TLA+ translated result parse failed - tla+

my TLA+ spec write by PlusCalc compile to TLA+ succeed, but parse failed:
where is the error location in PlusCalc?

See answer on the semi-official Google Group:!msg/tlaplus/x3G2DC91fpc/r-_VpqjZBQAJ


How do I use the custom prelude from NoRedInk with stack?

I'm trying to write a desktop program using an elm frontend with haskell backend.
To make writing the backend code idiomatically similar to the front end code (and make sending data between them easier), it would be great to use No Red Ink's custom prelude.
Stack is my build tool.
It's the first time I've tried to use a custom prelude. I can't get it to even turn up. The key unresolvable error message for me is the one with no suggested "different approaches to resolving this":
In the dependencies for nri-prelude-
unix is a library dependency, but the package provides no library`
Here's everything I tried:
I tried adding -fplugin=NriPrelude.Plugin to my ghc options in my stack.yaml but it said
<command line>: Could not find module `NriPrelude.Plugin'
So I tried adding nri-prelude to my dependencies, resulting in a recommendation to add
- nri-prelude-,5289
to my stack.yaml, which resulted in a recommendation to add
- terminfo-,1713
- unix-2.7.3#sha256:20079c504d0ca33fbf11de3a215d25220c8d43499a93049a8f2791323f3bd57b,6047
as well. This was a dead end for me because I got the error message:
Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:
In the dependencies for nri-prelude-
unix is a library dependency, but the package provides no library
needed due to Experiment- -> nri-prelude-
Some different approaches to resolving this:
Plan construction failed.
I couldn't help but notice the empty list of approaches to resolving it this time.
Instead of going down that route I tried using a route that had worked for another library, by putting
- github: NoRedInk/haskell-libraries
commit: a202da122192ad2b9435f92086f5b4c5e304531b
in my stack.yaml. It didn't like that:
No cabal file found for Archive from
and when I tried
- github: NoRedInk/haskell-libraries/nri-prelude
commit: 8657ef0ea153a12fcaa0d048be98598512fe9df6
that didn't even parse:
Could not parse 'stack.yaml':
Aeson exception:
Error in $['extra-deps'][3]: failed to parse field 'extra-deps': parsing Text failed, expected String, but encountered Object

jOOQ generated code cannot be compiled?

I have used this tool:
from jOOQ's official website to generate code from my database.
Yet if I set
directory = 'src/main/java'
when I run "gradle build", I get all these compile errors like:
database/information_schema/ error: no suitable constructor found for SchemaImpl(String,<null>)
super("INFORMATION_SCHEMA", null);
constructor SchemaImpl.SchemaImpl(Name) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
constructor SchemaImpl.SchemaImpl(String) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
Any fix for this?
Note that I wanted to put the generated code into the src folder because I want to use them in my code. I've heard to put them in the target or build folder instead, but I'm not sure how do you access those classes from target or build folder?
I was on 3.7. Now I switch to 3.9, everything turns out to be fine...
I've written a short blog post about this. Starting with jOOQ 3.16 and #12601, there's an additional compilation error in case users use:
An older version of org.jooq:jooq (the runtime library)
A newer version of org.jooq:jooq-codegen (the code generation library)
In general, the runtime library version >= codegen library version. The new compilation error might look like this:
[ERROR] …/[53,73] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol: variable VERSION_3_17
[ERROR] location: class org.jooq.Constants

How to knew if I have a lexical error in grammar file .g4 in antlr4?

I am using antlr 4 with java ... I implement my own listener and save the errors produce by antlr4 in list ... and I build my ast ... My question is:
there are any method to knew if I have an error in my listener then stop building ast ?
You can try implementing your own default error strategy and simply return whatever error is caught and break from its current action to the method where you output your ast.
See these links for help:
Default error strategy
The antlr guy's guide
(my recommended reading for this issue)
Once you implement your own default error strategy you could simply have a method within in keep a list of all the errors and return those, or use a not null check to see whether to continue onto the next step of your parsing.
Hope this helps in anyway and good luck on your project.

How to use ANTLR for python target?

I'm using ANTLRWorks 1.5.2 for grammar creation and subsequent creation of the lexer and parser. I did that for Java target, but my preferred language is python. I'm quite puzzled by this: how can I specify my target language in ANTLRWorks 1.5.2 and get lexer and parser in python? I read somewhere that antlrworks in just for java target.
How can I install antlr3 and use python runtime?
I would be really appriciate if anyone can guid me.
If you use the following options {...} block in your grammar:
options {
and then press CTRLSHIFT + G from within ANTLRWorks, the *.py lexer and parser files will be generated in the grammar's output/ directory.
However, debugging from within ANTLRWorks only works with the Java target.
As for a complete Python example, checkout this previous Q&A: ANTLR get and split lexer content

Haskell YAML QuasiQuotation?

I see there is Data.Aeson.QQ, and there is Data.Yaml, but there is no Data.Yaml.QQ on Hackage.
Did I miss a package or am I going to have to roll my own if I want to parse YAML at compile time in Haskell?
Such a module doesn't exist to my knowledge, but you can still use Data.Yaml to perform parsing at compile time. I'm not sure of exactly you want to do, so I can't really give you more details.
It's been added to Data.Yaml.TH in the yaml package (the quasiquoter name is yamlQQ).
