How to get calendar events from Exchange 2016 - python-3.x

We are currently running Exchange 2016 in our environment NOT office365. I am not a windows developer or know much about Microsoft products (nothing wrong them them, I just dont have experience with them.) I am building a display that will show me my current calendar events. I am using python and a raspberry pi to do this. I have found the article on google below, but it appears to be only avail for office 365 which we dont use. Is there a way to get the calendar events some other way, or use the Graph API on our exchange server instead of office 365?

You have two options either:
do the hybrid setup and use the Microsoft Graph API to list events.
Use one of these library, library to connect to the Exchange web service, aka EWS.


Consume external API from within OfficeJS

I'm currently working on creating my first ever Office 365 plugin specifically for Excel. I would like this plugin to be able to make REST API calls to an external service(either a micro service or a Lambda). I haven't written the REST service yet but want to know if this is even remotely possible from within Office JS. I found a similar question asked Use Office.js APIs from outside an Office Add in back in 2016 when Office-JS was brand new. Just wanted to know if there is better support for REST API from within Office-JS and if so where can i find specific documentation to accomplish this.
Yes. You can do this. Any REST API that can be called in a web app can be called from an Excel Add-in because the add-in essentially a web app embedded in Excel. E.g., the same ajax request that would work in a web app would work in the add-in.
I think the question that you linked to is different. It seems to be about the Excel REST APIs which are not the same as the Office.js.

Are there more methods for the "application" object?

Am I right to conclude that I may have to wait for certain objects and methods to appear in order to launch one office App from another?
I'm trying to link a number of Excel lines (customer interactions) one to one with OneNote pages.
I cannot find Office-js methods equivalent to those used in this VBA. I looked in the Office.js documentation and see only a couple of methods.
It is perfectly possible that I'm barking up the wrong tree.
This isn't possible with using Office.js. It's important to remember that each Web Add-in runs within its own sandbox and is essentially just a web app. It simply isn't possible for a Web Add-in to determine what other applications you have and remotely execute code against them (nor would you really want this if you consider the potential security risks that would open up).
What you can do however is leverage Microsoft Graph to interact with OneNote. So rather than having Excel drive OneNote over COM, you have your Web Add-in act as middleware between the current Excel Worksheet and a user's OneNote Notebook. You Add-in uses Office.js to communicate with the Worksheet and make REST calls to Microsoft Graph to interact the Notebook.
The first thing you'll need is an Access Token for the Excel user to use with Microsoft Graph. You can obtain this using the getAccessToken() method in Office.js. The steps for setting this up can be found at Authorize to Microsoft Graph in your Office Add-in (preview).
The second thing you'll need is to call Microsoft Graph. Assuming you want to keep things simple, I would use the Microsoft Graph Client SDK for Javascript for this. You'll also want to take a look at the OneNote API overview
from Microsoft Graph's documentation.
There are also some samples in OneNote's GitHub. Although none of the samples are exactly what you're looking for, they may still provide some valuable insights into how the API works.

Integrate PowerBI in windows 8 App

I am developing a windows 8 app . The app should render the PowerBI charts and reports hosted in a sharepoint site. I need to know whether there is any way to do this. I need to know if it is possible to view the charts made by PowerBI inside a windows 8 app.
Thanks for the question. If you'd like to do this with Power View in Office 365, there's a way to do it. You can read about it here:
This works for embedding a canned report that is saved somewhere in Office 365. This probably won't work well for your Windows 8 application.
Embedding in applications is something we're looking to add in Power BI, but it's not available right now.
Please submit an idea at the link below to help us prioritize and keep you updated when we add this to the service.
Appreciate your using Power BI.
Lukasz P.
Power BI Team, Microsoft
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Were you ever able to create a BOT using Office communicator 2007 R2

I read your post regarding creating a ChatBot using Office Communicator 2007 - I would like to know whether you ever got this answered, since I would like to create a Bot too - thanks. I have found the references for doing OC automation - but this is not what I like to do as it uses my current profile and cannot hold it's own conversations. So, I have another profile that I'd like to use to hold seperate conversations with other members from the company (on my machine)
UCMA (Unified Communications Managed API) is the recommended API for building bots - you'll want version 1.0 if you're developing against OCS 2007, version 2.0 for OCS 2007 R2, and version 3.0 for Lync Server 2010
A google for UCMA Bot Sample or something similar should get you started

Sharepoint Instant Messaging

Is there a webpart that can easily be dropped into our Sharepoint that shows all company users online and with the ability to instant message them. Currently everyone is using various IM clients and would like to see something integrated within our intranet: sharepoint I have been developing this. It might help you out.
