why only the first row of data was plotted [GNUPlot] - gnuplot

I have a data file data.txt, and data are as follows.
352 0.523240374 0.522909505 0.523471053
450 0.521095585 0.518197521 0.521120231
571 0.514979782 0.517518353 0.517105300
856 0.517216354 0.517600585 0.515035365
1259 0.514126520 0.514697120 0.514651830
2302 0.510628639 0.510990627 0.511418731
5276 0.507016704 0.507616124 0.505787979
And I wrote a gnuplot script plot.gpl, the code is
set term pdf enhanced font "Sans, 12"
set grid
set xlabel "Num of Cell"
set xrange [0:5500]
set ylabel "Numerical result"
set yrange [0.5:0.53]
set output "pic.pdf"
file = "data.txt"
plot file u 1:2 with linespoints ls 1 lw 0.1 ps 0.4 title "M11",\
file u 1:3 with linespoints ls 2 lw 0.1 ps 0.4 title "M22",\
file u 1:4 with linespoints ls 3 lw 0.1 ps 0.4 title "M33"
Then I typed the command gnuplot plot.gpl, a pdf file was generated, but only the first row of data.txt was plotted.
I tried to modify the format of data.txt, but failed.
Anyone can help me to solve this problem?
PS: Windows 10 Home, MSYS2: Mingw-w64 64 bit, gnuplot 5.2.0

For the sake of not letting this question appear unanswered. I guess according to SO "rules": no answers in comments.
Looks like you only have one line of data. Do you maybe have a text file which has been created on MacOS? Could you check your line end character? Is it \n (LF) (Linux) or \r\n (CR LF) (Windows) or \r (CR) (MacOs)? In the latter case you would get only the first row like you get.


Gnuplot only Plotting one Dot instead of all data

I am trying to plot time vs entropy of a data. When I run the script, it just produces a graph with one dot on y axis and no plot. Here is my script:
set terminal png
set output 'output.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt '"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"'
set format x '"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"'
set xrange ['"2008-01-01 00:00"':'"2008-03-20 00:00"']
set yrange [0.5:2.4]
set style data lines
set xlabel "Time"
set ylabel "Entropy"
plot "foobar-entropy.txt" using 1:2 w lp ls 4 lw 3
And here is the data:
"2008-01-01 02:13:38" 1.0
"2008-01-10 02:12:13" 1.5
"2008-01-20 02:11:55" 1.459
"2008-01-30 02:10:28" 1.811
"2008-02-10 02:09:44" 1.722
"2008-02-20 02:08:00" 1.65
"2008-02-28 02:07:00" 2.149
"2008-03-10 02:06:00" 2.18
"2008-03-20 02:04:00" 2.33
Any help would be appreciated.
Finally, found the mystery after #Christoph told about the line breaks. The issue was that the file had different line endings which gnuplot do not support.
When I opened the file with vi editor it appeared as follows:
"2008-01-01 02:13:38" 1.0^M
"2008-01-10 02:12:13" 1.5^M
"2008-01-20 02:13:55" 1.459^M
"2008-01-30 02:12:28" 1.811^M
"2008-02-10 02:12:44" 1.722^M
"2008-02-20 02:13:00" 1.65^M
"2008-02-28 02:13:00" 2.149^M
"2008-03-10 02:13:00" 2.18^M
"2008-03-20 02:13:00" 2.33^M
After running the command dos2unix on the file, it changed the old-style carriage-return characters to linefeeds and it works fine now.

How plot graph with missing data lines?

I have data recorded in time. But some data lines are missing and gnuplot replace them with long lines in these intervals.
How can i set gnuplot to draw nothing instead of draw lines in these intervals?
PS. I don't have free cells in these lines, I dont have these lines at all.
column 1 ... col 195
13:30:20.8 0.78061899
13:30:21.8 5.969546498
13:32:19.8 17.21257881
13:32:20.8 6.922475345
If you don't want to draw a line between two points you must insert an empty line in the data file between the two point entries, so that effectively you have
13:30:20.8 0.78061899
13:30:21.8 5.969546498
13:32:19.8 17.21257881
13:32:20.8 6.922475345
This cannot be done with gnuplot directly, but you can use e.g. awk to do the processing on-the-fly:
set timefmt '%H:%M:%S'
set xdata time
filename = 'data.txt'
plot 'awk ''{split($1,d,":"); t_prev = t; t = (d[1] * 60 + d[2])*60 + d[3]; if (t_prev && (t - t_prev > 10)) print ""; print }'' '.filename with lines
Here, the gap threshold is 10 seconds.
I suppose your miss data identifier is "NaN", then you can use the following command
plot "data" using 1:($2) with linespoints
instead of
plot "data" using 1:2 with linespoints
The former one will ignore the missing data and treat it as blank line and therefore not draw a connecting line across the gap while the latter one will draw continuous, unbroken line.
Just for the records: there are later questions about the same/similar issue.
Avoid connection of points when there is empty data
How to remove line between "jumping" values, in gnuplot?
Removing vertical lines due to sudden jumps in gnuplot
However, my solutions there require transparent color, which was not available in at the time of OP's question (gnuplot 4.6.5, Feb 2014). Nevertheless, there is a solution without external tools like awk or changing the data.
First solution for gnuplot 4.6.: Instead of a transparent line you use a white line which, however, will cover the grid lines, although it will be hardly visible.
Second solution for gnuplot 4.6 is using vectors. This really interrupts the line and will work for gnuplot 5.x as well.
00:00:00 0.406406
00:00:44 0.339779
00:01:28 0.986602
00:02:13 0.17746
00:02:57 0.0580277
00:03:42 0.586614
00:04:26 0.84247
00:05:11 0.597502
00:05:55 0.0394846
00:06:40 0.369416
00:13:20 0.527109
00:13:42 0.371411
00:14:04 0.851465
00:14:26 0.980312
00:14:48 0.431391
00:15:11 0.545491
00:15:33 0.708445
00:15:55 0.861669
00:16:17 0.277122
00:16:40 0.787273
### avoid showing a line across larger time gaps
FILE = "SO26510245.dat"
myFmt = "%H:%M:%S"
tGap = 60 # 60 seconds
set format x "%H:%M"
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set xdata time
set ytics 0.5
set key top center noautotitle
set grid x,y
set multiplot layout 3,1
plot FILE u 1:2 w l lc rgb "red" ti "data as is"
myColor(col) = (t0=t1, t1=timecolumn(1), t1-t0>tGap ? 0xffffff : 0x0000ff)
plot t1=NaN FILE u 1:2:(myColor(1)) w l lc rgb var ti "white line"
myGap(col) = (t1-t0>tGap ? NaN : y0)
plot t1=y1=NaN FILE u (t0=t1,t1=timecolumn(1),t0):(y0=y1,y1=$2,myGap(0)):(t1-t0):(y1-y0) \
w vec lc rgb "web-green" nohead ti "with vectors"
unset multiplot
### end of script
Result: (created with gnuplot 4.6.0, from March 2012)

GNUPlot add labels to scatterplot

I am making several graphs at once with a perl script which runs gnuplot and outputs png images.
My data looks like:
3.57 3.13 2.88 3.38 A1H1'-A1H8
4.95 4.53 4.17 4.89
3.91 3.37 3.11 3.64
3.98 4.22 3.88 4.55 A1H2'-A2H1'
columns are x, y, y low error, and point label.
GNUPlot input is:
set xlabel 'X-Ray Distance (Angstrom)'
set ylabel 'NOESY Distance (Angstrom)'
set title 'r(AAAA) A-Form Correlation'
set terminal png size 1200, 900
set xrange[2:9]
set yrange[2:9]
set output 'correlation_AAAA.png'
plot x title 'NMR = X-Ray', \
'correlation_AAAA.dat' title 'NMR' with yerrorbars
My question is, how can I get the 5th column to show as a label for some points (not all)?
This link: http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Comp/comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot/2008-02/msg00094.html says it is very difficult (nigh on impossible)
I got lost in all of the GNUPlot documentation. My own fault.
Here is the minimal working solution:
set label " A4H8-A3H3'" at 7.42, 2.98
set rmargin at screen 0.92
plot x title 'NMR = X-Ray', \
'correlation_AAAA.dat' title 'NMR' with yerrorbars
pause -1
the "set rmargin" is necessary so labels don't run off the screen edge.
Thanks for your kind help Christoph. I was confused when I tried to put "using labels with yerrorbars" which GNUPlot did not like.

How to fix ';' expected error in gnuplot

I am using ubuntu 14.04, gnuplot 4.6 patchlevel 4.
I have the following script, named Plot.script:
## GNUPLOT command file
set terminal postscript color
set style data lines
set noxzeroaxis
set noyzeroaxis
set key top spacing .8
set size ratio 0.821894871074622
set noxtics
set noytics
set title 'Combined DET Plot'
set ylabel 'Miss probability (in %)'
set xlabel 'False Alarm probability (in %)'
set grid
set pointsize 3
set ytics (\
'5' -1.6449, '10' -1.2816, '20' -0.8416, '40' -0.2533, '60' 0.2533, \
'80' 0.8416, '90' 1.2816, '95' 1.6449, '98' 2.0537)
set xtics (\
'.0001' -4.7534, '.001' -4.2649, '.004' -3.9444, '.01' -3.7190, '.02' -3.5401, \
'.05' -3.2905, '.1' -3.0902, '.2' -2.8782, '.5' -2.5758, '1' -2.3263, \
'2' -2.0537, '5' -1.6449, '10' -1.2816, '20' -0.8416, '40' -0.2533)
plot [-4.75343910607888:-0.253347103317183] [-1.64485362793551:2.05374890849825] \
-x title 'Random Performance' with lines 1,\
'tmp/score.det.sub00.dat.1' using 3:2 title 'Term Wtd. fake : ALL Data Max Val=0.267 Scr=0.436' with lines 2,\
'tmp/score.det.sub00.dat.2' using 6:5 notitle with points 2,\
'tmp/score.det.sub01.dat.1' using 3:2 title 'Term Wtd. fake: CTS Subset Max Val=0.267 Scr=0.436' with lines 3,\
'tmp/score.det.sub01.dat.2' using 6:5 notitle with points 3
Then I run gnuplot Plot.script | ps2pdf - .
I get the following error:
line 27: ';' expected
line 27 is the last row of the script:
'tmp/score.det.sub01.dat.2' using 6:5 notitle with points 3
I have searched from web and found this similar question but it doesn't seem to help. Does anyone know what the problem is?
In general it is very hard to debug such a long script, especially without having the test data to run exactly this script. You should start by cutting down your script line by line to track down in which line the error really appears. The whole plot command is treated as a single line, so if it says line 27, the error can also appear earlier.
I guess, that you have the wrong syntax for selecting line types. Using with lines 1 doesn't work, and the simple line
plot x with lines 1
already shows this error. You must use
plot x with lines linetype 1
Accordingly you must fix all other positions where you set a line type (or point type).
line 27: ';' expected
can mean there's a ',' missing in the plot statement. I couldn't find it myself in your code. May be you need to delete blanks before "Scr="
But I had a similar problem.

How to print input file next to graph in gnuplot?

Is it possible with gnuplot to print the data that I plotted next to the graph?
If I have a text file input.txt:
#x y
1 2
2 5
3 6
4 7
And I do plot 'input.txt' I'd like to have it plotted as usual and next to the plot I'd like to have the table printed. Is this possible?
Note: I'm on Windows and I'd like to format the output.
A bit late, but the OP asked for Windows... so, in short:
data = system('type yourfile.dat') # Windows
In Windows, if you give a path, you need to pay attentention about \, spaces and doublequotes ".
Data: SO22225051.dat
#x y
1 2
2 5
3 6
4 7
Solution working for both Linux and Windows. Version 1 for gnuplot>=5.2.0, Version 2 for gnuplot>=4.6.0.
### place data as table/text in graph
FILE = 'SO22225051.dat'
set rmargin 15
set label 1 at screen 0.9,0.7 font "Courier New,12"
# Version 1: Windows & Linux using system() command;
# GPVAL_SYSNAME only available for gnuplot>=5.2.0
getData(f) = GPVAL_SYSNAME[1:7] eq "Windows" ? \
system(sprintf('type "%s"',f)) : \
system(sprintf('cat "%s"',f)) # Linux/MacOS
Data = getData(FILE)
set label 1 Data
plot FILE u 1:2 w lp pt 7 lc rgb "red"
pause -1
# Version 2: gnuplot-only, platform-independent, working at least with gnuplot>=4.6.0
Data = ''
set datafile commentschar ''
set datafile separator "\t"
stats FILE u (Data=Data.strcol(1)."\n") nooutput
set datafile commentschar # restore default
set datafile separator # restore default
set label 1 Data
plot FILE u 1:2 w lp pt 7 lc rgb "red"
### end of script
The only difference between version 1 and 2 is that in version 2 gnuplot will remove leading spaces for each data line.
Sure you can. The simplest way to do this in gnuplot is read in the file by calling an external command (cat on *nix, not sure on Windows) and storing the output as a variable, then setting a label on the graph. Here is how I do it:
set rmargin 8
datas = system('cat data.dat')
print datas
set label datas at graph 1.1,0.7
plot 'data.dat' notitle
This puts the data file off to the side, in place of a key.
