How to setup Global vnet peering in Azure - azure

I have two vnets setup in azure, one in UK South and one in UK West. I have a single VM setup in each region and attached to the respective vnet.
I have peered the two vnets, using the peerings option in the blades on the azure portal. However I am still unable to ping one VM from the the other.
I have NOT setup any Gateways as I understand this is not needed and I can see form the Effective Routes on the Network Interface for each VM that the VNetGlobalPeering has been established
Has anyone managed to get this working? Or can someone point me the the direction of what I am doing wrong?

You dont need a gateway for this to work. what you need is to peer them and check the Configure virtual network access settings checkbox and configure your OS level firewall rules to allow the traffic.
Also, make sure NSG are not explicitly blocking that traffic
ps. you can follow this:


Subnet to subnet peering in azure

We have our application and database in different VNETs in different subscription.
Also we have different environments (Pre-Production and Production).
Currently the database for PROD and PRE-PROD is in different subnet but same VNET.
I see we can have peering at VNET level.
We want the peering between the application and database at subnet level so that PRE-PROD application should not be able to connect to PROD database and vice-versa.
From Microsoft documentation:
Azure routes traffic between all subnets within a virtual network, by default. You can create your own routes to override Azure's default routing.
You would want to look at network segmentation patterns. You can achieve basic microsegmentation by using Network Security Groups in Azure.
Based on your question, I assume you want to allow traffic only from one subnet into another subnet (over a peered network though, but that does not matter much) - and maybe even only allow one database port to be accessed from your application subnet - and lock everything else down.
This approach is described here:
You would want to create one NSG per subnet, make a rule to block all inbound traffic and then allow only traffic that is required. Note that NSG's are stateful, so you do not need to specify outbound rules for your traffic. Also make sure you apply the rules in the right order from top to bottom. The rule with the lowest id is applied first.

Is it possible for a Azure Container App to access on-prem network share using a UNC path?

Hey all I've been trying to look into whether this is possible or not.
I was working with Infra-Engineering to setup a VNet with peering to the on-prem network. Everything was smooth sailing until we found out that the Azure Sandbox for Function Apps blocks the SMB ports. I saw a reply on this thread:
that if we use a Container App that we would not have this restriction. Can anyone corroborate this? I just want to get some insight before committing to trying this out.
In short - you need a VPN/Express Route connection to on premise, the container app needs to be in a VNet peered with the VPN VNet (if separated), a DNS server able to resolve on-premises DNS records, if there are firewalls, NSGs involved you will also need access rules there, and obviously the IP address ranges need to be routed (BGP or Static) and should not overlap

GitHub self hosted runner have access to Azure resources behind a separate virtual network

I created some GitHub self-hosted runners and would like them to have access to my resources behind a separate virtual network. I know that whitelisting the IP address of the machine will give it access, but I will end up having any number of virtual machines that could be a self-hosted runner, so adding/deleting those IP addresses whitelist for each of my resources seems like a lot of manual work or having automation to whitelist IP addresses to each of my resources when creating the self-hosted runners.
I tried to peer the virtual network that my self-hosted runners would be connected to, to the virtual network of the rest of my resources thinking it would grant access to the self-hosted runners to those resources but I get a 403 firewall error when I attempt any changes or reading of the resource... Am I missing something here? Reading through Microsoft documentation makes it seem like peering the virtual networks would work.
I have bidirectional peering on both Vnets and forward traffic to and from the Vnets in the peering settings. My NSG on both VNet subnets are just the basic one that allows inbound and outbound VNet traffic
Is there a recommended way of going at this?
If you just want to access the resources in one VNet from another VNet, the network peering is enough. But there is a limitation, there must be no NSG associated with resources or the VNet. If the NSGs exist, you need to add rules to allow the traffics. For example, if the resources are the VMs, then it should work as need. Of course, the firewall inside the VMs should also allow the traffics.

Two VMs connected through VNet-to-VNet not pinging each other

Again, I tried to create a VNet-to-VNet connection.
Briefly, I created
Gateway Subnet at East US Region
Gateway Subnet at West US Region
Virtual Network Gateway for East US Region and
Virtual Network Gateway for West US Region
Using Connection type VNet-to-VNet, I connected both Virtual Network Gateway from both sides.
I created connection between both Virtual Network Gateway.
The status of both connections says, Connected.
Windows Server Domain Controller is set up at East US and Windows 10 is installed at West US.
Windows 10 is unable to ping and join the Windows Server Domain Controller.
While joining the Domain Controller, the error message is
The issue is
I am able to connect both VMs which is at two different VNets using RDP with Public IP.
Both VMs’ virtual network gateways are also connected to each other through Connections.
I am able to connect one VM from another using RDP with Private IP.
But I am not able to join Windows 10 VM to Windows Server 2016 Domain Controller.
I request please go through the link!Ail_S1qZOKPmlgBU5fLviInoisrx?e=ImrqpL and help me to fix the issue related to VNet-to-Vnet Connection so that Windows 10 VM from one VNet can join the Windows Server 2016 Domain Controller VM which is at another VNet.
I hope you'll consider it positively.
You might have to create routes, you are not using recommended private address space so routes are not created for you.
Azure automatically creates default routes
for the following address prefixes:,, and Reserved for private use in RFC 1918. Reserved in RFC 6598.
Check the effective routes to seen next hop for traffic in the peering address space.
Additional Information on VNet Routing
Instead of rely on Vnet Gateway and VPN S2S, you could as well using Vnet Peering between region.
I agree with the other answers. Global VNet Peering would remove the necessity of using a VPN GW, which greatly simplifies the environment and removes the monthly cost of hosting a pair of GWs. Assuming you need those GWs for other connections to VPN devices on-premises, then you can still use this design.
As Hannel pointed out, you're using public ranges for your private networks. That is also okay, but routing would be affected for VMs in those subnets if they attempted to go to actual public IPs in those ranges. Note that Hewlett Packard owns large parts of those ranges, so if your VM needed to get info from an HP website, you would have to create manual UDRs to route that traffic to Next Hop Internet.
So, please do check your Effective Routes on your NICs. You can check this from the NIC and also from Network Watcher. This should help you identify if another route is taking precedence or even if you have a route sending traffic to a virtual appliance.
Do make sure that you chose VNet-to-VNet when you set up your connection. If you chose IPSec, then you would need to have correctly configured your local network gateways.

Azure SQL Server Add Virtual Network

Im trying to Add existing virtual network on the screenshot above in Azure, but when I select the Subscription, the virtual network I want to connect to does not show up.
I had a google but couldn't find much to help, can anyone help me understand why my azure vnet cannot be attached at the moment and what needs to be changed on it to allow me to add it?
Virtual Network Rule has some limitations, you need to make your environment does not contain any of the following:
You can only add virtual network which has the same geographic region with your Azure logical SQL server. For example, if my logical SQL server is in Southeast Asia but my virtual network in East US then I will not be able to see it listed when adding a rule.
Rule can only be applied with Azure Resource Manager.
Rules cannot be applied with S2S VPN or ExpressRoute.
Moreover, to fully utilize virtual network rule, you need to also enable Microsoft.SQL service endpoint on your subnet. Click Service endpoints > Add. Choose service and subnet you want to enable service endpoint. Currently (as of this answer) only Storage and Azure SQL are available. Note that this is not actually required to do here, when adding existing virtual network (from logical server) you are given an option to enable service endpoint.
