Can't run ansible commands inside a shell script - linux

I can't seem to run ansible commands inside shell scripts.
Whenever I run ansible or ansible-playbook commands, it fails with the below error:
./ line 9: syntax error near unexpected token `ansible-playbook'
I am sure that the ansible-playbook command is correct and there is nothing wrong with it, as I am able to execute it successfully from outside the script.
The full script is:
for host in do
ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/gather_vcenter_facts.yml --extra-vars "esxi_hostname=$host"
host_memory=`cat /etc/ansible/files/tmp_host_memory`
if [ "$host_memory" -eq 4000]; then
ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/create_vms_on_host.yml --extra-vars "esxi_hostname='$host'"
if ["$hostname_selected = '']; then
echo "No host available with free memory"
echo "Script done and the VM is created on host $hostname_selected "
File names are correct, as well as paths.

There were several indentation, spacing and syntax errors. I corrected to this. Please try and let me know if it works now.
for host in '' ''
ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/gather_vcenter_facts.yml --extra-vars "esxi_hostname=$host"
host_memory=$( cat /etc/ansible/files/tmp_host_memory )
if [ "$host_memory" -eq 4000 ]
ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/create_vms_on_host.yml --extra-vars "esxi_hostname='$host'"
if [ "$hostname_selected" = '' ]
echo "No host available with free memory"
echo "Script done and the VM is created on host $hostname_selected"


Why am I getting "setterm: $TERM is not defined" when I SSH into another server?

I'm SSH-ing from one remote server to another to run a couple of commands. My here-doc runs fine on the destination server but I'm getting this setterm: $TERM is not defined warning even though it is defined as linux on both servers. I tried export TERM=linux before the ssh command and in the Here-Doc.
ssh -T $DestinationServer <<EOF
export TERM=linux
echo "Successfully SSH into \$HOSTNAME..."
echo \$TERM
*do some stuff*
setterm: $TERM is not defined.
Successfully SSH into HOSTNAME..."
How do I fix this? And does this effect other commands in the Here-Doc?
I scrapped the Here-Doc and the setterm error went away. While it fixed my problem, why did the error resolve when I do it this way?
DoesThisExist=$(ssh -T $DestServer "cat $SomeFile" | grep -cim1 $This")

Execute Bash script remotely via cURL

I have a simple Bash script that takes in inputs and prints a few lines out with that inputs
read -p "Enter SSC IP: $ip " ip && ip=${ip:-}
printf "\n"
#check IP validation
if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "SSC IP: $ip"
printf "\n"
echo "Enter a valid SSC IP address. Ex."
I tried to upload them into my server, then try to run it via curl
I am not sure why the input prompt never kick in when I use cURL/wget.
Am I missing anything?
With the curl ... | bash form, bash's stdin is reading the script, so stdin is not available for the read command.
Try using a Process Substitution to invoke the remote script like a local file:
bash <( curl -s ... )
Your issue can be simply be reproduced by run the script like below
$ cat | bash
Enter a valid SSC IP address. Ex.
This is because the bash you launch with a pipe is not getting a TTY, when you do a read -p it is read from stdin which is content of the in this case. So the issue is not with curl. The issue is not reading from the tty
So the fix is to make sure you ready it from tty
read < /dev/tty -p "Enter SSC IP: $ip " ip && ip=${ip:-}
printf "\n"
#check IP validation
if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "SSC IP: $ip"
printf "\n"
echo "Enter a valid SSC IP address. Ex."
Once you do that even curl will start working
vagrant#vagrant:/var/www/html$ curl -s localhost/ | bash
Enter SSC IP:
I personally prefer source <(curl -s localhost/ option. While it is similar to bash ..., the one significant difference is how processes handled.
bash will result in a new process being spun up, and that process will evoke commands from the script.
source on the other hand will use current process to evoke commands from the script.
In some cases that can play a key role. I admit that is not very often though.
To demonstrate do the following:
### Open Two Terminals
# In the first terminal run:
echo "sleep 5" > ./
bash ./
# Switch to the second terminal and run:
ps -efjh
## Repeat the same with _source_ command
# In the first terminal run:
source ./
# Switch to the second terminal and run:
ps -efjh
Results should look similar to this:
Before execution:
Running bash (main + two subprocesses):
Running source (main + one subprocess):
Difference in use variable usage by bash and source:
source command will use your current environment. Meaning that upon execution all changes and variable declarations, made by the script, will be available in your prompt.
bash on the other hand will be running in as a different process; therefore, all variables will be discarded when process exits.
I think everyone will agree that there are benefits and drawbacks to each method. You just have to decide which one is better for your use case.
## Test for variables declared by the script:
echo "test_var3='Some Other Value'" > ./
bash ./
echo $test_var3
source ./
echo $test_var3
## Test for usability of current environment variables:
test_var="Some Value" # Setting a variable
echo "echo $test_var" > # Creating a test script
chmod +x ./ # Adding execute permission
## Executing:
bash ./
source ./
## All of the above results should print the variable.
I hope this helps.

how to write a function in bash_profile

how can we write a simple regular function which i can put in my bashprofile
which can be used to secure console to any host i want.
but my secure console has to go through a jump host. that is the issue.
function func_name () {
ssh jumphostname;
sc $hostname # from jump host secure console to another host given as input from terminal
this function only making to login in to jump host but not to secureconsole in to another host from there.
should give me console to via jumphost
is function for this not possible?
do i have to write a script?
Here's how I do it.
Create a functions folder at home
Write my function as a shell script
Reference the file as an alias in my bash_profile
Reset the source
mkdir ~/.functions
echo '#!/bin/bash
echo $1' > ~/.functions/ekho
echo 'alias ekho="sh ~/.functions/ekho"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Now you can call your method from any location for ever ever.
ekho "Wow"
You should not use commands in a test [ ] unless you simulate a variable with $( ) arround the commands. Still not sure SSH will return something to the test. SSH needs the TTY you like connect to, and not the TTY you in at. This will causes problems!
An example without SSH ...
suleiman#antec:~$ if [ "$(cat ~/test.txt)" ]; then echo "Hello World"; else echo "failed"; fi
Hello World
suleiman#antec:~$ if [ "$(cat /this/file/dont/exsist 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo "Hello World"; else echo "failed"; fi
-bash: sc: command not found
This means you have NOT installed the spreadsheet on the host.
This function only making to login in to jump host but not to
secureconsole in to another host from there.
What you trying to do ?
Do you know what SSH does ?
It opens remote TTYs, or with other words: it opens a remote secure console.
You cant run a script and put somewhere a ssh login in it, and then think all code after that will be in the new console, neither will that happen.
You can run ssh on a console, so you get your own TTY and put some commands in it. Or you use ssh in combination with some commands in a script, like
ssh user#host echo "Hello World!"
You can also pass some variables or text though ssh via
echo "Hello World!" | ssh user#host cat
There isnt much more you can do with it and you shouldn't!
I would write this
con.sole() {
if ! ssh -T jumphostname true; then
printf 'Jump host "%s" not available.\n' jumphostname >&2
return 1
sc "$#"
The square brace isn't part of the if statement syntax. It is a separate command, the same as test.
Below link would help you to go ahead
ssh username#host_address "command to execute"
For example output:
arul#OA2:~/work/images$ ssh arul#localhost echo "hai"
arul#localhost's password:
ssh arul#localhost command will login and "echo hai" command printed in currently logged in prompt"
Its because you dont leave a whitespace between the if and the [...
The the correct sintax you want is...
function con.sole
if [ ssh jumphostname ]; then
sc $1;
echo "host not available"
Greetings from Mexico! 🇲🇽

commands in bash script doesn't work properly

I have this script :
./process-list $1
echo $det
if [ $det -eq 1 ]
echo "!!!"
ssh -n -f "/usr/local/bin/sshfs -r /home/ossl7/r"
rk=$(ssh -n -f 'cd /home/s/r/rootcheck-2.4; ./ossec-rootcheck >&2; echo $?' 2>res)
if [ $rk -eq 0 ]
echo "not!"
I ssh to system and run sshfs command on it. actualy I want to mount a directory of system on system and then run a program (which is located in that directory) on system all these ssh and sshfs commands work properly. when I run them manually and output of program ossec-rootcheck is written to file res ,but when I run this script, mount is done but no output is written to file res. I guess program ossec-rootcheck is runned but I don't know why the output isn't written!
this script used to work properly before I don't know what happend suddenly!
As far as I understand the program, the remote machine has stdin>stderr, but how do you get that to the local machine where ssh is being evaluated?
The end ' means on the rk= line, the 2>res happens locally. (and there is no error from ssh, the remote error, if any, is lost when ssh successfully completes.) You could try >res it will get whatever ssh prints out, unfortunately including non-errors.

ssh script returns 255 error

In my code I have the following to run a remote script.
ssh "sh /home/user/"
For some reason it keeps 255'ing on me. Any ideas?
I can SSH into the box just fine (passless keys setup)
### Set bins path ###
### Setup dump directory ###
### ----[ No Editing below ]------###
### Default time format ###
### Make a backup ###
local DBS="$($MYSQL -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -p$MPASS -Bse 'show databases')"
local db="";
${RM} -f $BAKRSNROOT/* >/dev/null 2>&1
# [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && echo "*** Dumping MySQL Database ***"
# [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && echo -n "Database> "
for db in $DBS
local tTime=$(date +"${TIME_FORMAT}")
local FILE="${BAKRSNROOT}/${db}.${tTime}.gz"
# [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && echo -n "$db.."
${MYSQLDUMP} --single-transaction -u ${MUSER} -h ${MHOST} -p${MPASS} $db | ${GZIP} -9 > $FILE
# [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && echo ""
# [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] && echo "*** Backup done [ files wrote to $BAKRSNROOT] ***"
### Die on demand with message ###
echo "$#"
exit 999
### Make sure bins exists.. else die
[ ! -x $GZIP ] && die "File $GZIP does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
[ ! -x $MYSQL ] && die "File $MYSQL does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
[ ! -x $MYSQLDUMP ] && die "File $MYSQLDUMP does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
[ ! -x $RM ] && die "File $RM does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
[ ! -x $MKDIR ] && die "File $MKDIR does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
[ ! -x $MYSQLADMIN ] && die "File $MYSQLADMIN does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
[ ! -x $GREP ] && die "File $GREP does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in $0."
### Make sure we can connect to server ... else die
$MYSQLADMIN -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -p$MPASS ping | $GREP 'alive'>/dev/null
[ $? -eq 0 ] || die "Error: Cannot connect to MySQL Server. Make sure username and password are set correctly in $0"
### main ####
This is usually happens when the remote is down/unavailable; or the remote machine doesn't have ssh installed; or a firewall doesn't allow a connection to be established to the remote host.
ssh returns 255 when an error occurred or 255 is returned by the remote script:
ssh exits with the exit status of the remote command or
with 255 if an error occurred.
Usually you would an error message something similar to:
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
ssh: connect to host HOSTNAME port 22: Connection refused
What happens if you run the ssh command directly from the command line?
Are you able to ping that machine?
Does the remote has ssh installed?
If installed, then is the ssh service running?
This error will also occur when using pdsh to hosts which are not contained in your "known_hosts" file.
I was able to correct this by SSH'ing into each host manually and accepting the question "Do you want to add this to known hosts".
If there's a problem with authentication or connection, such as not being able to read a password from the terminal, ssh will exit with 255 without being able to run your actual script. Verify to make sure you can run 'true' instead, to see if the ssh connection is established successfully.
Isn't the problem in the lines:
### Die on demand with message ###
echo "$#"
exit 999
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe exit 999 is out of range for an exit code and results in a exit status of 255.
I was stumped by this. Once I got passed the 255 problem... I ended up with a mysterious error code 1. This is the foo to get that resolved:
pssh -x '-tt' -h HOSTFILELIST -P "sudo yum -y install glibc"
-P means write the output out as you go and is optional. But the -x '-tt' trick is what forces a psuedo tty to be allocated.
You can get a clue what the error code 1 means this if you try:
ssh AHOST "sudo yum -y install glibc"
You may see:
[slc#bastion-ci ~]$ ssh MYHOST "sudo yum -y install glibc"
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
[slc#bastion-ci ~]$ echo $?
Notice the return code for this is 1, which is what pssh is reporting to you.
I found this -x -tt trick here. Also note that turning on verbose mode (pssh --verbose) for these cases does nothing to help you.
It can very much be an ssh-agent issue.
Check whether there is an ssh-agent PID currently running with eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
Check whether your identity is added with ssh-add -l and if not, add it with ssh-add <pathToYourRSAKey>.
Then try again your ssh command (or any other command that spawns ssh daemons, like autossh for example) that returned 255.
If above didn't help: check if locale is valid on client and server:
How do not pass locale through ssh
### Die on demand with message ###
echo "$#"
exit 999
I don't have the rep to comment on Alex's answer but the exit 999 line returns code 231 on my WSL Ubuntu 20.04.4 box. Not quite sure why that is returned but I understand that it's out of range.
