that cd to a particular directory and then call python to execute a particular *.py code in that directory. By loading Anaconda Prompt(Anaconda3) and invoking the bat file I could run pythons in that directory as expected.
Then, a couple of days ago, I made such a run and got an error message saying the *.py file could not be found. I immediately looked in the directory and the python file was there as expected. I then did a dir command in Anaconda Prompt(Anaconda3) and found that almost no files in the directory were listed. This was happening on my windows 10 laptop.
On my desktop, everything continues to work as expected. Are there any suggestions as to what could cause such a problem and how to fix it.
Mack Elrod
Responding to the request for additional information, I have a bin directory that is in path. In bin\MackData.bat is
cd %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Medev\MackData
copy sugarhist.png sugarhist.old.png
python MackData.py
When I open Anaconda Prompt(Anaconda3) and enter MackData I get
(base) C:\Users\Mack>MackData
(base) C:\Users\Mack>c:
(base) C:\Users\Mack>cd C:\Users\Mack\Documents\Medev\MackData
(base) C:\Users\Mack\Documents\Medev\MackData>copy sugarhist.png sugarhist.old.png
1 file(s) copied.
(base) C:\Users\Mack\Documents\Medev\MackData>python MackData.py
python: can't open file 'MackData.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
(base) C:\Users\Mack\Documents\Medev\MackData>
But MackData.py is a python file in the directory MackData.
This code worked on this laptop until a few days ago and continues to work on my desktop computer. I can, of course, publish MackData.py but that seems irrelevant. The point is that Anaconda can't find it.
I must submit a sincere apology to this community. I have determined my problem and Anaconda is not responsible in any way. I thank all of you for you concerns and comments.
For any who might be interested I will give a brief outline of what happened. First, I installed Anaconda3. Several days later my directory, MackData, was moved to a new location. I conjecture that happened by me inadvertently letting my hand drag on the touch pad. Then, not knowing the location had changed I updated my laptop from my desktop. My update program not finding MackData where expected recreated it and put only the most recently changed files from the desktop into the new MackData. New but in the correct location. Then of course running my script in the Anaconda3 prompt failed. Doing a dir in the Anaconda3 prompt showed only a few files were there. I then went to Windows File Explore and looked at MackData and saw all of the expected files. I used the quick access feature which unknown to me pointed to the old directory in its new location.
That is not intended to be an excuse but only as an explanation. Again, I do apologize to the community.
Mack Elrod
I'm pretty sure newer anaconda launchers users different environment paths, and not even windows ones.
I suggest either checking the environment path within the anaconda launcher and configurations or, a better solution in my opinion, run these scrips using the regular python engine, without using anaconda (simpler, more determinant and works within your standard environment)

sdkman appears to be installed but not showing up on my drive

I have started learning groovy and I just came across the SDKMAN utility.
To give it a try I folllowed the installation guidelines at the official site of sdkman and tried to run the below command to install sdkman on Windows 10 :
set SDKMAN_DIR="E:/sdkman" && curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
But I donot see any sdkman folder present in my E drive.
When I try to re-run the command it says :
Looking for a previous installation of SDKMAN...
SDKMAN found.
You already have SDKMAN installed.
SDKMAN was found at:
I am just confused as to why am I not able to see it with my eyes. I have even tried enabling view hidden items.
Tried to execute which sdk. but it clearly says which: no sdk in (..
has anyone else experienced similar issue. Any help is highly appreciated.
which bash implementation are you using under windows? cygwin? gitbash?
I believe at least in gitbash that the path syntax is /e/sdkman/, i.e. you would do:
export SDKMAN_DIR="/e/sdkman" && curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
but it's been a long time since I was on windows and I suspect this is bash-implementation specific (i.e. it might differ between cygwin and gitbash for example).
If this assumption is correct, the syntax you were using might have created a directory called E:/sdkman under your user's home directory or whatever directory you happened to be in when you ran this. Just guessing here, but worth a look.

Pycharm and Python Paths on Windows with Conda

I am working with multiple versions of Python, so I don't want to put any one of them in my windows path. I discovered that I can create a virtualenv (under Settings -> Project: X -> Project Interpreter and that will allow me to specify which python exe to use, but also where to get other useful programs, like pip. The end result is that using Virtualenv I can type "pip" or "python" in the terminal in Pycharm and use it as a regular terminal.
But now I'm working with Anaconda so I don't want to use virtualenv and I want to use conda instead. This works fine, but it doesn't seem to put anything into the path. (This is particularly important because where I intend to keep my project is not near my path to the python environment conda created.)
So if I type "pip" or "python" in the pycharm terminal, it doesn't recognize them. I have to specify a huge path to get it to work right.
I've been googling around and trying to find a solution to this problem. I've found a number of supposed solutions, but so far none have worked.
So, for example, I've already tried Add Content Root under project structure. This does nothing. I've tried add local, which seems to just screw everything up. (Presumably this is a way to create a local environment that I shouldn't be touching in conda.) I've tried adding a PathConfig.pth file. So far nothing works.
Remember, I don't want to add anything into the windows path (which obviously would solve my problem) because then it won't know which specific environment I want at the moment.
