What does flags 02000002 mean in /proc/pid/fdinfo/fd_num? - linux

There is a python process running on Linux version 3.2.0 and hangs on epoll_wait(6, ...) for hours, then I use cat /proc/24924/fdinfo/6 command to find more information about the file descriptor.
$ cat /proc/24924/fdinfo/6
pos: 0
flags: 02000002
I have searched linux man-pages and know that the octal number of flags displays the file access mode and file status flags, so what does 02000002 exactly means?

AFAIK octal value of 02000002 consists of two flags: O_CLOEXEC and O_RDWR.
O_CLOEXEC is the flag which means that this file descriptor will be closed in case of invoking exec function. O_RDWR means opeening for reading and writing. More description you can find in man 3 open.


Understanding file descriptor duplication in bash

I'm having a hard time understanding something about redirections in bash.
I'll start with what I know:
Each process has file descriptors opened which it can write to/read from. These file descriptors may represent files on disk, terminals, devices, etc.
When we start teminal with bash, we have file stdin (0) stdout (1) and stderr (2) opened, pointing to the terminal. Whenever we run a command (a new process), that process inherits the file descriptors of its parent (bash), so by default, it will print stdout and stderr messages to the terminal, and read from terminal also.
When we redirect, for example:
$ ls 1>filelist
We're actually changing file descriptor 1 of the ls process, to point to the filelist file, instead of the terminal. So when ls will write(1, ...) it will go to the file.
So to sum it up, a redirection is basically changing the file to which the file descriptor to which the program writes/reads to/from refers to.
Now, let's say I have the following C program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main()
int fd = 0;
fd = open("info.log", O_CREAT | O_RDWR);
printf("%d", fd);
write(fd, "INFO::", 6);
return 0;
This program opens a file info.log, which is referred to by a file descriptor (usually 3).
Indeed, if I now compile this program and run it:
$ ./app
It creates the file info.log which contains the "INFO::" text in it.
But here's what I don't get: according to the logic described above, if I now redirect FD 3 to another file:
$ ./app 3> another_file
The text should be written to this other file, but for some reason, it doesn't.
Can someone explain?
Hint: when you run ./app 3> another_file, it'll print "4" instead of "3".
More detailed explanation: when you run ./app 3> another_file in the shell, a series of things happens:
The shell fork()s a subprocess that'll run ./app. The subprocess is basically a clone of its parent process so, it'll still be running the shell program.
In that subprocess, the shell opens "another_file" on file descriptor #3 for writing.
Then it uses one of the execl() family of calls to execute the ./app binary (with "another_file" still open on FD#3).
The program runs open("info.log", O_CREAT | O_RDWR), which creates "info.log" and opens it on the next available file descriptor. Since FD#3 is already in use, that's FD#4.
The program writes "INFO::" to FD#4, which is "info.log".
Since open() uses a new FD, it's not really affected by any active redirects. And actually, if the program did open something on FD#3, that'd replace the connection to "another_file" with whatever it had opened instead, essentially overriding the redirect.
If the program wanted to use the redirect, it'd have to write to FD#3 without first opening anything on it. This is what's normally done with FD#1 and 2 (standard output and error), and that's why redirecting those works.

Is seteuid a system call on Linux?

All of the literature that I have read so far on setuid talks about seteuid in a way that implies it is a system call. The section 2 man pages never say if a function is a system call or not, so seteuid(2) is no help. And if it isn't a system call, meaning the functionality is not provided by the kernel, then how can "set effective UID" be achieved?
The section 2 man pages are all system calls -- that's what section 2 is for. The section 3 man pages are all library calls, as that's what section 3 is for. See man(1) (the manual page for man itself) for the list of sections and what they are:
1 Executable programs or shell commands
2 System calls (functions provided by the kernel)
3 Library calls (functions within program libraries)
4 Special files (usually found in /dev)
5 File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd
6 Games
7 Miscellaneous (including macro packages and conventions), e.g.
man(7), groff(7)
8 System administration commands (usually only for root)
9 Kernel routines [Non standard]
You can easily verify if it is a system call or if it is defined in libc by writing a little program and running strace on it. For example,
int main() {
gcc -o main main.c
-bash-4.2$ strace ./main 2>&1 | grep set
setresuid(-1, 1, -1) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)
So in this case seteuid is implemented in libc. See here for implementation

How to change core pattern only for a particular application?

My application requires the core file to be generated in a specific pattern.
How do I do this without affecting other processes?
And how do I do this when /proc is read-only?
man core tells us:
Piping core dumps to a program
Since kernel 2.6.19, Linux supports an alternate syntax for the
/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern file. If the first character of this
file is a pipe symbol (|), then the remainder of the line is
interpreted as a program to be executed. Instead of being written to
a disk file, the core dump is given as standard input to the program.
Note the following points:
The program must be specified using an absolute pathname (or a
pathname relative to the root directory, /), and must immediately
follow the '|' character.
The process created to run the program runs as user and group
Command-line arguments can be supplied to the program (since Linux
2.6.24), delimited by white space (up to a total line length of
128 bytes).
The command-line arguments can include any of the % specifiers
listed above. For example, to pass the PID of the process that is
being dumped, specify %p in an argument.
You can put a script there, like e.g.
| /path/to/myscript %p %s %c
You can detect which process is triggering the coredump: (man core):
%% a single % character
%p PID of dumped process
%u (numeric) real UID of dumped process
%g (numeric) real GID of dumped process
%s number of signal causing dump
%t time of dump, expressed as seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01
00:00:00 +0000 (UTC)
%h hostname (same as nodename returned by uname(2))
%e executable filename (without path prefix)
%E pathname of executable, with slashes ('/') replaced by exclama‐
tion marks ('!').
%c core file size soft resource limit of crashing process (since
Linux 2.6.24)
Now all you have to do is "do the default thing" for other processes than your own

Compressing the core files during core generation

Is there way to compress the core files during core dump generation?
If the storage space is limited in the system, is there a way of conserving it in case of need for core dump generation with immediate compression?
Ideally the method would work on older versions of linux such as 2.6.x.
The Linux kernel /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern file will do what you want: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt#191
Set the filename to something like |/bin/gzip -1 > /var/crash/core-%t-%p-%u.gz and your core files should be saved compressed for you.
For an embedded Linux systems, following script change perfectly works to generate compressed core files in 2 steps
step 1: create a script
touch /bin/gen_compress_core.sh
chmod +x /bin/gen_compress_core.sh
cat > /bin/gen_compress_core.sh #!/bin/sh exec /bin/gzip -f - >"/var/core/core-$1.$2.gz"
ctrl +d
step 2: update the core pattern file
cat > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern |/bin/gen_compress_core.sh %e %p ctrl+d
As suggested by other answer, the Linux kernel /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern file is good place to start: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt#141
As documentation says you can specify the special character "|" which will tell kernel to output the file to script. As suggested you could use |/bin/gzip -1 > /var/crash/core-%t-%p-%u.gz as name, however it doesn't seem to work for me. I expect that the reason is that on my system kernel doesn't treat the > character as a output, rather it probably passes it as a parameter to gzip.
In order to avoid this problem, like other suggested you can create your file in some location I am using /home//crash/core.sh, create it using the following command, replacing with your user. Alternatively you can also obviously change the entire path.
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nexec /bin/gzip -f - >"/home/<username>/crashes/core-$1-$2-$3-$4-$5.gz"' > ~/crashes/core.sh
Now this script will take 5 input parameters and concatenate them and add to core-path. The full paths must be specified in the ~/crashes/core.sh. Also the location of this script can be specified. Now lets tell kernel to use tour executable with parameters when generating file:
sudo sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern="|/home/<username>/crashes/core.sh %e %p %h %t"
Again should be replaced (or entire path to match location and name of core.sh script). Next step is to crash some program, lets create example crashing cpp file:
int main (){
int * a = nullptr;
int b = *a;
After compiling and running there are 2 options, either we will see:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Segmentation fault
In case we see the latter, there are few possible reasons.
ulimit is not set, ulimit -c should specify what is limit for cores
apport or your distro core dump collector is not running, this should be investigated further
there is an error in script we wrote, I suggest than checking some basic dump path to check if the other things aren't reason the below should create /tmp/core.dump:
sudo sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern="/tmp/core.dump"
I know there is already an answer for this question however it wasn't obvious for me why it isn't working "out of the box" so I wanted to summarize my findings, hope it helps someone.

How do I increase the /proc/pid/cmdline 4096 byte limit?

For my Java apps with very long classpaths, I cannot see the main class specified near the end of the arg list when using ps. I think this stems from my Ubuntu system's size limit on /proc/pid/cmdline. How can I increase this limit?
For looking at Java processes jps is very useful.
This will give you the main class and jvm args:
jps -vl | grep <pid>
You can't change this dynamically, the limit is hard-coded in the kernel to PAGE_SIZE in fs/proc/base.c:
274 int res = 0;
275 unsigned int len;
276 struct mm_struct *mm = get_task_mm(task);
277 if (!mm)
278 goto out;
279 if (!mm->arg_end)
280 goto out_mm; /* Shh! No looking before we're done */
282 len = mm->arg_end - mm->arg_start;
284 if (len > PAGE_SIZE)
285 len = PAGE_SIZE;
287 res = access_process_vm(task, mm->arg_start, buffer, len, 0);
I temporarily get around the 4096 character command line argument limitation of ps (or rather /proc/PID/cmdline) is by using a small script to replace the java command.
During development, I always use an unpacked JDK version from SUN and never use the installed JRE or JDK of the OS no matter if Linux or Windows (eg. download the bin versus the rpm.bin).
I do not recommend changing the script for your default Java installation (e.g. because it might break updates or get overwritten or create problems or ...)
So assuming the java command is in /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java
first move the actual binary away:
mv /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java.orig
then create a script /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java like e.g.:
echo "$#" > /tmp/java.$$.cmdline
/x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java.orig $#
and then make the script runnable
chmod a+x /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java
in case of copy and pasting the above, you should make sure that there are not extra spaces in /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java and #!/bin/bash is the first line
The complete command line ends up in e.g. /tmp/java.26835.cmdline where 26835 is the PID of the shell script.
I think there is also some shell limit on the number of command line arguments, cannot remember but it was possibly 64K characters.
you can change the script to remove the command line text from /tmp/java.PROCESS_ID.cmdline
at the end
After I got the commandline, I always move the script to something like "java.script" and copy (cp -a) the actual binary java.orig back to java. I only use the script when I hit the 4K limit.
There might be problems with escaped characters and maybe even spaces in paths or such, but it works fine for me.
You can use jconsole to get access to the original command line without all the length limits.
It is possible to use newer linux distributions, where this limit was removed, for example RHEL 6.8 or later
"The /proc/pid/cmdline file length limit for the ps command was previously hard-coded in the kernel to 4096 characters. This update makes sure the length of /proc/pid/cmdline is unlimited, which is especially useful for listing processes with long command line arguments. (BZ#1100069)"
For Java based programs where you are just interested in inspecting the command line args your main class got, you can run:
jps -m
I'm pretty sure that if you're actually seeing the arguments truncated in /proc/$pid/cmdline then you're actually exceeding the maximum argument length supported by the OS. As far as I can tell, in Linux, the size is limited to the memory page size. See "ps ww" length restriction for reference.
The only way to get around that would be to recompile the kernel. If you're interested in going that far to resolve this then you may find this post useful: "Argument list too long": Beyond Arguments and Limitations
Additional reference:
ARG_MAX, maximum length of arguments for a new process
Perhaps the 'w' parameter to ps is what you want. Add two 'w' for greater output. It tells ps to ignore the line width of the terminal.
