How to deploy vuejs - express app to local Ubuntu? - node.js

I'm wondering how to deploy vue-express full stack application to local Ubuntu server.
I couldn't find proper info from google. Can someone please explain the process?

If you build your vue project with vue-cli 3 (which I strongly recommend), using its npm run build script will create a /dist folder with all the minified stuff you need.
Then, you just serve this folder with you express app, something like this:
const express = require('express')
const app = express()


How do I serve an Angular application from existing nodejs server?

I have an Angular 6 application and an existing nodejs api application.
So far I have used
ng serve
to run and build the angular application.
I now want to serve my angular application from the existing node js server.
How do I do that ? I can't find any documentation.
Do ng build, It will create a dist folder which you can easily serve from node webserver framework like express, Hapi or Koa
if you are using express.js you can server angular app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'dist')));
Now use node server URL to serve angular like http://localhost:nodeport
If you are using Hapi: check this out
================================basic express server================
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
//const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'dist')));
//app.use('/api/v1/', require('./api/routes'));
console.log("server is running at port:8080);
You have two ways of serving an Angular SPA:
Usually dev: the Webpack-run server, which is ng serve. Dynamic in the sense that any modification to a file starts a rebuild and updates the output.
Usually prod: you build all the html/js files (with ng build [...]) for the SPA to be statically served by a node server.
In your case, if you'd like to use an existing node server, it means you'll have to build the files (with ng build) and then hook up the usual node static files serving snippet in your node app.
Beware though: you'll have to do a full build each time you want to update the display. So it's ok if it's not that often, but not ok for a dev environment I guess.

Starting Angular application as a default of a NodeJS project

I have a NodeJS application and an Angular 6 as a frontend.
The project looks like:
-> Node Project
---> src
---> Client_App (Anuglar)
To run the application, I need to follow those commands and start the server and angular separately, like:
-> node start
-> cd src/Client_App
-> ng serve
I need to start the two application with one single command or to add my dist file of Angular to be run at the start of my NodeJS, which is using Jade right now.
I am still new to NodeJS and still don't know how to configure it.
Anybody can help? Thanks
I have tried now to add the dist folder to my views folder and run it within the app.js
app.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/app_server/views/ngapp/index.html'));
But I am receiving the error, that my .js and .css folders are not found:
When you build your application with the CLI ng build --prod, you get a dist folder : this folder contains all of your application, bundled into different files (feel free to look at them).
To be able to create a .ZIP file with that, you will need two things :
this dist folder
an http server
You have the first one, but not the second one.
All you need is a very simple server. For instance, http-server on NPM can do that. By installing it as a dev dependency, you could create a command in your package.json file
"deploy-locally": "http-server ./dist"
And now run it with
npm run deploy-locally
Or even better,
"start": "http-server ./dist"
And run with
npm start
If you don't want to use a NPM package (or forced to use NodeJS), simply create a basic http server in a JS file and run it with your command line (sorry, can't help on that, not into nodeJS right now).
You can create a new route and pass in app.route as express.static as below,
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var app = express();
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'dist')));
make sure, u have build version of angular application by running this command,
ng build --prod --build-optimizer
You would need express to install in this case. express has amazing ways to handle all this

Serving Node Server and Angular 4 application in one command

I am starting a new project which is using Angular 4 for frontend designing and the application will need some rest api's for which I have decided to use node. I am using angular cli for creating angular app and I know how to create angular app and node server but I want to know how will I connect these two things such that when I do ng serve both the server and angular app gets compiled and run. What basic changes in the project structure or some file is needed to be done?
I'm currently building a full-stack Angular app with a Node/Express backend and was wondering the exact same thing. However, despite what that tutorial tells you, creating both the Express server and the Angular app in the same directory is NOT the best way to go about it.
What you want to do is set up your Express server in one project and serve it in one terminal window, then serve your Angular app in a separate terminal window but have it point to your locally-running Express server instead of the default dev server that's included with the Angular CLI (the ng-serve command).
Here's a Stack Overflow answer and also a Medium article that answered all of my questions for how to set this up (fortunately, it's not too hard).
Here's what I did Shubham. I went into the Angular-Cli and changed "outDir": to "../public"in other words it will look like "outDir": "../public". The ../public folder is my Express static folder set in my app.js file with app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
Keeping in mind I have nodemon installed globally, and in my package.json file, "start": "node app" I simply run nodemon from this dir to start my server and both Angular and Express run on the same server.
I have seen some people say it's not good to run static filed on the Node/Express server, but for development I'm not sure it matters. Although I'm a novice when it comes to js frameworks etc. Here's the project files on my github acct:
Edit: You must run ng-build (in your Angular dir) whenever you change code.
First, in Angular project do ng build, it will create dist folder (static folder).
Second step, paste the following code in backend servers entry point file.
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'dist/')));
app.get('*', (req, res) =>{
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'dist/index.html'));
And after the above thing is done run backend server: node filename
Note: in give proper path where your index.html file is located in dist folder.
The node server and the Angular app are two different things.
In order to run the node server you should use the command:
node ServerName.js
In order to run the angular app you should use the command:
npm start OR ng serve
In your case, the connection between the two is made by http requests.
For example you could use 'express' in order to implement rest services in your node server and then send an http request to the server in the current route.

How to serve another repos built files from NodeJS?

I have two repos:
A Vue client interface;
A NodeJS socket and web server.
I need to serve the built files of the Vue interface with the server and don't know how to proceed...
I have two ideas of how to solve this:
Create a script that would clone the Vue repo, build it and move the
builded files in a folder server by the server.
Declare the Vue repo as a dependency of the server and find a way to
build and access to the dependency files.
The second one seems cleaner but I don't know how to begin approaching this. Could someone please provide some thoughts on the better approach and how I might get started?
You've tagged git so I'm going to say use approach 2 but use git sub-modules. You could create some sort of webpack task to build your Vuejs project within the Vuejs repository. Then you can submodule your vuejs repository to the web server / socket project.
You can then use some sort of gulp or webpack script to call into the vuejs project to instruct it to build. Once that is built you can use the express.static function to serve up the build from your web server on whatever route you want (probably just the / route).
With submodules you can simply bump the submodule when you're ready to do a new release of the frontend and then re-deploy the web server with the new version of the dependency. This is how the Ghost project do their frontend deployments.
Git Submodules documentation -
Here's how I do it with Express:
const express = require("express"),
path = require("path"),
app = express()
const DIST_DIR = path.normalize(__dirname + "/../../VueOutputDir")
This will automatically serve the index.html and the assets from the VueOutputDir directory.

vue files without NodeJS?

I want to host my app outside of node JS, but I want to use .vue files and possible npm as build system (if it's needed). Is it's possible to do?
I do not need any backward compatibility and if it work on latest Chrome dev it's ok for me.
Is there any examples how it can be done?
I tried to build some webpack template, but it's work only inside NodeJS. On other server I am getting 404 when I am accessing to URLs that placed in .vue files. It's seems that they can't be handled by the other server.
VueJS app is not NodeJS app.
VueJS app is interpreted by the browser.
You just have to build your app on computer and host files as any static website, so any server can serve html and files.
To build your app use e.g. Webpack ( )
NodeJs only use to build *.js files in front-end, your WebApp dosen't have to run on Nodejs.
1, You can create a index.html file that requires *.js file when webpack built it.
2, Use Chrome to open your index.html file so you can see it works.
You don't need to use vue-cli or other servers if you only want a static page.
But you have to know how to set your webpack.config.js, you can look that doc
Your starting point is wrong. Vue + node.js can build a complete site. Vue is the front-end framework, node's server language. The two can be used in combination. But not vue must rely on node to use. The two of them can be perfect to achieve the front and back separation of the development model.
In projects that use vue, individuals do not recommend configuring webpack and vue-loader separately. You can directly use vue official scaffolding, vue-cli. Do not have to consider these configurations, automatically configured.
If you just started learning Vue, here's an entry-level demo. Although it is only a small application, but it covers a lot of knowledge points (vue2.0 + vue-cli + vue-router + vuex + axios + mysql + express + pm2 + webpack), including front-end, back-end, database and other sites Some of the necessary elements, for me, learning great significance, would like to encourage each other!
Vue Demo
Best way to develop Vue app is run dev server, and after all just build static assets. You don't need use vuex files, even better is use static template because you can easily integrate it with some back-end (WordPress or whatever).
Helpfully will be use some starter, for ex. Vue.js starter
It's true that vue will create static html pages when you run the build script. However, you will need to serve the files from a small server for the site to work. If you notice, when you run npm run build, the terminal will print a notice...
Built files are meant to be served over an HTTP server.
Opening index.html over file:// won't work.
You can create a simple http server in your /dist directory with express and then host your site somewhere like Heroku.
Take a look at this article
write a super simple express server
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var serveStatic = require('serve-static');
app = express();
var port = process.env.PORT || 5000;
console.log('server started '+ port);
add a postinstall script in a package.json within /dist
"name": "myApp",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "awesome stuff",
"author": "me oh my",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "npm install express"
push only your /dist folder to heroku after you've compiled your site.
proof: I've followed these steps to host my vue.js project
using vue files without NodeJS (nor webpack) is possible with vue3-sfc-loader.
Vue3/Vue2 Single File Component loader. Load .vue files dynamically at runtime from your html/js. No node.js
environment, no (webpack) build step needed.
vue3-sfc-loader will parse your .vue file at runtime and create a ready-to-use Vue component.
disclamer: author here
Could you try something as simple as an S3 bucket setup for web serving? How big is your project? How much traffic do you think you'll get? If it's very small, you may be able to host on S3 and use webpack, etc.
