Axios request with chunked response stream from Node - node.js

I have a client app in React, and a server in Node (with Express).
At server side, I have an endpoint like the following (is not the real endpoint, just an idea of what i'm doing):
function endpoint(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'
for(x < 1000){
res.write(some_string + '\n');
wait(a_couple_of_seconds); // just to make process slower for testing purposes
This is working perfect, i mean, when I call this endpoint, I receive the whole stream with all the 1.000 rows.
The thing is that I cannot manage to get this data by chunks (for each 'write' or a bunch of 'writes') in order to show that on the frontend as soon as i'm receiving them..(think of a table that shows the rows as soon as i get them from the endpoint call)
In the frontend I'm using Axios to call the API with the following code:
async function getDataFromStream(_data): Promise<any> {
const { data, headers } = await Axios({
url: `http://the.api.url/endpoint`,
method: 'GET',
responseType: 'stream',
timeout: 0,
// this next line doesn't work. it says that 'on' is not a function
data.on('data', chunk => console.log('chunk', chunk));
// data has actually the whole response data (all the rows)
return Promise.resolve();
The thing is that the Axios call returns the whole data object after the 'res.end()' on the server is called, but I need to get data as soon as the server will start sending the chunks with the rows (on each res.write or whenever the server thinks is ready to send some bunch of chunks).
I have also tried not to use an await and get the value of the promise at the 'then()' of the axios call but it is the same behavior, the 'data' value comes with all the 'writes' together once the server does the 'res.end()'
So, what I doing wrong here ? maybe this is not possible with Axios or Node and I should use something like websockets to solve it.
Any help will be very appreciate it because I read a lot but couldn't get a working solution yet.

For anyone interested in this, what I ended up doing is the following:
At the Client side, I used the Axios onDownloadProgress handler that allows handling of progress events for downloads.
So, I implemented something like this:
function getDataFromStream(_data): Promise<any> {
return Axios({
url: `http://the.api.url/endpoint`,
method: 'GET',
onDownloadProgress: progressEvent => {
const dataChunk = progressEvent.currentTarget.response;
// dataChunk contains the data that have been obtained so far (the whole data so far)..
// So here we do whatever we want with this partial data..
// In my case I'm storing that on a redux store that is used to
// render a table, so now, table rows are rendered as soon as
// they are obtained from the endpoint.
}).then(({ data }) => Promise.resolve(data));


fetch returns empty body, json works, but plain text doesn't

I am trying to create a function which return the latest blocked domain from my pihole server.
I first created a JSON call, since the first call I needed was in JSON format, this is all working and I get the data needed.
However, the second function I need is to fetch plain text data and that one doesn't work, it simply returns an empty body [].
This is the function
socket.on("pihole_last", function() {
setInterval(function() {
let settings = {
method: "Get",
headers: {
"Accept": "text/html"
fetch('http://domain/admin/api.php?recentBlocked', settings)
.then(res => res.text())
.then((data) => {
}).catch(error => {
return error;
}, 1000)
The JSON function which works looks pretty much the same, the only real different is the header accept and the res.text() which should fetch the data in plain text?
The data returned from the URL is a plain text domain, no tags, no nothing.
According to this issue from the pi-hole GIT, you should provide some form of authentication. The question which you linked in your comment is 5 years old, at that time this was an unintended behaviour.
If I understand correctly the API description one way to authorize should be working with this url:
The YOUR_TOKEN should be in:
Authorization & Token required (see WEBPASSWORD in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf)

nodejs axios get request response body truncated/incomplete curl works

I'm querying a data service with a restful URL. The server (also node) sends about 955k of JSON data.
1) I can CURL the data to get the correct result, ie, it passes JSON.parse().
2) From node, I can exec("curl ..."); and also get the correct result.
3) Using both Request and Axios, I get about 600k of data. The precise number of characters changes each time.
4) Using Axios, I streamed the data into a file and got many 'data' events which I concatenated into a file. It was also incorrect.
5) It works fine with a smaller payload.
Experts Unite!! I am at your mercy. I will supplicate and offer praise and thanks for your aid.
Without your help, I will have a production application that uses CURL from NodeJS and evil will win.
TQ White II
UPDATE: I was asked for a code snippet. Here it is:
const datGetterWORKS_FOR_SMALL_DATA_LOADS=(element, next)=>{
const localCallback=sendToTransformerCallback(element, next);
const {url, headers}=networkSpecs.connection;
axios.get(url + element.urlSegment, {
method: 'get',
responseType: 'json',
headers: headers,
maxContentLength: 6000000,
.then(function (response) {
localCallback('', response,
Note that this is give to a require('async').each() process.

How to get JSON from REACT JS to implement in NODE js

I am trying implement REST API using REACT AND NODE. How to get JSON from front end(REACT JS)drag and drop images in template ex."" to store JSON in Mongodb using NODE JS.
Thanks in advance
You can use fetch api to call a particular route and send data along with it to nodejs backend.
You just need to do simply like this:
async function sendData(){
let res = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
mode: 'CORS',
body: {}, //the json object you want to send
headers: {}, //if required
Hope this helps!
Since you asked how to send JSON to node.js I'm assuming you do not yet have an API that your front end can use.
To send data to the back end you need to create an API that accepts data.
You can do this quickly and easily using express.js.
Once the server is running and it has an endpoint to send data to, you can create a request (e.g. when sending data it should be a POST request).
This can be done in many different ways, although I would suggest trying axios.
Hope this helped.
Check the example to get the Json value and update it.
axios.get(''+ + '/')
.then((res) => {
// do some action
.catch(function (error) {

Trying to understand how to work properly with : app = Express().method , several requests() in same method and middleware

Trying to understand how to work properly with :
1. Express
2. request
3. middleware
It's a follow up question from here where the discussion wad fruitful and helpfull (thanks #BlazeSahlzen , you are great!) but I realize that I tried at one point to put too much issues (although they are all related) into the same question.
So, this one is a focused question... I hope :-)
Case: I want to build POST() that recives parameter via path (/:param1),
uses it to request() #1 an external API,
gets the result from the external API,
Uses the result to do somwething and send ANOTHER request() #2 to a 2nd external API,
get's the outcome of the 2nd APi request(),
decide if the POST is statusCode = 200 with message="ok" or statusCode = something_else and message = "problem"
and res.send() it properly.
for that, here is my pseudo code -
var middle_1 = function(req, res, next) {
param1 = req.params.param1; //trying to access the param1 from the path, not sure it will work in middleware
req.middle_1_output = {
statusCode: 404,
message: "param1"
var options = {
method: 'PUT',
url: `EXTERNAL_API_1`,
headers: {
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
apikey: `KEY`
request(options, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
req.request_1_output.statusCode = 200;
req.request_1_output.message = "hello world";
next(); // not sure what happens here - will it "jump" outside of the middle_1() or go to the next request() down the code??
var options = {
method: 'PUT',
url: `EXTERNAL_API_2`,
headers: {
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
apikey: `KEY`
request(options, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
//Can I use here the req.request_1_output.message ???
//How can I use here ALSO some of the EXTERNAL_API_1 outcome????
req.request_2_output.statusCode = 201;
req.request_2_output.message = "hello world";
next(); // not sure what happens here
//This middleware is only used to send success response
var response_success = function(req, res) {
sum_statusCode = req.request_1_output.statusCode + req.request_2_output.statusCode;
if (req.request_2_output.message == req.request_1_output.message) {
meassge = "hello world";
} else {
message = "goodbye world!";
"statusCode": sum_statusCode,
"message": message
}'/test', middle_1, response_success);
I am not sure how to connect the different requests (request #1 and request #2) in this case - should they all become middleware? how should I write it? (connect => make them run one only after the other is done.)
How can I get also infomation from the request #1 outcome and use it in the request #2 ?
look at my code at response_success() -> will this work? can I access like this data from req that originated within the request #1 and request #2?
How am I suppose to access inside the response_success() data which is the OUTCOME of the request #1 and request #2?
// EDITED - question #5 and #6 are a late edition of mine but should be a stand alone questions. I leave them here but I will be opening a new thread just for them.
Let's say my middle_1 needs to get information as an outcome from the request_1 , calculate something, and move it forward to a middle_2... how do I take the request_1 information into something that can be transffered into a middle_2? I think I am suppose to create a property inside "req" , something like req.middle_1_outcome = DATA , but I am not sure how to "get the DATA" from the request_1 outcome...
How do I "monitor and wait" for request_1 to be done before my middle_1 moves forward to calculate things? is there a requestSync() funciton for Synced requests?
Thanks in advance to all the helpers :-)
A given middleware function should call next() only once when it is done with all its processing.
A given request handler should only submit one response per request. Anything more will be considered an error by Express.
I am not sure how to connect the different requests (request #1 and
request #2) in this case - should they all become middleware? how
should I write it? (connect => make them run one only after the other
is done.)
If your two request() calls can run in parallel (the second one does not depend upon the first results), then you can run them both and then monitor when they are both done, collect the results, do what you need to do with the request and then once and only once call next().
If they must be run in sequence (use the results from the first in the second), then you can nest them.
How can I get also information from the request #1 outcome and use it
in the request #2 ?
There are a variety of ways to solve that issue. If the requests are being run in sequence, then the usual way is to just put request #2 inside the completion callback for request #1 where the results from #1 are known.
Look at my code at response_success() -> will this work? can I access like this data from req that originated within the request #1 and request #2?
You can't quite do it like that because you can't call next() multiple times from the same middleware.
How am I suppose to access inside the response_success() data which is the OUTCOME of the request #1 and request #2?
If you nest the two operations and run request #2 from inside the completion of
request #1, then inside the completion for request #2, you can access both results. There is no need to a completely separate request handler to process the results. That just makes more complication that is necessary.
If you need to serialize your two requests because you want to use the result from the first request in the second request, then you can use this structure where you nest the second request inside the completion of the first one:
function middle_1(req, res, next) {
var param1 = req.params.param1; //trying to access the param1 from the path, not sure it will work in middleware
var options = {
method: 'PUT',
url: `EXTERNAL_API_1`,
headers: {
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
apikey: `KEY`
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) return next(error);
var options = {
method: 'PUT',
url: `EXTERNAL_API_2`,
headers: {
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
apikey: `KEY`
// this second request is nested inside the completion callback
// of the first request. This allows it to use the results from
// from the first request when sending the second request.
request(options, function (error2, response2, body2) {
if (error2) return next(error2);
// right here, you can access all the results from both requests as
// they are all in scope
// response, body from the first request and
// response2, body2 from the second request
// When you are done with all your processing, then you
// can send the response here
}'/test', middle_1);
Note several things about the structure of this code:
To use the results of the first request in the second one, just nest the two.
When nesting like this, the results from both requests will be available in the completion callback for request #2 as long as you give the arguments unique names so they don't accidentally hide parent scoped variables of the same name.
It does you no good to throw from an async callback, since there's no way for your code to ever catch an exception throw from a plain async callback. The request will likely just sit there forever until it eventually times out if you throw. You need to actually handle the error. Since I didn't know what error handling you wanted, I called next(err) to at least give you default error handling.
I would not suggest using multiple middleware functions that are really just one operation. You may as well just put the one operation in one request handler function as I've shown.

Sending result set back to client in node.js

I am having an issue getting the result set back to the client using Node.js. I am new to it and using it for a project but I am stuck and not sure why. Here's the situation: I have a webpage, a server, a request handler and a database interface. I am able to send data back and forth the client and server without any issue. The only time it doesn't work is when I try to send the result from my query back to the client.
function doSomething(response)
var data = {
'name': 'doSomething'
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'});
This works fine as I can read the name from the object on the client side, but
function fetchAllIDs(response)
dbInterface.fetchAllIDs(function(data) {
// console.log(data) prints the correct information here
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'});
// console.log(data) from the client side is just blank
I believe the issue is the way I handle my callback and response because without trying to use mysql the rest of my code works fine. Thanks!
EDIT: I removed a piece code that seems to confuse people. It was just to show that if I have the response code outside the callback then I am able to get any data back to the server. In my actual code, I do not have the two response statements together. I just can't get the rows from the fetchAllIDs function back to the client.
The way you have it written means the
reponse.end('This string is received by the client');
line is always called before the callback function meaning the reponse has ended.
Under JS all the code will finish before the next event (your callback function) is taken off the queue. Comment out the above line // and test it
