Decorators plugin missing with polymer-cli - node.js

I'm using polymer-cli (v1.9.11) to serve my project while developing it :
polymer-cli serve
But when I use decorators (#customElement) in my js sources like this :
import { LitElement, html, property, customElement } from 'lit-element';
import '#polymer/iron-ajax';
import '#vaadin/vaadin-combo-box';
#customElement('my-element') // HERE
class MyElement extends PolymerElement {
static get properties() {
It raises this error when I request the file :
Error SyntaxError: This experimental syntax requires enabling one of the following parser plugin(s): 'decorators-legacy, decorators' (5:0)
at Parser.raise (/usr/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:776:15)
at Parser.expectOnePlugin (/usr/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:2098:18)
at Parser.parseDecorator (/usr/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:4133:10)
at Parser.parseDecorators (/usr/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:4115:28)
at Parser.parseStatement (/usr/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:3959:12)
at Parser.parseBlockOrModuleBlockBody (/usr/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:4513:23)
at Parser.parseBlockBody (/usr/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:4500:10)
at Parser.parseTopLevel (/usr/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:3938:10)
at Parser.parse (/usr/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:5304:17)
at Object.parse (/usr/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:10083:24) {
pos: 138,
loc: Position { line: 5, column: 0 },
missingPlugin: [ 'decorators-legacy', 'decorators' ]
So I'm wondering where I should declare one of these plugins ?


Why am I getting error "unexpected token module" in shims-d.vue.ts?

I installed typescript together with eslint for the first time in a Vue.js project.
In shims-d.vue.ts I have word 'module' underlined and an error saying
unexpected token module
This is my shims-d.vue.ts.
declare module "*.vue" {
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
const Component: ReturnType<typeof defineComponent>;
export default Component;
I found that if I add this line
"parser": "#typescript-eslint/parser",
to to .eslintrs.json, the error is supressed, but instead I'm getting errors in all components' first html tag:
Parsing error: Unterminated regular expression literal.
How do I fix it?

unable to initialize snowflake data source

I am trying to access the snowflake datasource using "great_expectations" library.
The following is what I tried so far:
from ruamel import yaml
import great_expectations as ge
from great_expectations.core.batch import BatchRequest, RuntimeBatchRequest
context = ge.get_context()
datasource_config = {
"name": "my_snowflake_datasource",
"class_name": "Datasource",
"execution_engine": {
"class_name": "SqlAlchemyExecutionEngine",
"connection_string": "snowflake://myusername:mypass#myaccount/myDB/myschema?warehouse=mywh&role=myadmin",
"data_connectors": {
"default_runtime_data_connector_name": {
"class_name": "RuntimeDataConnector",
"batch_identifiers": ["default_identifier_name"],
"default_inferred_data_connector_name": {
"class_name": "InferredAssetSqlDataConnector",
"include_schema_name": True,
I initiated great_expectation before executing above code:
great_expectations init
but I am getting the error below:
great_expectations.exceptions.exceptions.DatasourceInitializationError: Cannot initialize datasource my_snowflake_datasource, error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'create_engine'
What am I doing wrong?
Your configuration seems to be ok, corresponding to the example here.
If you look at the traceback you should notice that the error propagates starting at the file great_expectations/execution_engine/ in your virtual environment.
The actual line where the error occurs is:
self.engine = sa.create_engine(connection_string, **kwargs)
And if you search for that sa at the top of that file:
import sqlalchemy as sa
make_url = import_make_url()
except ImportError:
sa = None
So sqlalchemy is not installed, which you
don't get automatically in your environement if you install greate_expectiations. The thing to do is to
install snowflake-sqlalchemy, since you want to use sqlalchemy's snowflake
plugin (assumption based on your connection_string).
/your/virtualenv/bin/python -m pip install snowflake-sqlalchemy
After that you should no longer get an error, it looks like test_yaml_config is waiting for the connection
to time out.
What worries me greatly is the documented use of a deprecated API of ruamel.yaml.
The function ruamel.yaml.dump is going to be removed in the near future, and you
should use the .dump() method of a ruamel.yaml.YAML() instance.
You should use the following code instead:
import sys
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
import great_expectations as ge
context = ge.get_context()
datasource_config = {
"name": "my_snowflake_datasource",
"class_name": "Datasource",
"execution_engine": {
"class_name": "SqlAlchemyExecutionEngine",
"connection_string": "snowflake://myusername:mypass#myaccount/myDB/myschema?warehouse=mywh&role=myadmin",
"data_connectors": {
"default_runtime_data_connector_name": {
"class_name": "RuntimeDataConnector",
"batch_identifiers": ["default_identifier_name"],
"default_inferred_data_connector_name": {
"class_name": "InferredAssetSqlDataConnector",
"include_schema_name": True,
yaml = YAML()
yaml.dump(datasource_config, sys.stdout, transform=context.test_yaml_config)
I'll make a PR for great-excpectations to update their documentation/use of ruamel.yaml.

CRA + Yarn 2 + jsconfig.json = Can't run unit tests

I have the following configuration in my jsconfig.json file:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./src"
"include": ["src"]
Which lets me do this:
import { App } from 'components'
import * as actions from 'actions/app.actions'
Instead of this:
import { App } from '../components'
import * as actions from '../actions/app.actions'
To get started with unit testing, I've created a simple App.test.jsx in src/components/tests
import { render } from '#testing-library/react'
import { App } from 'components'
it('renders without crashing', () => {
render(<App />)
However, when I run yarn test (which is sugar for react-scripts test), it throws with this ugly error:
FAIL src/components/tests/App.test.jsx
● Test suite failed to run
Your application tried to access components, but it isn't declared in your dependencies;
this makes the require call ambiguous and unsound.
Required package: components (via "components")
Required by: C:\Users\Summer\Code\sandbox\src\components\tests\
23714 | enumerable: false
23715 | };
> 23716 | return Object.defineProperties(new Error(message), {
| ^
23717 | code: { ...propertySpec,
23718 | value: code
23719 | },
at internalTools_makeError (.pnp.js:23716:34)
at resolveToUnqualified (.pnp.js:24670:23)
at resolveRequest (.pnp.js:24768:29)
at Object.resolveRequest (.pnp.js:24846:26)
It seems like Jest (or Yarn?) thinks components is a node package, because it's not aware of the absolute imports setting in my jsconfig.json. Is there a way to make it aware? Or do I have to choose between 0% coverage and relative imports?
I've tried entering "moduleNameMapper" under "jest" in my package.json like the documentation explains, but it didn't help. I got the same error + one more after it.
I've also tried changing components in the test file to ../components but then it complains about actions/app.actions which is inside the <App /> component.
Module name mapper config:
/* package.json */
/* ... */
"jest": {
"moduleNameMapper": {
"actions(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/actions$1",
"assets(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/assets$1",
"components(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/components$1",
"mocks(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/mocks$1",
"pages(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/pages$1",
"reducers(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/reducers$1",
"scss(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/scss$1",
"store(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/store$1",
"themes(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/themes$1",
"api": "<rootDir>/src/api.js",
This is because Yarn takes control of the resolution pipeline, and thus isn't aware of resolution directives coming from third-party configuration (like moduleNameMapper).
This isn't to say you have no options, though - specifically, the fix here is to avoid moduleNameMapper, and instead leverage the builtin link: dependency protocol. This has other advantages, such as being compatible with all tools (TS, Jest, ESLint, ...) without need to port your aliases to each configuration format.
See also: Why is the link: protocol recommended over aliases for path mapping?

Cannot test jest with monaco editor - unexpected token

Running jest on the application fails with:
import { EDITOR_DEFAULTS } from './common/config/editorOptions.js';
SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
> 1 | import * as monaco from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js";
| ^
2 |
3 | /**
4 | * Get create function for the editor.
at ScriptTransformer._transformAndBuildScript (node_modules/#jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js:537:17)
at ScriptTransformer.transform (node_modules/#jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js:579:25)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/utils/editor-actions.js:1:1)
Application has installed packages for jest and babel-jest.
Babel config:
const presets = [
targets: {
edge: "17",
firefox: "60",
chrome: "67",
safari: "11.1"
useBuiltIns: "usage",
corejs: 3,
const plugins = [
module.exports = { presets, plugins };
The import statement as suggested in the docs for lazy loading modules from monaco leads to the esm folder, which jest is not familiar with.
import * as monaco from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js";
By default, babel-jest would not transform node_modules and hence anything referencing the monaco-editor would error out. A possible solution is to include monaco-editor package into the compilation step by transformIgnorePatterns as mentioned in the docs
Add these to the jest config:
"transformIgnorePatterns": [
PS: If you are using jest-dom, it might start complaining on not implmenting certain features from monaco-editor, you can mock it out with:
The only workaround that helped me in that issue (from here):
In folder __mocks__ create file react-monaco-editor.js with content:
import * as React from 'react';
export default function MonacoEditor() {
return <div />;
I have the same issue with Jest and Monaco and to make the tests pass I had to:
Add a moduleNameMapper for monaco-editor: #133 (comment)
Configure a setupTests.js like explained here: stackOverflow
I'm using:
"jest": "^24.9.0"
"babel-jest": "24.9",
"monaco-editor": "^0.20.0"
"react-monaco-editor": "0.33.0",
"monaco-editor-webpack-plugin": "^1.8.2",

How using Vim alphabetically sort JS es6 imports

I use vim as IDE for typescript project.
import { FlightInfo } from './FlightInfo'
import { InfoBlockProps, InfoRowProps, INavigationFlightOfferDataProps } from './interfaces'
import { getDiscountData, formatDataByServicesType, selectAdministrationFee } from './functions'
Also, I use ts-lint rule for check sorting:
ordered-imports": [
"import-sources-order": "lowercase-first",
"named-imports-order": "lowercase-first"
And get errors:
ERROR: 11:1 ordered-imports Import sources within a group must be alphabetized.
ERROR: 11:10 ordered-imports Named imports must be alphabetized.
ERROR: 12:1 ordered-imports Import sources within a group must be alphabetized.
ERROR: 12:10 ordered-imports Named imports must be alphabetized.
I am searching for a solution or plugin for fix this sorting errors.
In this situation, for me very well works ts-lint --fix -c ./ts-congig.json my-file.ts command.
