Logstash Not Recognizing The Lat/Lon fileds in Json Format - logstash

I have fields like A_Latitude, A_Longitude, B_Latitude and B_Longitude. I would like to make use of this data and create Maps in Kibana. The problem is data is getting into elasticsearch, but the gejson columns created in Logstash filter not gettin recognized and data is not being fed into geo_point1 and geo_point2.
Hence, first created a geo_point mapping in Kibana dev tools as follows,
PUT cc-test
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"type": "geo_point"
"type": "geo_point"
I have configured my logstash config file the following way,
input {
jdbc {
# Postgres jdbc connection string to our database, mydb
jdbc_connection_string => "some string"
# The user we wish to execute our statement as
jdbc_user => "User"
jdbc_password => "Password"
# The path to our downloaded jdbc driver
jdbc_driver_library => "/apps/ELK/logstash/driver/ngdbc-2.4.56.jar"
jdbc_driver_class => "com.sap.db.jdbc.Driver"
# our query
#jdbc_validate_connection => true
#schedule => "* * * * *"
#record_last_run => true
# last_run_metadata_path => "login.txt"
statement => "SELECT
inputdata.A_LATITUDE, inpudata.A_LONGITUDE, inputdata.B_LATITUDE,
inputdata.B_LONGITUDE, outputdata.BANDWIDTH, inputdata.SEQUENCEID,
FROM inputdata, outputdata
inputdata.SEQUENCEID = outputdata.SEQUENCEID
AND inputdata.REQUEST_TIMESTAMP >= '2019-01-01 00:00:00'
# jdbc_paging_enabled => "true"
# jdbc_page_size => "10000"
filter {
mutate {
convert => { "A_LONGITUDE" => "float" }
convert => { "A_LATITUDE" => "float" }
convert => { "B_LONGITUDE" => "float" }
convert => { "B_LATITUDE" => "float" }
mutate {
rename => {
"A_LONGITUDE" => "[geo_point1][lon]"
"A_LATITUDE" => "[geo_point1][lat]"
mutate {
rename => {
"B_LONGITUDE" => "[geo_point2][lon]"
"B_LATITUDE" => "[geo_point2][lat]"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://some server"]
index => "cc-test"
#document_type => "system_logs"
user => "Username"
password => "Password"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
Don't understand what is wrong with the Filter part and why data is not getting into the columns geo_point1 and geo_point2!!
Somebody please help :pray::pray::pray:


How to map array inside message in Logstash HTTP Output

I am using Logstash to update by query existing Elasticsearch documents with an additional field that contains aggregate values extracted from Potgresql table.
I use elastichsearch output to load one index using document_id and http output to update another index that have different document_id but receving errors:
[2023-02-08T17:58:12,086][ERROR][logstash.outputs.http ][main][b64f19821b11ee0df1bd165920785876cd6c5fab079e27d39bb7ee19a3d642a4] [HTTP Output Failure] Encountered non-2xx HTTP code 400 {:response_code=>400, :url=>"http://localhost:9200/medico/_update_by_query", :event=>#LogStash::Event:0x19a14c08}
This is my pipeline configuration:
input {
jdbc {
# Postgres jdbc connection string to our database, mydb
jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:postgresql://handel:5432/mydb"
statement_filepath => "D:\ProgrammiUnsupported\logstash-7.15.2\config\nota_sede.sql"
filter {
aggregate {
task_id => "%{idCso}"
code => "
map['idCso'] = event.get('idCso')
map['noteSede'] ||= []
map['noteSede'] << {
'id' => event.get('idNota'),
'tipo' => event.get('tipoNota'),
'descrizione' => event.get('descrizione'),
'data' => event.get('data'),
'dataInizio' => event.get('dataInizio'),
'dataFine' => event.get('dataFine')
push_previous_map_as_event => true
timeout => 60
timeout_tags => ['_aggregatetimeout']
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => true } }
# this works
elasticsearch {
hosts => "https://localhost:9200"
document_id => "STRUTTURA_%{idCso}"
index => "struttura"
action => "update"
user => "user"
password => "password"
ssl => true
cacert => "/usr/share/logstash/config/ca.crt"
http {
url => "http://localhost:9200/medico/_update_by_query"
user => "elastic"
password => "changeme"
http_method => "post"
format => "message"
content_type => "application/json"
message => '{
The stdout output show me the sended docs to output like this:
"query" => {
"term" => {
"idCso" => "859119"
"script" => {
"source" => "ctx._source.noteSede=params.noteSede",
"lang" => "painless",
"params" => {
"noteSede" => "{dataFine=null, dataInizio=2020-02-13, descrizione=?, tipo=DB, id=6390644, data=2020-02-13 12:26:58.409},{dataFine=null, dataInizio=2020-02-13, descrizione=?, tipo=DE, id=6390645, data=2020-02-13 12:26:58.41}"
How could I set noteSede array field into message to _update_by_query ?

Logstash configuration for word extraction

I am new to Logstash manipulations and I have no idea how to do the below.
I have a sample data as below:
Incident Response P3
Incident Resolution L1.5 P2
I want to extract the word 'Response' and 'Resolution' into a new column 'SLA type'
Im looking for something very alike to the below SQL statement:
case when Type like '%Resolution%' then Resolution
when Type like '%Response%' then Response
end as SLA_Type
How do i manipulate this in Logstash?
Below is my conf. I'm using an API input.
input {
http_poller {
urls => {
snowinc => {
url => "https://service-now.com"
user => "your_user"
password => "yourpassword"
headers => {Accept => "application/json"}
request_timeout => 60
metadata_target => "http_poller_metadata"
schedule => { cron => "* * * * * UTC"}
codec => "json"
json {source => "result" }
split{ field => ["result"] }
date {
match => ["[result][sys_created_on]","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
target => "sys_created_on"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["yourelastuicIP"]
index => "incidentsnow"
document_id => "%{[result][number]}"
doc_as_upsert =>true
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
The output for the API json url looks like the below:
"Type":"incident resolution p3",
"sys_updated_on":"2019-12-23 05:00:00",
"category":"Network"} ,
"Type":"incident resolution l1.5 p4",
"sys_updated_on":"2019-12-24 07:00:00",
You can use the following filter block in your pipeline to add a new field if a word is present in another field.
if "response" in [Type] {
mutate {
add_field => { "SLA_Type" => "Response" }
if "resolution" in [Type] {
mutate {
add_field => { "SLA_Type" => "Resolution" }
If the word response is present in the field Type a new field named SLA_Type with the value Response will be added to your document, the same in will happen with resolution.

Logstash Multiline Logfile XML Parsing Filter

I am absolutely new to Logstash and I am trying to parse my multiline logentries, that are in the following format
<log level="INFO" time="Wed May 03 08:25:03 CEST 2017" timel="1493792703368" host="host">
<msg><![CDATA[Method=GET URL=http://localhost (Vers=[Version], Param1=[param1], Param2=[param1]) Result(Content-Length=[22222], Content-Type=[text/xml; charset=utf-8]) Status=200 Times=TISP:1098/CSI:-/Me:1/Total:1099]]>
Do you know how to implement the filter in logstash config to be able to index the following fields in elasticsearch
time, host, Vers, Param1, Param2, TISP
Thank you very much
OK, I found out how to do it. This is my pipeline.conf file and it works
input {
beats {
port => 5044
filter {
xml {
store_xml => false
source => "message"
xpath => [
"/log/#level", "level",
"/log/#time", "time",
"/log/#timel", "unixtime",
"/log/#host", "host_org",
"/log/#msg", "msg",
grok {
break_on_match => false
match => ["msg_txt", "Param1=\[(?<param1>-?\w+)\]"]
match => ["msg_txt", "Param2=\[(?<param2>-?\w+)\]"]
match => ["msg_txt", "Vers=\[(?<vers>-?\d+\.\d+)\]"]
match => ["msg_txt", "TISP:(?<tisp>-?\d+)"]
match => [unixtime, "(?<customTime>-?\d+)"]
if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
drop { }
mutate {
convert => { "tisp" => "integer" }
date {
match => [ "customTime", "UNIX_MS"]
target => "#timestamp"
if "_dateparsefailure" in [tags] {
drop { }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
user => user
password => passwd

Issue in renaming Json parsed field in Logstash

I am parsing json log file in Logstash. There is a field named #person.name. I tried to rename this field name before sending it to elasticsearch. I also tried to remove the field but I couldn't remove or delete that field because of that my data not getting indexed in Elasticsearch.
Error recorded in elasticsearch
MapperParsingException[Field name [#person.name] cannot contain '.']
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.object.ObjectMapper$TypeParser.parseProperties(ObjectMapper.java:276)
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.object.ObjectMapper$TypeParser.parseObjectOrDocumentTypeProperties(ObjectMapper.java:221)
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.object.ObjectMapper$TypeParser.parse(ObjectMapper.java:196)
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.object.ObjectMapper$TypeParser.parseProperties(ObjectMapper.java:308)
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.object.ObjectMapper$TypeParser.parseObjectOrDocumentTypeProperties(ObjectMapper.java:221)
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.object.RootObjectMapper$TypeParser.parse(RootObjectMapper.java:138)
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DocumentMapperParser.parse(DocumentMapperParser.java:119)
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DocumentMapperParser.parse(DocumentMapperParser.java:100)
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService.parse(MapperService.java:435)
at org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetaDataMappingService$PutMappingExecutor.applyRequest(MetaDataMappingService.java:257)
at org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MetaDataMappingService$PutMappingExecutor.execute(MetaDataMappingService.java:230) at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.InternalClusterService.runTasksForExecutor(InternalClusterService.java:458)
at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.InternalClusterService$UpdateTask.run(InternalClusterService.java:762)
My Logstash config
input {
beats {
port => 11153
if [type] == "person_get" {
##Parsing JSON input to JSON Filter..
json {
source => "message"
rename => { "#person.name" => "#person-name" }
remove_field => [ "#person.name"]
fingerprint {
source => ["ResponseTimestamp"]
target => "fingerprint"
key => "78787878"
method => "SHA1"
concatenate_sources => true
if [type] == "person_get" {
elasticsearch {
index => "logstash-person_v1"
hosts => ["xxx.xxx.xx:9200"]
document_id => "%{fingerprint}" # !!! prevent duplication
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
} }

logstash nil import errors

I'm getting some errors attempting to do a data import in logstash. I'm seeing it for every "geo" field that I have. Here are some of my config files
input {
jdbc {
jdbc_driver_library => "c:\binaries\driver\ojdbc6.jar"
jdbc_driver_class => "Java::oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:oracle:thin:#random:1521/random"
jdbc_user => "user"
jdbc_password => "password"
statement => "select a.*, myfunc() as geo from foo a"
type => "sometype"
if [type] == "sometype" {
mutate {
rename => { "sometype_id" => "id" }
remove_field => ["gdo_geometry"]
add_field => [ "display", "%{id}" ]
# parses string to json
source => "geo"
target => "geometry"
output {
if [type] == "sometype" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["myesbox:80"]
document_id => "%{id}"
index => "sjw"
Here is a second.
input {
jdbc {
jdbc_driver_library => "c:\binaries\driver\ojdbc6.jar"
jdbc_driver_class => "Java::oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:oracle:thin:#random:1521/random"
jdbc_user => "user"
jdbc_password => "password"
statement => "select a.*, myfunc() as geo from foo2 a"
type => "sometype2"
if [type] == "sometype2" {
mutate {
rename => { "sometype2_id" => "id" }
remove_field => ["gdo_geometry"]
add_field => [ "display", "%{id}" ]
# parses string to json
source => "geo"
target => "geometry"
output {
if [type] == "sometype2" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["myesbox:80"]
document_id => "%{id}"
index => "sjw"
And here is the error message (repeated once for each record in my database tables).
{:timestamp=>"2016-01-05T13:33:18.258000-0800", :message=>"Trouble parsing json", :source=>"geo", :raw=>nil, :exception=>java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jruby.RubyNil cannot be cast to org.jruby.RubyIO, :level=>:warn}
Now interestingly, the field DOES seem to import successfully. I can see the data populated as expected. But I don't know why this warning is being generated. I'm running the logstash as
logstash -f /my/logstash/dir
Also interesting to note is that if I modify the first config file given and changed the source json filter name to "geom" instead of "geo" -- this warning would no longer occur. It seems to only occur when I have multiple config files with the same field/json filter combinations. So if I then added a third config file and it had a "geo" field being parsed by the json filter -- the issue occurs again -- though I would still not see any warning messages for the first config file -- only the second and third.
The issue here actually turned out to be a bug with the 2.0 version of logstash. I'm not sure what exactly the problem was, but upgrading to 2.1 resolved the issue for me.
