What's the API call to list all the published packages on GitHub?
I'm looking at GitHub API v4 GraphQL documentation but, since I don't know anything about GraphQL, I can't make sense of it.
At https://help.github.com/en/github/managing-packages-with-github-packages/deleting-a-package#deleting-a-version-of-a-private-package I found
To find all of the private packages you have published to GitHub
Packages, along with the version IDs for the packages, you can use the
registryPackagesForQuery connection. You will need a token with the
read:packages and repo scopes. For more information, see
"registryPackagesForQuery" in the GitHub Developer documentation.
But after that I'm basically lost.
Here a cURL command to use the registryPackagesForQuery function:
curl -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Authorization: bearer TOKEN" \
-d '{"query":"{ user(login: \"OWNER\") { registryPackagesForQuery(first: 10, query:\"is:private\") { totalCount nodes { nameWithOwner versions(first: 10) { nodes { id version } } } } }}"}' \
Replace OWNER by your git login, and TOKEN by your personal token.
I'm trying to use the user token (gcloud auth print-access-token) to leverage getting logs using #google-cloud/logging.
Basic code snippet:
import { GetEntriesResponse, Logging } from "#google-cloud/logging";
export async function readLogsAsync() {
const logging = new Logging();
const [entries, _, response]: GetEntriesResponse = await logging.getEntries({
filter: 'resource.type="k8s_container"',
resourceNames: 'projects/acme',
autoPaginate: false,
pageSize: 100
console.log(entries.length, response.nextPageToken)
Similar call in http works with the user token, so I'm assuming there must be some way to communicate it with the node.js api, but I couldn't find an example or documentation.
curl --location --request POST 'https://logging.googleapis.com/v2/entries:list?alt=json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"filter": "resource.type=\"k8s_container\"",
"orderBy": "timestamp desc",
"pageSize": 100,
"resourceNames": [
You're not authenticating the code.
Google's libraries support a mechanism called Application Default Credentials (ADC).
ADC makes it easy to authenticate code deployed to Google Cloud Platform and when running locally. To run locally, you will need to export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS with the path to a Service Account key.
As #guillaume-blaquiere comments, you can effect this behavior using gcloud auth application-default but it is better to use a Service Account.
Since monday, I'm not able to use the lint CI API from gitlab, which is documented here https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/lint.html#validate-the-ci-yaml-configuration
I'm working on a self hosted gitlab, and we updated gitlab to the last version (13.8.4).
I've noticed that the documentation has changed between 13.8 and 13.9, they mentioned
Access to this endpoint requires authentication.
So I tried to generate a personal access token with full access (I'm admin), but I still get a 401.
Here is my try :
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: P3r50Na1t0k3N" "https://my-domain.artips.fr/api/v4/ci/lint" --data '{"content": "{ \"image\": \"ruby:2.6\", \"services\": [\"postgres\"], \"before_script\": [\"bundle install\", \"bundle exec rake db:create\"], \"variables\": {\"DB_NAME\": \"postgres\"}, \"types\": [\"test\", \"deploy\", \"notify\"], \"rspec\": { \"script\": \"rake spec\", \"tags\": [\"ruby\", \"postgres\"], \"only\": [\"branches\"]}}"}'
# Result : {"message":"401 Unauthorized"}
# Other try
$ curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: P3r50Na1t0k3N" "https:///my-domain.artips.fr/api/v4/ci/lint" --data '{"content": "{ \"image\": \"ruby:2.6\", \"services\": [\"postgres\"], \"before_script\": [\"bundle install\", \"bundle exec rake db:create\"], \"variables\": {\"DB_NAME\": \"postgres\"}, \"types\": [\"test\", \"deploy\", \"notify\"], \"rspec\": { \"script\": \"rake spec\", \"tags\": [\"ruby\", \"postgres\"], \"only\": [\"branches\"]}}"}'
# same result: {"message":"401 Unauthorized"}
Has anyone run into the same problem ?
Thanks in advance
There is an ongoing issue regarding the CI Lint API endpoint. It seems that authentication for this endpoint doesn't work when "signing up" is disabled on on-premise Gitlab instance. I guess the issue will be fixed in future releases.
The user token's scope must grant read/write permission to yout gitlab instance's API (as you may see in the picture). The user hasn't to be admin.
import requests
import urllib.parse
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
url = 'https://gitlab.example.com/'
api = urllib.parse.urljoin(url, '/api/v4/projects')
private_token = 'xxx'
params = dict(private_token=private_token)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth('username', 'password') # username and password, different from login account, generally provided from ops
response = requests.get(api, params, auth=auth)
I have a large number of GitHub repositories that have been sorted into various organizations. I wish to change the visibility of the repos by batch to public using the following API call:
curl -u {user}:{pat} -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -X PATCH https://api.github.com/repos/{user}/angular.powershifter -d '{"private":false}'
Which as best as I can tell is the API call (see github docs). The {user] and {pat} in the sample above are real values, and the {pat} has every option selected. The {user} is both the owner of the repo and the organization.
What I get in response is is a 404 with the following body.
"message": "Not Found",
"documentation_url": "https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/repos#update-a-repository"
Is it possible to set the properties of repositories under an organization using the API?
What is the API call?
Bonus points if you can point me to the documentation!
Use Bearer Token based authentication. Github is deprecating password based authentications.
curl \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB-TOKEN}' \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
https://api.github.com/repos/${OWNER}/${repo} \
-d '{"private":"false"}'
Link for the github documentation
Yes it is possible.
I've had some issues with this too.
Short answer use bearer token (As #shek said), and change false to "false":
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}"
-X PATCH https://api.github.com/repos/${ORGANIZATION}/${REPO}
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -d '{"private": "false"}';
Notice that your token has full control of private repositories when creating the token:
full control of private repositories image
The link is quite confusing, because if for example you need to get all the repositories from GitHub you'll have to use:
Also when you need to change permissions you'll need to use:
(Notice the orgs, which is missing in the PATCH command).
GitHub repositories documentation:
GitHub auth methods (From #shek):
I'm trying to create a github repo using the v3 api, but I always get a Not Found error. I want to do it only with curl and without oauth. This is what I'm trying:
curl -u myusername https://api.github.com/users/repos -d '{"name": "reponame"}'
What am I missing?
You can't do it without an Access Token.
Also, please feel free to look at my GitHub open source project Git-Captain.
I created a web-application with a Node.js back-end and HTML/JS front-end that you can setup to have an API do many of these calls for you. It has a step-by-step for a windows server and I'll be adding a Linux step-by-step soon.
It would only take a slight tweak to the project to add a new end-point to the source to do this for you.
To answer your question,
The GitHub API documentation explains exactly how to do what you are requesting on this link.
Giving this example:
as you requested in CURL and obviously replace the token "5199..." with your own:
curl -i -H "Authorization: token 5199831f4dd3b79e7c5b7e0ebe75d67aa66e79d4" \
-d '{ \
"name": "blog", \
"auto_init": true, \
"private": true, \
"gitignore_template": "nanoc" \
}' \
Not in CURL and according to this StackOverflow question you can do the following:
https://api.github.com/orgs/<organisation_name>/repos?access_token=<generated token>
https://api.github.com/users/<username>/repos?access_token=<generated token>
In body, pass this as a payload:
<br/>"name": "<Repo Name>",<br/>
"description": "<Whateveryour description is>",<br/>
"homepage": "https://github.com",<br/>
"private": false,<br/>
You can get a "personal access token in GitHub" by going to Settings->Developer Settings-> Personal Access Tokens->Generate new token
OR do all of the following
Write a script (let's call this script #1) that takes the username,password, and repoName as a parameter.
That script will call script #2, which is curl -u ' USER-NAME-HERE' https://api.github.com/user/repos -d '{"name": "REPO-NAME-HERE"}' which will prompt for your user password,
have your script #1 listen for script #2's response and then have it enter in the password which the user passed in as a parameter in script#1
Finally programmatically hit enter which fires off the curl to create your repo.
So for some reason, the CURL won't work at all, but the Git-Hub API end point https://api.github.com/user/repos does indeed work. Using POSTMAN, I was able to create a new POST with the URL being https://api.github.com/user/repos and the BODY set to:
"name": "Hello-World",
"description": "This is your first repository",
"homepage": "https://github.com",
"private": false,
"has_issues": true,
"has_projects": true,
"has_wiki": true
Then I went to the 'Authorization' section of postman and under 'Type' I selected "Basic Auth" entered my username and password.
Clicked update request and then send and my repo was created!
I have created a IBM cloud Object storage service and i have created objects i.e image files in it.
I am looking for the steps to access the images as public URLs. I did some initial research and found there are cURL commands using swift Client to do this.
Reference links
How to access files in container in Object Storage Service in Bluemix? AND
Public URLs For Objects In Bluemix Object Storage Service
from the above links, it says the following steps
Set up the swift CLI . Can you link me the steps to set up Swift CLI ? ( the link in the reference link dosen't work anymore ).
2.Change the container ACL to read with following PUT request
curl -X PUT "https://dal.objectstorage.open.softlayer.com/v1/AUTH_123/mycontainer" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: token123" \
-H "X-Container-Read: .r:*"
But i am not sure what to input on X-Auth-Token header ? i have the following information from the service credentials of COS.
"apikey": "X7aDm6yu123123hXwqvq1231232HgOtIGeZiAOEg",
"endpoints": "https://cos-service.bluemix.net/endpoints",
"iam_apikey_description": "Auto generated apikey during resource-key operation for Instance - crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/f9aabca54c702be8386b2a3f9815b4e4:d145a33e-e8b1-446f-a87d-69431eaec0b1::",
"iam_apikey_name": "auto-generated-apikey-bed16ed5-1373-47bc-b268-5e0f521bc802",
"iam_role_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Writer",
"iam_serviceid_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-identity::a/f9aabca54c702be8386b2a3f9815b4e4::serviceid:ServiceId-36c373a0-4bb9-4316-bc4b-86ea4c98dcd7",
"resource_instance_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/f9aabca54c702be8386b2a3f9815b4e4:d145a33e-e8b1-446f-a87d-69431eaec0b1::"
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks
The bearer token is from IAM.
See this doc on generating pre-signed urls (temporary).
To do a one-off request like that, you can get oauth tokens from the command line using ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens. To specifically get an IAM Token, I use:
export IAM_TOKEN=`ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens | head -n 1 | awk ' {print $4} '`
Then follow that up with your cURL command:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $IAM_TOKEN" ...
An application should request tokens based on the apiKey as mentioned.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d 'apikey=<your api key here>&grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey' "https://iam.bluemix.net/identity/token"
Here's an example using NPM's request-promise:
const response = await rp({
url: 'https://iam.bluemix.net/identity/token',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
method: "POST",
body: `apikey=${apiKey}&grant_type=urn%3Aibm%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Aapikey`,
json: true
const token = response.access_token;